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dStahl Talks Voyager



  • berrycolaberrycola Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Year of Hell 1/2 were great episodes with the Krenim so they got my vote.

    *spoiler alert*

    If I remember correctly at the very end we saw the Krenim Captain designing his species/time erasing ship again so there's plenty of canon to bring it back as a boss type ship.
  • spencereldenspencerelden Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It seems that the easiest solution for the DQ conundrum is transwarp gates. if transwarp wasn't the solution; the DQ would have to be a stand alone expansion and they tend not to work too well in an MMO. If it was a stand alone expansion, characters created for that expansion wouldn't be able to take part in the end game content from the main game and the player base would be much too small to make having it's own separate STFs viable.

    Maybe it could be a stand alone expansion up to the point of end game, where VA equivalent characters of whatever species are playable are able to access transwarp gateways to travel to Fed/KDF space and join the end game content there.

    P.S. Don't make Borg playable. How would that work for a species with no individuality?
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In the two part "unimatrix Zero" episode the voyager crew aided a group of Borg drones that retained their individuality while regenerating. At the end of the episode an unknown amount of drones wee free of the collective and started a civil war against the queen.

    For STO, it would be an easy matter to pick up on that storyline and expand on it, allowing not only a playable Borg Faction, but also for those liberated Borg to return to the Alpha/Beta Quadrants and share transwarp technology with the Feds, KDF, and Roms. This would allow players of all factions to visit the Delta Quadrant but could also set up alliances and conflicts there as well. The Borg having suffered numerous losses against the "Liberated Borg Confederacy" (couldn't think of anything better right now) begin an aggressive new assimilation campaign which would better explain why they are in the alpha/delta quadrants in such large numbers.

    Fed players could ally with the Liberated Borg and other Delta quadrant species against the Borg, even improving relations with the Undine now that they see the Federation are actively fighting the Borg. Klingon players could ally with the the liberated Borg or decide to ally with the Krenim or other technically advanced "Empire species" in hopes of defeating the Borg and then conquering their allies. That just leaves the Romulans, who as always will continue to do whatever is in their best interest at that moment, allowing for alliances to be formed and broken pretty much at will, perhaps even allying with the Borg Collective in hopes of saving the Romulan race from assimilation once and for all.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    this whole idea depends on what part of the delta quadrant the sto team wants to give to us to explore.

    as for the voth though thats a puzzling example, the voth refuse to accept the fact they are evoloved dinosaurs that escaped from earth on their own made ships and that humans and dinosaurs have a common genetic background to each other. to find the voth suddently confronted by more humans, it would probably bring an unstable element to their society considering the last scientist was forced to recant his whole research. hopefully the storyline will make some sense as to reestablishing contact between the species as both sides have history and data on each other.

    so mentioned at the start depending where in the delta quadrant one can explore, the kazon are right at the edge of the delta quadrant not far from the gamma quadrant and typically there can be any number of sects fighting each other not to forget the trabe. if the we explore near the beta quadrant inside the delta quadrant, the chances are you may find hirogen, devore and tallaxians but kazon? no chance.

    the devore are very likely to appear, they are not far from the krenim or the beta quadrant either. as that is likely i can see the krenim making their way in, however what threat they represent after the timeship was destroyed and altered the timeline? unknown, not even sure annorax gave up his time research.

    The Viidans have probably shrank even further as their empire dwindles due to the phage. and if there was stories brought to sto with the viidans my guess it would involve klingons due to the obsession to during the deadly disease. and what about the doctors old flame?

    Malon? they are not interested in anything besides their own interests if their captains of these garbage theta bucket ships are concerned. but then again potential trading is good for them and i have the feeling they would get along with ferengi and business dealings... along with new ways of disposing their cargo holds.

    the hierachy is a puzzling one, mostly because there is very little to go on, their entire empire is built on being covert, they never act unless their leaders tell them to. i cant see them applying up with anyone but the tal-shiar romulan forces and being fore hire klingon agents spying on federation interests and romulan interests alike.

    but now one race has been ignored, the borg, just how far have they spread in the last half a decade? do the kazon and viidans even exist or the borg taken them as drones. and just because the borg failed to see the value in them back then during voyager doesnt mean they are lacking interest in more drones due to the hit they took with voyager at the end, trillions dead thanks to the ever reckless janeway.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Voted Krenim. The rest don't really interest me.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whichever faction comes with PVP UPGRADES AND CONTENT. Count me in :)

    Despite the obvious work that would be involved, i'd like to see maybe three of the above factions on offer for our existing ones to buddy up with. That would then open whatever they have for us to play. That could maybe do that so a faction got one group, or make it fleet chooseable. Give us say a fleet holding in the Dlta Quad with a big ship-sized slingshot And we as a fleet then choose the group we want to be associated with.

    We get to feel like we're making the game our own.
    We get a new fleet holding to foster access to the new sectors.
    The penny-pinchers at PWE get their pounds of fleetholding flesh.
    A mixed rep system that caters to all three groups. Maybe a space/ground set for each group with improved versions at the holding.
    3 new ships to lockbox and throw out, one per group.
    Tempts more and more oeople into joining fleets. It is an MMO, after all.

    BUT STAHL! The PVP forums are FULL of your personal guarrenties that PVP was going to be a major factor in seasons 8 & 9. You guys must be very busy, not that you'd lie to us, qgain. Would you?
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    OK so somehow I missed the first poll on what to vote on because ds9 would have been my choice...

    why...its feasibly possible, the wormhole is there done no issue of trying to figure out how to get people back and forth...and I wanted playable vorta, infact....we actually still don't have as much info about the gamma quad as we do the delta quad but...its too late now....unless we fire up the delorean and save the clock tower

    ok so to start with...if you want to get more voyager in the game the first thing to do is...
    get the replicators to make PLAIN HOT TOMATO SOUP!

    next you said we should focus on some characters from that show...k
    Janeway -hmm nope idiot captain that got half her crew killed and ship lost in the first episode and totally had to rely on everyone else to save her TRIBBLE

    Chakotay....kind of a boring character don't think anyone actually cares to know what happened to him but that's imo...

    Seven- shes whatever her name is now working with geordi last I recall in our 2409 path

    Harry....maybe he invented something new dunno

    Tom...retired wrote some books raised his kid to serve on the uss kirk

    Bologna er B'ellana er whatever..../shrug

    Kes (she should be dead they only live 7 years)

    Neelix...interloped with JarJar Binks and had a child named Justin Bieber

    Tuvok...went to serve on the Titan than dunno...way too Vulcan for my taste

    I think a cross of harry and geordi and seven making something to get players there and back is the best possible solution (since were not going with a more obvious already established stable wormhole...sorry cardasians you guys get playable faction 2017)

  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    One thought about the idea of moving between the Delta Quadrant and the main STO campaign areas is that it is impossible to 'strand' characters in the Delta Quadrant the way that Voyager was without making a lot of people very angry about it.

    They would have to disable everyones' Transwarp powers, for one thing. Two, they'd cut players off from the major social areas and logically services like Mail, Bank, and Exchange.

    If they didn't do those things and didn't provide a rationale for faster travel, you'd have players popping back and forth from here to there and destroy any sense of distance, isolation, continuity, and immersion.

    I tend to agree that the DQ as well as the GQ would be excellent excuses for expanding STO's exploration system. It would also be a good excuse to build a commodity trading system for those who like that kind of thing. The only rationales they really need for either quadrant are the subspace corridors and the wormhole.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    My two cents, but should the Ocampa be added to the game, especially as a playable race, could we please have some form of the powers that Kess wound up getting? Also, from what I remember she went back to her people, and with her being as angry as she was, it might not be unreasonable to believe they've all become like her for whatever reason.

    Another reason for them, it was implied the caretaker was looking after their needs, so as he passed away they'd have had to fend for themselves (their own starships, maybe genetic engineering to increase their lifespan or even enhance their powers?)

    As a playable species they'd be awesome, so long as we have powers, but having said that we couldn't have ship-wrecking Ocampa. But having said that, implying people could pilot a Borg Cube about (doubtful but still) the Ocampa might be the ones to keep it balanced. Certainly make it a good plot twist.

    Ball is in your park devs, don't disappoint, I love the Ocampa :D
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    OK, I voted Krenim. Interesting to see an expansion into chroniton technology.

    Really wanted the Vaadwaur. Someone mentioned it earlier, the sub-space corridors were nice.

    I read the blog by Dan... and when I read about possibly giving players Borg ships or Undine ships.... ahhhh.... NO!

    That would ruin the entire game. Why on earth would you give the player base ships of this type?

    1. They have the potential to be completely overpowering. Discounting PvP, but PvE and such, they would outclass everything in game.

    2. Aren't they like the main adversaries for the players? Why would we have these? Components, OK I can see, but entire ships... no thanks.

    3. This is just for the Borg idea... but how can we command a ship that doesn't even have a bridge? Cubes are huge, multifaceted constructs with multiple redundancies. This is not a feasible idea... sorry.

    As far as getting there, we are already almost there. The Hirogen network is at the edge of Romulan space, and we go there quite easily... so what's the big deal?

    There were a number of good ideas posted about using transwarp, slipstream and the such... but getting stuck there... not a good idea.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So long as none of it ends up in a lockbox, I do not mind what you bring into sto from Voyager.

    It would be so nice to get back to Star Treking again....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm going to say the Krenim.

    I feel they have potential, not just as an NPC-race, but when it comes time to introduce Delta Quad races for Player Characters, the Krenim have a little something for everyone.

    They can be peaceful, scientific types or ruthless pragmatists willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their race's survival and supremacy...

    In different versions of the timeline, they were seen attacking at the slightest provacation and warning Voyager off a contested area of space.

    Their reason for involvement with A/B Quad species is a simple deduction - at the end of 'Year of Hell', the scientist/captain guy is seen still having designed the Anti-Time Weapon/Ship... with all the time travel and dimension hopping (Devidians, Klingons, Borg, Tholians... quite a list, just in STO), it isn't hard to believe that they might end up getting involved.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • synthscanner#2101 synthscanner Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    The Kazon? Not a real threat.
    The Krenim? After the destruction of their ship - nothing interesting.
    The Malon? Nothing exciting about garbage scows.
    The Devore? They isolate themselves and I don't see a reason why we would want to go there.

    The Vidiian?
    The Hierarchy?
    Those two I would like to see. Vidiians are interesting because they have to take extreme measures just to survive. The Hierarchy seems to be a formidable opponent which we only got a glimpse of in Voyager.

    I went with Hierarchy but it was a tough choice between the two.

    I mostly agree, sound logic... I'll add that we know a lot about the Vidiians but very little about the Hierarchy, which means Cryptic's writers can come in and give us a new take on something canon BUT I HONESTLY don't have any interest in the Hierarchy. I think they're a very simple species who are on about the same level as the Deferi but with completely different motives, they just look worse and have more advanced tech.

    Save for the excuse that the Vidiians could have been cured, they do make for a fascinating and terrifying species. Again, simple motives and with Starfleet's diplomacy and medical advances I'm sure the threat could be easily eliminated.

    At the end of VOY, Episode 4x08 "Year of Hell", military temporal scientist Annorax was working on another Krenim temporal weapon ship, which would easily allow Cryptic to bring them into STO. Then again all we need are temporal shields and, well that's it, end of Krenim story arc...

    Tough poll...

    However I believe that the Krenim have the best looking weapon ship and I would love to see it in game. Also, I beleieve STO's writer/s could make it work.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm sorry to say that, but i still can't see anything interesting with Voyager content in STO.
    By PWE_BranFlakes
    Here are the results of that poll as of today:

    Enterprise ? 409
    The Original Series ? 198
    The Next Generation ? 371
    Deep Space Nine ? 474
    Voyager ? 1,216

    You have overwhelming voted for more Star Trek: Voyager. As I read through the forum post after the poll, there were many great points made about how each of these series has something to offer the future of STO. Yet, I have to admit that I?m personally excited to see the majority of you thinking about all that the Delta Quadrant has to offer.
    I am sure he would have been just as exited about any other result...
    Seriously, i haven't seen any good point speaking for voyager content at all, and i am not sure what to think about the result anyway.

    To be honest i can't see anything interesting about the species of the new poll.
    I just don't care about any of them, so i didn't vote at all.
    By PWE_BranFlakes
    there were many great points made about how each of these series has something to offer the future of STO
    Like finally reworking the Galaxy Class from being the worst ship in the game into a actually useful and versatile ship, like releasing: dontdrunkimshoots enhanced exploration cruiser retrofit 3 pack?

    I am sorry to sound always so negative, but as long as one of the most iconic and best documented ships of Star Trek keeps being the worst ship in STO, i can't belive them to care about what we (the players) think.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • captspencer74captspencer74 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have an idea on how to introduce the Delta Quadrant to the game. Start with receiving a hyper-subspace communique from Neelix. Then add through a mission a transwarp destination to a point in the Delta Quadrant, and from there run with the ball.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ocampa playable? doubt it very much, the last time they were seen was on their homeworld, the energy they have would last 5 years and then they would be forced to the surface. but with the kazon around?? anyones guess.

    the next ocampa colony with that smaller caretaker spacestation. even these ocampa didnt know what to do with themselves.

    they only live at most 10 years on average and to be honest they been trying to forget their own ways in some form or another. the idea of just allying with the federation is just not feasible. it would be more likely the brunali or norkadian would be better allies then you could get from the ocampa.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • munrothadiusmunrothadius Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please please please let this season come with a Voyager interior, and maybe a more combat savy intrepid! After all Voyager handled that baddest of bad in the delta quadrant and survived to tell the tale!
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    rrincy wrote: »
    yeah , most people seem to conveniently forget that slipstream drive gets you there no problem , hell , they did it in the books so why cant it work in sto

    Because in STO slipstream stops working every time you jump to another sector block. :D
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Since this game launched I have been waiting for the day we get to venture back to the Delta Quadrant, trace back the footsteps of Voyager...

    Re-establish contact and re-affirm alliances with allies; try and mend relationships with species Voyager did not strike peace with.

    So firstly no new faction... This would require a lot of Dev time which could be put to making a great story, exploration content of the existing factions to play into the Delta Quadrant.

    Secondly I think you should have new sector space sections going north of the map with breaks in between. Each sector space map be long rectangular sections like Sirius and Regulus sector blocks.

    Each sector map would represent significant plot lines, species, stories of Voyager. So the furthest sector map would be Ocumpa, Kazon, Vadian, the 37's etc, then a couple of sector blocks closer to the Alpha Quadrant we would have a whole sector block dedicated to Borg space. Another could be the Kremin and the Year of Hell, another Hirogen etc list of sector maps and associated plot lines and species etc goes on and on.

    We have slip stream drive, so the movement to the Delta Quadrant is do-able.

    I think you could only progress to the next sector block towards the delta quadrant by....

    a) completing all story content in that block and;
    b) completing tier one of an associated reputation;

    Then next sector block again you can not move on without...

    a) completing all story content and completing Tier 2 of associated Reputation

    Or you could do this in reverse...

    Find that the Dyson Sphere is is on the far side of the Delta Quadrant near Ocumpa and you have to do the above to reach back to the Alpha Quadrant.

    But overall, please no new faction more story missions and content for all three factions to play and enjoy. :)
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please please please let this season come with a Voyager interior, and maybe a more combat savy intrepid! After all Voyager handled that baddest of bad in the delta quadrant and survived to tell the tale!

    mostly by sheer luck.

    lets not forget the arrogance displayed by janeway that allowed the kazon to take voyager, paris had to work his own unique strategy on seska to save the ship.

    voyager was almost held to ransom by the borg as well, it was only by some fluke of old intelligence that janeway and her crew was spared from assimilation before stealing 7 of 9 from the collective.

    the hirogen took voyager as a trophy of the hunt and forced some of the crew into a holodeck simulation for hours at a time. again if it wasnt for the doctor engineering a way out of the problem the ship would of remained in hirogen hands.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm personally of the mind that Voyager was the worst Trek series, however, it makes sense for the loose threads from the series to be explored. The other series have had all their species and territories explored in STO for the most part.

    However, I think the storyline involving the Iconians needs to be resolved or at least touched upon a lot more before we start venturing into the Delta Quadrant. While I understand that we can weave the Iconians into the story there, it just seems a bad move to add more elements to the game without providing some sense of closure to what has come before.

    Also remember that the Vidiian Phage was cured, so I doubt they'd be hostile any longer. Crazy Janeway didn't make very many friends, so there's plenty of other enemies to choose from.

    And even though most of the other series have been touched on more than Voyager, I'd like to see a continuation of the Temporal Cold war and/or revisit the Sphere Builders from Enterprise. Voyager had it's 7 years and squandered it, and had no loose ends that I feel was relevant to the rest of the Star Trek universe. Enterprise was cheated out of having as long of a run and deserves some followups in STO. I was happy to see the Suliban in Legacy of Romulus, but lets see the Xindi and the Sphere Builders, and let's find out who Future Guy is.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    I'm personally of the mind that Voyager was the worst Trek series, however, it makes sense for the loose threads from the series to be explored. The other series have had all their species and territories explored in STO for the most part.

    However, I think the storyline involving the Iconians needs to be resolved or at least touched upon a lot more before we start venturing into the Delta Quadrant. While I understand that we can weave the Iconians into the story there, it just seems a bad move to add more elements to the game without providing some sense of closure to what has come before.

    Also remember that the Vidiian Phage was cured, so I doubt they'd be hostile any longer. Crazy Janeway didn't make very many friends, so there's plenty of other enemies to choose from.

    And even though most of the other series have been touched on more than Voyager, I'd like to see a continuation of the Temporal Cold war and/or revisit the Sphere Builders from Enterprise. Voyager had it's 7 years and squandered it, and had no loose ends that I feel was relevant to the rest of the Star Trek universe. Enterprise was cheated out of having as long of a run and deserves some followups in STO. I was happy to see the Suliban in Legacy of Romulus, but lets see the Xindi and the Sphere Builders, and let's find out who Future Guy is.

    the phage wasnt cured.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • enyinayaenyinaya Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Dear DStahl,

    I am glad the contents in the Voyager series is getting some love. Thank you. Few words, yes, but it means much to me as a player because Voyager is my favourite series.

    As I hate to say thanks and then complain, I will say sorry first but I feel I must voice my disagreement on how you have somewhat neglected strategic and tactical combat where all three classes (Science, Engineer and Tactical Captains) can have well defined roles and work together to achieve goals in PVE. It seems the only place this can be achieved is premade PVP Teams where min/max is involved. Nowadays, DPS wins the day and on top of that an escort vessell comes out unscathed.

    I do not want you to make Escorts squishy, I am just pointint it out as an example. I may not have seen a Nebula in Deep Space Nine throwing a harzard emitters to the Defiant, but am sure that in such a battle, there will be support ships with, lets say a point defense gun assisting the Defiant by taking out warheads or fighters aimed at it. So in other words, I hate it when I am relaxed in my Crowd Control or Support Role, I become a liability in a team on elite missions because I do not have enough DPS. And even at that, my healing support is likely not needed or my Crowd control abilities is nerfed so badly that I may have to use very rare lock box consoles to be competitive. Trust me, I do not think it is bad noob player skill. I am well enough good at building ships and skilling my captains in specific roles. Unfortunately, Science Captains lose many of thier roles in this current build on PVE Team play.

    Please, revamp the Exploration system and the Crafting System. Replacing the exploration clusters with the foundry system is not good in my opinion.

    While you are also bringing in new starships, please do not forget to update the Intrepid Class as it was that ship that set the stage into the Delta Quadrant. Please no Lock Boxes, am sorry I do not like them. My Lifetime membership is enough gamble for the life of this game but I will buy many things put in the CStore to continue supporting the game so that I can continue to enjoy it.

    Lastly, I like the Devore and think they will make a good story missions given thier dislike on aliens and telepaths. They could pose a resistance to stop exploration of the Delta Quadrant. Such encounter will bring both conflict and perhaps difficulties in establishing diplomatic talks to in persuading them to not distrust telepaths like myself. (Eyes his Betazoid main character). Just saying ;)
    This are empty!
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Two Words:

    Krenim Timeship.

    Also Hierarchy LOL.
  • shadowmane20001shadowmane20001 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Khazon could be come a real thorn in the side of the Federation. Possible allied Race for the Klingon Defense Force. The Khazon was always after the advanced Technology on Voyager.

    I could see the Romulan Republic being unwilling to trade, because they have limited resources which earns then instant animosity (or at least refusing to trade them advanced technology)

    The Klingons seeing their... violent culture sees an ally. Give them equipment, technology, and in return simply ask them to join their fight against the Federation. I can see the Khazon being a Race playable for a KDF captain in command of a KDF ship. Or perhaps as a c-store Race like the Ferasans.

    Maybe even special Klingon missions where the Klingons go through the needed evil of diplomacy, to secure their allegiance such as salvage Rights in KDF space. Baring those ships which would be in need of destruction. Or to protect technology. There are a number of deep space missions where you are sent aboard a klingon ship to secure/destroy classified technology... instead of destroying the vessel.

    The Federation of course could be sent into handle a threat before it become serious could be one of the search and destroy missions, such as destroying technology. There are numbers of Khazon sects as well, some of these sects might desire to simply take the technology they want, refusing the alliance, took a lot of effort just to get all the sect leaders to a meeting with Janeway.

    Which was sabotaged by the Trabe, and those sects might still harbor resentment. I know at least the Kazon-Nistrim would hold seriously hard feelings against Janeway's Federation. As a male dominated society, the idea of being.... out smarted and defeated by a Woman... unforgivable.

    The Kazon-Nistrim might even go as far as to try and hunt Janeway down in her old age which could give one heck of a reason to bring her into the Jane as a voice actor!

    If carefully managed the Khazon could be a great story arc.
  • redshirtthefirstredshirtthefirst Member Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Vidiians would be awesome...
    Server not responding (1701 s)
  • mscowboymscowboy Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Instead of limiting yourselves to the government and ships of just one of these races, have you considered introducing a coalition of them? A delta quadrant counterpart to the federation of the alpha quadrant, in the same way that the dominion was the gamma quadrant's federation. It's not hard to imagine many of these people joining forces to defend themselves against the borg, considering the much greater borg presence there.
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The only way I can see any exploration to the delta quadrant with 2-way travel with out too much delay is if we were to hijack another borg transwarp hub (Risky) or if they had expanded the pathfinder project to create a larger enough wormhole to get more then communications through and get a construction crew on the other side with a second MIDAS array on the other side to help with the requirements. I think it would be interesting if they managed to use the first dysons sphere that they found as a way to harness enough power to create a wormhole that size.

    Or all of that is rambling crazy talk.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mscowboy wrote: »
    Instead of limiting yourselves to the government and ships of just one of these races, have you considered introducing a coalition of them? A delta quadrant counterpart to the federation of the alpha quadrant, in the same way that the dominion was the gamma quadrant's federation. It's not hard to imagine many of these people joining forces to defend themselves against the borg, considering the much greater borg presence there.

    the problem with this is that the gamma quadrant federation is a pact forced by inimidation and fear of the dominion, serve or die. if these races had a chance they would jump out of that dominion bed. its the same with the delta quadrant, the kazon in an alliance with the hierachy? haha! both of them would stab each other in the back before any potential allince ever kicked off. too many races mired in their own concerns. unlike the alpha quadrant where species value connections, out in the delta quadrant its "mind your own business".
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Regrettably, the staff could not see past the rampant Seven of Nine fanboyism of the last poll.

    Back to topic:
    Vidiians is a BAD idea. They were "hand-waved" out of the Voyager plot by having the think tank cure the phage.

    If we want to expand into the Delta Quafrant, then the FED/KDF War needs to end, and the Iconians need to be shown in the DQ as well.

    seven of nine :o:D;):cool:

    back to topic:
    the war technically doesn't need to end but rather we need to move to 2410 and enter a "cold war" in which both the federation and the klingon would both start to behave imperialistic. using transwarp conduits they both have their to gain access to the delta quadrant and much like the Imperialism that took place during the 18th century the fedeation and the klingons will try and gain as much of the newly found territory as they can. but since they are in a state of cold war it means that simmular to the nuclear arms race that took place between the USA and russia both parties will wan't to constantly outdo the other. if the klingons annex a planet the federation must colonize one that has better resources and when a delta quadrant species allies whit (or joins) the federation the klingons must subjugate/recruit a stronger species. the race is on!

    allong that line i would say that each faction must get one additional playable species and additional one boff species from the delta quadrant.
    fedration: playable talaxians and ocampa doff's (both are self explanatory)
    klinons: playable kazon(their aggressive tendencies make them perfect) and ??? dofs
    romulans: playable vidian (buildin them self's up after the devastating phage will make the romulan republic seem kindred spirits) and hirogen boffs (these hunters are not trusted enough for command but if they want to tag along for their own reason the republic will not deny them)

    I voted for the krenim myself. year of hell is among my favorite voyager episodes and i'd love to see a featured episode that puts my captain through a similar ordeal that voyager was put through during these episodes. the culminating space battle can even be added to the group missions where you will take on a timeship whit a (5-man) group.
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
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