Quote: Romulan Republic Powerboards have been added for Romulan Captains. If players have already purchased their faction specific Powerboard, they may be traded in for free for the Romulan version at the vendor. Romulan captains will going forward be able to purchase both the Romulan Republic Powerboard and their chosen…
1280 x 720 ALL pictures are screenshots. No 3D models or textures have been used. Original 1920x1200 is here. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36877228/Risa%20Trip%201920%20x%201200.jpg Thanks :)
It's been awhile but if memory serves you should just have to go to the tailor and select it as an option. dont foget your free cross fraction BO. Commendation: Diplomatic - Star Trek Online Wiki
From STO wiki Initially, players could only access these weapons by owning a Cardassian Galor Class Cruiser, otherwise they were unobtainable. As of 22 June 2012, these weapons can be bought from dilithium store for 45,380 Refined dilithium icon.png providing the owner already has a Galor Cruiser. These items come with the…
I've seen a 55k+ hull ship with the assimilated 2 piece and with 40%-50% hull res lose about 10% hull per second with RSP up (full shields) from massed bleedthrough. So tbh, I haven't even noticed this issue with powerhouse bleedthrough or alternatively insta-vape clickies that don't care how much the target heals because…
that's funny, I was just about to post my findings on this setting. It was at the minimum value of 0.50. i turned it up to 1.00 and life is good again. thanks all:D
Whole heartily agree. I loved the escort as soon as I saw in STE....which KIND of reminds me of a Stealth Fighter..... fighter jet | coolwallpaperz only WAY better looking
Well said. 50k DPS is achieved with FAW and hangers. I run a tac escort with DHC and parse ALL space combat and the only time I lose in the damage and dps race is against someone packing FAW and hanger pets. Even then it only happens sporadically.
A Picture http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd420/hokeb1/Video%20Clips/Star%20Trek%20ONLINE/KhitomerVortexscreenshot_2013-03-05-12-29-32Blackout.jpg Is worth a thousand words. #1. Bring Minor, Major and Critical Components to Elite STF's (your not a hero, I don't care what kind of ship you fly.) I have yet to see ANYONE…
thanks for the reply, I should have noted in my OP, the additional screenshots were added to show that not all ability's have the issue. All the BO's Have full points in their respective skills, also Subnucleonic Beam was not the issue thanks
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqQuihD0hoI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsV500W4BHU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R682M3ZEyk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7loY2a2SaE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFwQP86BRs (not for KIDS!!!) my type of music.;)
Just out of curiosity where did you read that, I went through the last 3-4 patch notes and did not find that. If I'm looking in the wrong spot can you point me in the right direction, as I would love to see a list of other items disabled or nurfed. Thanks in advance EDIT: Never mind, didn't realize it was THAT OLD of an…