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  • Why are you all so sad. We have Mechwarrior in our lives now :)
  • We had a rockin time last night. Oh, Jorf here's the card I'm eyeballing http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130826 What do you think? Should I spend the 50 dollars more and get this instead? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130835 Do note I am still on a budget jorf :P Or, I…
  • Your defense would have actually Existed. You were moving at like 2 speed. Yes it would have made a huge difference. Also my eng cruiser on average caps out at 100+ Shield power, aux power, and engine power , along with being Overcapped on weapons. You should -never- be dying to an Escort by it's lonesome, especially as an…
  • We're getting a major patch tonight or tomorrow :) Ferror Fibrous, and the other armor, double heat sinks, a couple of mechs, and some other goodies.
  • That battle against me is indicative of what fighting people with actual Skill goes. I'm the Everyman of High End pvpers. You can expect Escorts, Cruisers or Sci Ships to perform on my level or Higher, in high level pvp. You weren't going to survive though. You were doomed from the moment I opened up with my first volleys.…
  • Ya'll better do the rematch before Season 7 hits and kills us all forever.
  • I had 0 hull heals and you couldn't drop me under 50 percent in an Escort. It doesn't get much more Prime target for a transphasic build than that. A 7 or 8 beam boat on the other hand, would be enough, when coupled with an ally to either force a retreat, or melt me down over time.
  • So, Mai Kai are you ready to come over to MWO yet?
  • In other news, it has been discovered that Mavairo wants to have Pirhana Games babies. While this is anatomically impossible, spiritually the fact remains. They have delayed a patch, because of instability issues, unlike some other companies we can name, that just happen to run the forum.
  • Dude, quantums have been the only torp worth fielding for over 2 years now. This isn't anything new. Though Trans Torps make a very strong second showing now if you are all consoled up with them. Heavy Torps Suck. That's their role in life. To be Fail. Grav wells, tac buffed tbr, (hell just auxed up TBR), quantums, tranny…
  • Forward torps, Trans torps are pretty solid, as are quantums. (those are my 2 favorite for Murder purposes) for debuff purposes double chron torps are pretty lulzy. Mines, I'd probably use a plasma mine since it's dot is decent for killin some forms of pet spam
  • Stick with the siral waves :) their proc is more effective especially on DEM builds. the tachyon mines already ruin shields pretty readily on average so it's not like you'll be missing the tet procs power. I'd run 2 mines and a beam in your aft just incase. Tachyon mines will work there pretty well.
  • Let me know how she flies in pvp :) Should be still fairly impressive, (also if the plassers fail you switch to Trans torps with disruptor turrets aft that + sensor scan = omg :D )
  • The Escorts should be killing those targets with ease. Our job is to provide crowd control and sustained damage in STFs, especially. There is also Burst damage to consider to, but again that really should be the mainstay of the Escorts. Even if you backed down to just 1 torp, and 7 arrays you'd notice a huge increase in…
  • Yeah in my opinion we are far enough along with the STO Refugee count we can start the guild now. My name over in MWO for those that do not know yet, is Mavairo feel free to add me.
  • I hope to god they don't boost ER Large lasers again. It's hilarious enough being able to pluck the ears off of catapults from 700 meters away reliably without silly gauss :D You going to be on 11pm EST ish? Cause that's when I get home. Virus; I spent 60 for the Elite. Founder cat is a great learning mech.
  • I'll second this. I'll be on MWO tonight.
  • The problem is this games graphics engine not my graphics card. It doesn't let high end graphics cards use their full ponies. Nor does it let more than 2 cores of your processor to be used. Some days it's not so bad. Others? It's an exercise in futility. Yeah put me in the Delete It From The Game crowd. No one likes the…
  • No problem, just post em in my cruiser thread and I'll get to ya when I can :)
  • You can times PIs effectiveness by a bajillion Jman and it won't have any effect. 0*X = 0. PI literally doesn't work at all vs siphon drones.
  • You didn't hit 1500 DPS however. You hit 734. Because my healer can pump more dps than you can in Live Pvp (where resistances are much higher and stronger, as you quickly found out yesterday). My healer also can effectively Force Multiply any friendly Escorts fire, due to the ability to deny enemies Defense Scores, either…
  • Only slightly less, furthermore there are ways to make CrtH weapons sing in pvp. They are called, snares, holds and stuns. Not only that, but against Big Fat Juicy Slow moving Targets (ike your cruiser) due to Acc overflow, CrtD becomes a much more desirable secondary property than does CrtH, especially on a weapon that is…
  • Again, what do you think would happen if you had no high resists? My turrets alone would be doing alot more than 760 dps. Your own damage score would not rise nearly as fast. Your damage score is pretty much already topped out, since I don't have a single hull resist console or hull heal on that setup. Also, I've done more…
  • I just clicked on the outgoing chart. 10k, and 38k for your mines total. 734 Total DPS after all resistances were factored in, and your precious mines. I'm looking right at it now. Your Ship? It Sucks. My Turrets do more dps than your entire ship. Damage: 81338 Enc DPS. 734.76 Transphasic Mine: Mine Explosion 35903…
  • Oh and here's the Mine damage you claim is missing. You did a whopping 10k with mines. Which I easily healed through with Native Hull Regen. And another 38k in mine damage. Which accounts for more than half of your damage output. That's the Raw scores, not counting Shields being in the way, or any brace for impact, APO, or…
  • I'm pretty sure Hilbert knows more about coding a plug in and reading for ACT than you do. If he says it's recording pet damage it's recording pet damage. (especially since he is the one that made the plug in in the first place) You just don't want the program to be true. Because it means your ship sucks. And it does. I'd…
  • He dealt an amazing 734 dps. I dealt 3263.43 dps I had next to no kinetic damage resistance against his Transphasic build, and he had full SDR, and Hull Resistance. Nuff Said. By the way Chump, against targets with no resistance? even if you Double your damage like you claim, you're still less than one half the damage…
  • OrganizedPvP is not a private channel. That's the channel name.
  • Orrrr people just need to stop being in Derp Mode. :P
  • I know. I was referring to the dilweed rp hero, that has a sock puppet account in this thread to agree with himself. Seriously, where the hell do you even point the points after you're done putting points into offense? Seriously? There aren't that many offense skill points to allocate in this game, especially if you aren't…