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Captain Lorca is the worst Star Fleet captain ever.



  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Im willing to bet 1Bil EC that the OP will hate the new Picard show as well and anything STO integrates from that show!

    Any takers?

    I don't know about the OP...but I hate Picard NOW. And Kirk. Archer. Oh and Janeway is a monster. Which means I kinda like her...even if her show was insipid. Sisko however is awesome. I mean a war criminal...sure...but awesome. And the show was great too.

    Hehe, I share your feelings completely about both Sisko (and sure DS9) and Janeway. My relationship towards the other captains was rather neutral, same counts for their attached shows when it comes to pick a favorite.

    Best part is for me that with Kurtzman involved and seeing the good job he did with Discovery I have full confidence that the new Picard show will surpass TNG easily.

    It better does because if I compare the first two Seasons of Discovery with the first two Seasons of any other previous trek shows there are some big shoes to fill by now. :)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Im willing to bet 1Bil EC that the OP will hate the new Picard show as well and anything STO integrates from that show!

    Any takers?

    I don't know about the OP...but I hate Picard NOW. And Kirk. Archer. Oh and Janeway is a monster. Which means I kinda like her...even if her show was insipid. Sisko however is awesome. I mean a war criminal...sure...but awesome. And the show was great too.

    Hehe, I share your feelings completely about both Sisko (and sure DS9) and Janeway. My relationship towards the other captains was rather neutral, same counts for their attached shows when it comes to pick a favorite.

    Best part is for me that with Kurtzman involved and seeing the good job he did with Discovery I have full confidence that the new Picard show will surpass TNG easily.

    It better does because if I compare the first two Seasons of Discovery with the first two Seasons of any other previous trek shows there are some big shoes to fill by now. :)

    I am inclined to agree as well.

    I am however, definitely not like the 'normal' Star Trek Fan. My favorite of the Series are Enterprise and Discovery, my least favorite by a mile is TNG and I can't stand Picard as a Captain (I do however really like Patrick Stewart, he's an awesome human being.)

    I am skeptical about the Picard show since I am not a fan of Picard. I find him spineless and weak, a Captain that if you fire on him.. he'll give you stern warnings until you stop. I am also partial to Captains like Sisco and Janeway who don't take people's guff. I was however, highly skeptical of Discovery in the early days, and I could not have been more wrong in my skepticism.

    Given how much I have enjoyed the first 2 seasons of Discovery though, I am going to be open minded toward the new show. I have to agree though, Discovery has given them a high bar to try and reach. I think it's safe to say though, that there is no common 'right' or 'wrong' way to portray a federation captain. All of them have been very distinctly different and outside of being openly evil (which Lorca was not) there is no common standard of right or wrong.

    Star Trek has done a remarkably good job of distinguishing each of it's Captains from one another. They all handle situations differently.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    > @seaofsorrows said:
    > Memory Alpha uses VOY because that is what is most commonly used. I have honestly never seen anyone abbreviate Voyager as 'VGR,' it's always been VOY to the best of my knowledge.
    > I guess though that since there is no way to decide or declare what is or what isn't 'official' or 'correct,' in the end it's just down to personal preference.

    There is a way to decide what's official. It's what the people making this stuff say is. This is like claiming it'd be impossible to know what is and isn't canon. Wilful ignorance doesn't change facts, neither does 'official' or 'canon' equal 'good' or stand for exceptional quality. It's just there to define common ground.

    However I admit that I didn't know about VGR until DSC came out either. When they anounced DSC's official acronym (probably to fight the emergence of the 'unlucky' one) they mentioned VGR's. Since then I changed my use of 'VOY' to 'VGR' just to stick to the official line and avoid confusion. Personally I think VOY or DIS isn't terrible, it's an acronym and I know what is talked about. The 'ST:X' stuff is what I find nonsensical as it not only defeats the purpose of an acronym, it's also confusing.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    There is a way to decide what's official. It's what the people making this stuff say is. This is like claiming it'd be impossible to know what is and isn't canon. Wilful ignorance doesn't change facts, neither does 'official' or 'canon' equal 'good' or stand for exceptional quality. It's just there to define common ground.

    Where exactly is the official declaration that VGR is correct?
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    echatty wrote: »
    Yeah. The acronym most used for Discovery is Disc. The censored acronym is also an acronym for sxually transmitted disease.

    I haven't caught all of the Disc eps, but I have been spoiled by someone who has. I do watch them when I'm not playing on my computer and the husband is watching them as he has access to CBS All-Access vie his Roku that our son gave to him.

    I think the ep was well-written and I enjoyed playing both of them. I'm looking forward to the next ones and our inevitable encounter with J'Ula in our timeline.

    I've only seen it as TRIBBLE. I don't see a reason that is invalid. Its certainly as valid as STV, STE for Voyager and Enterprise. In any case, I will continue using TRIBBLE as that seems to be completely understood in game and anywhere else I see people talk about Discovery. I won't let censorship dictate what words I use when they are completely valid and in common use.

    So, you're actually using the word "tribble" to refer to Discovery, because that's what you see here? "Tribble" is used as a replacement word as part of the forum's automated censorship. Now, if you're intent on using the derogatory acronym that is censored, be aware that its use is considered trolling as per the FCT and will be dealt with as such.

    This makes no sense whatsoever. Why not just fix the broken censorship? Its obviously not working properly when it catches the commonly used abbreviation for a Star Trek show as something to censor on a Star Trek game forum. Censorship never does make sense, but this one is especially egregious.

    I can only guess that English is not your first language because the word "derogatory" also makes zero sense in context. We are talking about an acronym derived by simply taking the first letter of each word of the title, which is an extremely common practice in English for making acronyms. It would be fairly absurd to call any acronym derived that way to somehow be derogatory. No, its not in the same pattern as most ST shows, but that is never relevant when the masses start to use the term they collectively decide on. Again, I have never seen people refer to Discovery any other way so its already the goto shorthand for me.

    jonsills wrote: »
    Nice of you to not read my points at all. Irony much?

    Your point is that you don't know anything about the very incident this mission is predicated upon, because you don't want to watch the episodes setting it up. Anything you say after that is just noise. It'd be like my trying to critique, say, the backgrounds of the main characters in Casablanca, a movie I've never watched. I have no basis on which to lay my arguments, so they would just be noise.

    That I do or don't know the backstory does not change the fact that none of the 25th century actors raise the question when they should. If I'm raising that question (and it wasn't just a question, to stress, it raised a serious red flag from my point of view because it is such a betrayal for a captain to abandon his crew to die, especially a Starfleet captain) and have no knowledge of Lorca being MU, when Quinn and my Boffs have the same lack of knowledge, they should also be raising that question. It doesn't need to be answered at any point in the game, but it should be asked by someone in that mission. That no one in mission mentions it at all is baffling, precisely because only having certain knowledge explains it, and that knowledge is only known to people IRL. Watching the show would not change that.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    People don't generally change their vocabulary just because an "official declaration" tells them to. Taking the first letter of each word is a standard way to abbreviate things.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    anyone remember freedom fries? yeah, no one does, because everyone told bush to (rightly) go fork himself when he tried to get everyone in america to call them that instead of french fries​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    Are we going to waste more time on abbreviations? I use the word Discovery. With these g*d-d*mned walls of text people go through to explain and argue about abbreviations you could have easily just written out Discovery.

    I would venture to guess that this Thread would be one to two pages shorter without this. ;)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Does the game tell folk that he's a mirror deviant?

    If not then it was an oversight by the writers or the assumption that everyone cares enough about disco to watch it and know any back story.

    (Apparently using disco makes me a fan rather than someone who simply prefers the contraction over an acronym)
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Im willing to bet 1Bil EC that the OP will hate the new Picard show as well and anything STO integrates from that show!

    Any takers?

    I don't know about the OP...but I hate Picard NOW. And Kirk. Archer. Oh and Janeway is a monster. Which means I kinda like her...even if her show was insipid. Sisko however is awesome. I mean a war criminal...sure...but awesome. And the show was great too.

    Hehe, I share your feelings completely about both Sisko (and sure DS9) and Janeway. My relationship towards the other captains was rather neutral, same counts for their attached shows when it comes to pick a favorite.

    Best part is for me that with Kurtzman involved and seeing the good job he did with Discovery I have full confidence that the new Picard show will surpass TNG easily.

    It better does because if I compare the first two Seasons of Discovery with the first two Seasons of any other previous trek shows there are some big shoes to fill by now. :)

    I am inclined to agree as well.

    I am however, definitely not like the 'normal' Star Trek Fan. My favorite of the Series are Enterprise and Discovery, my least favorite by a mile is TNG and I can't stand Picard as a Captain (I do however really like Patrick Stewart, he's an awesome human being.)

    I am skeptical about the Picard show since I am not a fan of Picard. I find him spineless and weak, a Captain that if you fire on him.. he'll give you stern warnings until you stop. I am also partial to Captains like Sisco and Janeway who don't take people's guff. I was however, highly skeptical of Discovery in the early days, and I could not have been more wrong in my skepticism.

    Given how much I have enjoyed the first 2 seasons of Discovery though, I am going to be open minded toward the new show. I have to agree though, Discovery has given them a high bar to try and reach. I think it's safe to say though, that there is no common 'right' or 'wrong' way to portray a federation captain. All of them have been very distinctly different and outside of being openly evil (which Lorca was not) there is no common standard of right or wrong.

    Star Trek has done a remarkably good job of distinguishing each of it's Captains from one another. They all handle situations differently.

    I take it I’m not a normal trek fan either considering my preference line would be:


    But hey what’s normal?! :)

    I think we can be lucky to call us all fans of the same franchise that allows for such variety and which works in so many different directions instead of always having a blue lightsaber fighting a red one.

    If there is one thing Star Trek Online got right is that they do a damn good job to incorporate all aspects of it into game and even manage to do it in a somewhat proportional degree between all the sub elements of the various shows. Nothing gets left out.

    I feel very sorry for those who don’t watch Discovery out of principle and are now upset that we currently only get that respective stuff added to game.

    But that as far as how I’m willing to go. I made the best of it back at a time when I was unhappy when they released a dozen warbirds in a row, had me talk to Neelix or when I suddenly found myself in a KT story mission. Under no circumstances I would have come into forums arguing against that on the attempt to take the fun away from others.

    I take it different peeps are different but to see how far people who claim themselves to be Trek fans go at times is a bit creepy. The OP acts like he is ignorance in person and is having us to discuss it out. :/
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »

    The official acronym for Voyager is actually VGR. Memory Alpha just refuses and uses VOY (and DIS for that matter) because, and people often confuse MA with official sources.

    Memory Alpha uses VOY because that is what is most commonly used. I have honestly never seen anyone abbreviate Voyager as 'VGR,' it's always been VOY to the best of my knowledge.

    I guess though that since there is no way to decide or declare what is or what isn't 'official' or 'correct,' in the end it's just down to personal preference.
    "VGR" is used in places like the episode production number and similar places IIRC, I've never heard it used elsewhere though.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    angrytarg wrote: »

    The official acronym for Voyager is actually VGR. Memory Alpha just refuses and uses VOY (and DIS for that matter) because, and people often confuse MA with official sources.

    Memory Alpha uses VOY because that is what is most commonly used. I have honestly never seen anyone abbreviate Voyager as 'VGR,' it's always been VOY to the best of my knowledge.

    I guess though that since there is no way to decide or declare what is or what isn't 'official' or 'correct,' in the end it's just down to personal preference.
    "VGR" is used in places like the episode production number and similar places IIRC, I've never heard it used elsewhere though.

    Cool, fair enough then.

    In the end I guess it doesn't matter. There is no such thing as a 'cannon' abbreviation.. it's up to the person writing it at the time how they want to abbreviate something. It's not like being a show writer somehow gives you the power to determine how words are abbreviated.

    Everyone should just use whatever they want.. it really doesn't matter. Not like if someone writes 'VGR' instead of 'VOY' I am going to suddenly have no idea what they're talking about. :lol:

    Insert witty signature line here.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Look here, folks. I've already mentioned it towards the top of this page, but here it is goes again: use of the censored acronym and its variations that attempt to bypass the censor are considered trolling per the FCT and will be dealt with as such. I'm not going to bother editing out one word however many times it's repeated in a post. I don't have time for that. I'll just remove the whole post. Then I'll continue by issuing warnings if it persists. So, go ahead. Get creative with your phonetic spellings, spacings, and special characters. Eventually, you'll end up with a vacation.

    Right...because censorship has NEVER lead to radicalization....

    Just an FYI...but this whole hatred for anyone who dares to hate the new star trek show is making people like midnight's edge be the REASONABLE ones at this point in this whole hot mess. So go ahead and keep that up. I'm sure it will get better...because I mean when has supression of ideas ever not gone horribly wrong...oh yeah pretty much every time.
    Yeah, not letting people who "hate" a show they didn't even watch troll everyone with a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference is going to lead straight into evil. Because everyone knows what radicalized the NSDAP was folks policing their language. <rolleyes>

    You know what I do when there's something on TV that I don't care for? I don't watch it. I also don't spend a lot of time on Internet forums about that thing, belittling people who do watch it. (That's why I haven't been roasted alive by Game of Thrones fans.) Radical position, I know, but it works for me. Maybe some other folks might try that?
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    jonsills wrote: »
    Maybe some other folks might try that?

    Well yea that’s the obvious reaction people should have and which probably works just fine for a show that you and I don’t care about.

    Thing is it does not work that easy for a franchise especially one that you love. Peeps feel betrayed if things don’t develop the way they want it to. They just can’t leave it like that this easily. Still no reason to try to ruin it for others though.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    (Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    (Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)

    Perhaps I slept during one or two episode of my Trek history but really think I saw it all. What "lore" was damaged by Discovery?
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    angrytarg wrote: »

    The official acronym for Voyager is actually VGR. Memory Alpha just refuses and uses VOY (and DIS for that matter) because, and people often confuse MA with official sources.

    Memory Alpha uses VOY because that is what is most commonly used. I have honestly never seen anyone abbreviate Voyager as 'VGR,' it's always been VOY to the best of my knowledge.

    I guess though that since there is no way to decide or declare what is or what isn't 'official' or 'correct,' in the end it's just down to personal preference.
    "VGR" is used in places like the episode production number and similar places IIRC, I've never heard it used elsewhere though.

    Cool, fair enough then.

    In the end I guess it doesn't matter. There is no such thing as a 'cannon' abbreviation.. it's up to the person writing it at the time how they want to abbreviate something. It's not like being a show writer somehow gives you the power to determine how words are abbreviated.

    Everyone should just use whatever they want.. it really doesn't matter. Not like if someone writes 'VGR' instead of 'VOY' I am going to suddenly have no idea what they're talking about. :lol:

    Well there's official acronyms/abbreviations via what CBS/Paramount uses, that's generally where you get the popular ones.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    nixboox wrote: »
    Ummm... Mirror Universe Lorca.

    A spoiler warning maybe?

    Umm....I think two years is enough time elapsed to not have to use spoiler tags.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Look here, folks. I've already mentioned it towards the top of this page, but here it is goes again: use of the censored acronym and its variations that attempt to bypass the censor are considered trolling per the FCT and will be dealt with as such. I'm not going to bother editing out one word however many times it's repeated in a post. I don't have time for that. I'll just remove the whole post. Then I'll continue by issuing warnings if it persists. So, go ahead. Get creative with your phonetic spellings, spacings, and special characters. Eventually, you'll end up with a vacation.

    Right...because censorship has NEVER lead to radicalization....

    Just an FYI...but this whole hatred for anyone who dares to hate the new star trek show is making people like midnight's edge be the REASONABLE ones at this point in this whole hot mess. So go ahead and keep that up. I'm sure it will get better...because I mean when has supression of ideas ever not gone horribly wrong...oh yeah pretty much every time.
    Yeah, not letting people who "hate" a show they didn't even watch troll everyone with a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference is going to lead straight into evil.
    Why must you assume people using The Forbidden Acronym hate the show, didn't watch it, are trolling or making a "a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference?" Many people would come to use TFA simply because it is the most obvious shorthand for a phrase consisting of three words beginning with those letters.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    Why must you assume people using The Forbidden Acronym hate the show, didn't watch it, are trolling or making a "a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference?"

    For me, it's because anyone I know who used that acronym was using it for that exact reason. To refer to the show as a disease or an 'infection.'

    Is it fair to assume that every person that uses it means the same thing? No.. it's not.

    But still, it's the first thing I think anytime someone uses that to refer to Discovery.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,234 Community Moderator
    To answer a few things I've seen here since I last posted:

    Yes, English is my first language. In fact, I've been a linguist most of my professional life. If you're not aware of the derogatory nature in using the censored acronym, then maybe your grasp of English is what's in question.

    Reasons for this rule being, for example, this thread has been derailed debating the issue rather than its original premise. Which happens often when this subject comes up.

    Why assume trolling? Well, why assume innocence? The actual troll will claim innocence if chastised. It happens time and again. So, a blanket no-go rule is in effect to protect both. Don't use it, and you don't have to worry.

    Plenty of warning has been given. The censor has been set to block most of it. But if you're working to get around the censor, then your intent is self-evident.

    This is the forum rule, people, and it's not up for debate. You don't have to like it, but you are expected to follow it.
    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Why must you assume people using The Forbidden Acronym hate the show, didn't watch it, are trolling or making a "a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference?"

    For me, it's because anyone I know who used that acronym was using it for that exact reason. To refer to the show as a disease or an 'infection.'

    Is it fair to assume that every person that uses it means the same thing? No.. it's not.

    But still, it's the first thing I think anytime someone uses that to refer to Discovery.

    @artan42 said it best when they said this:
    No it's only DSC. There is no other official acronym for it.

    Ever since the title was released the edgelords have being giving DSC it's own special little Star Trek prefix no other series was given because they're a bit like a circle sword, all edge and no point.
    There are contexts in which a Star Trek prefix is required for disambiguation.
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Why must you assume people using The Forbidden Acronym hate the show, didn't watch it, are trolling or making a "a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference?"

    For me, it's because anyone I know who used that acronym was using it for that exact reason. To refer to the show as a disease or an 'infection.'

    Is it fair to assume that every person that uses it means the same thing? No.. it's not.

    But still, it's the first thing I think anytime someone uses that to refer to Discovery.

    @artan42 said it best when they said this:
    No it's only DSC. There is no other official acronym for it.

    Ever since the title was released the edgelords have being giving DSC it's own special little Star Trek prefix no other series was given because they're a bit like a circle sword, all edge and no point.
    There are contexts in which a Star Trek prefix is required for disambiguation.
    and ST:DSC works just fine if that's needed there's literally no reason to drop the "sc" other to mock the show and its fans, in fact using the forbidden acronym will in fact create ambiguity as it's equally valid for Deep Space Nine
  • thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Someone should point out that it’s a lesser officers duty to protect their captain, even at the cost of their own life. Any Starfleet Captain is prepared to make that choice. A captain may sacrifice themselves to save their whole crew, but they are too valuable to do so for one officer.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    jonsills wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Look here, folks. I've already mentioned it towards the top of this page, but here it is goes again: use of the censored acronym and its variations that attempt to bypass the censor are considered trolling per the FCT and will be dealt with as such. I'm not going to bother editing out one word however many times it's repeated in a post. I don't have time for that. I'll just remove the whole post. Then I'll continue by issuing warnings if it persists. So, go ahead. Get creative with your phonetic spellings, spacings, and special characters. Eventually, you'll end up with a vacation.

    Right...because censorship has NEVER lead to radicalization....

    Just an FYI...but this whole hatred for anyone who dares to hate the new star trek show is making people like midnight's edge be the REASONABLE ones at this point in this whole hot mess. So go ahead and keep that up. I'm sure it will get better...because I mean when has supression of ideas ever not gone horribly wrong...oh yeah pretty much every time.
    Yeah, not letting people who "hate" a show they didn't even watch troll everyone with a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference is going to lead straight into evil.
    Why must you assume people using The Forbidden Acronym hate the show, didn't watch it, are trolling or making a "a poor sexually-transmitted-disease reference?" Many people would come to use TFA simply because it is the most obvious shorthand for a phrase consisting of three words beginning with those letters.
    Because the vast majority of those who still insist on doing so have said that these are their reasons.

    "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." - Maya Angelou
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    I did not mind Lorca, though I'm surprised there was not an option to tell Landry to suck it up and deal with the task at hand.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
      edited May 2019
      Someone should point out that it’s a lesser officers duty to protect their captain, even at the cost of their own life. Any Starfleet Captain is prepared to make that choice. A captain may sacrifice themselves to save their whole crew, but they are too valuable to do so for one officer.
      Exactly, the captain is most important crew member on the ship but he isn't more valueble then rest of the crew put together. Lorca is WIA and also a high value target for the Klingons to capture, so putting him in the front lines wouldn't help anyone but the enemy.

      EDIT:Just a thought but maybe Mirror Lorca did think he was helping the crew but killing them rather allowing them to be captured, he was from the mirrorverse after all and his morals would reflect that verse not the prime one.
    • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
      I think he killed them to prevent his true origins from being discovered by Starfleet, since the crew of the Buran would the biggest threat to his attempts to hide in his counterparts place.
    • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
      To answer a few things I've seen here since I last posted:

      Yes, English is my first language. In fact, I've been a linguist most of my professional life. If you're not aware of the derogatory nature in using the censored acronym, then maybe your grasp of English is what's in question.

      Reasons for this rule being, for example, this thread has been derailed debating the issue rather than its original premise. Which happens often when this subject comes up.

      Why assume trolling? Well, why assume innocence? The actual troll will claim innocence if chastised. It happens time and again. So, a blanket no-go rule is in effect to protect both. Don't use it, and you don't have to worry.

      Plenty of warning has been given. The censor has been set to block most of it. But if you're working to get around the censor, then your intent is self-evident.

      This is the forum rule, people, and it's not up for debate. You don't have to like it, but you are expected to follow it.

      Okay, let me get this straight. The show has an acronym the same as another acronym for an unpleasant thing. Because of that people imagine that using that acronym is "derogatory" because people don't like the show will make jokes about the acronym and the show. Because someone makes jokes or otherwise dislikes the show, the show's most obvious acronym is banned, which someone believes that fixes something or otherwise makes that dislike for the show disappear.

      That is completely absurd and illogical. It changes nothing at all except to cause discussions like this when someone who doesn't understand this convoluted logic has to bring it up because it makes no sense.

      Luckily I have virtually no reason to talk about the show because I'm not interested watching it, and this is the forum for a game, not the show. However, the obvious hostility from people who don't like I don't want to watch the show and they refuse to even acknowledge the point I make about a completely self contained issue with the episode in game is disturbing in how childish it is.
    • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
      edited May 2019
      the show's most obvious acronym is banned

      And here is where you go wrong.

      The shows most obvious acronym according to established history is quite obviously DISC. Lets look at past Star Trek Series...

      The Original Star Trek is abbreviated TOS.
      The Next Generation - TNG
      Deep Space Nine - DS9
      Enterprise - ENT
      Voyager - VOY

      None of them have the abbreviation for 'Star Trek' in the name.. not one. It was specifically added by people who dislike Discovery in order to form a derogatory abbreviation that they could use to bash on it.

      The acronym was rightfully disallowed, the sooner you accept it the happier you'll be. You're free to call it DISC, DISCO, Discovery, The Burnham Show, whatever..

      People's insane obsession with being able to use a banned abbreviation is frankly getting ridiculous.
      Insert witty signature line here.
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