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cassamiroth Arc User



  • As one who still frequently plays a Gorn KDF Science Officer, who flies a T5-U Varanus, I gotta say... the lack of T6 science vessals is unfortunate, but it really does nothing to impede the fun of playing a big hulking gorn that can set fire to everything, health tank or heal his allies and, in space, do much the same…
  • Seconded, my big hulking gorn need obnoxious shirts. Also, the scuba diving, make it a new gimmick to add to some episodes. Could even just rip off the floater mechanics if they had to. I don't really expect them to impliment a whole new mechanic like that, but it's nice to dream. The shirts though should be totally…
  • Really, the whole low level experience is a lot of fun. Feels like we're actually flying these ships and being somewhat tactical about our engagements, rather than fly in(cloaked or otherwise), then just unload and vaporize everyone. I've been flying with another group of both vets and newbies. Even though we can easily…
  • Odds are... no. They may release new cruisers, with similar boff station distributions, but an actual T6 Excelsior, is unlikely, in my opinion. I'm certain others will ramble about the IP and consistency and whether they're even allowed to upgrade it... but I wouldn't count on it. That said, those T6 command cruisers have…
  • Medical expertise aside... they've demonstrated a lack of experience and competence, with technology and combat. I would pose that putting them out of the main combat areas in a theatre of operations is also a wise choice.
  • I've been playing the new content for the last three days, and by content, I mean the story missions and the battlezone, I had fun, there were ups and downs, especially involving some shenanigans with the new starship traits and the usual new release bugs, goes without saying really. First thing though, the quality of the…
  • I bought the Varanus ages ago and rather enjoy it myself. While I'd much rather fly a Vo'Quv(mirror or otherwise), the better turning and superior healing and support capabilities of a Varanus keep me coming back to it. Between the platform and the volume of science powers... it offers something that you just can't get an…
  • Well, if you've got a high enough fleet with it unlocked you can just go to your Fleet Starbase for boff training. That said, for those not so fortunate, it is kind of inconvenient. I can understand why they wouldn't put the trainers in mixed social zones... sort of, but I'd kind of liked to have seen both the R&D guy and…
  • Hey now, the federation was working on PHASE cloaking last we heard. So why give them battle cloaks, let's just give them the ability to literally climb out of the woodworks! That makes sense, right? :p
  • I dunno, I found the low tier ships to be much more involving than the high tier ships due to each individual shot being more important at low level. The volume of firepower and abilities being spammed at high level is what makes being more involved with a ship's functions somewhat counter-intuitive. There's just too much…
  • In regards to being more involved in the firing of your guns, you can assign weapons to firing groups, leave your beams(or cannons) firing away happily and choose more carefully timed torpedo or mine volleys. I used to assign tricobalts to my right mouse button and play the game like bridge commander when I first joined.…
  • I approve, though would like a trekked up chainsaw to go with it.
  • I got the three pack aswell, the most damage I've seen out of the initial blast was 180k(roughly) on a crit, followed by a similar sum of DoT. Normally it does around 100-120k in the initial blast depending on when I time the buffs properly. Now, how that was achieved was maximum tactical buffing with a Tulwar class and of…
  • They're also fixing a pile of bugs that have been haunting STO since S8 release. So, you know, there's that you can look forward to :p
  • I've done this mission mostly in cruisers and carriers. Decided not to bother after doing a run in my little Gurumba(too squishy and the constant power draining renders the Javelin beam largely irrelevent) My observations are that any carrier pets smaller than frigates are largely wasted(they pop from all the AoE effects),…
  • T5 NX series? Eh, I'd rather see NX replicas as Fed Carrier frigates personally. Regardless of the ships, I also wouldn't mind seeing a post ENT/Pre-TOS single time traveling episode, similar to the B'vat traveling into the past bit. I seem to recall the first war with the romulans was around that time... Some NXs duking…
  • I remember doing this event regularly... then I realized I got way more dilithium from KDF doff assignments or the Path of the Warrior routine in the same amount of time(relatively speaking). I find it's actually more fun hanging around the academy during this event and just leap out of the bushes to assassinate holograms.…
  • 1000 Zen=10 bucks=one line of account bank slots... If you don't want/can't for some reason spend the money... at current rates that's... what? 135,000 dilithium? 17 days of saving up on one character? But wait... if this means anything to you, you already HAVE multiple characters? Hey, that'll just make it all the faster…
  • Yeah... I'm seeing very different numbers than those listed in that post. Tooltip claims 25k+ with tac buffs per warhead(there's two don't forget! :D), and damage parsing shows they're hitting at an average of 32k for me... I dunno, I'm fine with that from a console. I can get a similar bang out of an isometric charge if I…
  • The wing platforms add a little extra punch, and feel kind of like this ship came straight out of an scrolling arcade shooter. I haven't lost them to much other than warp core breaches. That said, in spite of their quite useful powers... the platforms are a little flakey. Sometimes this is good(in that they'll hit targets…
  • Scuba gear? How about we put those navigational mechanics of that jet pack to use in something that could use it right now? Use the jet pack flight mechanics as an EVA pack on the space suits. Would make boldly They Rode(or similar missions) far more compelling than that post hopping system. To be fair though I would also…
  • I found the Defense of New Romulus to be the most satisfying challenge thrown into the story missions thus far. Due heavily in part to the fact that it practically requires good use of your singularity powers(pretty much all of which can save your green bacon during that fight in several different ways). Really, it was…