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Fix those Tricobalt mines



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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    So since the majority of ppl here in the forums seems to think these mines are fine, I decided to TRIBBLE around with them last night to see ppls reactions. To counter ppls argument I used as little skill as possible. I simply spammed dispersal pattern and put both my launchers on autofire and just let them launch every 30 secs despite where I was, if I had any tac buffs up, if I was sitting in a Grav well or plasma, etc. i did not change my spec at all and have ZERO points in projectiles. it only took two matches of insta-popping ppl before the heavy aoe team we were fighting started ******** about a "premade" team using tric's. I was the only person running tric's with absolutely no thought as to how or when I launched them and no points spec'd into them. Now imagine 4-5 ppl spec'd for them and actually using them effectively.

    Bad part of my experiment last night was that I think it may have caused tick0 to drop team right in the middle of the first match when they saw the first person get vaporized through shields. If your reading this, sorry bout that tick. Jam0 started yelling at me to take them off as well. It only took two matches to get the reaction I expected from the other team and to prove once again that it takes very little skill to just spam these and get lucky. Had there escorts not been running csv and their support ships running plasma and Grav, it would have been even worse. I took them off after that match to go back to a normal energy build.

    Btw, wtf kind of argument is it that tric's are ok for pug to use, but not for premades?

    lol, pugs are complaining about premades using something...that's nothing new. It's hardly something to base balance around. There are 100 different things that a premade could use against pugs to kill them that the pugs would bich about. And rightfully so, premades should fight premades, or at least pugmades, because there is no random pug team that will ever be able to challenge a well thought out premade, no matter what weapons either side is using. The fact that this time it happened to be tricobalts proves nothing.
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    houseofcritzhouseofcritz Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    lol, pugs are complaining about premades using something...that's nothing new. It's hardly something to base balance around. There are 100 different things that a premade could use against pugs to kill them that the pugs would bich about. And rightfully so, premades should fight premades, or at least pugmades, because there is no random pug team that will ever be able to challenge a well thought out premade, no matter what weapons either side is using. The fact that this time it happened to be tricobalts proves nothing.

    I guess next time we will queue up in the premades/pugmade queue.:rolleyes:
    Quote of the week:
    sollvax wrote: »
    a pure cannon build is always less effective than original starfleet specs

    correct build is as it comes out of the factory
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    stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited October 2012
    Maybe Tric mines do need work. Add them to the long list of broken, poorly designed, TRIBBLE out there. But drop them to the bottom, in my opinion, because there is a lot worse in need of a lot more attention first.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    He did...:rolleyes:

    I said without DP.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The Tric mine is too easy to fix.

    Ignores Dispersal Patterns.
    It remains a single shot weapon. Long CD.

    Players can still use the other mines and DP to spam as mine boats all they wish.

    No more 4+ Tric crits clouds.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    theindefatigabletheindefatigable Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I vote very strongly against the nerf. Yes, I'm a tricobalt user (mainly in PvE though), and yes, I've done things in PvE with them that I've specifically avoided talking about on the forums in order to prevent this very discussion from happening; but as both a user and a target (in pvp) of these mines I say keep them the way they are. Before the patch allowing up to 4 to drop, hardly anyone was using these weapons. Now, they are hot...yes...but they are a lot of fun, and there are ways to avoid them in pvp. Players can and will adapt and then fewer people will bring them to pvp and we can all move on. If they nerf this, why not nerf runabouts, warp plasma/theta radiation, the temporal set, escorts in general...

    also remember that tricobalt weapons in general are not that fast and are weak against shielded targets.

    Former/Cryptic Name: Captain_Hans_Langsdorff
    Founding member, Special Service Squadron
    "Fear God and Dread Nought." First Sea Lord, Adm. Jacky Fisher
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Honestly, I am against removing Tric Mines from Dispersal Patterns, because this made them useful again.

    How ever, perhaps If a Tric mine is dispersal Patterned, it should have it's Crit capability removed. It still makes them devastating weapons, but at least they can't one shot half a team, if not maybe even a whole team if they are too close to each other.

    Also, Tricobalt Mines do splash damage to the deployer of the Mines. You just don't notice it as much since they are always away from the ship and your rarely close to the mines when they go off, unlike Tricobalt Torpedoes, where your usually flying towards an enemy when fireing them.
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    lol, pugs are complaining about premades using something...that's nothing new. It's hardly something to base balance around. There are 100 different things that a premade could use against pugs to kill them that the pugs would bich about. And rightfully so, premades should fight premades, or at least pugmades, because there is no random pug team that will ever be able to challenge a well thought out premade, no matter what weapons either side is using. The fact that this time it happened to be tricobalts proves nothing.

    We fight premades any chance we get. As soon as we put a team together, we hit up Opvp with "any premades on?". The fact is that hardly any premades ever answer the call even though we end up finding them in the queues. Once we're done with a queue'd match, they very rarely want a rematch.

    ppl sometimes dont understand our frustration with the lack of teams that want to set up matches. If we had teams to fight in private matches all night, you'd never see us in the queues. The lack of good pew'ing actually had us in our TS tonight talking about finding another pvp game to try out instead of STO

    As far as pug teams go, I've been on quite a few that beat premades.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    In PvP I keep coming across people that can tank the cruiser beam boat due to strong shield tanks but die with shields up to the torp boat and high bleedthough. Likewise sometimes it?s the other way around and the beam boat kills what the torpedo boat cannot. Not tested the beam boat in PvE STF's yet although it worked well in SB24.

    I had 0 hull heals and you couldn't drop me under 50 percent in an Escort. It doesn't get much more Prime target for a transphasic build than that. A 7 or 8 beam boat on the other hand, would be enough, when coupled with an ally to either force a retreat, or melt me down over time.
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    i agree with biteme that tric mines on their own are fine. The dispersal pattern change was not well thought out when they rolled trics into the ability. Take away the ability to disperse them and they become fine again overnight.

    Anyone saying that they require skill to use is wrong as I proved the other night. The ability to use them more effectively by using skill is no different than any other ability in the game.

    If you really dont think there that bad, get 5 player without them together for a test and I'll get 5 critz players to all throw them on a ship and we'll have a private match. I'm sure whatever team that would be up for that will bring aoe out their azz to deal with the trics, but you'll then see how much having to "adapt" your build to deal with them gimps your ability to kill anything.
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    husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,601 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well there are issues with tric mines being able to be dispersed... and I think they could adjust them to be fine and still work with paterns.

    1) they really need to track down the bug where one crit causes all to crit... this is deeper then tric mines it effects regular mines to (with 16 out with dispersal 3 its almost more of an issue with other types of mines... it also effects proc weapons like plasma)

    2) Dispersal pattern tric mines should NOT proc rifts.

    3) Simply remove the aoe from them when they are in a dispersal pattern. This would allow 4 to land on one target if they don't deal with them sure... but it won't aoe kill entire teams if they run into say a photo fleet ship or someones cron mine.

    4) Remove any MES value tric mines have in general. One issue with them right now is AOE skills DO NOT clear them all that well cause frankly you have to be in range to target them... this means more and more people on a team have to dedicate builds to AOE... then you end up in a situation like Fallout points out where your team can't kill anything anymore cause you gave up all your spike dps to run Scatter Volleys and other general TRIBBLE.
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Ignores Dispersal Patterns.
    It remains a single shot weapon. Long CD.

    Players can still use the other mines and DP to spam as mine boats all they wish
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    i agree with biteme that tric mines on their own are fine.

    This is all fail. Before the trics gained the DP benefit, how often did you see tric mines being used? Almost never. How often did you see them have an impact on the game? Never.

    Without the DPs, there is no reason to build a full tric-bomber, meaning that at bet, you'll have a shot at a 30k kinetic every minute/30sec. Ofc, most of the time, the mines will be shot down, so it will be more like ever 3/1.5 minutes. Then, Tric mines will be a dead part of the game again.

    No I can see how everyone might not enjoy being DP'd, but some also don't like dieing by other means.It's a weapon that does something, not a weapon that does something better than other weapons. (Except when used with tempstep)

    I say splash damage will fix it all! Careless spamming of trics will then potentially hurt allies, or yourself, as much as it hurts the enemy. Splash damage already exists for Tric Torps, so it would be relatively easy to implement I think.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    when theres enough TRIBBLE on the screen, tric mines and other spam starts becoming invisible. so thats lots of fun to instantly die from invisible mines.

    and players that have their damage dealing revolve around tric mines only? just stop, your pathetic. your builds don't work against anyone you couldn't kill with 1 pass of DHC fire. you get your random kill every now and again, but your still gonna lose
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    theindefatigabletheindefatigable Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    exactly. A casual tricobomber isn't going to "own" pvp...or STF's for that matter, though they make the job easier. Someone who really puts thought and energy into a tricobombing build can do well, but can they really do better than someone putting a lot of work into a myriad of other builds? Is a tricobombing fleet more powerful than, say, a runabout spam fleet, or an alpha strike fleet, or a bunch of other things out there...I don't know for sure, but I don't think so. If there must be some tweaks, I just hope it isn't a super-nerf that sends tricos back to the bottom of the weapons heap again, because I'm having too much fun using them to complement my STF builds right now. Ok, I guess I'm biased...
    Former/Cryptic Name: Captain_Hans_Langsdorff
    Founding member, Special Service Squadron
    "Fear God and Dread Nought." First Sea Lord, Adm. Jacky Fisher
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Dispersal Pattern Beta + Tric mines are completely Balanced....

    [5:02] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 74596 (54823) Kinetic Damage to Cryptic.

    I mean this proves nothing. right? :D
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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    theindefatigabletheindefatigable Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hahaha nice
    Former/Cryptic Name: Captain_Hans_Langsdorff
    Founding member, Special Service Squadron
    "Fear God and Dread Nought." First Sea Lord, Adm. Jacky Fisher
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I had 0 hull heals and you couldn't drop me under 50 percent in an Escort. It doesn't get much more Prime target for a transphasic build than that. A 7 or 8 beam boat on the other hand, would be enough, when coupled with an ally to either force a retreat, or melt me down over time.
    That one battle with you isn?t how all battles go. I had the first Escort down to 50% and in CtF and arenas things go differently as you have ally?s to snare, lower kinetic resistance and all the rest. I have had many kills with other ships on full shields. For example an Escort fly?s in, lowers Kinetic resistance, gets target to 30% Hull, target hits RSP, I shoot a volley or two and blow them up. The idea of the build isn?t pure DPS it is to bypass shields and apply pressure to the hull. Most people can tank far less on hull then shields and you need less DPS to kill hull then shields. My log says I was doing between 7k and 15k after resistance to hull per volley. If I could have survived surly that would have been a threat over time. If someone else took your shields down that would have been between 14k and 30k per volly to hull.

    After trying beam boats as suggested I am failing to see how they are much better. They have worse defence due to needing power to weapon energy which means they die even faster so do less DPS. Half the time in a 1v1 the beam boat cannot even take the enemy?s shields down or kill them. Based on my other fights unless I am doing something wrong it seems like a beam boat against you have done even worse than the torp boat. Going to try to beam boat again today but it is not working very well for 1v1's.

    If your friend is up for it I am interested in my beam boat against his so I can see if it’s my damage/setup/tank that is wrong.

    Changing topics someone did the timeship freeze, drop Tricobalt mines on me and it wasn?t as bad as some people on here said. Once unfrozen it takes a few seconds for the Tricobalt mines to lock on and move so you get time to hit brace for impact and other Kinetic resistance. If anything its easier as you have the frozen moment to survey the battlefield and hover the mouse ready on the skills you need for when time unfreezes.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    exactly. A casual tricobomber isn't going to "own" pvp...or STF's for that matter, though they make the job easier. Someone who really puts thought and energy into a tricobombing build can do well, but can they really do better than someone putting a lot of work into a myriad of other builds? Is a tricobombing fleet more powerful than, say, a runabout spam fleet, or an alpha strike fleet, or a bunch of other things out there...I don't know for sure, but I don't think so. If there must be some tweaks, I just hope it isn't a super-nerf that sends tricos back to the bottom of the weapons heap again, because I'm having too much fun using them to complement my STF builds right now. Ok, I guess I'm biased...

    actually they do own stfs. in an infected run, a tric bomber destroyed each nanite fed transformer before we even killed the cube, let alone the little nanite thingies. total wtf there.
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    Dispersal Pattern Beta + Tric mines are completely Balanced....

    [5:02] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 74596 (54823) Kinetic Damage to Cryptic.

    I mean this proves nothing. right? :D

    Proves Cryptic don't know how to duck! :D
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    Dispersal Pattern Beta + Tric mines are completely Balanced....

    [5:02] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 74596 (54823) Kinetic Damage to Cryptic.

    I mean this proves nothing. right? :D

    They obviously need to start running ewp, FAW, tbr, and a Grav well...
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm a little slow on the uptake on certain things at times - those things that, well that's not what they said - couldn't be - so you don't really pay attention...

    ...but wait, the tran torp guy was in a cruiser fighting an escort?

    And that discussion is still going...?
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    That one battle with you isn?t how all battles go. I had the first Escort down to 50% and in CtF and arenas things go differently as you have ally?s to snare, lower kinetic resistance and all the rest. I have had many kills with other ships on full shields. For example an Escort fly?s in, lowers Kinetic resistance, gets target to 30% Hull, target hits RSP, I shoot a volley or two and blow them up. The idea of the build isn?t pure DPS it is to bypass shields and apply pressure to the hull. Most people can tank far less on hull then shields and you need less DPS to kill hull then shields. My log says I was doing between 7k and 15k after resistance to hull per volley. If I could have survived surly that would have been a threat over time. If someone else took your shields down that would have been between 14k and 30k per volly to hull.

    After trying beam boats as suggested I am failing to see how they are much better. They have worse defence due to needing power to weapon energy which means they die even faster so do less DPS. Half the time in a 1v1 the beam boat cannot even take the enemy?s shields down or kill them. Based on my other fights unless I am doing something wrong it seems like a beam boat against you have done even worse than the torp boat. Going to try to beam boat again today but it is not working very well for 1v1's.

    If your friend is up for it I am interested in my beam boat against his so I can see if it?s my damage/setup/tank that is wrong.

    Changing topics someone did the timeship freeze, drop Tricobalt mines on me and it wasn?t as bad as some people on here said. Once unfrozen it takes a few seconds for the Tricobalt mines to lock on and move so you get time to hit brace for impact and other Kinetic resistance. If anything its easier as you have the frozen moment to survey the battlefield and hover the mouse ready on the skills you need for when time unfreezes.

    That battle against me is indicative of what fighting people with actual Skill goes. I'm the Everyman of High End pvpers. You can expect Escorts, Cruisers or Sci Ships to perform on my level or Higher, in high level pvp. You weren't going to survive though. You were doomed from the moment I opened up with my first volleys. In a matter of seconds I had you down to 27 percent. You also in order to use your Torps -at all- had to virtually park your ship.

    I kept blowing through your shields and hull like they were tissue paper until finally 1:49 seconds in, I landed the death blow. If -anyone- else had been present (had say Broken and I attacked you simultaneously) you would have died at the start of that engagement. Your ship, has to be almost parked, and you have to pray very hard that I or someone else flies infront of you. I Denied you that opportunity with contemptuous ease. You'd -never- see a well built eng that uses beams dying in under 2 minutes to a solo tac scort. Especially one that was built for other duties. My eng, would -never- die to one single scort. hell it's almost impossible for it to die from a Scort and Science captain. My eng would be providing double your DPS, and a hell of alot more CC. I'd plas someone, their defense score would plummet and then Blammo, Dead Target. You on the other hand would be cutting to 1/2 throttle or less hoping to get a shot off. Some enterprising escort would see that and get a buddy with him and just dump raw firepower into your hull and vape you.

    Seriously, why in the hell do you think High End Cruisers run Beams across the board? It ain't because they aren't smart enough to work with torps. It's because Beams are Better.

    And again, you wouldn't have hit me much harder than you already did. Trans torps are busted that way. Also, good luck getting someone to break my shields, because your torps certainly weren't going to assist any in that department. In live pvp you'd have died in the first 5 seconds of your attack if you had any intentions -at all- in using your torpedoes.

    There is also the factor to consider that I had to lower my own defense score to park on your flanks. You basically again had Prime Target situations. Also you didn't really hurt my friend as much as you think you did. He Baited you to raise his go down fighting bonus so he could two pass you. (the lower your hull points before activation of GDF the higher damage bonus you'll receive)

    I think you should look at my combat log entry for my eng cruiser. in pve 3500 dps. That's so far and away better than anything your ship can deal, that it's sad. (using your Double DPS figure, or even being generous and giving you a 3 times increase) In pvp 1300 dps. That's 1300 shield frying DPS, and that's assuming I'm hitting a High Defense, High Resistance Target. If I had been running Kinetic resists, or even just hazards or polorarize hull your dps would have even more insanely lame. Like 400 worth. 400 DPS. You'd have lost 300 right off the top. My energy damage on my engineer was already at it's lowest point and it still dealt Double what you did, at it's highest point. If that doesn't tell you why your build Sucks and fails, then you're delusional. "But not everyone is like that omg!" Yeah, most people Suck Balls. But frankly if you ever have any desire to play on a better than "I kill people that Suck Balls!" level you're going to have to change your setups, and admit your ship is a miserable failure.
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    I'm a little slow on the uptake on certain things at times - those things that, well that's not what they said - couldn't be - so you don't really pay attention...

    ...but wait, the tran torp guy was in a cruiser fighting an escort?

    And that discussion is still going...?

    Yeah, once I see a thread get past page ten, I pretty much just assume that it's been derailed and is discussing something completely different...lol

    So...haven't played MWO in a couple of weeks. Anything new going on over there?
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ?You'd -never- see a well built eng that uses beams dying in under 2 minutes to a solo tac scort??. You were doomed from the moment I opened up with my first volleys. In a matter of seconds I had you down to 27 percent.?
    Please tell me what I did wrong then. How would a beam boat be much different? I had Maco shield, EptS, 125 shield power, TTS2, Tac team, balance shields. RSP and rotate shield for more resistance with high Auz so TTS gave nice resistance and healed more. Pretty sure I was on or near the 75% resistance cap. Not sure what the shield cap was as the server is down but around 10k or 11k. The only thing I can think off is to move a little faster and have a little more defense but really would that made much difference in that battle? If I was going full impulse I would have died what 10 seconds later and still not have managed to hurt you with beams in that time frame.

    I just do not see how taking a beam boat and lowering the tank would have ended up in better results. Well ok defence would be higher but less power to spend on defence due to it being in weapons.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Yeah, once I see a thread get past page ten, I pretty much just assume that it's been derailed and is discussing something completely different...lol

    So...haven't played MWO in a couple of weeks. Anything new going on over there?

    We're getting a major patch tonight or tomorrow :)
    Ferror Fibrous, and the other armor, double heat sinks, a couple of mechs, and some other goodies.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Please tell me what I did wrong then. How would a beam boat be much different? I had Maco shield, EptS, 125 shield power, TTS2, Tac team, balance shields. RSP and rotate shield for more resistance with high Auz so TTS gave nice resistance and healed more. Pretty sure I was on or near the 75% resistance cap. The only thing I can think off is to move a little faster and have a little more defense but really would that made much difference in that battle? If I was going full impulse I would have died what 10 seconds later and still not have managed to hurt you with beams in that time frame.

    I just do not see how taking a beam boat and lowering the tank would have ended up in better results. Well ok defence would be higher but less power to spend on defence due to it being in weapons.

    Your defense would have actually Existed. You were moving at like 2 speed.
    Yes it would have made a huge difference.

    Also my eng cruiser on average caps out at 100+ Shield power, aux power, and engine power , along with being Overcapped on weapons.

    You should -never- be dying to an Escort by it's lonesome, especially as an engineer in a cruiser.

    That's why beams are better. You can Move, and still actually Use your weapons. They also apply Damage. where as in a live pvp match assuming you have any desire what so ever to not just sit there and get One Passed by every Tom **** and Harry Escort (like me) despite blowing every heal you have at your disposal.

    See above as to the damage difference between your eng and mine. It's not hard to figure out man. You aren't doing -anything- with any sort of effectiveness. Your killing your durability because you can't move to have any hope of using your torpedoes. You can't apply any sort of pressure, and you have to burn every single heal you have only to die in under 2 minutes anyway, so you aren't going to be healing any team mates either.

    Someone sub nukes a target. you would be plinking away doing 734 dps. Someone sub nukes the same target for my eng. I'd be doing well over 2k dps. Someone puts a tractor on the target. lets say this triples your DPS you're doing 2100. I'd be doing 3500. How does that not seem useful to you? I also don't have to drop everything I'm doing, I can still fly around healing, and keeping my own defense score rolling high. while you have to cut speed completely to stay on target. This makes you heinously vulnerable as I proved in our lil match.
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    I'm a little slow on the uptake on certain things at times - those things that, well that's not what they said - couldn't be - so you don't really pay attention...

    ...but wait, the tran torp guy was in a cruiser fighting an escort?

    And that discussion is still going...?
    We're getting a major patch tonight or tomorrow :)
    Ferror Fibrous, and the other armor, double heat sinks, a couple of mechs, and some other goodies.

    I see....

    Looks like another hiatus from Sto for me.

    Edit: I have no idea why that first quote is there ^^
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Edit: I have no idea why that first quote is there ^^

    Because it is such an awesome quote!

    I ran a tranScort - and for the life of me, I just can't picture trying to do that in a cruiser. Rotating front and rear firing arcs in a ship that doesn't turn - but rather waits for the universe to turn around it... yeah, I just can't picture that.

    The "how to build a better cruiser" stuff - why Hell, isn't there a thread somewhere for that? :)

    Meh, but speaking of the MWO patch - Nov's just around the corner here... there's been the talk about what's going on over on Tribble about many things...

    ...but how about that 5% chance to proc additional kinetic on torps and mines.

    5% chance to proc additional kinetic on... trics. :)

    Don't forget the Rom console for that chance for the tric to also proc some plasma!
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    reichwald12reichwald12 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Someone had an idea to make that Omega rep proc "ship class dependent". I.e. scorts get one proc, cruisers another, and sci...you get it.

    I thought it was a great idea.
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    That one battle with you isn?t how all battles go. I had the first Escort down to 50% and in CtF and arenas things go differently as you have ally?s to snare, lower kinetic resistance and all the rest. I have had many kills with other ships on full shields. For example an Escort fly?s in, lowers Kinetic resistance, gets target to 30% Hull, target hits RSP, I shoot a volley or two and blow them up. The idea of the build isn?t pure DPS it is to bypass shields and apply pressure to the hull. Most people can tank far less on hull then shields and you need less DPS to kill hull then shields. My log says I was doing between 7k and 15k after resistance to hull per volley. If I could have survived surly that would have been a threat over time. If someone else took your shields down that would have been between 14k and 30k per volly to hull.

    After trying beam boats as suggested I am failing to see how they are much better. They have worse defence due to needing power to weapon energy which means they die even faster so do less DPS. Half the time in a 1v1 the beam boat cannot even take the enemy?s shields down or kill them. Based on my other fights unless I am doing something wrong it seems like a beam boat against you have done even worse than the torp boat. Going to try to beam boat again today but it is not working very well for 1v1's.

    If your friend is up for it I am interested in my beam boat against his so I can see if it?s my damage/setup/tank that is wrong.

    Changing topics someone did the timeship freeze, drop Tricobalt mines on me and it wasn?t as bad as some people on here said. Once unfrozen it takes a few seconds for the Tricobalt mines to lock on and move so you get time to hit brace for impact and other Kinetic resistance. If anything its easier as you have the frozen moment to survey the battlefield and hover the mouse ready on the skills you need for when time unfreezes.

    dude i had explained on ts why i even let you get me down to 50%. are you still on this bs? i gave you advice. you even wanted to test that advice. but when i showed you my 8 beams on a broad side, over caped and yet i just took your sheilds out while u cycled tt you should have see from there. also i gave you a key bind to distro your sheilds. if you need more help feel free to come back on ts. ill even ask mav to come as well. i know you dont have red matter and you should get it. then are doffs eptx and bats. i hit you with 8 beams and only droped to 119 wep power. i could stay at 125 with eps transfere and nadion inversion with red matter. was no need. was only showing u an example.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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