I'm having the exact same issue, 2 Fed captains stuck in Sol, a KDF stuck in a Delta Quadrant mission, and my 4th fed captain is OK in sector space atm, but I'm scared to go anywhere!
My main isn't affected, and I've been using that character since day one of console release....My alts on the other hand, are borked! I really don't want to delete my alts, I've got too much exp, done too many Doff missions, and I have 16,000 dilith to process!
My main can wear beach wear, and off duty. My alt Fed, and KDF Rom cannot wear any...I go to select an off duty outfit, and it changes it in to a uniform. I submitted a ticket, but had no reply. I have 550zen I got from Dilith grinding,and I want the formal clothes...seems a waste if only one toon can wear it.
My Romulan cannot advance past the last mission on Nimbus...I go to orbit, and I cannot answer the third hail! http://i1320.photobucket.com/albums/u521/CrashdownBSG81/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_b5b13510-c95e-4c7d-8006-168573771395_zpsx8ilclye.png