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Dilithium nerf, official response



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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    See I think that this latest nerf has more to do with the attitude above then with actual Dill awards .
    The supposition that after a Dil weekend I'm done chasing Dil is the one that I think prompted this nerf .

    As I see it, the number of ppl who have left due to the best expansion ever is starting to show a strain on Cryptic , who NEED you to be in the game and entertain the Whales .

    Thus if they nerf your Dil, they put pressure on you to be in the game more .
    And that is their current objective .

    ... the Whales must be entertaind ..., Cryptic commands it !!!

    For sure, they would rather have me grinding dil a little every day. I just never have done this. I would still play a little every day, but not to the desired extent. The problem is that this change will in no way motivate me to play more - maybe slightly less or about the same. The main personal effect it has is to remove 500,000 dil from the game which, I guess, is a win for the company.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    alex284alex284 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "With that being said, it is understandably frustrating to expect one sort of bonus only to receive another."

    I was mad on thursday night, when I expected it to be the Night of One Million Clickies. At least getting an acknowledgement of that frustration is nice. Go Ricossa.

    Honestly, I can see the point of having a dil weekend that's just about the dil earned during that time period. It would have been nice to know in advance so I wouldn't have saved rep rewards for several months, but bygones.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    For sure, they would rather have me grinding dil a little every day. I just never have done this. I would still play a little every day, but not to the desired extent. The problem is that this change will in no way motivate me to play more - maybe slightly less or about the same. The main personal effect it has is to remove 500,000 dil from the game which, I guess, is a win for the company.

    Are you sure Cryptic has a "desired extent" in mind when it comes to daily play?

    I think they don't. I think the main focus is to get you to play the game regularly, at best daily, so you will always feel invested enough in the game.

    A game you play daily it's easy to justify buying a new Tier 6 ships for, or acquiring a custome. But a game you play a few times a month? Probably not... Who knows if you even are back next month...
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Like the poster you quoted, I too actually felt like playing and doing content during this event.
    However, after this nerf I completely lost interest in playing, I just cant get myself to log in and play anymore.

    I would be very surprised if there are not others who feel the same way and have left for the same reason.
    So Cryptic will have lost a number of "entertainers" for their "Whales".

    The more Cryptic does with the game the more I get the impression that they are deliberately strangling the game and trying kill it in time for when their license expires. perhaps even before.

    No you're not the only one who feels that way. I was originally looking forward to this dil weekend, until I saw the reputation nerf. That drained all the desire to log in from me.

    I do like many others and stockpile marks for dil weekends. I consider it a form of investing. I have the patience to collect those marks when no event is running and spend time turning them for greater rewards during the event. To me it's just smart. Yes it's very tedious to turn them all in during the weekend but since I know my investment is paying off I don't really mind.

    What really bothers me is that people who stockpile mining claims didn't get nerfed. Why one and not the other? I mean we all really know why but I'd love to hear an official answer (not that I ever will).

    Like I said back on page 4, "We want the dilithium bonus weekends to pad our metrics and you people aren't cooperating."
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    See the following thread for the Official News posts in 2014 related to the Dilitium Weekend Event and compare to what is being said officially here.

    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    tamujiintamujiin Member Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hey Mr. Riccosa, Props on an actual response. No props for ninja nerfing this. Its an actually completly idiotic move on your part and is only, ONLY going to chase MORE people away from the game. ( everyone else, who is gonna stay could give a hoot less, there are easier ways to make more dilithium, then a bonus 220 dilithium, per click and wait 15 seconds...)

    If you want to shut the game down, shut it down. Why frustrate your PLAYERS to the point of quitting?

    Yet again, i offer you an idea. Instead of making POOR decisions based on "metrics". ( You see a spike in turning in dilithium, so it is EVEEEEELL!!!!!! and must die!!!!)

    Make a FORUM locked to RANK 7 FLEET LEADERS. Disregard the asshats, and actually start listening to the fleet leaders on how WE basically work for YOU ( FOR FREE MIND YOU ) keeping this game half TRIBBLE populated, with constant "Nerfs and Fixes" that chase people away, let alone these last few patches that have been completly horrible in everyway imanginable. You need to IDENTIFY alot more issues then the dil weekend.

    Nerfing this will have no affect on how i make 180k refined dilithium a day( as i said, plenty of ways to do it, they cannot justifiably fix PERIOD.) You must be fricken MAD to think i would play 20 toons, get marks on em, and turn em in on a dil weekend, to much click time, and not enough interest in watching youtube videos for me. while i want to be playing a game. All a person has to do to become a part of that thread, is become a viable part of the STO community. This in turn, would GERERATE a HIGHER BBB grade for cryptic then an F in my book.

    What i am seeing, is a SEVERE LACK of communication between FLEET LEADERS in this game. NO where in-game, or the FORUMS. ( i do talk to several fleet leaders. )

    I would suggest maybe locking it down to a certain tiered ( 3 ) fleet or something too, i dunno, but it can be done.

    Mr. Riccosa, if you want the population back, that My Fleet has lost, Fix PVP and give it VIABLE REWARDS.

    This is where the fricken dil weekend mark nerf, can be justified immensly. Lets face it, PVP has long been dead in this game. Then yah guys come out with a skill like surgical strikes, making vape builds the only real viable build in PVP, its like poking a dead horse with a dead stick.... not much is gonna happen.


    PVE content, needs this, BORG STFS, ITEM REWARDS back. FFS you can literally cut the marks down even more from BORG STFS, i am sure the 196k Omega marks, i have will last me forever. Not that i was hoarding that many for a dil weekend. It never appealed to me personally to sit there and click that many times back when i had 1,000..... just saying.

    And seriously, if you guys have an ACTUAL FIX FOR pvp in mind, GET WITH THE PICTURE AND GIVE US SOME NEWS!!!! Don't leave the community in the dark like we have been these last few patches about stuff.

    Finally, I have this overwhelming feeling you have no Empathy towards how the players feel about the game.

    1 REALLY OUT THERE ISSUE? The lag time between yer skills tray and when yer skills are actually fired. This is WAY noticable since the excellento BOFF fix yah guys did.

    Anybody that TRIBBLE about the BOFF revamp dont know the history of this game. That was needed. Thanks for that one Cryptic! ( A little confusing at first but it works! )
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    nithanathnithanath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    We are excited to announce our new Nothing-Event.

    By not offering any bonus during this event, we are making gameplay in STO valid and valuable all the time, not only during the few events we run every year.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Same pattern as with the Bonus Marks Weekend the last time. It is really meh now.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    nithanath wrote: »
    We are excited to announce our new Nothing-Event.

    By not offering any bonus during this event, we are making gameplay in STO valid and valuable all the time, not only during the few events we run every year.

    Lol. perfect! :cool:

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Made it to about page 5 before I lost all sympathy for those complaining. Typed up a snarky reply, then felt bad and went back, made it to page 7 before losing all sympathy again. So here is my reply, with most of the snark removed.

    So, just a few observations.

    1. At it's core, your complaint is that you want free stuff. That's what a bonus is, free stuff. Well, you're not entitled to free stuff. You can still collect the reward that you earned so nothing has been taken from you.

    1a. And no, I don't care that you were given free stuff last time, that doesn't entitle you to free stuff this time. You speculated on the developers actions based solely on past experience and with no understanding of their goals. Your speculation was wrong. Now, I'm not going to demand that you learn from your mistake, but I will ask you to do the adult thing and acknowledge that it was your mistake, not theirs. Stop saying that you're being punished for being clever because you weren't being clever.

    1b. You have not been cheated out of an advertised price, your assumption does not constitute a guaranty by anyone else.

    2. If you're sitting on marks but not turning them in because the slider bar is too tedious. You don't need the dilithium enough to be upset about not being given dilithium for free.

    3. Hoarding marks and then flooding the dilithium market is bad for the game, especially so soon after new ships are released and new players join. Whether it's inflation tanking the value of dilithium on the zen exchange. Or a sudden influx of resources allowing certain players to finish upgrading, a months long project, in a few hours. You probably don't see it, or maybe you don't care, but this sort of TRIBBLE is bane for new and returning players who want to become competitive without blowing a few hundred dollars.

    4. You have other issues and complaints about the current state of the game. Fantastic, the game can always use worth while feedback. However, my advice is to get them as much separation as you can from THIS issue. Because nobody is going to take "give me free stuff" seriously, and any complaint you try to hitch to this post will look just as spurious.

    4a. If your other legitimate complaint is that this bonus is the only thing making it worth your time to grind marks, then stop grinding marks. If enough people actually stop grinding marks, and Cryptic feels that being able to entice characters to grind marks even after they have all the gear and reputation traits is important enough, they'll do something about it. It might even be something good.

    5. TRIBBLE jokes? Honestly kids. If you've called someone TRIBBLE during this thread, then you have forfeited any right to be taken seriously.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    Made it to about page 5 before I lost all sympathy for those complaining. Typed up a snarky reply, then felt bad and went back, made it to page 7 before losing all sympathy again. So here is my reply, with most of the snark removed.

    So, just a few observations.

    1. At it's core, your complaint is that you want free stuff. That's what a bonus is, free stuff. Well, you're not entitled to free stuff. You can still collect the reward that you earned so nothing has been taken from you.

    1a. And no, I don't care that you were given free stuff last time, that doesn't entitle you to free stuff this time. You speculated on the developers actions based solely on past experience and with no understanding of their goals. Your speculation was wrong. Now, I'm not going to demand that you learn from your mistake, but I will ask you to do the adult thing and acknowledge that it was your mistake, not theirs. Stop saying that you're being punished for being clever because you weren't being clever.

    1b. You have not been cheated out of an advertised price, your assumption does not constitute a guaranty by anyone else.

    2. If you're sitting on marks but not turning them in because the slider bar is too tedious. You don't need the dilithium enough to be upset about not being given dilithium for free.

    3. Hoarding marks and then flooding the dilithium market is bad for the game, especially so soon after new ships are released and new players join. Whether it's inflation tanking the value of dilithium on the zen exchange. Or a sudden influx of resources allowing certain players to finish upgrading, a months long project, in a few hours. You probably don't see it, or maybe you don't care, but this sort of TRIBBLE is bane for new and returning players who want to become competitive without blowing a few hundred dollars.

    4. You have other issues and complaints about the current state of the game. Fantastic, the game can always use worth while feedback. However, my advice is to get them as much separation as you can from THIS issue. Because nobody is going to take "give me free stuff" seriously, and any complaint you try to hitch to this post will look just as spurious.

    4a. If your other legitimate complaint is that this bonus is the only thing making it worth your time to grind marks, then stop grinding marks. If enough people actually stop grinding marks, and Cryptic feels that being able to entice characters to grind marks even after they have all the gear and reputation traits is important enough, they'll do something about it. It might even be something good.

    5. TRIBBLE jokes? Honestly kids. If you've called someone TRIBBLE during this thread, then you have forfeited any right to be taken seriously.

    This is all based on the assumption, that this wasn't preplanned in advanced, seeing how no mention until such date as the day before the event was it stated (and stated wrongly).

    This event has been going on since the hourly event has pretty much been around, than made more so when reputations were added, than later turned into a weekend event!

    Only now have they deemed time to put a stop to it, just like the lengthy time people ran the tour for EC's, later to have it nerfed to once per day and only during the hourly period and, finally advised to once per day at our discretion.

    So, to is this change to dilithium gains, it eliminates a huge amount of dilithium from the game, causing dilithium to dry up faster now!

    And, than planning a weekend with this damaging nerf right on top of an already grindy event, which keeps a lot of people busy during it alone so, they aren't out trying to benefit from the extra dilithium during this event too much!

    I mean heck, I myself lose out on just over 500k dilithium from this change, some people less, some people even more so, if we could average it out to say 250k, that could spell possible a few billion or billions of dilithium not ever seeing the game to be spent or, not ever hitting the market either, which can lead to a value shift on dilithium being favored making it unfavorable for those with zen to spend on dilithium in 2 ways!

    1: much less zen available to buy
    2: a value shift in cost to buy what there is even available in the first place

    Both of which favors Cryptic in the first place!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Every time someone uses the term "Mark Hoarding" I feel a bit of vomit rise in my gullet.
    Free Tibet!
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    uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    Every time someone uses the term "Mark Hoarding" I feel a bit of vomit rise in my gullet.

    "Mark Hoarding" is like investing. Acquire them at normal value, turn them in when they're valued higher. It may take months for their value to rise but it will eventually rise (or used to until someone decided that that's no longer acceptable).

    Is it also wrong that I buy zen low and sell it high to make a profit? Sometimes I have to wait days or even weeks to make a good profit, but I do.

    What about "Claim Hoarding"? Why is it OK for people to hoard mining claims until a dilithium weekend? Or how about "Contraband Hoarding"? I did that too, and if I had the desire to play this anymore I'd be turning in over 100 contraband amongst various characters right now.

    They mistakenly think these nerfed dilithium weekend events will get people to play more and thus pad their metrics, but what it does is TRIBBLE us off because we farmed before the event so we could spend our time during the event turning things in.
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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "Mark Hoarding" is like investing. Acquire them at normal value, turn them in when they're valued higher. It may take months for their value to rise but it will eventually rise (or used to until someone decided that that's no longer acceptable).

    Is it also wrong that I buy zen low and sell it high to make a profit? Sometimes I have to wait days or even weeks to make a good profit, but I do.

    What about "Claim Hoarding"? Why is it OK for people to hoard mining claims until a dilithium weekend? Or how about "Contraband Hoarding"? I did that too, and if I had the desire to play this anymore I'd be turning in over 100 contraband amongst various characters right now.

    They mistakenly think these nerfed dilithium weekend events will get people to play more and thus pad their metrics, but what it does is TRIBBLE us off because we farmed before the event so we could spend our time during the event turning things in.

    You misunderstand me. It's vomit-inducing because this new "Mark Hoarding = Cheating" mentality is only about 24 hours old - nobody had a problem with it before Cryptic changed the Dilithium Event rules. Now every brain-dead moron is using the term "Mark Hoarder" like an insult.
    Free Tibet!
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This is all based on the assumption, that this wasn't preplanned in advanced, seeing how no mention until such date as the day before the event was it stated (and stated wrongly).

    Actually no, whether it was planned months in advance or decided on the spur of the moment has no relevance to the post I made. This is off to a pretty shaky start, I'm worried you're not going to say anything relevant at all.
    This event has been going on since the hourly event has pretty much been around, than made more so when reputations were added, than later turned into a weekend event!

    Only now have they deemed time to put a stop to it, just like the lengthy time people ran the tour for EC's, later to have it nerfed to once per day and only during the hourly period and, finally advised to once per day at our discretion.

    So, to is this change to dilithium gains, it eliminates a huge amount of dilithium from the game, causing dilithium to dry up faster now!

    And, than planning a weekend with this damaging nerf right on top of an already grindy event, which keeps a lot of people busy during it alone so, they aren't out trying to benefit from the extra dilithium during this event too much!

    I mean heck, I myself lose out on just over 500k dilithium from this change, some people less, some people even more so, if we could average it out to say 250k, that could spell possible a few billion or billions of dilithium not ever seeing the game to be spent or, not ever hitting the market either, which can lead to a value shift on dilithium being favored making it unfavorable for those with zen to spend on dilithium in 2 ways!

    1: much less zen available to buy
    2: a value shift in cost to buy what there is even available in the first place

    Both of which favors Cryptic in the first place!

    And my fears were right. Nothing you said is relevant to any part of my post. It seems like you just quoted my post and then used responding to it as an excuse to go an ill-informed diatribe.

    But fine, lets use you as an example. You stand to lose 500k dilithium because of this change. Which means you have 1m dilithium worth of marks sitting on your character. If we assume maximum dilithium per mark, and just using omega marks as a baseline, to simplify things, that's 15 omega marks for 340 dilithium as the best rate of exchange I've found. Or 22.67 dilithium per single mark. 1m divided by 22.67 equals out to approximately 44,112 marks. Let me know if I'm doing this wrong and please supply your own numbers for how many marks you actually have in store is that was incorrect. That is a truly staggering amount of resources to just be sitting on. But we're not done there, because as you say some are sitting on more, and in your opinion the average person is sitting on approximately half as many, so 22,000 marks.

    And keeping in mind, as it has been established, grinding marks even with the bonus, is not the most profitable way to make dilithium. So this is already only a small percentage of the total dilithium market.

    So, you now have every reason to take the 1 million worth of dilithium that you are entitled to but that you've been hoarding in the form of marks in order to get a better return and you can put them into the market immediately. And everyone else can do the same. And if you, and everyone else who makes so much dilithium that they can just save up 22,000-44,000 marks, continues to play in such a way that you earn that much dilithium, then don't worry. The market will get enough dilithium intake.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    Actually no, whether it was planned months in advance or decided on the spur of the moment has no relevance to the post I made. This is off to a pretty shaky start, I'm worried you're not going to say anything relevant at all.

    And my fears were right. Nothing you said is relevant to any part of my post. It seems like you just quoted my post and then used responding to it as an excuse to go an ill-informed diatribe.

    But fine, lets use you as an example. You stand to lose 500k dilithium because of this change. Which means you have 1m dilithium worth of marks sitting on your character. If we assume maximum dilithium per mark, and just using omega marks as a baseline, to simplify things, that's 15 omega marks for 340 dilithium as the best rate of exchange I've found. Or 22.67 dilithium per single mark. 1m divided by 22.67 equals out to approximately 44,112 marks. Let me know if I'm doing this wrong and please supply your own numbers for how many marks you actually have in store is that was incorrect. That is a truly staggering amount of resources to just be sitting on. But we're not done there, because as you say some are sitting on more, and in your opinion the average person is sitting on approximately half as many, so 22,000 marks.

    And keeping in mind, as it has been established, grinding marks even with the bonus, is not the most profitable way to make dilithium. So this is already only a small percentage of the total dilithium market.

    So, you now have every reason to take the 1 million worth of dilithium that you are entitled to but that you've been hoarding in the form of marks in order to get a better return and you can put them into the market immediately. And everyone else can do the same. And if you, and everyone else who makes so much dilithium that they can just save up 22,000-44,000 marks, continues to play in such a way that you earn that much dilithium, then don't worry. The market will get enough dilithium intake.

    On the yellow, actually no you would be wrong!

    What people have stood to lose and, what will be the continuing trend of no additional bonus dilith per mark, will cause a dramatic drop in available dilithium for anything and everything!

    Mark turn in isn't the only assumed way people were looking to cash in on the hoarded marks but, people like yourself just assume this is so!

    Even with the hourly bringing in better ratios of dilithium, the length of time to really get a good value out of it, would take you till next year most likely!

    The only person IMO effected by this really, is Cryptic's metrics themselves!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "Mark Hoarding" is like investing. Acquire them at normal value, turn them in when they're valued higher. It may take months for their value to rise but it will eventually rise (or used to until someone decided that that's no longer acceptable).

    That's actually a great way to look at it. Now if only we can get people to understand that investing doesn't always pay off so that they'll take opportunity cost they suffered by not turning them in immediately and walk off the loss like adults.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    That's actually a great way to look at it. Now if only we can get people to understand that investing doesn't always pay off so that they'll take opportunity cost they suffered by not turning them in immediately and walk off the loss like adults.

    You cannot take a loss of turning them in immediately, if they do nothing at that time for you!

    In other words, if you earn enough dilithium to reach your cap daily, run some hourly rep projects and, still have tons of marks gathering to invest on the weekend event, how is that not a good investment?

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I like how people are now claiming that keeping marks to turn in on Dilithium weekends was somehow harming the game.

    That's some seriously funny hyperbole :D
    Free Tibet!
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    On the yellow,

    Oh, when you respond to someone you highlight the part you're saying in yellow. Your last post makes more sense in light of the fact that you didn't highlight any portion of my original post.
    actually no you would be wrong!

    I know, but until you give me numbers that aren't instane, I'm doing the best with what I have.
    What people have stood to lose and, what will be the continuing trend of no additional bonus dilith per mark, will cause a dramatic drop in available dilithium for anything and everything!

    This seems to be in contradiction with.
    Mark turn in isn't the only assumed way people were looking to cash in on the hoarded marks but, people like yourself just assume this is so!

    Did you see the part of my post where I even mentioned that mark farming was not the most efficient way to grind dilithium and so this imaginary 500k worth of dilithium that the average player is hoarding in the form of marks only represents a minority of the market? It was right above the part you marked in yellow... so I guess you didn't.
    Even with the hourly bringing in better ratios of dilithium, the length of time to really get a good value out of it, would take you till next year most likely!

    Yes, I know, and the likelihood of you being able to turn in a million dilithium worth of marks in a single weekend is impossible, but I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean, if I do it realistically and assume that you're hoarding enough marks to make 1 million dilithium based on the quest that can immediately turned in then your boast turns into you just sitting on 100,000 marks, and that the average player is sitting on 50,000 marks.

    Mind boggling.
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    I like how people are now claiming that keeping marks to turn in on Dilithium weekends was somehow harming the game.

    That's some seriously funny hyperbole :D

    I've explained how, in detail. You're welcome to form an actual argument, or just snipe from the sidelines. Either way, I already don't take you seriously, so you've got nothing to lose.
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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    I've explained how, in detail. You're welcome to form an actual argument, or just snipe from the sidelines. Either way, I already don't take you seriously, so you've got nothing to lose.

    You weren't on the forums last week or last month complaining that people were harming the game by turning in various things during the Dilithium weekend. Now Cryptic has said that it's naughty, here you are.

    Why is that?
    Free Tibet!
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    Oh, when you respond to someone you highlight the part you're saying in yellow. Your last post makes more sense in light of the fact that you didn't highlight any portion of my original post.

    I know, but until you give me numbers that aren't instane, I'm doing the best with what I have.

    This seems to be in contradiction with.

    Did you see the part of my post where I even mentioned that mark farming was not the most efficient way to grind dilithium and so this imaginary 500k worth of dilithium that the average player is hoarding in the form of marks only represents a majority of the market? It was right above the part you marked in yellow... so I guess you didn't.

    Yes, I know, and the likelihood of you being able to turn in a million dilithium worth of marks in a single weekend is impossible, but I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean, if I do it realistically and assume that you're hoarding enough marks to make 1 million dilithium based on the quest that can immediately turned in then your boast turns into you just sitting on 100,000 marks, and that the average player is sitting on 50,000 marks.

    Mind boggling.

    Yet, with all of this, it still doesn't get around the fact that this was most likely a planned scenario and, that it fits perfectly with every avenue of monetary advantage a player could possible achieve outside of RL purchases!

    It is nothing more than that, a complete slap in the face, to those who try to get ahead in this game thru hard work!

    But, if you enjoy being slapped in the face and, paying them to do it, than by all means continue about your pain, whilst I take mine at theirs and your expense of a $!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    bansheedragonbansheedragon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    I like how people are now claiming that keeping marks to turn in on Dilithium weekends was somehow harming the game.

    That's some seriously funny hyperbole :D
    Its the life of the White Knight.

    Defending the devs in anything and everything regardless of whether or not its good for the game.
    Anyone who disagrees are just whining and complaining about whatever because they cannot accept that all changes are good for the game, even the bad ones.

    And of course anyone who took advantage of something that benefited the player before the change is now considered to have been "exploiting" the game mechanic, dont matter is it was an intended game mechanic before the change, those who did it was exploiters/cheaters or whatever else you can think of.

    You better hope you never become one, as this is what you would become if you did.
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    a. It is BONUS weekend, of course you get a bonus, what planet are you from

    b. don't they have better things to do

    c. the whole concept is reward people for coming on more

    d. but dont worry, it's a reporting error
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    You weren't on the forums last week or last month complaining that people were harming the game by turning in various things during the Dilithium weekend. Now Cryptic has said that it's naughty, here you are.

    Why is that?

    So I see you've opted to trade in your "side lines sniping" for a rather silly attempt at ad hominem. Well, if you can't present an actual argument and you're not mature enough to realize that nothing is sometimes the best thing you can say. I'm not particularly surprised. But at least that's out in the open.

    Now I can do the childish thing and just say "mark hoarder" over and over to see if I can get you to throw-up. Or I can do the really childish thing and answer that then I was in the same place I was last night, with your mom. Or I can do the passive aggressive thing, and apologize for making you feel belittled by naming something you do and suggesting that it could have negative side effects, and then go on to say that I hope some day you find the fortitude to be able to hear dissenting opinions without getting physically ill.

    But no, I'm going to do the mature thing. I'm going to ignore you.
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yet, with all of this, it still doesn't get around the fact that this was most likely a planned scenario and, that it fits perfectly with every avenue of monetary advantage a player could possible achieve outside of RL purchases!

    It is nothing more than that, a complete slap in the face, to those who try to get ahead in this game thru hard work!

    But, if you enjoy being slapped in the face and, paying them to do it, than by all means continue about your pain, whilst I take mine at theirs and your expense of a $!

    Hard work? That's hilarious. Thanks, I needed a laugh.

    Your hard work will be rewarded with the 1 million dilithium you're claiming you have marks for. What you're doing here is asking to be given 500,000 dilithium for free. Whether Cryptic planned in advance to not give you 500,000 dilithium for free, or decided not to give you 500,000 dilithium for free on the spur of the moment doesn't matter.
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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    So I see you've opted to trade in your "side lines sniping" for a rather silly attempt at ad hominem. Well, if you can't present an actual argument and you're not mature enough to realize that nothing is sometimes the best thing you can say. I'm not particularly surprised. But at least that's out in the open.

    Now I can do the childish thing and just say "mark hoarder" over and over to see if I can get you to throw-up. Or I can do the really childish thing and answer that then I was in the same place I was last night, with your mom. Or I can do the passive aggressive thing, and apologize for making you feel belittled by naming something you do and suggesting that it could have negative side effects, and then go on to say that I hope some day you find the fortitude to be able to hear dissenting opinions without getting physically ill.

    But no, I'm going to do the mature thing. I'm going to ignore you.

    As I thought. No answer.

    Next please.
    Free Tibet!
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Its the life of the White Knight.

    Defending the devs in anything and everything regardless of whether or not its good for the game.
    Anyone who disagrees are just whining and complaining about whatever because they cannot accept that all changes are good for the game, even the bad ones.

    And of course anyone who took advantage of something that benefited the player before the change is now considered to have been "exploiting" the game mechanic, dont matter is it was an intended game mechanic before the change, those who did it was exploiters/cheaters or whatever else you can think of.

    You better hope you never become one, as this is what you would become if you did.

    I never once claimed you were exploiting things kid, try and be a little more accurate and a little less asinine. I said that this entire complaint boiled down to people pissed off because cryptic stopped giving you dilithium for free the second it stopped being beneficial to them.

    My only question for you is, why do you think you deserve free dilithium?
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    I never once claimed you were exploiting things kid, try and be a little more accurate and a little less asinine. I said that this entire complaint boiled down to people pissed off because cryptic stopped giving you dilithium for free the second it stopped being beneficial to them.

    My only question for you is, why do you think you deserve free dilithium?

    Because the company advertised a bonus dilithium weekend as it has since it eliminated hourly events, using the same ad copy?
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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