I've posted 2 discussions on the network side of the forums, nobody is helping so I'm gonna post here for more visability. I've been rubberbanding severely for the last 7 days. I've reset everything at least twice a day, my graphics appear fine and my tracerts and pathpings look like garbage. I can log on to my wife's laptop with no lag or rubberbanding which hasn't been updated in the last 7 months but everything on mine is current. I've limited it to the patchserver's port 80 as being the culprit. Here's the old thread
run from start menu "cmd"
Type these: Search for more info if so inclined, sometimes just flushing the DNS can work but I like to do it all:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
Answered in original thread.
On demand patching is indeed off.
Redirect here:
I'm confused here, you say your trace routes look like garbage, but you can play smoothly on your wifes laptop?
The trace route should be the same from both computers, you're both going into your router and then out to Cryptic so I would assume that if the laptop plays without lag but your computer doesn't then it must be a problem between your computer and your router. If the problem was between your router and Cryptic then it would effect both devices equally.
Does your computer connect wired to the router or wirelessly? What about the laptop? are they both connected the same way?
From the limited information I have it sounds to me like the problem is either a weak WiFi signal to your computer or a network or firewall issue.
make sure you're using the latest drivers for it.
hook yourself up via wire and turn off the wifi. run the traceroute & try playing for an hour
Well i upgraded my windows from win 7 to win 10 and since i upgraded ive had nothing but issues with lag, rubber banding and the list goes on, before i upgraded no issues everything ran smooth after a nightmare.
There have been problems with windows 10 upgrades
Just the opposite for me. I went from win8.1 to Win 10 and all the rubberbanding and disconnects in STO went away.
It started last week on Friday, the same day that update came out. I also tried to hook up an ethernet cable to the modem directly but the cord was about 5 feet short lol, back to the store tomorrow
Does the signal get through or has someone a wifi channel close to the one in use by you. If it is the strength of the wifi signal then an extender can provide respite.
As to finding the optimal wifi channel:
Both are pretty basic, but i have noticed that they are also one of the first things people overlook.
If they are both wifi, one thing I'd want to know is if they are in the same room. If they are in seperate rooms, is the one that's having trouble near any large metal objects (Filing cabnets, etc.). Sometime key wall supports are metal. These will ruin wifi signals if not eliminate them. Also, a large number of heavy speaker type magnets between the source and your comp can do the same thing, though less likely.
Can't think of any other blockers for wifi, though they're usually so obvious you don't even notice them. For instance, high voltage lines running between the source and your laptop can kill the signal completely (but why you'd try this I don't know).
To fix this kind of issue, invest in a signal booster.
My character Tsin'xing
Could be that your wife did some redecorating or simply moved something.
Other possibilities would be someone in the neighborhood installing wifi and using the same channel thus causing interference.
Sometimes even the weather can cause problems (certain types of weather cause ionization).
Anyway, glad the hardline solved the issue.
My character Tsin'xing
Check wall for leakage.
B.t.w if the rubber bands return you may want to call the experts:
Another possible culprit for stealth bandwidth usage is windows update - even if you specify a "update/restart" time window when your system can process updates if it is idle this is ignored when it comes to checking and downloading updates. Open the settings window via the "gear" on start menu, open updates and security, under the update settings there is an advanced options link, open this and check the defer future updates box. You now have to manually check for major updates (or you can restore it when not playing games or performing other important tasks) but at least win update shouldn't try to download any huge updates whilst you are otherwise engaged.
Glad that worked for you.
I had a similar problem a while back with my laptop and it turned out to be an outdated driver for my WiFi card. I went to the manufacturers site and downloaded an updated WiFi Driver and have been rock solid ever since. Have a look and see if you can get a newer driver. Heck, even try an older one.. you never know.