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Dilithium nerf, official response



  • lostyuslostyus Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    No. Extending the original function of the dil weekend and making the changes after, with plenty of warning would be a good side. Promises were made - live up to them. We were offered simple apologetics - nothing sincere. There is no apology here and certainly no recompense for their wrongdoing.

    The face changes, but the **** policies remain the same.
    And **** the players shall be the whole of the policy.

    Now I've looked more into it, I don't think it was a good thing they have done, and I disagree with my original statement.
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    I played approximately 10% of the time I normally play today, and then most of the time bitterly. It doesn't matter what you make during the week. It will be negated by some other slimy, underhanded move by Craptic. And Ricossa will blurt out fluffy bull**** again, and the weak-minded will buy it again trying to brown-nose their way to some sort of advantage.

    Get this through your thick skulls: what Craptic just did they *WILL* do again, just like they have done it in the past as well. Maybe next time it is something that affects your gameplay and/or your reasonable expectations based on what was promised. And you will have nothing but the stench on your noses from the brown-nosing you are doing here to show for trying to play the game.

    Maybe then you will finally understand why the brown-nosers and "white knights" are so thoroughly despised.

    Next nerf, more of Dyson BZ. Coming soon.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    Next nerf, more of Dyson BZ. Coming soon.

    That's an interesting question. Will the BZ still be protected with a new man in charge? Time will tell.

    However, before that we will see doffing exp reduced by about 200%
    Marauding missions reduced in availability by a similar amount.
    A change in contraband turnin - either 10 or 20 for 1000 dil.

    50 marks for 250 or less dil.

    But you can get 248 dil from 1 daily argala patrol.

    Just peering into the old crystal ball. Now that we are embracing the new version of the game - let's get all these nerfs enacted so we can move on in peace with nothing further looming.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • billdunbilldun Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A change in contraband turnin - either 10 or 20 for 1000 dil.

    I was thinking it might go from four to twenty hours, but you're probably right.
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I play ESO. It's buy-to-play (not quite free-to-play) and it's f2p model is nowhere near as irritating as STO's. It's all about cosmetics and convenience, while STO has been trying to encourage people to buy ZEN for dilithium for a while now and it only serves to make people more and more angry.

    Its only just gone Buy-to-Play, so give it time. I'm guessing that you'll also be buying expansions and that there's no way to earn the equivalent of Zen in-game?
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    billdun wrote: »
    I was thinking it might go from four to twenty hours, but you're probably right.

    Your idea is cleaner, but it lessens logins. It will depend on the extent of the marauding nerf. Will contraband actually become scarce? If there's still plenty of it the 24 hours might be more effective.

    Many here have boasted of < 3 min a day for 10 or more alts for 8000.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • trelane87trelane87 Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm more upset with the deception part of this whole ordeal. They tried covering it up and that shows a lot about their character. They keep saying they're gonna add more dilithium, they say they're gonna add more SXP, yet they keep taking more and more away from us. There really is no reason to do queues anymore, space content gives way more XP than ground and there's no point doing any ground content for XP reasons. They need to put up or shut up, add all these things they say they're gonna add.
  • waffleironwaffleiron Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Kudos for coming out to apologize :). Now lets clear the air here. You changed the event rules to :
    ".... to provide the community of Star Trek Online with the opportunity to earn Dilithium at a significantly increased rate on any Dilithium earned through play for the duration of the weekend.......By not offering a bonus on these projects, we are making mark conversion projects valid and valuable all the time, not only during the few Dilithium Weekends we run every year."

    So you are saying that all other means of earning dilithium through play are invalid and valueless any other time outside of this dilithium event? If not, then why should mark conversion be any different. This is not an exploit and unacceptable. I played enough content to earn my marks for the dilithium bonus weekend as with any other weekend, what else is there to do with extra marks if not reap the best use of them. :confused:

    All this statement says is "sorry, we noticed players are not playing like we want them to, blame the players for exploiting a resourceful and efficient way to grind out a resource that is free. Don't blame us except for the communication error from forums and patch notes."

    Thanks, appreciate it. Free game stays free for me, if I bother playing it like you want me to.:mad:

    For everyone else that doesn't understand why the frustration, that's because you are comfortable with people taking advantage of you. Even though it's a game, it's a simple example. It's not just a 5 minute turn-in to convert marks to dilithium, there was a grind and play of content involved.:mad:

    Want a solution, make the dilithium bonus permanent. Then there's no reason you can take away bonuses from any other methods of "farming" the way players want.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't know why they keep dancing around the bush.

    Just remove the dil already, it's only whales now left anyway stop pretending
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    vestereng wrote: »
    I don't know why they keep dancing around the bush.

    Just remove the dil already, it's only whales now left anyway stop pretending

    Boo hoo, you don't like the game. Guess what? Others do! I do! I haven't spent a penny on the game yet (Unless you count completing questionnaires and watching adverts which PWE get paid for), and I could quite happily live without any bonus weekend, though I do like that its there, and I appreciate that they don't need to offer any way for me to earn Zen in-game.
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gonalius wrote: »
    Boo hoo, you don't like the game. Guess what? Others do! I do! I haven't spent a penny on the game yet (Unless you count completing questionnaires and watching adverts which PWE get paid for), and I could quite happily live without any bonus weekend, though I do like that its there, and I appreciate that they don't need to offer any way for me to earn Zen in-game.

    Another dev behind a sock account.....it's getting old.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    And that was your argument for supporting a dil nerf?

    okay thanks for coming out
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think there is a connection between your behaviour and your avatar picture

    It rhymes with "yay"
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    icsairguns wrote: »
    lol just another nerf because people were not playing they way they wanted is all it is. atleast they are not calling people who saved it up exploiters or cheaters this time.

    playing or abusing bonus ?
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gonalius wrote: »
    Its only just gone Buy-to-Play, so give it time. I'm guessing that you'll also be buying expansions and that there's no way to earn the equivalent of Zen in-game?

    Not sure since it's still on the test server, but it won't be necessary to earn their Zen equivalent in game if their equivalent won't be useful in the game itself. If dilithium was used only for cosmetic and convenience items in the cash shop it would be no big deal if you couldn't earn it in game, but it's used for like everything now. You even need it to train boffs now.

    I'll be getting a few thousand of their Zen equivalent and will most likely save it for expansions. It's not needed for crafting or character slots or bank space or anything - yet. I stress "yet" because who knows what the future holds.

    I do know that if they introduce lockboxes I'll drop the game like a bad habit. I find nothing more irritating and aggravating than a lockbox-based f2p system.

    STO wasn't always this way either. It was good that you could earn dilithium and buy some cash shop stuff but they've been going overboard adding constant dilithium sinks and now nerfing dilithium rewards. The game barely resembles what I once enjoyed.
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    Another dev behind a sock account.....it's getting old.

    Yes, because everyone who disagrees with you is obviously a dev. Darn it, they've seen through our disguise. But wait. You're attitude is so over-the-top its ridiculous, and nothing you say can be taken seriously, thereby discounting everything you say as nonsense! HE'S A DEV! BURN HIM! Burn the Dev!

    ... Or you could get over yourself. Your choice.

    (PS: I'm not a dev. And to prove it, I shall speak these sacred magic words: Legacy of Romulus was a better expansion than Delta Rising)!
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    I think that about sums it up,have a nice day :)

    Only been around for a couple months and thinks he knows the game. Come back in a year when Craptic keeps crapping on your gameplay, then and we will talk.
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gonalius wrote: »
    Yes, because everyone who disagrees with you is obviously a dev. Darn it, they've seen through our disguise. But wait. You're attitude is so over-the-top its ridiculous, and nothing you say can be taken seriously, thereby discounting everything you say as nonsense! HE'S A DEV! BURN HIM! Burn the Dev!

    ... Or you could get over yourself. Your choice.

    (PS: I'm not a dev. And to prove it, I shall speak these sacred magic words: Legacy of Romulus was a better expansion than Delta Rising)!

    So far only called one a dev. Please, if you can show me where I have called more than one person a dev be my guest. You look silly boy.
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    So far only called one a dev. Please, if you can show me where I have called more than one person a dev be my guest. You look silly boy.

    Your statement of 'ANOTHER dev behind a sock account' is fairly self explanatory. And I might look silly, (I often do, I go out wearing a fez or Stetson (or both) occasionally), but you look like someone who's very very grumpy and unhappy, yet refuses to leave the game and forum they hate. Self-flagellation is not attractive.
  • lordmanzelotlordmanzelot Member Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am a lifetimer and STO & Cryptic sucks!
    Subscribed For: 2300+ Days
  • lawstanzlawstanz Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    His logic isn't spurious at all. The event is suppose to reward play DURING the event. Stockpiling marks defeats that purpose. Just because you don't LIKE the purpose doesn't mean it doesn't logically follow.

    The unfortunate copy/paste from previous events aside, this tempest in a tea cup is really just so much "who moved my cheese."
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gonalius wrote: »
    Your statement of 'ANOTHER dev behind a sock account' is fairly self explanatory. And I might look silly, (I often do, I go out wearing a fez or Stetson (or both) occasionally), but you look like someone who's very very grumpy and unhappy, yet refuses to leave the game and forum they hate. Self-flagellation is not attractive.

    Uninstalled the game yesterday making me even happier know. Care to make up any more stories that make you look like the back end of Hannah Montana? That's where you might find your fez.
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    Uninstalled the game yesterday making me even happier know. Care to make up any more stories that make you look like the back end of Hannah Montana? That's where you might find your fez.

    Then why are you still here? You don't play the game, so why hang out in the forums? Nothing better to do? Just want to spread your misery? No-one else will have you?
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree with him 100% and im not a developer,what's the matter anyone that doesnt agree to join you on your whine and cheese festival is a developer?

    And some will disagree with you 100% as well...to each its own.

    Remember for some the moon is still made up of cheese and some will be here following a dead MMO till servers shut down and happy no matter with PWE like a cult...some see extreme grinding until you bleed from eyes or urethra as pure...ECSTASY!!! good luck...nothing to see and move on :eek:

  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    Uninstalled the game yesterday making me even happier know. Care to make up any more stories that make you look like the back end of Hannah Montana? That's where you might find your fez.

    BYE!! Who did you give your stuff to?
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
    95bced8038c91ec6f880d510e6fd302f366a776c4c5761e5f7931d491667a45e.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • darthwoodarthwoo Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lawstanz wrote: »
    His logic isn't spurious at all. The event is suppose to reward play DURING the event. Stockpiling marks defeats that purpose. Just because you don't LIKE the purpose doesn't mean it doesn't logically follow.

    The unfortunate copy/paste from previous events aside, this tempest in a tea cup is really just so much "who moved my cheese."

    If that had been ALL he said, then you might have a point. However, the spurious logic in question is his followup in claiming that this action was meant specifically for "making mark conversion projects valid and valuable all the time." This implies that they are neither valid nor valuable during non-bonus periods. While some may consider there to be an undesirable opportunity cost for doing them outside such periods, they still reward just as much dilithium as they otherwise would.

    Of course, going back to the "play" issue, that's just another instance of the dev team trying to force players to play the way the devs want, or face a penalty.
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    darthwoo wrote: »
    If that had been ALL he said, then you might have a point. However, the spurious logic in question is his followup in claiming that this action was meant specifically for "making mark conversion projects valid and valuable all the time." This implies that they are neither valid nor valuable during non-bonus periods. While some may consider there to be an undesirable opportunity cost for doing them outside such periods, they still reward just as much dilithium as they otherwise would.
    Judging from people's behaviour (a.k.a. metrics) it would seem that a lot of people considered the normal turn-in rewards non-valuable, if not non-valid. While IDK if this is a GREAT change per se (It's a nerf, after all, even if it is just fixing something unbalanced), it isn't evil.
    Of course, going back to the "play" issue, that's just another instance of the dev team trying to force players to play the way the devs want, or face a penalty.
    No, they're forcing people to play, period. Most actual content aside from patrols and episode replays rewards a decent amount of Dil, so it's not like we're being funneled into Delta patrols again... And seeing as the whole point of a Dil Weekend is getting people to play, it's not entirely unreasonable.
  • stoatheiststoatheist Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Preordered the Digital Deluxe Edition and been here since launch so keep your wrong assumptions to yourself....now i wont lie and say ive been here the whole time,been in and out but please spew your venom elsewhere...

    The only one spewing venom are you and your butt-buddies. You may have been here since launch but you have nothing to contribute. It's time to let the adults talk here.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    People who say that the worst trolls on these forums are those who have complaints about the game need to have a nice thorough read of this thread.
    Free Tibet!
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The thing is - the marks turnin did motivate me to play. The dilithium events are the only time I grind like a true gamer across all dil-earning aspects of the game - good 12 hours a day. And this is so I don't have to for the next 3 months.

    So what I'm doing is pretending the marks are still worthwhile and sliding them away. It's fun!
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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