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Best expansion so far



  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gagocash wrote: »
    Maybe you are just a shill or you have actually never really played delta rising? because my own experience and the steady increasing numbers of new threads in the bug subforums, tell me another story.

    Different strokes for different folks. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. This is the big problem here - we're allowed to hate and like what we want, but if we don't follow the (vocal) majority, we're shills and apologists or whiners and complainers.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    While I agree that despite the bugs and the tedium of grinding Jalpori for enough experience to continue the story that DR is a good expansion, LoR was superior despite it's initial teething issues and bugs.

    I'd have to say DR was better simply for the fact of scope.

    LOR only really affected you mostly if you rolled a Rom Republic toon.

    DR however affected EVERYONE.
  • j0hn41j0hn41 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Overall, I'd say I enjoyed the DR story content - even the patrols. The patrols were a step up from the ones in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants, at least in my opinion. The voice work was great and most of the missions were fun enough to play again for their own merit, if not for the pitiful skill points rewards. The Kobali ground zone is stunning to look at and, while perhaps not as engaging as the Dyson battlezone, is still enjoyable to spend time in. The new art assets are beautiful and I can't wait to see the foundry authors take and run with them.

    Is it a better expansion than LoR? For the KFD and, obviously the Romulans, no. From a game perspective, one gave an extra faction and the other didn't. so I'd have to say LoR. From a Fed perspective, looking at the story content - DR might be better.

    Am I happy with the expansion content? Sure. Am I happy about the state of the game post expansion. No.

    The crazy hit points are the main culprit, since it makes you feel increasingly powerless as you level up, even if you're diligently upgrading your ship and gear. Maybe it's just me, but I've always believed you're supposed to feel more powerful as you level. It's nice to know they are looking at it, but I just can't see the proposed reduction making a noticeable difference.

    The queues feel like a mess too. The impression everyone had reading the dev blog is that the normal and advanced would be the same as the old normal and elite. They aren't. I felt a little betrayed there, even if the blogs never explicitly said they would be exactly the same.

    The reduction in queue rewards didn't bother me initially, but it obviously has had an effect on the numbers of people in them. Honestly I'm finding it hard to justify the time and frustration to find and enter one.

    Even then, the rewards for doing anything seem a bit low. Lot's of people were complaining about how they couldn't continue the story missions because they didn't receive enough skill points to level up. While I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, the curve is pretty steep. I spent a couple of hours in the Kobali zone doing as many optional missions as I could and shooting anything hostile I came across. I ended up only gaining about 1/5 of the points I needed to get from 59-60. It's probably a way better ratio than most MMOs, but I ended up not wanting to do the content anymore because I wasn't perceiving enough of a benefit. As I looked around at the queues and other content I couldn't find anything I felt was 'worth doing'. So I stopped doing anything.

    I think the game was in a much better state after LoR launched than after DR launched. Of course one could point out all the server/technical troubles the game experienced after LoR, but, regarding game content, from a more casual point of view, I'd still say LoR was better.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    you must play a heck of a lot if it only takes you one day to get to level 4 for T5U or 5 for T6 mastery on one ship, I have just hit lv1 on my first ship last night, but then im not shootin Enemies till my eyes bleed.

    That's the thing I don't plan to ... because I don't plan to repeat the same Patrols till the end of time, until all of my characters wiped out the whole Galaxy, and got all of their Ships to Level 4 (having more than one toon, is a waste of time now anyway) ... that's not my idea of fun ... and for what ? ... so I can repeat those Patrols a little bit faster ...

    ... 10 interesting Missions to play per Expansion (probably just 5, if there is a next one) + 2-5 per year doesn't motivate me to carry on Grinding ... I could accept Grind if there is something else to do ...

    btw : There is no real reason to Level up T5U Ships ... expect that's your concept of fun ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • gagocashgagocash Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    DR however affected EVERYONE.
    Unfortunately in a negative way. before dr everything was fine for me, after dr i got countless desktop crashes, unsolvable episode missions, lags left and right, rubberbanding all the time, a broken eu proxy server, disconnects, server timeouts all the time, more bugs. the game is unplayable for me in its current state, thats why im here on the forum. what else should i do?

    im downloading now x times the whole game and reinstalling the complete game, i have updated my whole system, cleaned my system, checked my internet connection. the fault is not on my end, its on the other end, its pwe's end, whats causing all this anomalies. they cant code their way out of a paperbag, even if their lives would depend on it. sto is the only game i have this bugs and problems, all my other games are fine.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gagocash wrote: »
    Unfortunately in a negative way. before dr everything was fine for me, after dr i got countless desktop crashes, unsolvable episode missions, lags left and right, rubberbanding all the time, a broken eu proxy server, disconnects, server timeouts all the time, more bugs. the game is unplayable for me in its current state, thats why im here on the forum. what else should i do?

    im downloading now x times the whole game and reinstalling the complete game, i have updated my whole system, cleaned my system, checked my internet connection. the fault is not on my end, its on the other end, its pwe's end, whats causing all this anomalies. they cant code their way out of a paperbag.

    Ha, you think LOR didn't have its share of issues and imbalances either?

    The same can be said of every season. Frankly, I was very surprised that a week on since DR's release, the game was shut down only once and brought back in 4-5 hours. Other past updates have had several shut downs. Server crash on the first day, several during the first week.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    But romulans.

    Seriously, if it wasn't for LoR I would not have picked this game back up.


    There are players that are hardcore into the 3 factions and do not touch the other two. So what?
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd have to say DR was better simply for the fact of scope.

    LOR only really affected you mostly if you rolled a Rom Republic toon.

    DR however affected EVERYONE.

    Not sure why anyone would measure quality by "it affects more people" ... by this logic a 50 year old double-decker bus, is simply superior to an brand new sports-car ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    - better campaig/missions,
    - more immersion in the story
    - the romulan faction
    - a lot of bugs, but they weren't a problem, and they didn't kill my pleasure to play at this game


    - average campaign, patrol missions are boring. the campaign is interesting but broken by the need of a huge amount of xp. <-- less immersion
    - upgrade system, really badly done : too expensive, for all ressources (dil, ec)
    - rewamp of the stfs; really badly done. i wanted something more difficult, but not an increase of the HP; i wanted more AI.
    - too much grind.
    - a lot of bugs always the same (unacceptable after all this time)

    i have waited for this new campaign, and i had expected a campaign like the romulan missions or cardassian struggle.

    Cryptic studios have done a lot of very nice job in the past, and i don't understand why they have created DR in this way.

    they had a pearl and they have changed it into a simple piece of rock. i simply hope that they will be able to mix the need of money and the creativity. this is not incompatible
  • xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't agree with you, legacy was a fine expansion but once you got past the initial story line having a rom was much the same as any other character so it didn't really give me anything different to do for an extended period, within a very short time it was just all the new stuff is done now we have 3 characters instead of two now back to normal gameplay.
    with delta we have ship mastery that must be done on each T5U & T6 ship, weapons upgrading, captain specializations, delta alliance reputation and of course the level cap increase.
    that's besides the story line and adventure zone.
    theres enough stuff to keep me busy for a year at least.
    delta rising is definatly the best thing yet.

    I like the specializations and the starship mastery but im sorry LoR was still superior, those two good things do not justify a huge lack of content, its absurd.
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    - better campaig/missions,
    - more immersion in the story
    - the romulan faction
    - a lot of bugs, but they weren't a problem, and they didn't kill my pleasure to play at this game


    - average campaign, patrol missions are boring. the campaign is interesting but broken by the need of a huge amount of xp. <-- less immersion
    - upgrade system, really badly done : too expensive, for all ressources (dil, ec)
    - rewamp of the stfs; really badly done. i wanted something more difficult, but not an increase of the HP; i wanted more AI.
    - too much grind.
    - a lot of bugs always the same (unacceptable after all this time)

    i have waited for this new campaign, and i had expected a campaign like the romulan missions or cardassian struggle.

    Cryptic studios have done a lot of very nice job in the past, and i don't understand why they have created DR in this way.

    they had a pearl and they have changed it into a simple piece of rock. i simply hope that they will be able to mix the need of money and the creativity. this is not incompatible

    Out of curiosity, you want more ai. If they make a ship that have good ai, good dps and always outmaneuvre you dive in unload and run would you be happy ? It would take you ages to kill it.
    It would be easy for them to make smth like this.
    If this is not what you mean then please explain what do you mean by AI
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hrmm, I still find it odd how folks dismiss any of the changes to AI - the abilities that the new mobs use...kind of like the Undine, Voth, and Elachi before them. No doubt the three of them were nerfed (no idea if the DR guys were nerfed as well); but there has been an ongoing increase in the AI and use of abilities by newer mobs...one can just look at some of the older mobs to see how pathetic their AI is by comparison.
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gagocash wrote: »
    Maybe you are just a shill or you have actually never really played delta rising? because my own experience and the steady increasing numbers of new threads in the bug subforums, tell me another story.

    Maybe you are a self entitled kid that think he is entitled to get free rides ?
    The game is fine as it is, especially after they will remove some hp. You are not supposed to have endgame gear in day2 after expansion. Or maybe the game is chalanging you a bit too much ? if that's the case there is always wow and hello kitty online.
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hrmm, I still find it odd how folks dismiss any of the changes to AI - the abilities that the new mobs use...kind of like the Undine, Voth, and Elachi before them. No doubt the three of them were nerfed (no idea if the DR guys were nerfed as well); but there has been an ongoing increase in the AI and use of abilities by newer mobs...one can just look at some of the older mobs to see how pathetic their AI is by comparison.

    To make a good ai is easy but would be like bots in games. Maybe they should make nightmare mode where ai works against you and you die from focused fire and drains in 10 sec max.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    panz3ru wrote: »
    To make a good ai is easy but would be like bots in games. Maybe they should make nightmare mode where ai works against you and you die from focused fire and drains in 10 sec max.

    They had the Elachi working together in an early iteration during the LoR beta...that got nerfed 3-4+ times. The masses didn't want it.
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    They had the Elachi working together in an early iteration during the LoR beta...that got nerfed 3-4+ times. The masses didn't want it.

    So that means masses don;t want good AI.

    All people seems to want is tons of loot and dil and for free.
    Think if you would have to pay to play it would be 1500 zen / month meaning 240 k dil. With 2 month worth of sub you can make all your gear mk14 and end this drama.

    I can see those options for all that are buthurted

    1. You are a free player and casual . Then you can slowly upgrade in time your gear no rush
    2. You are free player and hardcore. You should know by now how to make dil. Your own fault if you don;t know.
    3. You are a free player but want endgame gear now. Well life sucks and your self entitlement would not get anywhere.

    If you want to pay a little to boost your progression and support the devs then i supose all is fine. I plan to buy myself 1000 zen to exchange for dil to help the devs.
  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    panz3ru wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, you want more ai. If they make a ship that have good ai, good dps and always outmaneuvre you dive in unload and run would you be happy ? It would take you ages to kill it.
    It would be easy for them to make smth like this.
    If this is not what you mean then please explain what do you mean by AI

    would rather have an AI that learns from the players than just ohh look I have stronger hull than anything in this game.
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If they make a ship that have good ai, good dps and always outmaneuvre you dive in unload and run would you be happy

    yep, i would be happy. i want to fight against smart mobs, even if i must be destroy. now i fight against walls, and they can't destroy my ships.

    i don't care if i'm destroyed often if the ennemies are good.
    Hrmm, I still find it odd how folks dismiss any of the changes to AI

    not forgotten, i like how they made the vaadwaur, undines (not on ground, they are meh), but the other ennemies could be also improved :)
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I like the specializations and the starship mastery but im sorry LoR was still superior, those two good things do not justify a huge lack of content, its absurd.

    as I said if you didn't do a romulan there was virtually no content and many players didn't, but with DR it doesn't matter if you only play feds, only play roms or only play klinks, there is content for everyone.
    I like story content as much as anyone but all the story content in LOR I blasted through in about 2 days.
    you need much more then story content to justify your claim and with legacy there was very little extra after you finished the romulan episodes.
    with DR there might not be as many story episodes but there is a lot more extra stuff to keep you playing no matter how many characters you have or from whatever faction.

    legacy might be able to claim more story content but thats only any good for the players who actually played a romulan, with DR you have a good all rounder so there is plenty for everyone wherther you have one character or many, one faction or many, and if you only enjoy the storys or if you prefer all the extra stuff or if you enjoy both, that's why its better because theres something for everyone no matter what you prefer.

    luckily for me i have a character of every faction and I enjoy it all, story and extra stuff alike so I probably get more from it then some.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • cassamirothcassamiroth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I've been playing the new content for the last three days, and by content, I mean the story missions and the battlezone, I had fun, there were ups and downs, especially involving some shenanigans with the new starship traits and the usual new release bugs, goes without saying really.

    First thing though, the quality of the missions is great, I'd even compare them to LoR for novelty and writing for story content. That said, on release, LoR was fun from start to finish, a smooth transition through the story from level 1 to 50 with no stopping to grind, new powers to learn and satisfyingly challenging enemies with new powers and strategies of their own. DR is... not LoR.

    There simply aren't enough missions. The progress is halting, one does not simply progress from 50-60 by playing the Episodes, fun though they may be and the battlezone feels kind of like an extra vestigial limb of a story(which while fun and interesting, is kind of short aswell). I expect if one had a 5 man team and played elite all the way through, you might be able to squeeze the XP out of it, but I honestly didn't have the patience to slog my way through that much HP with just my slapped together Intel cruiser.

    That being said, the new specializations are interesting, the new traits are fun(except that one from the T6 raptor, it ticks off science captains to no end if you're using hyper-plasmas, worse than idiots with tractor repulsors) and, much as I hate grinding for XP... it's weird, but it's actually convincing people to team up together and play COOPERATIVELY! I'm not convinced that's the best way to achieve cooperation from random players, but... it works I guess? So, there's that. :p

    So... Yeah. Mixed feelings, enjoying it in spite of its flaws(it's a fresh launch, to be expected), hoping for more episodes and story content in future.
  • pennylongpennylong Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    While I really like Delta Rising I'm not a massive fan of the large gaps that stall mission progression.
    Ultimately this has led to boring patrol grinds, if they bumped up the skill points gained from the new Delta STFS then people might be more inclined to do these themed missions in the Delta Quadrant rather than spending their time to blast the Nausicaans into extinction.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So far Legacy of Romulas was the best. Since the KDF got their own starting level, Romulans became playable, and Federation got some starting story as well. A lot was put into that expansion over the year since it came out.

    Granted Delta Rising just started. They have a lot to still bring out and fun to things to do. So you can't really judge it yet over the starting of it. However from what I saw on the 1st mission since that is far as I got so far. I was really impressed. So I will see how the rest of the story goes as I continue to do them.

    Granted DR might not have all the stuff added to it. But I think they will make up for it via story wise. Since they didn't add a new faction to deal with.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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