Generally speaking, you do not need to gold plate everything as everyone else has already stated. However, if you can, then sure why not? On my free to play STO account I typically do not push beyond ultra rare quality. But on somethings I have gotten lucky and they are currently epic quality. Due to limited resources...…
I do not believe STO supports more than 1 GPU. I suppose the best way to see GPU usage is to use MSI Afterburner. As for the hardware I use to play STO... I basically uses laptops nowadays. I actually have not used my desktop at all for over 4 years. The laptops I use to play STO are as follows: - Dell Latitude 3540…
You should be able to have Rai join your Doff roster if you have Diplomacy / Marauding at level 4. I am currently looking at Rai on my KDF character. Additionally, I actually forgot about Rai for my Fed character on my secondary F2P STO account. The first time I did the mission my Diplomacy was not yet at level 4. However,…
I play advanced space and elite ground. I kinda play STO with a handicap where I do not bother to allocate any of my specialization points. I can do 20k to30k DPS space depending on the character. That's fine for advanced in my opinion. I prefer doing elite ground because it is a lot easier to build for and it is also far…
You can always skip it or re-roll if you have a token to do so. I don't go out of my way to do the endeavors, if I can squeeze 'em in great, if not then no big deal. It's not like a it a race to be the 1st person to max out endeavor progression ASAP. But on rare occasion the RNG can work out for you. For example, my…
Since Cryptic brought back the Delta recruitment event that gives a precedence for the AoY recruitment event at some future date. I have 13 characters on my primary STO account and another 5 on my secondary STO account which is strictly free 2 play. I don't have time to play all those characters. I rarely play my 2nd…
At a minimum I recommend you look at a laptop with either an AMD Ryzen 3 2200u APU (Vega 3 graphics core, or Intel i3-8130u CPU (Intel UHD 620 graphics core). The i3-8130u is a bit more powerful of the two; both processing performance and graphics performance.
Not really interested. Actually, I'm taking a break from buying anymore ships for now since I still have many T6 ships that I have purchased in the past and have never commanded yet. I'll wait more Romulan ships to appear in the C-Store...
Nope. There's no faster way to refine Dil beyond the 8k per day and the extra you can refine by being a veteran and in a fleet. The current Dil/Zen exchange rate is 338:1. Increasing the refinement cap will only push it higher... Not that I mind too much since after a certain point I will simply buy Dil.
Yep. The missions in question are definitely "one and done". I played the Atlai on a somewhat new character on my 2nd STO (F2P only) account which was found under the "Available" tab. I completed it once and it was gone. I used to play that mission and Hwael Ruins along with other New Romulus missions when I wanted to…
Well, everyone knows in real life that no one actually eats fruitcakes and if you give one to a group of friends it will simply be re-gifted every year. You are likely to receive the same fruitcake re-gifted to you within a decade or two and it will still be "edible". Taking that into consideration, the Fruitcake (doesn't…
I believe you need to inflict at least 2% of total damage throughout the mission to avoid the AFK penalty. From a mission objective point of view, you did the correct thing. Allow your allies to distract your enemies while you sneak in and rescue the ships. But doing so causes you to fail the AFK check. It would be nice if…
I want a T6 Snowconian Starship that can shoot freeze rays and gigantic icicle / snowballs in space. However, I would settle for a Dense Fruitcake Projector Mk XII [3xShPen] [Dmg] [KB3] to use against Borgs. :p
I have not interest in the T6 Promo Ship. However, I will purchase the Promo R&D packs and sell 'em on the Exchange sometime next year. My Jem'hadar character is sitting on the back burner because I simply have no time to play that character with my 12 other characters. My typical plan is to purchase a 4 pack for each of…
Overall, I like the RTFO. So much so that I have basically decided not to take a break from STO to play Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas using the Tales of Two Wasteland mod which allow players to create a single character to play both games; meaning your character can travel between the Capitol Wasteland and New Vegas.…
Hey!!! I'm back in!!! Guess what? I got slapped with a 30 minute leaver penalty (16 minutes now), because I was in the Starbase One RTFO when I got kicked.
Yeah... I wanted to do some of the open mission on New Romulus about 2 weeks ago and they were not there. I was specifically looking at the Atlai to scan nanovs and also at Hwael Ruins to scan ruins and place scanners on the landscape. The researchers that formerly provided those missions (30 minute cooldown) no longer…
Generally speaking I like the RTFOs because I am playing missions that have long been dead. It is not a perfect system, but it is a start. A couple of imperfections seems to be related to the queue missions themselves such as Starbase One and the Swarm both being buggy though I think the Swarm has been fixed based on my…
Yep. I can definitely confirm this bug. It took around 1 hour and 15 minutes to take full control of the Voth BZ. Only 6 players including myself was in the single instance at about 6:45pm EST. Players came and went so the number of players fluctuated between 7 to 11 players most of the time. As always, even when every…