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Ask Cryptic: March 2012



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    but to the whole article :
    i am very happy to read there will be fleet developement with structures to build,
    - there will be new STF's AND new PVP maps,
    - there will be new SETS of equipment
    - more daylies

    i do think these things are far more important that some 15 new episodes for the klingons. (my main is klingon)

    the bugs/Stuff i would like to see getting care of (which don't include a romulan faction, which is my main wish):
    - kdf/fed grouping in STF's
    - kdf unable to see their kits..
    - equipment counter to see if a player is viable for an elite STF
    - open elite STF's after some number of normal STF's accomplished (account wise)

    another stuff
    - craftig revamp - PLS do it, its shamefull right now.. the exchange too..
    - exploring/1st contact missions - bring a little sence into it ;)
    - i had to change to KDF so that my science character is able to fly a BOP (escort/fighter type ship) and USE a science officer with all his abilities. (in fact i have 3 sciences and 2 tacticals on that ship - no engineer - and it works great)
    i would like that possibility for my federation character too, but all escorts are shamefully "underscienced"
    - give feds ONE small, quick, turnable ship with grey BOFF slots pls :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jon_Gee wrote:
    The STF loot tables may be working as intended but it does mean they are right or far. Since you constantly spam who wins the Galor from the lock boxes, perhaps you should consider info about the loot tables, just a thought.

    It is impossible to have any faith in what Cryptic say about the STF loot tables working correctly when the Borg in ground STF run around like something from The Benny Hill Show. BTW I can’t stand Benny Hill, but it seem that you Americans do! Go figure! Perhaps someone else should check the STF’s out themselves and not dismiss players comments out of hand.

    Ya know every body wants what they want , kdf wants stuff romulans want a faction, but how about bugs being fixed and major bugs, borg running into rooms, jumping or teleporting to transformers 30 meters away, cataians not getting the m.a.c.o. uniform even though the have all the parts for it, and many other bugs, and the answer in the forums is its a known issue personaly before they keep adding new stuff i love to see what they have fixed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Q: (KeithCrimson) When do we get to play as a Cardassian?

    Dstahl: We’ve been holding off on having playable Cardassians and Romulans for the time being as we envision having a complete faction devoted to these races. That is the only reason we haven’t added them as playable species in the game yet. They are reserved for future expansions. That said, depending on what our timeline is for future expansions, we haven’t ruled out the possibility of having a few Cardassians or Romulans appear in Fed/Kdf ranks. So this is very TBD still.

    While I am really happy to see that Cardassians will one day get their own faction, you have to be realistic about the time zone for this. The KDF still needs level 1 to 20 content then the Romulan star Empire will need 1 to 50 content and then you can start working on the Cardassian content. Given how long the KDF has had to wait given there is always more federation content needed as well it is not going to be any time soon. So adding Cardassian as a species option from the C-Store makes the most sence. Don't get me wrong I would rather they were a faction of their own but you have to be realistic on the time frame.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Dunnlang wrote:
    The reality is that Cryptic does not have the resources to double the PvE size of the game right now. Even if they did, people would still breeze through the content and have nowhere to go and nothing to do.

    Dan said that the majority of active new F2P players are max level. They have likely played all the PvE content. What the game needs is something to do after the few hours of PvE runs out.

    This game needs so much more than a few dozen KDF PvE missions.

    This +1 .

    No 10char 4 u .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    So dont even give the quarter. Just give the year.

    Geko said in one of his interviews that the further out they plan the more things are subject to change .
    Thus , telling us about their next year's plan (or even this years) will lead straight back to the worst parts of the previous Engineering Reports -- the parts that were fictional .

    I'd suggest you quit trying to get a straight answer on this one .
    When they'll have confirmed plans , they'll tell us .
    Consider yourself/ourselves lucky that the dude in charge WANTS to tell us stuff .
    He's just applying moderation .
    (which kinda sucks for him , cause he's the one granting interviews when he does not have much info to give at this time)

    IF you want to head back to the lala dream land that the previous Engineering Reports were , go ahead .
    Just remember how much collective misery they brought in the end .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Aelfwin wrote: »
    (which kinda sucks for him , cause he's the one granting interviews when he does not have much info to give at this time).

    There's an old saying... "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing."

    I would much prefer "Silence" for several months while they actually BUILD SOME CONTENT, rather than having constant interviews, blogs, Ask Cryptics etc, all in all tells us NOTHING. "Can't say right now, let you know as we get closer to the date..." etc etc

    Don't get me wrong, it's nice seeing Ask Cryptic return... But Dstahls's answers were "non-answers" since you don't get any concrete information on the biggest question of them all: WHEN!?!?!!?
    Aelfwin wrote: »
    IF you want to head back to the lala dream land that the previous Engineering Reports were , go ahead . Just remember how much collective misery they brought in the end .

    FYI, it wasn't the "fictious information" in the Engineering Report that caused all the grief and misery... It's the total lack of new content for nearly 12 months, and people like Dstahl stringing everyone along, saying that alot of stuff are coming Soon(tm), when in fact, very little actual content was being developed in that time. I direct you to Dstahl's own statement how he was playtesting the first episode of "The 2800" back in August 2011, when D'angelo later states in October 2011, that they had -just- begun work on the first episode.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    dstahl wrote: »

    2. here's a hint at one of the options - no more KDF!!! hahahahahaha .... ::sigh:: - just kidding

    AAAAAAAAAUUUGGGGGGGGGHH!!!!!!!!! Don't do that.

    now I got to go change my undies.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Yes but Klingon players are rather contentious. Cryptic would be very foolish giving any guesstimates about KDF content. It's just not worth the resulting hassle.
    Its an identifying marker of both the Genre created race of Klingons and the fanbase that we tend to be argumentive and brash at times.
    No worse than the identifying markers of the average Federation fan.
    Keep in mind though all fans are defined by the word fanatic.
    Dunnlang wrote:
    This game needs so much more than a few dozen KDF PvE missions. I am tired of having everything put on hold for something that will make only the most minor improvement on the game.

    Yes, it needs a few dozen KDF missions to complete the faction and much more in the way of improvements
    to the game.
    Lets stop cranking out fed stuff for a while then, fill in the gaps on the KDF faction, start a base Romulan faction so it can add to the game, fix PvP into something more than it is and adjust the other things still left in a state of flux that the game needs and then get back to the content that drives the fed faction.

    Its not as if the feds have been starving this whole time or have been sitting idly by waiting for the Devs to finish content not related to them in particular as if they have been put on hold at all.
    You have content running out your ears, all we want is our piece of the pie to be finally prepared so we can enjoy our playtime in STO as much as others instead of the constant 2 year prattle of hearing the feds complain about how they are being "put on hold" while still getting content and new things sent to them.
    The drought aside, the Feds are not hurting for more and at this point the Devs seem to just be adding those fan wanted items (or plans for them anyway) and overall game improvements to help us all.

    We Klingons and other KDF fans just want a better level of PvE gameplay like the feds already have to enjoy.
    A storyline that allows us to be immersed into STO more than the just target of fedwhines about OP perceptions and as a target of complainst that they are being overlooked for an unimportant part of STO becuase it does not affect them directly enough to matter to them.

    I guess while the fictional federation dreamt by GR is an open and sharing society, the fanbase is not quite up to par with the concept yet.

    We want teh KDF finished or at least know the finish line is in sight becuase we too are tired of being put on hold and would like STO to progress forward to grow into something bigger and better.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I already decided to let my sub laps on April because of the issue with KDF. Since day one, I wanted a full size KDF faction, 2 years+ later and we have this appendage spin off of a faction, not enough to keep me around.

    No, this is not a "I quit" reply since I will still be around, but I have to make $ cuts in my budget and that's one due to the lack of one of my primary items in the game. I love STO, I worship Star Trek as a whole. I can only hope to see a more define plan for KDF like Grand Nagus do.

    Please Dan, hear us and help see more clearly about what will come of the KDF. Like Nagus asked, a loose time frame, a general goal?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    dstahl wrote: »
    In the meantime the content team IS working on more KDF only content, and you should some of that soon. Just keep in mind KDF content isn't the ONLY thing we are working on.
    I assume you are referring to what Captain Geko tweeted about:
    We played the first playable version of a brand new Klingon episode today. It was sweet! Lots if new fun gameplay and Klingon bad-assery.

    Later in an interview with Podcast UGC he told us that this was just 1 mission and not part of a series. However your use of the words "some of that" above mean there is more than just this 1 mission currently being worked on. So please confirm whether you mean MORE than just this 1 mission that Geko talked about.

    I assume Dan's also talking about the new playable race for the KDF; the Ferasans (Saber Tooth Cat People) which was leaked about a month ago I just can't remember which interview/podcast it was.

    I remember it was also mentioned that they were considering reducing the Klingon Faction starting level every time they added new mission content and continue to do that in stages right up to the point when they added enough to get the faction to start at level 1 which would include a KDF tutorial.

    So if they do that we may find that they end up adding a new Klingon mission say every 3-4 weeks at some point, perhaps quicker than that; being hopeful of course as I feel they have a couple of things hidden up their sleeve that they're not telling us about, but we'll just have to wait and see. Unless of course Dan gives you a direct answer, which would be cool. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Alecto wrote: »
    I assume Dan's also talking about the new playable race for the KDF; the Ferasans (Saber Tooth Cat People) which was leaked about a month ago I just can't remember which interview/podcast it was.

    I remember it was also mentioned that they were considering reducing the Klingon Faction starting level every time they added new mission content and continue to do that in stages right up to the point when they added enough to get the faction to start at level 1 which would include a KDF tutorial.

    So if they do that we may find that they end up adding a new Klingon mission say every 3-4 weeks at some point, perhaps quicker than that; being hopeful of course as I feel they have a couple of things hidden up their sleeve that they're not telling us about, but we'll just have to wait and see. Unless of course Dan gives you a direct answer, which would be cool. :)

    Hopefully a KDF tutorial that's better than that god-awful one in there now where you just run around First City talking to people in back alleys and obscure places you never need to go to again. They redid the Fed tutorial which was actually not bad compared to what the KDF tutorial hot mess is.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Alecto wrote: »
    I assume Dan's also talking about the new playable race for the KDF; the Ferasans (Saber Tooth Cat People) which was leaked about a month ago I just can't remember which interview/podcast it was.

    I remember it was also mentioned that they were considering reducing the Klingon Faction starting level every time they added new mission content and continue to do that in stages right up to the point when they added enough to get the faction to start at level 1 which would include a KDF tutorial.

    So if they do that we may find that they end up adding a new Klingon mission say every 3-4 weeks at some point, perhaps quicker than that; being hopeful of course as I feel they have a couple of things hidden up their sleeve that they're not telling us about, but we'll just have to wait and see. Unless of course Dan gives you a direct answer, which would be cool. :)

    According to DStahl's more recent interviews and what he said in this thread, the plans for the KDF are up in the air with a couple of options on the table.

    Currently, he says they are bouncing the options back and forth with PW on which one they will do ... and is likely it will take a month or a little more before they reach thst decision.

    So other than that, there is no answer and for the moment ... all is pure guess work.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Hopefully a KDF tutorial that's better than that god-awful one in there now where you just run around First City talking to people in back alleys and obscure places you never need to go to again. They redid the Fed tutorial which was actually not bad compared to what the KDF tutorial hot mess is.

    I don't think that mission was ever designed to be an actual tutorial; only to be a simple tour mission to help starting players as well as older players learn the layout of the First City because it was added right after the Qon'oS First City map was updated and many players were at a point where they didn't know where to find any specific locations such as the NPC vendors, banks, exchange, crafting, etc...

    I agree that the Fed tutorial could still be improved but it just about does what it supposed to do at the moment. When the time comes and the KDF players do start at level 1 they will need a tutorial because players should have the option by that point to choose to start their first ever character as either Fed or KDF.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I was hoping Stahl would have addressed the Ambassador Class, like he addressed the Vesta. I've heard mixed reports that work has already begun on the Ambassador....I've also heard getting a license is taking longer than expected....but then I've heard the ship is about to be designed...but having not addressed the Ambassador question from the interview, I wonder if Cryptic just scrapped the idea altogether?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Can I ask-

    When planned maintenence is planned, can we at least get notice before you UNPLAN to bring the servers down early? Gets REALLY annoying doing a mission/event you know you should have at least another 40mins of server left AFTER you finish it, to find you bring them down 1min before we complete no warnings.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Q: (bluegeek) When will missions be able to award CXP besides just Diplomatic?

    Dstahl: This is potentially on the plate for Season 6. We are in the final process of determine our feature list for that release and this is close to making the cut so far. We definitely want CXP to be gained from additional missions outside of just Diplomatic missions as that was the intent of the system from the get-go.

    follow-up question:

    The *old* diplomatic Missions like on Vulcan, Memory Alpha to K-7 and Bajor always gave lousy 10 DXP as reward.

    This was badly scaled from the start as every short scan 5 anomalies mission gave 10 DXP too and the real diplomatic missions are kinda time intensive.

    By now we have the Duty Officer System, and ever 1 hour AFK assignment hands out 50 DXP at the very least.

    My question is not IF but WHEN will the reward tables on those 5 - 8 (or what?) old (but GOOD!) Diplomatic Missions be rescaled so that they are worth the time investment?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ambassador class I think should be added as a skin for the Excelsior, seeing as most people only want the Ambassador in game for aesthetic and Enterprise continuity.

    Actually, us STO players want the Ambassador class because we like the ship. :D , not just for the sake of "having it" to complete the enterprise line.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    PodSix wrote:
    Reading between the lines of this post, I think it's safe to assume that we're not going to see the Ambassador Class until mid 2013 at this point. Honestly, regardless of what "in design discussion" meant, I somewhat doubt we'll ever see that ship in this game, which is sad, because hoping on the chance to pilot that ship was half the reason I bought a lifetime during beta, sight unseen.

    None of that makes me feel any better for waiting over 2 years for the Ambassador Class. Nor does it make me stop wanting it. I bought the lifetime because I wanted that ship, I just didn't realize then that it was going to take 2 years of that lifetime, and still more...

    I would drop a lot of $$$, or time, or whatever Cryptic asked of me to get this darn ship. Your right though. A (2) year window is unacceptable.

    I just would like a firm update on the ship without Cryptic playing the role of "The Great and Powerful OZ" and hiding behind the curtain. If the ship is not going to be physically designed until 2015, just let us fans know, so we can lower our expectations. I would rather be let down now, then wait another 2 years only to be crushed when someone says: NO to the ship ever making it into the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I would drop a lot of $$$, or time, or whatever Cryptic asked of me to get this darn ship. Your right though. A (2) year window is unacceptable.

    I just would like a firm update on the ship without Cryptic playing the role of "The Great and Powerful OZ" and hiding behind the curtain. If the ship is not going to be physically designed until 2015, just let us fans know, so we can lower our expectations. I would rather be let down now, then wait another 2 years only to be crushed when someone says: NO to the ship ever making it into the game.

    You realize that it will be a Tier 3 or maybe Tier 4 ... right?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I want the creator's to see this post ,,I want to know when will the player's see new change's in their ship's like an ability to command the ship from within the ship for gold member's with a computer microphone issueing the commmand's to the tactical officer's who are operating the ship and other ammenities for gold member's such as more deck's to a brig a cargo hold crew quarter's and science departments because i'm tired of watchin the crew walk around with nothing to do or more crewmember on the bridge of the odyysey ship's.I mean the klingon's have a brig on thier ship's why are starfleet and or federation officer's are left out in the cold.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Aelfwin wrote: »
    Geko said in one of his interviews that the further out they plan the more things are subject to change .
    Thus , telling us about their next year's plan (or even this years) will lead straight back to the worst parts of the previous Engineering Reports -- the parts that were fictional .

    I'd suggest you quit trying to get a straight answer on this one .
    When they'll have confirmed plans , they'll tell us .
    Consider yourself/ourselves lucky that the dude in charge WANTS to tell us stuff .
    He's just applying moderation .
    (which kinda sucks for him , cause he's the one granting interviews when he does not have much info to give at this time)

    IF you want to head back to the lala dream land that the previous Engineering Reports were , go ahead .
    Just remember how much collective misery they brought in the end .

    The reason there was such a problem with the ERs in the past is all the things that were said around the time Atari was selling Cryptic and the absolutely ridiculous content drought that followed. There was an actual REASON they couldnt carry out their plans then. But that reason has now come and gone and it is no longer an excuse. Normal development should be happening again and there shouldnt be huge upsets like that anymore.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    You realize that it will be a Tier 3 or maybe Tier 4 ... right?

    And that has WHAT exactly to do with the discussion? Hell, some people would probably buy it even if it were a Tier 1 (i.e Starter ship replacement).

    Thing is thou, it's not the first time Cryptic "strings us along" by saying that "New content is coming, but we can't say exactly when".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Well how about letting us call down our own away team's down in ground stf's like borg whenever we left by other's in stf's who flake out during them because a leaver penalty is'nt working duh?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Alecto
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    duaths wrote: »
    im sure the vulcan academy of sciences and the whole high council would stand up against allowing romulans as a whole to join federation :D

    And i think i have read somewhere that the reunification movement has its voice in the Romulan senate, so they do not need fed.

    Did you know that the RSE is supposed to be smaller than Federation (about 2/3 of it) but bigger than KDF? :D

    but yes, there are some planets which would like to be independent..

    I'm sure that Picard would come out of retirement to remind the Vulcan Academy of Science that their anti-Romulan bigotry practically made them perpetrators of genocide in the Hobus incident.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    In this brand-new edition of Ask Cryptic, Executive Producer Dan Stahl delivers answers to player submitted questions.

    Link to the news article.

    And he was to deliver answers someplace in all of this yes?

    I read it, three times jsut to be sure I did not miss anything. All I found was non commital maybes.

    Hey if that is all the answers he has, that is cool, but I did not see a lot of answers.

    One thing I did read and I will see if it comes to fruitition, is the Emphasis on QA, AGAIN!.... Listen team a good amount of that silliness can be caught by QA. The fact that is is not tells me
    • They are not opertaing on the same enviroment as holodeck, if so, why not, that makes a poor QA check.
    • not enough people to handle the demand placed on them
    • not a realistic goal set for the team on deadlines
    • no set procedures before it is handed off
    • poor direction by leadership. (from what Dan posted he is correcting)
    So, sitting back to see the results.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    PodSix wrote:
    And what if the realistic answer was "2013, or possibly 2014?" What kind of drama would that result in?

    Cryptic has to play a game of politics, keeping players to a degree in the dark about the truth. As the saying goes, we can't handle the truth. Cryptic has a responsibility to keep players interested, and NOT give us news that actively discourages us from subscribing, or buying things. That's why they don't tell us this week if there's going to be a 50% sale in the C-Store next week. If they told us, sales would collapse for a week.

    If a player found out with any reasonable certainty, that the ONE thing they've been holding on for wouldn't arrive for at least 10 months.. they'd unsubscribe for those 10 months. They'd uninstall the game, they wouldn't be playing, they wouldn't be looking at the CStore items, and might not care anymore when that feature was released. So Cryptic CAN'T tell us that. It's completely irresponsible from a business perspective.

    So they hem and haw and tell us how they value X, and really want to do Y, and how they've been hiring some new people who are working on Z... and they point out that things are in flux, and that another company PWE/CBS has to weigh in as well. It's all designed to say "I'm sorry, you're not going to get what you want in the timeframe you want it in, but we really do WANT to do that, and we need you to keep hanging on for a while longer."

    Reading between the lines of this post, I think it's safe to assume that aside from CStore items and maybe a couple of throwaway events, we're not going to see any community requested items checked off the big wishlist until well into q3 2012. I'm certainly not expecting the Ambassador Class until mid 2013 at this point. Honestly, regardless of what "in design discussion" meant, I somewhat doubt we'll ever see that ship in this game, which is sad, because hoping on the chance to pilot that ship was half the reason I bought a lifetime during beta, sight unseen.

    I don't think the Klingon faction will ever be finished to the standards people want it to, and in fact I expect to see more alien factions released with the same "half content" recipe. The fact is that the Klingons in the forum are so used to being upset, that even when Cryptic hands them half a dozen new ships, they still complain they never get anything. Yet with very rare exception, almost all the new missions and locations added to the game in the last year or so, have been mirrored in some fashion for the KDF. all the FE's, the academy stuff, the new daily events... the doffs.. But ask any Klingon, and they'll swear up and down that THEY haven't gotten a single thing in all that time.

    If Cryptic says "tuesday" and doesn't deliver, people will wail. if Cryptic says "6 months to a year" people will wail and stop playing, which in turn leads to profits dropping, and fewer employees, fewer payhours to spend on adding things, etc. But if Cryptic JUST sticks to saying "we;d like to do that but we're still discussing it internally" and follows up with "but we have just finished THIS".. well that strikes a good balance between truth, and placating us.

    None of that makes me feel any better for waiting over 2 years for the Ambassador Class. Nor does it make me stop wanting it. I bought the lifetime because I wanted that ship, I just didn't realize then that it was going to take 2 years of that lifetime, and still more, before cryptic could manage that one measily mid-light cruiser to show up.
    All I am reading from your post is that cryptic has no integrity and we shouldn't expect any integrity.
    Those words. Nothing else.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Dan, what happened to this plan?
    StormShade wrote:
    We're actually increasing our development team's size in order to be able to make more new content. This means more Featured Episodes, more regular new content, and possibly even more new STFs.

    On top of this, we plan on putting quite a bit of work into the Klingon side of the game in order to bring them up to par with what the Federation experience is.



    StormShade wrote:
    No. If anything, this means that the Klingon Faction has a very large update coming to it later on down the line so that it can finally be a full fledged faction, as The Empire was always meant to be.



    StormShade wrote:
    Actually, we've been saying for sometime now that it was not possible to bring the KDF up to par with the Federation.

    Only recently have we changed that tune, and began to say that we intend to bring the KDF up to par with the Federation.

    This is the difference that last month or so has brought us, and I think it's a great thing for the KDF!

    However, as you not above, it's going to take us some time to get there. We understand that our Klingon Players have been through the rough. We get to fix this now, but it's going to take us some time. I know it's difficult, but please, remember that this is some of the best news, if not the best news for the KDF, in a very long time.




    I believe you were still the EP at that time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This is copied directly from todays release notes and I am not sure what is attempted to be said: "The Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid weapons no longer get 10x the damage bonus they should have been given." I can make a guess, but then again it is hard to tell which way Cryptic is going with this. Any ideas?

    The main question I have is with crafting. Common unreplicateable materials costs 10 Dilithium where the uncommon costs 1000. This seems way over priced and makes crafting nearly impossible for the fleet. The cost of 1000 would seem to be if there was a rare or very rare type of this material. 100 or 200 would be a more reasonable price for this material. Also, is there going to be the ability to craft custom items such as kits where you pick the four abilities it would have within the given class and choosing the attributes for other items such as weapons or gear? This type of open ended crafting is what I see in many of the other MMOs I have played and is wonderful and does not over power anyone or make the game to easy. I guess there are a few questions there, but except for the first one they are related.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    And that has WHAT exactly to do with the discussion? Hell, some people would probably buy it even if it were a Tier 1 (i.e Starter ship replacement).

    Thing is thou, it's not the first time Cryptic "strings us along" by saying that "New content is coming, but we can't say exactly when".

    Just making sure they knew as believe it or not ... there are a lot of people out there that want it but are expecting it will be a T-5 ship as the Excelsior is. (And I'd buy it if it were T-5 ... but will not lower as I want stuff to play with at end game.)
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