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Scheduled Network Maintenance (May 30, 2013) [Complete!]



  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be fair - it's one week out

    To be fair , it has been out for 1/3 of a month , soon 1/2 a month .
    And if you listen to this little ditty from Capt. Gecko and the "everything's fantastic" P1 crew , you'd get the impression that the programmers are doing ... noting much ... and it's all the "systems guys fault" .

    Fo shizzle , yo ! :o
  • damadorrdamadorr Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    really the amount of forum posts have dropped like 90% in the last week.

    A week ago this thread would be at page 50 by now easy.

    its a middle of workday in EU

    bed\sides - i wondeor how company that maintain 11 different games need 3-4 hrs / day to fix it ... Take a look at Eve online - 1 hr top maintenace always the same time no contsnat fu...ups ...

    This is realy strange ....
  • yazzukayazzuka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ...and the whining begins...
    said the troll
  • xblade7703xblade7703 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be fair - it's one week out - and they actually did fix a few launch bugs over the next two days right after release with emergency patches. That said, there are still a few major issues that could really use a fix ASAP.:D

    one of those asap fixes STOPPED players from progressing!!! besides out right broken parts of the game, any other bug has gone unnoticed. im not expecting the sky to fall, but they could be "attempting" to fix a few bugs a day. u know that whole progress thing.

    i wont repeat what everyone else is saying, but ya some bug fixes plz. seems a few things are driving many ppl nuts.
  • idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *Leaves a bucket with hamster lube and sneaks away*
  • sharyssasharyssa Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There has been (at least) one DT every day since LoR was deployed...the only day it wasn't down was Thursday a week ago, and many have been "emergency maintenance" or crashes...no whining just fact. It gotten pretty ridiculous.
  • eamoncooeamoncoo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And again with maintenance in daylight EU time. The amount of maintenance is starting to become a joke. Plus the fact its all been in EU time it makes one think if they care about the EU players?
    Why Cryptic doesn't alternate the maintenance times between US and EU time I don't know but this would be much fairer on all the players.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daemonheld wrote: »

    I understand the frustration, but a work around for the mail is to actually log into Champions, and delete them there. Stupid that you'd HAVE to log into a separate game to delete your mail, but.. it'll work.

    I thank you for this !

    Most constructive post I've read today by far ! :D

  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    damadorr wrote: »
    its a middle of workday in EU

    bed\sides - i wondeor how company that maintain 11 different games need 3-4 hrs / day to fix it ... Take a look at Eve online - 1 hr top maintenace always the same time no contsnat fu...ups ...

    This is realy strange ....
    Eve's daily downtime is just a reboot of the system. Patches do have on occasion longer downtimes.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Please can't we just leave the server down a little longer to squeeze in bugfixes?

    There are a long list, but 2 of the most pressing ones affect all the new Romulan characters and your legacy pack buyers the most.

    My Romulan has been unable to participate in some pve queue events like CE, mirror universe, conolony invasion, and I suspect a few others I may not have tried yet. I get removed from map instantly upon entering.

    Emergency power to auxilary bug is making cloak useless in pvp, again this is disapointing especially when all the ships we spent a lot of money on in the legacy pack have a main feature of theirs made useless. This needs to be a top priority fix, put in some OT if needed please.

    I really am having a blast with LoR and appreciate the hard work, but bugfixes , especially those 2 will make it even better.

    You like everyone else here have either been getting booted off these events as soon as you enter or getting a "Can't get map name" message. This bug in particular is not new, it's an old bug and one they know how to correct. Thing I am asking is why we getting stalled for patch up/bug fixes? Server maintenance for 3.5 hours doesn't sit right with me. They need to take that Neverwinter game off the same server, that will solve allot of problems server side.
  • azure1986azure1986 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eamoncoo wrote: »
    And again with maintenance in daylight EU time. The amount of maintenance is starting to become a joke. Plus the fact its all been in EU time it makes one think if they care about the EU players?
    Why Cryptic doesn't alternate the maintenance times between US and EU time I don't know but this would be much fairer on all the players.

    all I can say to this is grow up, they probably want to get it done as soon as they can, so of course that means doing in our time (EU), why should they have to stay late or start work extra early as it inconvenience some players. Personally I used to get annoyed at this, but now I thought about it, it does make sense to do it at the time they have chosen. All that has annoyed me is the fact they havent fixed any bugs yet.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eamoncoo wrote: »
    And again with maintenance in daylight EU time. The amount of maintenance is starting to become a joke. Plus the fact its all been in EU time it makes one think if they care about the EU players?
    Why Cryptic doesn't alternate the maintenance times between US and EU time I don't know but this would be much fairer on all the players.
    it's been explained hundreds of times that downtime has nothing to do with early us time or middle of the day uk time. It has to do with the lowest population of online players which is around this time.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited May 2013
    askray wrote: »
    it's been explained hundreds of times that downtime has nothing to do with early us time or middle of the day uk time. It has to do with the lowest population of online players which is around this time.

    they even bumped it up 1 hour to start at 6 Am local time - that's damn early!!!
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok so wondering when Pakled World is gonna stop TRIBBLE the pooch and actually FIX the server. The server crashes, the crash to desktops on map changes, the not being able ot delete emails, so many things wrong right now and yet NO PATCH NOTES for tonight? Seriously???

    C'mon guys. Stop with the joke already... People are paying to play this game, not sit here and watch downtime and post on the forums. My signature says it all...
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • emt27emt27 Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Had to laugh at this one.. I've been there as well, were you beyond frustrated and just start to laugh. My own experience also provided a few kicks from the server requiring relogging
    Server Not Responding... Ok I will wait...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Dang it I just moved a lil bit..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Aww come on this guy is going to kill me...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... I died so let me wait till my BOFF help me.
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Ok one of them helped me up..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Finally killed that guy..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... This would make a good Screen Shot
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Umm I forgot what this mission is about..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... I remember now!!!
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    -You have been disconnected from the Server-

    The real travesty is that you've allowed the network and infrastructure nightmare to tarnish an otherwise fantastic first expansion. It's shameful how long these issues have been occurring while you continue to only apply dressings to the bleeding wounds.
    Say something relavant or hold your tongue
  • yazzukayazzuka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    askray wrote: »
    it's been explained hundreds of times that downtime has nothing to do with early us time or middle of the day uk time. It has to do with the lowest population of online players which is around this time.

    meaning soon they can do maintenance 24/7 :P
  • hoovergkmmchoovergkmmc Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok quick survey time here - how many people only ever come to the forums in order to whine about the servers being down - but when the servers are up, you never bother? Let's see those hands...
  • wenom4wenom4 Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    patch already downloaded while server is offline only 132mb for now ...
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok quick survey time here - how many people only ever come to the forums in order to whine about the servers being down - but when the servers are up, you never bother? Let's see those hands...

    Err lets see, when things are working why would you whine about it? Would be a pointless endevour wouldn't it???
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • emt27emt27 Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    raises hand.. this is the only time I hit the forums.. usually

    unless I get kicked multiple times in a short period
    Say something relavant or hold your tongue
  • yazzukayazzuka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok quick survey time here - how many people only ever come to the forums in order to whine about the servers being down - but when the servers are up, you never bother? Let's see those hands...

    also come here for my coffee sometimes :D
  • bulabajonesbulabajones Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ewtastic wrote: »
    Im gonna guess its like this, Legacy of Romulus caused some memory leak or similar that forces cryptic to do "maintenance" daily. They are putting all their resources into it and point blank even refuses to listen to what bugs exist.

    They shut off the ticket / bug report system because they simply arnt interested in fixing them.

    No.. and with several hours of downtime every day with tons of gamebreaking bugs ingame. When will they give up you think? People are already stopping to play.

    I started playing STO in December of last year after I got burned out from Eve Online. I wanted something casual, and I like Star Trek and internet spaceships. What disappoints me is Cryptic/PW's unprofessional attitude towards taking pride in its games, towards maintaining communication with the players, and making the players feel valued. Their main problem is that their management is incompetently short-sighted with their particular business model: they would rather charge money and microtransactions for almost every possible thing imaginable rather than focus on a sustainable, quality game. They seem to not even comprehend how word-of-mouth, expanding the playerbase, and focusing on the quality of STO IS AS IMPORTANT as milking/fleecing the players of their hard-earned real-life money.

    LOR was yet another opportunity to expand the player population by thousands, if not more. No attempt was made, to my knowledge, on their part to improve the quality and scope of their servers to handle the influx of new players and returning players. They could've rushed to do so, to improve the quality of the gaming experience, so that thousands more people would be enticed to play.

    Most people I've ever spoken to throughout the years STO has been around have been consistent in how ****ty the game is, overall. That there's fun aspects but there are so many bugs and how STO is managed by people who don't show sufficient interest in the quality of the product they are selling. Word of mouth with STO is poor, if not abysmal. LOR brought in a lot of great content, but the sheer scope of technical problems, combined with Cryptic's inability to fix them more than a week after LOR came out, means that LOR is a failure as an expansion. It definitely made money for Cryptic, but are STO players going to tell their friends about how STO is functional, fun, relaxing, casual? Is STO going to get an influx of new players who might be willing to pay money for the game?

    Short-sighted business model when you sum it all up.
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  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I started playing STO in December of last year after I got burned out from Eve Online. I wanted something casual, and I like Star Trek and internet spaceships. What disappoints me is Cryptic/PW's unprofessional attitude towards taking pride in its games, towards maintaining communication with the players, and making the players feel valued. Their main problem is that their management is incompetently short-sighted with their particular business model: they would rather charge money and microtransactions for almost every possible thing imaginable rather than focus on a sustainable, quality game. They seem to not even comprehend how word-of-mouth, expanding the playerbase, and focusing on the quality of STO IS AS IMPORTANT as milking/fleecing the players of their hard-earned real-life money.

    LOR was yet another opportunity to expand the player population by thousands, if not more. No attempt was made, to my knowledge, on their part to improve the quality and scope of their servers to handle the influx of new players and returning players. They could've rushed to do so, to improve the quality of the gaming experience, so that thousands more people would be enticed to play.

    Most people I've ever spoken to throughout the years STO has been around have been consistent in how ****ty the game is, overall. That there's fun aspects but there are so many bugs and how STO is managed by people who don't show sufficient interest in the quality of the product they are selling. Word of mouth with STO is poor, if not abysmal. LOR brought in a lot of great content, but the sheer scope of technical problems, combined with Cryptic's inability to fix them more than a week after LOR came out, means that LOR is a failure as an expansion. It definitely made money for Cryptic, but are STO players going to tell their friends about how STO is functional, fun, relaxing, casual? Is STO going to get an influx of new players who might be willing to pay money for the game?

    Short-sighted business model when you sum it all up.

    Love your signature dude. If we judged Dstahl by his track record for KDF someone would have run him down in the parking lot...

    Signature can be found right above this post BTW,...
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • hoovergkmmchoovergkmmc Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wolfpacknz wrote: »
    Err lets see, when things are working why would you whine about it? Would be a pointless endevour wouldn't it???

    Perhaps you didn't quite understand the question. It wasn't about whining, it was about coming to the forums. Strangely enough, there is other content and discussion in here other than server downtime...

    ...but I think your answer was sufficient :)
  • allenscottallenscott Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hasn't the list of bugs gone on long enough? Network maintenance is great and needed of course....but how will that help if the game itself isn't working properly?

    I won't re-list all the issues going on right now with LoR, but I do want to draw attention to the broken mail system. Everyone's mailbox is getting near the maximum with market sales messages. Will expired sales items that are lost because of this bug be compensated/replaced? Like many players, I've thought about this ahead of time and expect the usual no compensation policy. However, avoiding selling anything more on the market is quickly filling banks and inventory.

    No actual changes to the mail system were ever mentioned in LoR release details. So, then HOW could the mail system have gotten bugs? Someone was doing something with it then, right? I've no idea what (or why) that would have been done. Doesn't matter. But it does make me suspicious.

    Its been over a week. Can we get some sort of information on what is going on? Progress report on these issues? Most of us would probably appreciate some technical details instead of vague, generic descriptions.

    Please and Thank You.;)
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Perhaps you didn't quite understand the question. It wasn't about whining, it was about coming to the forums. Strangely enough, there is other content and discussion in here other than server downtime...

    ...but I think your answer was sufficient :)

    I did understand, the question was about coming to the forums to whine when the servers were down. Would be b...y pointless whining if the servers were up...

    Aside from the small details, I can be found here regularly servers up or down making sure PWE dont get away from remembering their failings and TRIBBLE ups so can I stick one hand fully up and one hand half way up???
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • bulabajonesbulabajones Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wolfpacknz wrote: »
    Love your signature dude. If we judged Dstahl by his track record for KDF someone would have run him down in the parking lot...

    Signature can be found right above this post BTW,...

    Like you, all I want is for them to just do their jobs and address these game-breaking bugs. Simply do their jobs, no questions asked, rather than come up with excuses when they finally grace us with a public response, rather than do maintenance that does not actually fix a single noticeable thing.

    I love Star Trek. I also love STO despite all the bugs. I like this MMO.

    It isn't too much to ask for them to take their jobs more seriously, to consider the long-term future of STO when they refuse to fix problems with the game as it becomes more and more unplayable and drives more and more players away.
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  • ewtasticewtastic Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sigh, in the end it all falls on that Crypic has an incrediby inefficient way to handle developing and communications between different cells. Sounds like they arnt really buddies at work, more like they blame the other guys.

    Cryptic is going to die.
  • marblebreezemarblebreeze Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have only played this game on and off for a month now, almost have on character at lvl 50. In that time i have noticed bugs like...Lag outs, getting kicked out of mission twice near completion, took me 9 hours to do a 3 hour mission.), and others.

    BUT, I must say I love the game, and I don't pay. So I really appreciate you guys and the game. It's a fantastic MMO, and I really enjoy. If its any consolation, I have been working on a bug patch for my girl friend for years :P
  • ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wolfpacknz wrote: »
    Err lets see, when things are working why would you whine about it? Would be a pointless endevour wouldn't it???

    no, actually it would not be pointless. At this point I could go to the forums on any day of the week and complain about tomorrows downtime, before one has been scheduled) and I would be right at least half the time.

    In fact it would be a great time saver for me to write up some generic server downtime complaints in Word, then post them every so often so it does not get in the way of my SWTOR play time.

    The only reason I am bothering right now is because SWTOR is down for scheduled server maintenance for the first time in 3 or 4 weeks so I cannot play that right now.
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
This discussion has been closed.