I thought this was a glitch

so I soft logged and then hard logged, even tried to check it in space dock and in orbit.
I was under the impression it was Higher.
stowiki.org states it's "945 Shield Regeneration every 6 sec"
I thought it was changed to 262.5 every 6 sec after Cryptic took away the epic mode glitch.
Anyone one know of a bug?
As my post stated: I checked it in orbit and on (ground)Space dock .
Yet you're using a ground screenie as the poster for your issue. Come back with one buzzing around the outside of ESD with the same number and you'll have a leg to stand on.
mis-post see below
Bug fixed, thanks
Joined - 9/2011
"You Best Make Peace With Your Dear & Fluffy Lord" - Malcolm Reynolds
Well. Native shield regeneration rate DOES depend in power level. Quite a lot actually: Take your power level, divide by 25, subtract 1, and then multiply that by your shield's basic regen rate. KHG shield at 199 native regeration, power level 69 = 350 regeneration. It goes all the way up to 400% of listed regen rate at 125 power. But I don't see the figure from Superior Shield Repair going up, either in the reputation panel or no my captain's list of passives, from shield power.
Is it still disabled? Funny how Cryptic hasn't mentioned it or brought it up in a loooong while. Is there some way to prove that its not working? I would love to start a thread about that if we could point to evidence that its not enabled.
Equip a mk I shield.
Go to your defense tab in system space. You will see a shield regen value that's too low for your passive to be active.
Just out of curiosity where did you read that, I went through the last 3-4 patch notes and did not find that. If I'm looking in the wrong spot can you point me in the right direction, as I would love to see a list of other items disabled or nurfed.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Never mind, didn't realize it was THAT OLD of an issue.....
cool, thanks for the info
That's not true. It was originally listed on the defense tab after it got derped. If you want further proof of Captain passives being listed, check out your Attack tab, and if you have precision, your crit will be 3% higher. How else do I have 10.9% Crit on my FAC with only 3 points in EWS and only one [crth] mod on my weapons?
Will post screenshot when more awake.
Sidebar: weapon mods don't apply to your universal stats (accuracy/critd/crith), so they wouldn't be expected to show up in the stat tabs.
Which doesn't change the fact that I somehow have 10% + crit chance passively. So I figure the Captain passives DO show up on your ship stats.
Captain passives =/= weapon mods.
But yes, they (captain passives) do show on the character/ship sheet
Never said they did. Simply was using that as an example to show that captain passives DO show up on your trait tabs.
Maybe it's my early morning brain fogginess, but I thought the point you were making bringing up the weapon crith mod here:
was that the two were equally represented on the character sheet?
I have determined that I shouldn't be posting this early in the morning, and should instead be still sleeping. You were correct, my sleep needing brain thought they were both being represented.