We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.
Added a couple missing items.
- The Foundry mission description will now always specify what type of rewards will be received.
- Foundry Spotlight missions should now display the cooldown for the daily bonus reward in the mission journal.
- The damage dealt by Temporal Disruption Device and Bio-Neural Warheads have been restored to their values from before the prior patch.
- Engineering Team no longer cancels beneficial effects/modes such as Enhanced Battle Cloak and Garumba Siege Mode.
- Added "Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit" and "Fleet Kamarag Battle Cruiser Retrofit" to Shipyard T3 description in the Fleet UI.
- Players will now be able to access Liberated Borg Duty Officers in the Omega Reputation store after completing the unlock requirements.
- Resolved an issue that caused some players to have difficulties changing their graphics settings.
- Using Engineering Team no longer puts all abilities into a 2 minute cooldown.
Thank you for restoring this.:)
"What type of rewards"?
Well, what type of rewards are we talking about here? Is it just going to be dilithium or is it going to be other types of rewards?
They were, and the change was not included in these patch notes. I've updated the notes.
Division Hispana
Not as critical as there is a known workaround...
But I will ask again... is there a permfix in this patch for the issue?
Oh! Uh, and thanks for fixing the weapons.
Yeah, I agree it isn't that crtitical, and the workaround is fine and all but its really interfering with my "I hate Neelix and you should too" screeds in ESD zone chat. Just as soon as I have someone convinced Neelix is lame and creepy, we have to stop and tell someone to go to their bridge to seat their BOFFs for the 300th time.
What about the bridge officer slot issue??????
None of the fixes you or other players worked. I LITERALLY had to dismiss all my bridge officers and claim new ones.
See this, Devs? This bug is TOTALLY RUINING our enjoyment! How can we mock Neelix if this keeps up!
Seriously though. He's like the dang Star Trek version of Jar Jar. :rolleyes: Hope he never gets added to the game at all.
The going to your bridge, changing sectors, changing instance, changing ships... ALL did not work.
I'd call that a critical problem.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
They are not broken actually, they work like intended on how they programmed it.
You simply warp into finished (or failed) instances unless you warp in RIGHT AFTER the Red Alert pops up spontaneously.
So coming from Sector X to Tau Dewa,
Changing Instance to X Tau Dewa,
or coming from System (Patrol etc) to Tau Dewa and there is a Red Alert already lit up, changes are its already finished or failed.
Now lets not fool each other, ofcourse thats not how it should be working, so factly its a bug for us. For Cryptic however.... we all know why they still haven't fixed it.
...mini-game? Have I been playing too long?
Same for me. Even went to my Starbase, logged out several times, went on patrols and so on.
It finally worked when I was invited to someone elses Starbase. No idea why it worked then when it did not work on any of the other cases.
Others never had the problem and some worked after just zoning a couple of times. It cripples you though if it hits after Temporal Ambassador like happened to me.
Mission emptied slots, bug kept me from slotting. Could not use the character for 4 days in space combat.
Another one that works is entering a space pvp scenario. Recommend you try this before above.
I've had one toon fix it with a bridge visit. Another needed to change zones, instances, and maps about a dozen times before having it work on an patrol mission. It needs to be focused on.
They ARE broken.
500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
i thought Wesley Crusher was the trek Jar Jar?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Agreed, this feature is getting beyond annoying.
The option is not shown in the chest piece option. Please address this issue. -.- Including all other STF Related Problems with accolades, styles not showing etc. Pretty please ?:(
That's right he wants us to make SILLY VIDEOS FOR HIM so he looks good at the next company meeting.
Meanwhile the backgrounds keep flickering.
The Red Alerts are broken.
Certain enemy faction ships can't fire right.
Can't slot BOFFs properly.
And thousands of other game-breakingly bad bugs that have gone un-fixed.
Yet he wants us to make him look good at the next meeting! :mad:
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
I hope they do add Neelix's species to the game.
So someone can make a foundry mission that is nothing but my toons shooting an infinite number of Neelixes.
Eh, whatever the plural of Neelix is.