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Fix those Tricobalt mines



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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    broken1981 wrote: »
    ok so again 1v1 me on my tact please.

    That's kind of rigged - the PvP ship will have more damage at the end, because of the PvE ship being dead...

    ...to test DPS, wouldn't it be a case of heading into some private PvE encounter with an impartial third party (or even three) - then test the DPS.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes

    mav, i was just showing how i speced into resist i might not even need for team pvp. so i asked where should i put it? in torps? i speced all the damage i needed. so say in stf, my 4 dhc verse 3 dhc and 1 torp. i will still do more damage to sheilds, get them down faster and pound harder into hull. while the guy with 3 dhc will have to work harder bringng down sheilds to push that torp into hull.

    or i can spec 6 points for tric mines that will insta kill everthing in pvp and faster in pve. since in pve there is no resist. so while this guy claims he dont use sci healing skills because it lowers his damage( not sure how) ill still do things much faster then him because any damage done to me in pve i can heal.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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    spacepenguin121spacepenguin121 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    How is this scenario any different from AMSing a target, applying TB and then shooting them with a fully buffed Tac Alpha or a wave of Tac buffed Tric torpedos?

    Even while AMSed you can still see and target anyone actively attacking you, whereas you can't see the trics until you are already hit and likely dead. More of an issue with AMS than trics though.

    As for tric mines, why not just add the same friendly fire splash damage that tric torps have to the mines as well? The mines would still be just as effective when used strategically, however, there would be a serious downside to just spamming them in an already spam cluttered environment and hoping for a lucky hit.
    TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
    Svarog | Veles | et al.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    broken1981 wrote: »
    mav, i was just showing how i speced into resist i might not even need for team pvp. so i asked where should i put it? in torps? i speced all the damage i needed. so say in stf, my 4 dhc verse 3 dhc and 1 torp. i will still do more damage to sheilds, get them down faster and pound harder into hull. while the guy with 3 dhc will have to work harder bringng down sheilds to push that torp into hull.

    I know. I was referring to the dilweed rp hero, that has a sock puppet account in this thread to agree with himself.

    Seriously, where the hell do you even point the points after you're done putting points into offense? Seriously? There aren't that many offense skill points to allocate in this game, especially if you aren't in an mvam, akira, Vorcha or sci ship, and even then you'll run out of offense skills looong before you run out of space points.

    It has to be LOLground that chump is putting ranks into.

    Also To said Chump. Chump I deal well over 60k damage in 15 seconds. I know this because -long- before my CRF2 is done I've already vaped a -moving- un defense buffed cruiser (ie no EPTS, Hazards, Delta etc going). (in addition to having the intelligence to you know watch my Scoreboard, and parse logs later with ACT) And that's in a Fleet Vorcha, without hitting the target in warp plasma. I can punch well beyond that in an MVAM. in 30 seconds I've dealt over 120k damage. By Myself, with 0 tric mines. So yes your pve builds are Fail. Go uninstall and kiss your sister for us. As a matter of fact, by the time 5 seconds is up said cruiser is already Dead. So really it's about 63k in 4 seconds upon initial decloak.

    Why do you think pvpers put ranks in defenses and roll resists in the first place Chump? It's because we do far far more damage than anyone else in the game. Not because we're so stupid that we can't maximise damage.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Even while AMSed you can still see and target anyone actively attacking you, whereas you can't see the trics until you are already hit and likely dead. More of an issue with AMS than trics though.
    Are the Tric mines too small to spot among the static or does the use of AMS render them invisible?
    As for tric mines, why not just add the same friendly fire splash damage that tric torps have to the mines as well? The mines would still be just as effective when used strategically, however, there would be a serious downside to just spamming them in an already spam cluttered environment and hoping for a lucky hit.

    I can agree with this as well.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    spacepenguin121spacepenguin121 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Are the Tric mines too small to spot among the static or does the use of AMS render them invisible?
    AMS makes them invisible as far as I can tell.
    TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
    Svarog | Veles | et al.
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    matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    AMS makes them invisible as far as I can tell.

    I've actually noticed quite a few mines disappear after being deploying and armed until I get too close they start chasing me.

    Is it possible that mines have some sort of MES? And that in combination with the perception debuff from ams only makes them seem invisible?
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    260k?!? Thats one hell of speciality build and a lucky crit on an already set-up and softened target to get that much damage.

    uhm.. did I say 260k? They ofc come in groups of 4, so it's really 1million damage applied in 1 second... :D


    But hey, this is all theoretical in PvP, as landing a mine is impossible against a team, unless you use bugged AMS or Backstep.

    The ONLY thing that is wrong with Tricob mines, is that the splash damage does not affect friendlies! If it did, they would have to be used with much more caution. (Tric torp splash damage DO affect friendlies).

    We need more friendly fire to negate all this healing!!!

    I've actually noticed quite a few mines disappear after being deploying and armed until I get too close they start chasing me.

    Is it possible that mines have some sort of MES? And that in combination with the perception debuff from ams only makes them seem invisible?

    well, yes... this is the second thing that is wrong with tric mines... like all mines, they have a tiny amount of stealth... they should not have this.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    Orrrr people just need to stop being in Derp Mode. :P
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    houseofcritzhouseofcritz Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    I've actually noticed quite a few mines disappear after being deploying and armed until I get too close they start chasing me.

    Is it possible that mines have some sort of MES? And that in combination with the perception debuff from ams only makes them seem invisible?

    As far as i know Every mine type as MES its been this way for a while now..
    Quote of the week:
    sollvax wrote: »
    a pure cannon build is always less effective than original starfleet specs

    correct build is as it comes out of the factory
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    broken1981 wrote: »
    ok so again 1v1 me on my tact please. if you get a higher dps at the end of the 5 i will take your word from it. also if you have ever gotten a max of 98635 crit let me know. i think thats the max ive reached on a all dhc turrent set up. tho i never look. seen it the other day. so i know on an alpha im doing way more. and to let you know im always in pvp with a pure critdx3 set up. my team mates use tractors. also i doubt you can do half of what i do in elite stf and pvp.

    im on right now in opvp chat
    As I said before that doe not prove anything. In PvP without a tank a person die fast so DPS drops low. While doing PvE you can get away with less of a tank so can take more DPS. For PvE you can run the bare minimum of a tank far less tank that what PvP needs. which is why PvE setups should deal more DPS then PvP setups when doing PvE.

    Anyway joining Opvp for what hopefully will be a fun match.

    EDIT: opvp seems to be a private channel cannot join.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    OrganizedPvP is not a private channel. That's the channel name.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    AMS makes them invisible as far as I can tell.

    I've actually noticed quite a few mines disappear after being deploying and armed until I get too close they start chasing me.

    Is it possible that mines have some sort of MES? And that in combination with the perception debuff from ams only makes them seem invisible?

    Well, it seems MES cloaked mines suck. AMS just makes it worse.

    Remove DP from the Trics and give the Tric-mines user splash damage so they have a danger involved in being used and viola!
    They go back to being the weapon of choice for just those few who use them.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As I said before that doe not prove anything. In PvP without a tank a person die fast so DPS drops low. While doing PvE you can get away with less of a tank so can take more DPS. For PvE you can run the bare minimum of a tank far less tank that what PvP needs. which is why PvE setups should deal more DPS then PvP setups when doing PvE.

    OK, I'm confused here.

    pottsey5g is saying that PvE, even Elite STFs, are so easy he doesn't even bring HE.

    People are saying that he is wrong, so apparently it's not that easy?

    If PvE is faceroll content, how can he be wrong that he doesn't even need HE and just relies on the Borg proc?

    I like this sub-forum, you really never know what you're going to come across.

    (Full Disclosure: I have 10 characters and all 10 of them have at least 1 copy of HE.)
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    He dealt an amazing 734 dps.

    I dealt 3263.43 dps

    I had next to no kinetic damage resistance against his Transphasic build, and he had full SDR, and Hull Resistance.

    Nuff Said.

    By the way Chump, against targets with no resistance? even if you Double your damage like you claim, you're still less than one half the damage output I deal against a target that had Full Shield Resist, and heavy hull resistances.

    To say nothing of where I'd be against a target that has no defenses, like a borg npc.

    Yeah, your High End Pve Build, still sucks. Maybe you should read my Cruiser thread, since pretty much all of my builds in that thread will do far more dps than you do.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    He dealt an amazing 734 dps.

    I dealt 3263.43 dps

    I had next to no kinetic damage resistance against his Transphasic build, and he had full SDR, and Hull Resistance.

    Nuff Said.
    Like I tried to explain in chat your program is not recording 2/3 of my weapons or damage. If you click on my name and take a screenshot I bet it only shows 1 or 2 weapons. The in game logs shows my shield DPS as half yours and as my DPS doubles on Hull my Crusier is around your Escort DPS against hull. Which is great for a crusier on STF's where things do not have shields or shields go down fast.

    EDIT: amusing yours is bugged like mine, not sure what version you have.

    Anyway my point still still stands. A PvP setup can often scale back the tank and boost DPS for PvE as you need less tank in PvE.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    I'm pretty sure Hilbert knows more about coding a plug in and reading for ACT than you do. If he says it's recording pet damage it's recording pet damage. (especially since he is the one that made the plug in in the first place)

    You just don't want the program to be true. Because it means your ship sucks.

    And it does.
    I'd never take that ship in an STF if I wanted to get it done quickly.

    You say your damage is not 2/3s of what it should be. Your damage in the parser is less than 1/4 of mine that means even at your number. Your alleged high dps build still Blows compared to my pvp setup. which by the way wasn't even my high damage setup. I could have easily put you down even faster had I fielded VM or Grav Well.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    Oh and here's the Mine damage you claim is missing.

    You did a whopping 10k with mines. Which I easily healed through with Native Hull Regen. And another 38k in mine damage.

    Which accounts for more than half of your damage output. That's the Raw scores, not counting Shields being in the way, or any brace for impact, APO, or Subspace field mod use.

    Your ship sucks when Mines are doing half your output.

    After it's all said and done your dps averages out to 700. Get a new ship.
    Actually yes my turrets did do more dps than your entire ship. My turrets did 766 dps. By Themselves. To your entire ship
    s 734, and it's mines. which ARE in the log. double click on outgoing damage.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm pretty sure Hilbert knows more about coding a plug in and reading for ACT than you do. If he says it's recording pet damage it's recording pet damage. (especially since he is the one that made the plug in in the first place)

    You just don't want the program to be true. Because it means your ship sucks.

    And it does.
    I'd never take that ship in an STF if I wanted to get it done quickly.

    You say your damage is not 2/3s of what it should be. Your damage in the parser is less than 1/4 of mine that means even at your number. Your alleged high dps build still Blows compared to my pvp setup. which by the way wasn't even my high damage setup. I could have easily put you down even faster had I fielded VM or Grav Well.
    It is not that I do not want the program to be true. When I tried to use it to test I could not get half my weapons to show. Every time I asked you what my main weapons did you said nothing. Which leads me to believe its not working correctly as my main weapons are doing 10 to 15k a volly and got your down to under 50% hull.

    Torpdeos are normally the lowest damage weapon on my ship when I spoke in game you said torpedoes was the only thing that showed.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    It is not that I do not want the program to be true. When I tried to use it to test I could not get half my weapons to show. Every time I asked you what my main weapons did you said nothing. Which leads me to believe its not working correctly as my main weapons are doing 10 to 15k a volly and got your down to under 50% hull.

    Torpdeos are normally the lowest damage weapon on my ship when I spoke in game you said torpedoes was the only thing that showed.

    I just clicked on the outgoing chart. 10k, and 38k for your mines total.

    734 Total DPS after all resistances were factored in, and your precious mines. I'm looking right at it now.

    Your Ship? It Sucks. My Turrets do more dps than your entire ship.
    Damage: 81338 Enc DPS. 734.76
    Transphasic Mine: Mine Explosion 35903
    Transphasic Mine: Mine Explosion 10625
    Rapid Fire Transphasic Torpedo: 13594
    Transphasic Torpedo Spread3 9957
    Transphasic Torped: 7120
    Tranpshasic Torpedo Spread2: 4139

    That's your Numbers Champ.

    Just the turrets

    Tetryon Turret Rapid Fire 3: Encounter damage 84817 Enc DPS: 766.19

    Again my Aft Turrets do more dps than your whole ship.
    You can scream no it can't be true all you want, but there they are. The numbers don't lie. Your "Dps build" just got out scored by 3 Aft Turrets.

    Your damage resistance was also superior to mine that entire fight. So who do you think's build is going to do more once resistances drop? I'll give you a hint, it's not that garbage scow you call a dps cruiser.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I just clicked on the outgoing chart. 10k, and 38k for your mines total.

    734 Total DPS after all resistances were factored in, and your precious mines. I'm looking right at it now.

    Your Ship? It Sucks. My Turrets do more dps than your entire ship.
    Damage: 81338 Enc DPS. 734.76
    Transphasic Mine: Mine Explosion 35903
    Transphasic Mine: Mine Explosion 10625
    Rapid Fire Transphasic Torpedo: 13594
    Transphasic Torpedo Spread3 9957
    Transphasic Torped: 7120
    Tranpshasic Torpedo Spread2: 4139

    That's your Numbers Champ.

    Just the turrets

    Tetryon Turret Rapid Fire 3: Encounter damage 84817 Enc DPS: 766.19

    Again my Aft Turrets do more dps than your whole ship.
    You can scream no it can't be true all you want, but there they are. The numbers don't lie. Your "Dps build" just got out scored by 3 Aft Turrets.

    Your damage resistance was also superior to mine that entire fight. So who do you think's build is going to do more once resistances drop? I'll give you a hint, it's not that garbage scow you call a dps cruiser.
    Who ever said I was a DPS crusier? That was a heal/damage hybrid crusier running with high Aux for healing other people.I thought for a 125aux heal boat that was nice DPS I did.

    Anyway thank you for posting the numbers that makes far more sense and now I am happy. I was just concerned when in game you said mines did no damage and torpedoes did the most. That made me wonder if it was working correctly as my experience with parser is it doesn’t show cluster torpedoes which are my main damage.

    But like I said it?s not a 1v1 ship and who expects a PvE Engineer Cruiser to match DPS against a 1v1 Escort? I also bet a normal cruiser would never have got you down to 50% hull or lower.

    In PvE the targets are not fast with high defence so you do not get high miss chance. Shields go down fast so projectiles do double damage, well more than double damage as you have near 100% hit rate while in PvP not 80% ish I assumed I had against your defence. The ship is good at its role but it is no good at 1v1.

    Trying to get back on track my point still stands that high end PvE setups often do more DPS then high end PvP setups. Even if my ship sucks that is still true for the reasons stated about not needing to tank as much in PvE. Worst case you take the same PvP setup into PvE and match DPS, best case you lower tank and do more DPS in PvE as you need less tank. How can a PvP setup do more DPS then PvE? Either its the same or higher for PvE.

    EDIT:You also do not need to worry about ACC in PvE so can take far more Crit for overall more DPS.
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    Again, what do you think would happen if you had no high resists?

    My turrets alone would be doing alot more than 760 dps. Your own damage score would not rise nearly as fast. Your damage score is pretty much already topped out, since I don't have a single hull resist console or hull heal on that setup.

    Also, I've done more damage per second than that, comfortably in my eng cruisers, let alone a Scort.

    I could at least 3 times your dps score with an eng cruiser.

    No, your point is still Dumb. The best ship for pve in this game over all is the Escort. Taking -any- cruiser other than either an Excelsior, Fleet Vorcha, Vorcha R, or cruiser carrying Warp Plasma into an STF is fail. As the resistances drop, my ship will do a great deal more damage than yours in a alot shorter of a time span.

    My quantum torpedo alone, scored more than half of your total damage output and I only fired it 2 times. Once with a HY and once without.

    You claim a pve setup will do more dps than a pvp one. That's frankly not the case. There's only so many skill points you can allocate. After that, you have tons of points left over. Those points better damn well go into resistances so you aren't TRIBBLE your dps score over by having to wait for respawns in stfs.

    Your output should be no where near as laughably bad as it is. 3 Turrets. 3 Turrets. You have 8 weapons on your ship (I hope) and you got out DPSed by 3 Turrets.
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    kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited October 2012
    Reguarding stealth mines only the romulan cloaking tractor mines have that. Mines not being visible is due to a UI change that was done awhile back cause ppl complained about visible pet spam cluttering the screen they are now unseen by default unless u go to ur setting and toggle "show enemy mine and fighter names" from targeted to always visible.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    kapla1755 wrote: »
    Reguarding stealth mines only the romulan cloaking tractor mines have that. Mines not being visible is due to a UI change that was done awhile back cause ppl complained about visible pet spam cluttering the screen they are now unseen by default unless u go to ur setting and toggle "show enemy mine and fighter names" from targeted to always visible.

    This only shows them when they're first launched or when they've aggro'd somebody. Otherwise, they're not visible. You can see friendly, but enemy mines will not show outside of those two instances...
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ?No, your point is still Dumb. The best ship for pve in this game over all is the Escort. Taking -any- cruiser other than either an Excelsior, Fleet Vorcha, Vorcha R, or cruiser carrying Warp Plasma into an STF is fail. As the resistances drop, my ship will do a great deal more damage than yours in a alot shorter of a time span.?
    I agree about Escorts but not that the point is dumb. A PvP ACC build will deal out less damage then a PvE Crit build. That crit build will fail at PvP due to no ACC and shots missing but for PvE it will deal more DPS then the PvP build. Hence why I said a good PvE build should match or beat a good PvP build for DPS at PvE. PvE is so simple you do not need to worry about defense or missing the target so you can take all the high DPS mods that are not always a good idea for PvP. I agree my setup is not top end DPS or near that but I also think you can build higher DPS setups for PvE then you can get away with for PvP.

    ?Again, what do you think would happen if you had no high resists??
    I would die of course. What would happen if my target did not have high resistance and defense like you did? My dps would triple which would be a good DPS number for a heal boat. You had 50% or more resistance against all my damage for the entire battle on top of high defense causing me to miss well over 20% of the time if not higher. In PvE I do not need to worry about 50% resistance or defense and missing shots. I just heal and hit the hulls for 33k per shot or more with someone lowers kinetic resistance. I can easily get 40k+ per shot and 100k+crit with an Attack pattern to lower Kinetic resistance.

    The main reason I use torps is I cannot get energy to work :(. I just do not see how any cruiser build could beat those Escorts of yours and I am happy to be proven wrong.
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As I said before that doe not prove anything. In PvP without a tank a person die fast so DPS drops low. While doing PvE you can get away with less of a tank so can take more DPS. For PvE you can run the bare minimum of a tank far less tank that what PvP needs. which is why PvE setups should deal more DPS then PvP setups when doing PvE.

    Anyway joining Opvp for what hopefully will be a fun match.

    EDIT: opvp seems to be a private channel cannot join.

    really? you do know the borg can hit much harder at times. if every pvp'er could hit like that gg lmao
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    OK, I'm confused here.

    pottsey5g is saying that PvE, even Elite STFs, are so easy he doesn't even bring HE.

    People are saying that he is wrong, so apparently it's not that easy?

    If PvE is faceroll content, how can he be wrong that he doesn't even need HE and just relies on the Borg proc?

    I like this sub-forum, you really never know what you're going to come across.

    (Full Disclosure: I have 10 characters and all 10 of them have at least 1 copy of HE.)

    ever been hit by a borg torp that gets you to around 10%? just because the borg hit hard dont make the mission hard.............i did it in a t1 kirk ship on stf elite. cure to be excact.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,194 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    broken1981 wrote: »
    really? you do know the borg can hit much harder at times. if every pvp'er could hit like that gg lmao
    I have no problem tanking Borg that setup I used would normal never die against Borg short of a lucky critical which I might even survive just. The thing with the borg is they hit hit hard every so often but have a gap letting you heal. For sure the Borg hit harder per shot but I am not sure Borg sustained DPS is as high as Escorts in PvP. That and you can stack up resistance against Borg weapons. EDIT: One 40% Kinetic resistance, One Plasma resistance and you should be mostly ok for PvE Borg.

    I am open to you helping me build a good energy DPS cruiser.
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Who ever said I was a DPS crusier? That was a heal/damage hybrid crusier running with high Aux for healing other people.I thought for a 125aux heal boat that was nice DPS I did.

    Anyway thank you for posting the numbers that makes far more sense and now I am happy. I was just concerned when in game you said mines did no damage and torpedoes did the most. That made me wonder if it was working correctly as my experience with parser is it doesn?t show cluster torpedoes which are my main damage.

    But like I said it?s not a 1v1 ship and who expects a PvE Engineer Cruiser to match DPS against a 1v1 Escort? I also bet a normal cruiser would never have got you down to 50% hull or lower.

    In PvE the targets are not fast with high defence so you do not get high miss chance. Shields go down fast so projectiles do double damage, well more than double damage as you have near 100% hit rate while in PvP not 80% ish I assumed I had against your defence. The ship is good at its role but it is no good at 1v1.

    Trying to get back on track my point still stands that high end PvE setups often do more DPS then high end PvP setups. Even if my ship sucks that is still true for the reasons stated about not needing to tank as much in PvE. Worst case you take the same PvP setup into PvE and match DPS, best case you lower tank and do more DPS in PvE as you need less tank. How can a PvP setup do more DPS then PvE? Either its the same or higher for PvE.

    EDIT:You also do not need to worry about ACC in PvE so can take far more Crit for overall more DPS.

    dude first off u did not get mav to 50% hp. that was me. i never used epts at all. i even took my defence way below what it would be at in pvp. i had my throttle so low just for u to get me down. and it seemed it took ages for that to happen. i even went in with omega. just so i dont get brog procs. i used gdf with full buffs. i even asked if i can come in with my engy oddy. mav used a gw just for kicks. i asked him why did he just not use tbr and he said he did not want to boost ur defence score lol.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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