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People Intentionally glitching to become "KDF" in warzone

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
So I have seen this and had it happen to me randomly, but I have noticed the past 3 nights that some people do it intentionally and hunt lowbi players in wz.....one flleet in perticular (3 memebers of that where in wa with me not 2 min ago....all glitching into kdf)

somebody explained to me how they do it, its something about editing/glitching a memory addy thats used by the game to tell the server if your fed of kdf, if your anything but a specific value it sets you as kdf...

not expecting this to get fixed, just wondered what people think of this.....

note, these are lvl50's in LOW level wz's poping noobs for "lulz" (so bad i had to swap to my VA to deal with them.....)

wont mention names as i dont want another infraction.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Are you sure they're doing it deliberately? I remember one time I got "glitched" into KDF whenever I pvp-d. How are you sure they are doing it intentionally?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    bug report it ingame.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I've bug reported this plenty of times but tbh it's not that much of a problem unless ppl abuse it. For instance on Otha when certain fleets beam down run over the other side of the map and switch teams to give the kdf massive numbers and to kill fed players in other fleets the don't like but who aren't intrested in fed v fed pvp. This is not a glitch, this is deliberate intent to grief.

    But like I said reported it loads, never been fixed, only a problem if people abuse it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I have to concur, Ive seen this before and the player was in a Fed ship. No matter how much I attacked him I was unable to take down a single shield of his. I ended up moving out of range of his weapons and watch his buffs and they were constantly on. I have many of the same Boff buffs and know what their cooldown are and his were not going off except for 1 to 2 seconds. This one player had on average 12 to 15 Boff buffs active at a time and 7 Fed players could not take him out (including 4 Odessey ships at once). Klingon spawn griefing is bad in Kar'ret but this took the case, real shame since they don't consider that killing those players delays the completion of the mission and their free dilithium. I've also seen a few speed hacks used, cruisers don't turn 180 degress in less than 3 seconds no matter if they are Klingon or Federation using buffs or consoles.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The other day tehre was a question by me in warzone about how all around me klings have fed ships...i go answer and ~$0min. later almost everybody on all zones were with the bug. So one person is enough to explain it on zone chat and bam, all start to try it :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The intentional use of a bug to affect gameplay is known as an 'exploit'. You should, as someone else pointed out, report it in game to the GMs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    As mentioned above I have reported it several times dating back to September/October last year and I know for a fact other people I know have done so. Never any response.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Feds masking themselves as Klingons to abuse other feds in an open PvP zone!!!!!!!!!

    lol- guess the idealism of the UFP has slipped to truelly low levels if they are attacking thier own compatriots now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    AshenTech wrote:
    So I have seen this and had it happen to me randomly, but I have noticed the past 3 nights that some people do it intentionally and hunt lowbi players in wz.....one flleet in perticular (3 memebers of that where in wa with me not 2 min ago....all glitching into kdf)

    somebody explained to me how they do it, its something about editing/glitching a memory addy thats used by the game to tell the server if your fed of kdf, if your anything but a specific value it sets you as kdf...

    not expecting this to get fixed, just wondered what people think of this.....

    note, these are lvl50's in LOW level wz's poping noobs for "lulz" (so bad i had to swap to my VA to deal with them.....)

    wont mention names as i dont want another infraction.....

    i don't know about a memory addy, but i have seen this glitch and i can recreate it, it is simple, all i did to encounter is is goto dinner in the middle of a warzone....when i relogged in 30 minutes later my ship was still in the warzone and i was on KDF side...its really that simple i wasn't going to tell anyone about it but apparently someone else figuered it out lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I have to concur, Ive seen this before and the player was in a Fed ship. No matter how much I attacked him I was unable to take down a single shield of his. I ended up moving out of range of his weapons and watch his buffs and they were constantly on. I have many of the same Boff buffs and know what their cooldown are and his were not going off except for 1 to 2 seconds. This one player had on average 12 to 15 Boff buffs active at a time and 7 Fed players could not take him out (including 4 Odessey ships at once). Klingon spawn griefing is bad in Kar'ret but this took the case, real shame since they don't consider that killing those players delays the completion of the mission and their free dilithium. I've also seen a few speed hacks used, cruisers don't turn 180 degress in less than 3 seconds no matter if they are Klingon or Federation using buffs or consoles.

    That's called hacking, what you described...

    I've seen a couple fishy klinks... Mostly just malcontents and reprobates in bought ships using battle cloak to grief their way through the game. However one or two have had this magical ability to soak up the combined damage of 10 VA-level ships pouring firepower onto them. I had a B'Rel recently that was sitting there while my cannon-armed defiant poured nonstop rapid fire into his rear shields at 0.25km (I stopped to avoid ramming him -- he was obsessing over another friendly in front of him). I took his shields down and was hitting the hull all the time 3 others were hitting him from the other sides... What does he do? He jets away so fast even my perfectly timed "evasive manuevers" couldn't catch him... He just ran away from me like I was walking, and ended up over 12k out in front of me by the time my evasives died.

    I then saw him at that range applying like a million buffs at once, regaining all shields and hull instantly.

    It's total BS.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's called hacking, what you described...

    I've seen a couple fishy klinks... Mostly just malcontents and reprobates in bought ships using battle cloak to grief their way through the game. However one or two have had this magical ability to soak up the combined damage of 10 VA-level ships pouring firepower onto them. I had a B'Rel recently that was sitting there while my cannon-armed defiant poured nonstop rapid fire into his rear shields at 0.25km (I stopped to avoid ramming him -- he was obsessing over another friendly in front of him). I took his shields down and was hitting the hull all the time 3 others were hitting him from the other sides... What does he do? He jets away so fast even my perfectly timed "evasive manuevers" couldn't catch him... He just ran away from me like I was walking, and ended up over 12k out in front of me by the time my evasives died.

    I then saw him at that range applying like a million buffs at once, regaining all shields and hull instantly.

    It's total BS.

    you do know if you combine emergancy evasive and emergancy power to engines back to back it can get you quite a bit a breathing room...hopefully as far as uber shields.....that kind od sounds like a battle i was in lol...was it a science vessal named Asmodeas? and a pilot named cappy?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Old news. Has been happening for a long time, but Cryptic has done nothing about it. Ker'rat is extremely bugged, and keeps on getting buggier. It's still the only fed v. klink Open PvP zone, so I like the zone regardless.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Not to mention those Uber ship can't be killed situations described are not a Klingon exclusive iether. Many feds have been indesructible in Ker'rat.
    Cheating is not faction exclusive.

    as well with the Runner console being availible for the KDF now plus what was mention about EVM+Eng Batt+ all power engines and etc, its easy to out run almost anybody if you know what your are doing and it be completely legit.

    I'm more curiuos about this Battle Cloak bought ship?? I thought the B'rel was the only puchased BoP from the store.
    Griefing, meh. Been attacked plenty a time in Ker'rat by a feds while dealing with Borg- it comes with the territory of being in a open pvp zone.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Talk of how exploits are done is a no go so I can't say what I think regardless but I have a theory about the kerrat glitch that's to do with the map being a pvp map with pve mixed in rather than the other way around. It's only a theory since I've not tried to deliberately replicate it and instead use another tactic to avoid being spawn ganged.

    I'm not sure how Cryptic can fix this other than forcing people who attempt this gltich out in to sector space. I could help with squashing this bug but my experience has been Cryptic don't listen so I don't waste my time filling out bug reports.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I've seen it done on Otha warzone plenty of time!

    Depends on my mood. Somedays, I want to fight against some players and there aren't any klingons around. On others, I just want to do my daily, get my dilithium and get it over with.

    So whether I find it a good or bad thing really depends on my mood.

    Overall, I don't mind it. It's an exploit, but a benign one. if you have a problem with it, it's really a problem with players griefing you at any given time, not the glitch itself. They way I see it... they're doing it wrong. The point of the warzone is not to hunt each other, but rather to race and win the objectives first WHILE hunting each other. Hunting players exclusively in the warzone is just 'doing it wrong'.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    People cheating in a pvp game. What a shock. I'm flabbergasted.

    /sarcasm off

    Just avoid the pvp entirely. If that's all you have to do now, since the game itself is stupid easy to level in, do something else. These people will eventually tire of jerking themselves and leave if no one is around to 'play' with.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    yeah, somebody in wz chat was explaining how it happens(accdently) and that he had reported how to fix it to cryptic but they dont care, its somethng to do with a memory value being anything but what the game recognizes as fed, if that happens your put in KDF mode.

    I have also seen the endless stream of buffs and shields nobody can take down or hull that nobody can take down....we had 6 people+me pounding on one carrier, all of us VA, shields never went below yellow for more then 2 seconds......

    I would report it in game, but, as people above have said, cryptic dosnt really seem to care, many others have reported this, and its not being fixed.

    maby if somebody offered to pay them to fix it they would.....

    but for all i care they could just disable pvp in the map.....as its no fun if the playing fields not even(fair)

    I have also seen siege destroyers take on 5+ VA's and not go down.....fishy or what?
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