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galr25 Arc User



  • Garak is the best reoccurring character in Star Trek and the Best Character in DS9. Please STO have him as the face of the Cardassian Half-Faction
  • Cardassians are the 4th faction if they make it to the game , don't expect it in 2014 though. When it comes it will be same format as Romulan faction no doubt. Still even though it might be only a demi faction I can't wait to be a true Cardassian not an alien one.
  • Fleet Polaron with the XII Dominion space set, get the normal polaron boast and the extra one as its a Galor.
  • Change it back and burn this farce of a new site.
  • Tier 5 Galor candidate: http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Damar_class An escort Candidate complete with a cloak: http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Gul_Vystan_class plus this: http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Sartan_class Plenty of ships to choose from or atleast be inspired by. It seems cloaks on cardie ships were quite…
  • Cardassian faction (in Romulan faction style as its only way they will be implemented) by 2015
  • A reason they have left Cardie content as only the galor is as they regret releasing that for a start and are holding it for the Cardassian Faction or demi-faction like the Romulan style faction set up. The current situation of Cardassian affairs fits perfect with the demi-faction concept. I just hope Garrak voiced by…
  • Just make him an unused Boff , not in landing party or ship officer slots, shuts up most of his antics.
  • Tovan is a set personality though , I propose more of a package , for example you could have personality packs from , positive personality, a dark personality, serious etc. Tovan to me just seemed like a stuck up pain in the neck which is why I don't use him., just don't like his character. Tovan however is a good starting…
  • I think a better angle would be more personality options for Boffs. For example voice packages and even more expression to be shown. That also goes for captains actually, its just something I always notice how hollow the players personal characters feel.
  • This is something i wrote on a cardassian faction thread a while ago, I stand by it :D. If a 4th faction comes it has to be the Cardassians, they are one of the big 4 races in territories and back story. Yes they have suffered a battering (30 years ago in game) but like the 'crippled' Romulans they have kept hold of most…
  • Dukat spent most of one of the DS9 series a good guy , when he had the Bird of prey and even got along with Kira and found his half Bajoran daughter etc.
  • A Borg faction would the worst idea ever even thought of in the entire star trek universe. FOR CARDASSIA!!!
  • He is meant to be a member of the new government on Cardassia (Detapa Council), If they bring in the Cardassian Faction (most likely in the same format as the Romulan faction) if they can get Andrew Robinson in to voice him I'm certain Garak would be the person you report to and if you ask me that would be epic. It might…
  • Yes weak handed you just keep arguing with nothing backing you up, people prove you wrong and you just won't take it. I live in Wales part of the United Kingdom, my closest town is in England, when i go in shops, I could pick up anything at a cut price, Games, Toys, Books, DVD's anything as there are shops who focus in…
  • I'm sorry you are entitled to your opinion but some of your arguments now seem to be very weak handed and some of you responses are clear gasps to get the last word as your defeated and can't think of a worth while reply. That or your trolling.
  • Well not really as anyone I know who has seen the new films has gone back and watch older films or if they have see ST on TV they have watched it and learn't the original universe a little. Yes not all have liked it some people just aren't clever enough to keep up with the deeper meanings in plots of TV ST, but most have…
  • In defence of "JJ trek" if it wasn't for 2009 and 2013 films Star Trek online would be the most significant voice in the star trek world and an online game has a a much smaller voice than a movie franchise. Also STO would not have as many members as new converts brought in by the new films wouldn't exist and many people…
  • Hate to quote myself but, (incase you didn't read before) your ship opinion fits with mine, and would be further expansion on it xD.
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • As a Tal Shire agent you could have mission options that are aimed at trying to turn a right hand man of D'tan or something. Apparently a 4 faction system is easier to implement than 3 someone I know who knows much much more about how games are out together than I.
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • Also the Narada's borgification and data collected at the Kelvin destruction site is meant to go to explain why in the JJ films the Fed appear to be more advanced in tech than in TOS.
  • Well said, Not to mention it would follow TV cannon.
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • This here is very similar to my relationship with STO :L though I do play PVE not even interested in PVP though. I Like the Feature episodes and the story content more. A Real Cardassian would be my main, even if it meant starting again. I have an 'alien' Cardassian as my KDF (I'll get stick but its because I didn't fancy…
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • I've also done this , however you can collect them on both sides and now Romulan too I'm guessing. Not sure I could just do with a pack now but if its play able Cardassian's with a pack of perks or nothing I would settle for that, though I don't think one of the main 4 factions should fully plunge into the Federation ,…
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • I don't think the Breen would be "user friendly" enough as the 'fridge' suits wouldn't be customisable enough. I'm abit bias though towards Cardassians in case you couldn't tell.
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • If a 4th faction comes it has to be the Cardassians, they are one of the big 4 races in territories and back story. Yes they have suffered a battering (30 years ago in game) but like the 'crippled' Romulans they have kept hold of most there territory , even if they have used the good will of the federation to do so.…
    in Cardassians Comment by galr25 June 2013
  • I didn't say it was a faction-less game I said you don't really notice you faction at end game and that we all have the same grind for Dil , EC and now marks , which is true. Seems to me that all you want to do is find anything to moan about and if you pay your subscription and that you are entitled to. I'm not syaing you…
  • Oh really it would suck if they keep it that way, even an option in the turbo lift and an area the size of the hanger deck on new Romulus would be enough for me, with the Boff and Doff people and maybe Obisek standing about. Ye I hope it does change.
  • There are a very little bits thrown in for Romulans, but yes they are re-used older missions in the one chapter of the Romulan missions, but playing the full set of Romulan missions is good and it's been done well. As for the missions after the Romulan story , where you do the True way saga and such , its clear less work…
  • I found them quite good and very refreshing making me want to jump more into the game again . Sure more than just I feel that way.