Unless you deliberately provoke someone they will leave you alone soon enough. It almost sounds like some of you are trying to "TRIBBLE n Run" finding out you cant, and getting flack back.
Start with taking the third tick from your tac abilities off and take all of coordination protocols instead. Builds are largely preference but It would hard to argue against this suggestion. I saw that and stopped there.
I'm bumping this. I can not understate how bad I want the rotary menus functioning the way they were at launch. This usability was pivotal in my decision to purchase an LTM on console. I was amazed how well the game played ported over to a control pad and in the very first patch all my awe was replaced by frustration.
I put something new in the old threat and ill put it here. (you should link this thread to the old ones) With the game launcher have you changed it from patching on the fly to fully patching before game launches? Answered in original thread. On demand patching is indeed off. Redirect here:…
Short of manually setting up your router.. run from start menu "cmd" Type these: Search for more info if so inclined, sometimes just flushing the DNS can work but I like to do it all: ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns
You can mute everybody. Provided you need not be quiet you can also do it the universal way where you leave game sound to main speakers and chat sound on headset then set the headset down. Or the quiet way of making your own chat room/channel PSN or XBL chat and staying in it yourself.
I know for sure that on PS4 after getting the last update, the one with admirality and crafting, all old tickets were closed. So definetly for your PS4 account (perhaps not limited to) you need to open a new ticket or put in a ticket to open your old ticket(s).
On one of my mains Stalker fighter shuttle I had ended up using the breen set and continue to do so. I plan on setting up the rest of my fed characters with this shuttle setup as a default. Science doff and tractor beam, Ship set to aux power normally.
*polishes tin hat I have to disagree with you Hypnotic beast. From my experience the more $ you spend on the game the lower the drop rate from boxes. After all I'm spending it anyway.
When I said .8 I meant .8% sry. I'm not saying .08 is right or wrong. I would however like to know how you end up with 10% less chance when I am apparently using 200% more. Sure you can show your work, what you are doing and why you are doing it is equally important. For the sake of conversation I'll assume your math is…
10% variance between our two numbers is significant. Now I'm really curious. Karma spans multiple lifetimes all cumulative. It has no basis here. The Op or anyone could just be earning it.