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enyinaya Arc User



  • Tribble is back on for character transfer, test first before critizing the revamp to oblivion.
  • Without a Delta Recruit, my long standing Betazoid Science Captain (still Level 59) with his humble Intrepid class starship fielded with numerous science bridge officers to utillize the many science powers that are available (some nerfed or put into a console and resold) will be able to stand against the Iconians in the…
  • Ahaha! Are you serious? Hu huahahah! *chugs another popcorn and continues reading* Oops dropped some...quick, pick them up, 5 second rule!
  • Many new powers, traits, console, weapon effects are based on the exotic effects of science bridge officer abilities. Not many people fly dedicated science ships so why not take these abilities and put them in consoles or whatever, so that any Captain can deploy these effects with any ship class. I am not saying they…
  • It is amazing what people spit out from thier brains through thier keyboards and then into cyberspace. Dear Lord! Why can't you people just congratulate someone who got a promotion in his job and hope that he or she is able to deliver a job well done in times to come. It is only a game, if you do not like what has been…
  • Please I would like to purchase the Interiors, if possible seperately. I missed the interior bundle but already have all the other ships. Had to purchase the Pathfinder alone when I could not finde the bundle on my list. Also, When is the Fleet Version of the Pathfinder or in general T6 fleet ships coming out?
  • Thank you for the addition. Now I can fly my Fleet Intrepid and wait for the T6 Fleet Version, do not want to level the current T6 Intrepid as I would rather wait for the Fleet Version. I would have however loved these Secondary deflectors to mainly boost science powers rather than just do radiation damage on the target. I…
  • Many of us still have so many Expertise banked for playing mainly one characters, wish we can convert them to specialization points, the reason being that as you fly your ship for a very long time you get to be more specialized in its abilities. I have 8 million expertise still to spend on my main character and wonder what…
  • Who said Pilot Specialization is not science specific? I think not. My main character flies a Voyager build that relies on speed for defense and finally I can imagine having Tom Paris on the helm. I have tried the updates on Tribble and the new grahpic effects your ship performs when your aft shields are fired upon is so…
  • I was wondering what the defence against this ships could be with the skill we now have on our skill tree. Say I want to drag my T5-U into PVP what skills will increase resistance to being intelligently scanned, perhaps increase the time it takes to exploit and debuff, and then also decreases the time of the exploit debuff…
  • they have also increased the hull points of NPC ships, at elite difficulty a Galor Cruiser in the Trellius Satellite Repair Mission had more than 800K hull points in Trible, compared to 129K points now on Holodeck with same elite difficulty. Seems killing ships will take longer however, killing one of those ships grants…
  • If you have not played a mission, try one. NPC Hull points have increased dramatically. A galor Cruiser in the Triellus (Spelling) sattellite scan mission had more 800k Hull points. Took my low DPS Intrepid a very long time unlike what i normally have experienced to kill it. Edit: that was in elite difficulty.
    in Confused Comment by enyinaya August 2014
  • Please whatever you do for upgrades, do not add unremovable cannon weapon slots for the Intrepid Class, like you did for the Dyson C-Store Ship. I really wanted to use that ship for at least the implementation of the Secondary deflector, but hated the inbuilt cannon weapon and boff layout for a dedicated science vessel.…
  • I have been away from STO. Enjoying my time in ESO. Reading the recent patch notes and seeing my beloved exploration mission clusters shutdown will keep me away longer. An update would have been better. All you needed to do is update scan anomalies to drop the new crafting materials. I think anyway. My Lifetime membership…
  • This Torvan Kev you guys speak of must be really be that bad huh! In fact, I am now tempted to find out more what happened to him at the end. I have not completed the Romulan Story mission. Tomulan character at level 9, now at the point of choosing sides. Yes! Blasphemy! I do not do alts well and with the little time I now…
  • I wonder how many unique player post are in this discussion. Whatever it is, make that +1. Like I quoted another player earlier, i say the same again. Let current players have all the passives and actives they have earned so far. Then from now on you can put fic the limit to that number. That is, we currently have 4…
  • This, I think, is the way forward. Let old players keep thier current powers but in future will be limited on how many passived they can get.
  • It is not only the grind that is the problem. End game is just too repetitive for many of us who have maxed out characters. More like stock rotation and slider syndrome! Why wont they increase it so that it takes time to rinse and repeat before completion, and so we do not cry there is nothing to do. I remember the joy of…
  • In regards to my question about ARC remaining open after launching a game, thank you very much Dezstravus for your time and effort in answering this and all other questions. Seems it will eventually be inevitable in the future for gaming companies to have Steam'like software for thier games. To quote a Ferengi: Rule of…
  • Dear Dezstravus, I have read through these posts page by page and I can see many of the questions that I do have asked. Some answered. Others not yet, given that it takes energy to do all these. However, it seems to me that you are evading this very question: -> Will there be an option to absolutely and completely shut…
  • Really enjoyed the following -the Bridge -the cutscenes -Dialogue and animations, ie when you salute the Captain without having to do the emote yourself I did not like that I have to move around to speak to the other graduating Cadets. Perhaps you can add them all in the same room just outside the Captains office where you…
  • Come to think of it, someone might have mentioned this before, but I sense Ship Interior Reputation Projects that cost Dilithium in the near future.
  • I think the important feature of GW is the pull and slow ability not only the damage. Slowing your enemy increases your accuracy on them. Imagine having weapons with [ACC]x3 +Tactical console and skills+ the high Targetting skill+ other slow down abilities, this might make GW very powerful overall if they only focus on…
  • Why would they make a science heavy ship when we have been complaining that science BOFF powers have been nerfed to oblivion. Perhaps, it is because the singularity mechanic are in many ways "sciencey", if I may say. So making a science heavy ship might make an OP ship or it will just cause diruption in the singularity…
  • Thanks for all your time in the update. Good ship...for some player out there. Will not be getting one unfortunately, though that does not make any difference overall. Still love my Intrepid. Edit: On the otherhand, I do remember Voyager was able to launch the Delta Flyer to assist in combat situations. Hint Hint!
  • I am among those waiting for fixes for science powers. Thank you.
  • Dear DStahl, I am glad the contents in the Voyager series is getting some love. Thank you. Few words, yes, but it means much to me as a player because Voyager is my favourite series. As I hate to say thanks and then complain, I will say sorry first but I feel I must voice my disagreement on how you have somewhat neglected…
  • Thank you Cryptic. :)
  • Thank you very much. First item that I did not have before. :)
  • Board Meeting Summary 101 Item 1: We have lifetime and normal subscribers that accumulate ZEN on a monthly basis. Items on the ZEN store become relatively free for Lifetime members after a while. Action 1: We will implement Lock Boxes as a solution so the probability of getting these items is between 0 and 1 encouraging…