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Scheduled Network Maintenance (May 30, 2013) [Complete!]



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    ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited May 2013
    As updates go, the Legacy of Romulus has been fantastic. Love many of the changes and think it's a lot of fun.

    The execution of the launch however is amateur hour.
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    stohansonstohanson Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't often show my displeasure on the forums, but I have to agree. Stop with the daily tiny fixes, bring the sever down for several hours and fix everything at once.
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    natewest1natewest1 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stohanson wrote: »
    I don't often show my displeasure on the forums, but I have to agree. Stop with the daily tiny fixes, bring the sever down for several hours and fix everything at once.

    If they do in fact fix anything. I love the game and understand that every game has bugs, but the problems they have been having has been getting outrageous. Seems they are bringing it down every other day, along with the random "Server not responding" issues. Really hope they get these issues fixed.

    Really like ST:O by the way. Tried a quite a few other F2P MMOs and they cant compare. Always come back to ST:O.

    Oh yeah, and fix my main toon at the character select screen, I have 4 clones as my away team and sometimes my ship shows up as my small craft.
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    moggiecanadamoggiecanada Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Before I begin, I'm not taking anyone's side (playerbase or Cryptic's), nor am I going to bash either side. I'm offering a balanced and objective point.


    It's easy for us to armchair quarterback on what's going on because most of us are not in the IT field, and for those who are, they may not work in the same kind of environment. This is not an SAP Netweaver or HANA application server: MMO software and hardware deployments tends to be very unique and very customized.

    We may not understand what has happened, or why Cryptic is taking the approach of having multiple offliners without the usual followup patch. Maybe they are looking for something so subtle or buried that did not exist in the Tribble environment during beta tests, only multiple downtimes will help root it out. It's also possible they are in the process of fixing things because they know what it is, and patches are not required. It is possible to repair software without us seeing it in the form of patches.

    Having said this, I'm not being a Cryptic apologist or cheerleader. While Branflakes has done an excellent job at keeping us up to speed on some unexpected downtime issues, I think Cryptic needs to say to us what's going on in two parts:

    a) What's happened (a mismatch between the development, quality assurance, and production instances in terms of hardware or software configuration for example?), and why this approach to tackling the problems was chosen.

    b) What will be tackled in the short-term and what might need more time to study and repair, again, in layman's terms. What's the priority list? What's the ETA if any? The ETA part is important to spell out: if there is no immediate solution or perhaps it will take a while to fix, it gives the player a choice to either decide to tough it out, or maybe take a week away and let Cryptic do their job without us yammering in their ear as a distraction.

    In other words, keep us informed, spell it out in simple terms, and give us the means needed to make informed choices on how to handle this as a player.

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    captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be fair - it's one week out - and they actually did fix a few launch bugs over the next two days right after release with emergency patches. That said, there are still a few major issues that could really use a fix ASAP.:D

    to be honest a lot of these bugs have been around since open beta, some rear their ugly little heads more than others.
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
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    ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    is there even the slightest chance that we will, anytime this YEAR, get to play two days in a row since Legacy has come out without the Shard going down or being taken down for 'maintenance'? I mean really SWTOR just had a major release and has not had problems like this... why cannot PWE get it together and discover that customer service does not mean have a screwed up game every other day.
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
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    seventhpawnseventhpawn Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Moggie has a good point in that what they should do is hit the forum and say ok, XYZ is all kinds of screwed up, and we are going to do ABC in this and that fashion to get it to work. Worked for me from a customer service perspective. One of the golden rules is to set customer expectations. If we know that there are going to be problems here and there, and they are tackling the problems in a certain fashion and their reasoning why certain actions are taking place, then there can't really be any complaints because we have been told.

    But by the same token I want to bring up one rather impressive bug that they never actually touched at all since the last big addition to the game. The Tholian Red Alert. Yup I went there. The people that brought you that colossal oversight, and never actually took any effort to actually get it to work properly, brought out the Rommies. lol. I mean for a few weeks I ended up submitting a bug report every time I got kicked out of one and they just started deleting them. So no one there can say they never saw any of that mess. And yet after all this time it is still hooped beyond belief. So from a 'setting customer expectations' perspective, they had already shown that they don't care about such massive game oopsies. So in this instance, can we expect anything different? Personally, based on their previous track record, I expected the servers to go down every day as they have for the last week. I wasn't disappointed. Sure I might have been pissed because it is interrupting something, but it wasn't really a massive shocker.

    Moral of the story, we just need to WOOSAH and go play some Firefall or something until they figure out where and/or what the problem is.
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    arakim5arakim5 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am always amazed at player capacity, in that we can scream for bug fixes and at the same time complain about down time.

    Cryptic was obviously not in charge of the LOR launch window, and I’m guessing they are still having to beg PWE for server / network allocations that should have been in place before LOR went live.

    And the core of this game engine is old. Computer engines age even faster than dogs, and this engine is going into Methuselah-era longevity. To change that would mean, probably, the launch of STO II.

    We can’t go back. It is what it is. It will get fixed. Selah.

    Dear Cryptic,

    Please stabilize your server. I’ve been playing your games since City of Heroes, and I recognize your server / engine rubber-banding like the back of my hand. Clear that chokepoint, so I can complain while playing, versus complaining here and on Facebook / Twitter.

    I expect you will get it sorted, please do that soon. Selah.
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    clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    WOW...another one?! Well, maybe something will actually come of this one - like being able to delete mail, for instance or, better yet, work that will result in the fact the server WON'T go down on the 31st as well, or require 7 MORE "scheduled" maintenance downtimes.

    Oh, and throw the monthly Zen stipend in there that many of us have NOT gotten, regardless of the amount of tickets submitted!

    Love the game, and you all do go to great lengths to please sometimes, but, seriously folks, this is getting really old.

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
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    jamesborg1981jamesborg1981 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Server Not Responding... Ok I will wait...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Dang it I just moved a lil bit..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Aww come on this guy is going to kill me...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... I died so let me wait till my BOFF help me.
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Ok one of them helped me up..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Finally killed that guy..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... This would make a good Screen Shot
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... Umm I forgot what this mission is about..
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding... I remember now!!!
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    Server Not Responding...
    -You have been disconnected from the Server-
    Fleet Admiral
    Task Force Command and Task Force Command KDF
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    purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The real travesty is that you've allowed the network and infrastructure nightmare to tarnish an otherwise fantastic first expansion. It's shameful how long these issues have been occurring while you continue to only apply dressings to the bleeding wounds.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The real travesty is that you've allowed the network and infrastructure nightmare to tarnish an otherwise fantastic first expansion. It's shameful how long these issues have been occurring while you continue to only apply dressings to the bleeding wounds.

    Yeah. The lag and the PVE que is the big problem that puts a black mark on the otherwise very nice expansion.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    derbock203derbock203 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for your patience and understanding,

    - The Star Trek Online Team

    problem is, theres a number of customers that actually lose their patience with these daily emergency downtimes and stability fixes.

    it starts to remind me of bad examples in gaming history, which is not a good sign. if this was a beta, nobody would argue. but this is not the case here.

    you really need to extend the clusters man.. maybe a few proxies.. i dunno..
    but this will hurt your games if it goes on like this for another week or two.
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    sephirothkirksephirothkirk Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Game is great, really, I've been playing for about a month and I'm very addicted. But...another freaking maintenance?

    Blizzard, is it you?
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    moggiecanadamoggiecanada Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The real travesty is that you've allowed the network and infrastructure nightmare to tarnish an otherwise fantastic first expansion. It's shameful how long these issues have been occurring while you continue to only apply dressings to the bleeding wounds.

    For all we know they may in fact be fixing the problems or at least attempting to track down the source of the problems.

    For example, the logon queues have stopped. Thank God.

    I think the petrol that is fueling our fire is not so much the downtimes but so why so many are needed, as mentioned in my previous reply. If we knew more of what was going on, we'd still grumble but feel more appreciated for getting an answer. At least we would be armed with the knowledge of what to do next...tough it out or come back after a week and let Cryptic do what they must. A fence sitter's position, true, but better than the assumptions being made so far
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    ficrficr Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was really hoping you'd fix the email bug. But nothing...really? Sight

    I'll have to use the work around and create a Neverwinter account so that I can delete my email.

    Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
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    moggiecanadamoggiecanada Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ficr wrote: »
    I was really hoping you'd fix the email bug. But nothing...really? Sight

    I'll have to use the work around and create a Neverwinter account so that I can delete my email.

    Champs for me :D

    Wait...you do not suppose....this is some sort of marketing ploy to get us to try other products through these workarounds :eek:
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    pec3pec3 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, May 30th, for scheduled network maintenance. We are planning to conduct this maintenance at 6AM PDT (click here to view in your timezone) and expect it to last for 3.5 hours. The test server may also be unavailable during this time.

    As we're only conducting network maintenance, there are no patch notes.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding,

    - The Star Trek Online Team

    I have a problem with:

    - Server not responding so many times for so long,
    - Disconnected so many times,
    - Can not log in after I got disconnected for long time,
    - Problems during missions, I got frozen so I can not move, nothing is moving so I have to respawn next second.
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    coldbeer72coldbeer72 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So this will make 2 patches thus far that I will have to put in plus a full re-download since the last patch i tried(possibly/most likely) completely fried my HDD...
    God knows how many there will be once I get my laptop back from the shop.....:(

    Am sure the wife will want certain bodily parts (that I am rather fond of) on a plate when she finds out how much of our download limit this is gunna take!!!:eek::eek:
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As we're only conducting network maintenance, there are no patch notes.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding,

    Don't thank me for something I haven't given you yet.

    Can't believe you guys need 3.5 hours to fix... nothing! No patches, no nothing!

    Oh, and you totally messed up my bof layout. For one, guess what?! I choose another bridge, and, lo and behold, all my stations no longer have bofs! Yup, all empty. Nice going; real professional.

    Oh, and my bridge bof seating is messed up too: only 1 or 2 of my assigned bofs actually show up; along with others, who shouldn't even be there.

    Oh, and my bof away team is messed up too: only 1 or 2 of my assigned bofs actually show up; along with others, who shouldn't even be there.

    So, don't thank me for my patience and understanding, as you have neither. You introduced some very serious regression bugs; and don't get me started on how you butchered the tailor. You should have tested all these things, but you didn't.
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    cloudwashercloudwasher Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had been planning on buying a lifetime subscription, but I've taken pause now because of how disastrous this LoR expansion has been from a technical standpoint. The game can be as fun as you like but if people have to deal with bugs that go unfixed, constant outages, and prolonged, frequent down times that fail to solve any issues, then they're gonna go somewhere else.

    I might still buy my lifetime sub. I'm very disappointed that they never took an opportunity to use any of that data they got during the beta testing, as that wouldn've allowed them to avoid most these issues, but I'm still going to wait to see how cryptic responds over these next few weeks to these bugs and take that as an indicator of whether STO will survive long enough for me to feel safe buying a lifetime sub...
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Heck, there are bugs from 2011 they blatantly ingnore. (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=9527191#post9527191). Don't expect every bug to go away. They have to balace adding new stuff, responding to balance issues, and fixing bugs, all at the same time.

    Ugliest LoR addition by far is the look of players and NPCs with low video setting. Everyone looks bruised/dirty.
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    newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited May 2013
    I had been planning on buying a lifetime subscription, but I've taken pause now because of how disastrous this LoR expansion has been from a technical standpoint. The game can be as fun as you like but if people have to deal with bugs that go unfixed, constant outages, and prolonged, frequent down times that fail to solve any issues, then they're gonna go somewhere else.

    I might still buy my lifetime sub. I'm very disappointed that they never took an opportunity to use any of that data they got during the beta testing, as that wouldn've allowed them to avoid most these issues, but I'm still going to wait to see how cryptic responds over these next few weeks to these bugs and take that as an indicator of whether STO will survive long enough for me to feel safe buying a lifetime sub...

    it's kind of funny several months ago people were speculating that as soon as Neverwinter was going STO would be put in Maintenance mode - technically they were right about the maintenance.
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    lilmomcrowlilmomcrow Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    NW is also getting a maintenance tomorrow at the same time STO is...and it is also getting them every day or every other day....IDK what is going on with PW games lately but it's across the board it seems....
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    firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Server stability updates. - so we shouldn't hope there is any actual bug gets fixed. wonderful... pretty please, with sugar on top, fix the bloody mail.
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
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    warp2126warp2126 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think it is time they held a "state of game" conference to let us know what is actually happening and where the game is going. Right now many people feel like they are in the dark and the impression we get is that cryptic themselves are not all that sure whats happening. Yes, we know that new games have problems and yes the must be downtime....but it would help matters greatly if more information was shared.
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    milen93milen93 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They have to stabilise the server first, before applying new patches, because it can get even worse :)
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    haubrockhaubrock Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, Cryptic doesnt care about what we write here...
    If they would care, thee wouldnt be a downtime everyday, there would be patchnotes, bugfixes, explanaitions, and maybe an improvement to serverstability...
    ALl we get is daily downtime and a game that could be called star trek offline, since it gets worse every time they patch nothing...
    BTW: Yesterday I visited my fleet defiants bridge, just to see that all my boffs and random redshirt guys looked like Breens... It was kinda creepy...
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    tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Haven't you heard,bug fixes are now on a per character basis in the Z store :rolleyes:

    Whats the point of a stable server if half the stuff on it is so bugged it's a pain to use?
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    arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to say my patience is pretty much past the limit now. When I was leveling my Romulan things were mostly OK. Some missions had broken difficulty due to bugs, but I got through them (as a Veteran player, not sure new players would fare as well, what was that about nr. 1 goal being getting players through the game smoothly from start to finish?).

    But now at endgame the game is pretty much unplayable, at least it's absolutely zero fun and only frustrating. Oh hey Cryptic I need to do events to earn marks for reputation projects, only I friggin can't because the TRIBBLE game is throwing me out over and over again. If this happens once I'm annoyed, if it happens twice I might as well stop playing since the game already destroyed my mood instead of being fun or relaxing. Guess how high the chance is to get into an event you want to play on the third try? Especially trying to get into the same game together with a friend.

    Add to that the latest priority one episode with the short visit by CaptainGecko. "HEH LOL I HAVE NOTHING TO DO AND WILL GO HOME NOW, PROBLEMS AREN'T IN MY DEPARTMENT SEEYA SUCKERS"

    The rational part of me says he is probably correct. Still the message.... with a launch like this.... must...not....get...myself...banned...
This discussion has been closed.