i am just glad the old front page web address still works and over rides the new layout when used as the new layout pretty much looks like a high schoolers computer class web page project
there are no defined boarders the web sites name is in a generic font with actually no logo that honestly it looks like a very cheap fan site and not the official homepage to the game. the sto wiki looks way more professional
this has graphical boarders every thing is seperated into different sections with out just picture grid and with an actual logo for the product it is trying to sell http://sto.perfectworld.com/
this is plain boring and a cluster f*** and makes it look like the game is called arc who ever thought of this needs to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate how to sell a product http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online
Great, grey background... Now I'll have to PNGize my signature. Provided you don't have another ridiculous rule against that, like with the animated GIFs.
I'm sorry. The new design. Hate it. With this forum software it is possible to have more then one "skin" that the users can pick from. Why can't you do it that way instead? I will not be around here as much as before as this design hurts my mind.
Well seeing as how we cant post "Functionality" issues ...
The background definitely needs to be "Trek'd" up a bit, it's a bit dull, and the dude and his phaser pistol is a bit bland and faded (and definitely DO NOT want to see just a Chris Pine clone up there) ...
Perhaps a variation on the 8.5 Promo pic with the three races? Also I'd make the "Stars" on background a bit brighter, with a bit more variety in sizes, colours and shapes ... Make it look like a Galaxy in other words
A lot more contrast/differentiation between page numbers i.e. 'current page number' vs other page numbers = Maybe bolder or a different font or different colour, underlined, larger ... something!
The Star Trek Online logo really needs to be bigger ... Be proud Cryptic! Shout that name out and make that sucker huge!
The background definitely needs to be "Trek'd" up a bit, it's a bit dull, and the dude and his phaser pistol is a bit bland and faded (and definitely DO NOT want to see just a Chris Pine clone up there) ...
Perhaps a variation on the 8.5 Promo pic with the three races? Also I'd make the "Stars" on background a bit brighter, with a bit more variety in sizes, colours and shapes ... Make it look like a Galaxy in other words
Unintentional hilarity present there in the banner: Giant Phaser Dude single-handedly fighting off insect swarm of Klingon Birds of Prey.
this is plain boring and a cluster f*** and makes it look like the game is called arc who ever thought of this needs to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate how to sell a product http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
I know others had said but, all I can see whilst on my phone an tablet is the handsome phaser arm, not handsome phaser guy. Also white on grey is not a colour that is easy distinguishable to people with partial eyesight ( just saying ). Cheers and bring back the rest of handsome phaser guy!!!
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Mmmh idk, now it looks more clean, it's nice anyway . Ah, if you want a feedback, i noticed the bold char of the current page in upper numbers of the threads is too feeble than other ones, it doesn't distinguish well. Example of page #24: http://puu.sh/6VwnH.png
It's not highlited properly.
Unintentional hilarity present there in the banner: Giant Phaser Dude single-handedly fighting off insect swarm of Klingon Birds of Prey.
We will never be this awesome in the game.
"For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across -- which happened to be the Earth -- where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog."
- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I find the 'normalization' of websites to fit the ARC mold pretty boring... the STO site seems to lose its soul into this sea of dark grey and out of theme set up of windows and menus.
I can see the need to fit in a trend of websites between games, but the 'classic' STO sites should be maintained...
I wanted to stop by to let you all know that there is a small forum art design change incoming shortly -- Noel first mentioned this in November in this Blog.
Not logged in it sadly looks messed up. Unfinished, NOT inviting to log in.
Also it has style over substance disease. Upper quicknavigation with my account access is gone. That a big step backwards. Its like a complete new line of american aircraft carriers will be coal & steam driven backwards; like the most recent porsche will require a horse to move backwards; like next upcomming Battlefield game will be released in EGA backwards; like... ok I think you got the point. So please come back from neander valley, lay down the club, stop grunting and give this modern, fancy look you have created some modern function... back.
And take a look at it when logged off with different browsers.
Also: When you where already at it for changing why in three devils name you did not added the quick forum navigation also at the end of the thread?
Star Trek Online > Information and Discussion > Galactic News Network
Bran... This might help a little when it comes to useability:
.page {
color: #FFFFFF;
.page {
color: #aFaFaF;
Give it to the webteam (Front-End)... they should know what it means (if they don't, get them fired, and find people who actually know what they are doing).
Granted, I havn't tested it across the entire PWE webpage collection, but I am pretty sure it will work.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
Upper quicknavigation with my account access is gone. That a big step backwards. Its like a complete new line of american aircraft carriers will be coal & steam driven backwards; like the most recent porsche will require a horse to move backwards; like next upcomming Battlefield game will be released in EGA backwards; like... ok I think you got the point. So please come back from neander valley, lay down the club, stop grunting and give this modern, fancy look you have created some modern function... back.
So much this.
Also, spoiler alert: I can't hide words by painting them black anymore.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Those are my suggested changes. Overall, don't hurt my brain. I want browsing your forums to be a pleasant experience. The easiest way to make a forum unpleasant is by making it difficult to read.
I pretty much agree to all kirkfat & hippiejon talked about in their posts.
Personally i really prefer the black backgrounds. It is easier to read, less painfull to look at (especially over a longer period), and i think black fits better to a Star Trek forum. Think about outer space and the LCARS displays. Lot's of black.
About those outdated forum buttons: I dont know if the forum graphics fall into Thomas Marrone's field of work, but would it not be cool, if he could design litte LCARS forum buttons for us?
Wow, welcome to land of the bland. Did the designer of the new look forums take inspiration form the book title 50 Shades of Grey?
Feedback time:
1) So much grey. Is grey the new black?
2) The contrast between the blue of the Starfleet Veteran forum title and the grey background is horrible, it's very hard to read.
3) Am I on the Star Trek Online boards? Because you'd hardly know it from looking at the micro title at the top.
4) Did I mention all the grey?
5) Can we at least have the background colour of posts alternate between posts like the different sections do on the forum homepage? (Light grey/Dark grey/Light grey/Dark grey etc).
I'm seeing 2 different versions of the forum depending on what browser I use, this is what i see using IE or Opera. However, this is what I see when using Comodo Dragon.
So which version is the correct version? Or is there a third or maybe a fourth version I haven't found yet?
It's fresh, clean and simple. There are some contrast issues, as well as color issues (one was stated few post back about not seeing the page your on that well, for example); and I do agree there should be some other background rather then this solid grayish.
The font size is not that bad, its readable, although it could be one or two points bigger, just to make reading easier.
But I like it overall and think its a step in the right direction, from the old design. But it feels unfinished.
NOTE: Functionality of the forums should not be included in this feedback, only art/design
Unfortunately the Art and design have gotten in the way of the functionality of the forums as they have made it very difficult to read due to contrast issues.
there are no defined boarders the web sites name is in a generic font with actually no logo that honestly it looks like a very cheap fan site and not the official homepage to the game. the sto wiki looks way more professional
this has graphical boarders every thing is seperated into different sections with out just picture grid and with an actual logo for the product it is trying to sell
this is plain boring and a cluster f*** and makes it look like the game is called arc who ever thought of this needs to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate how to sell a product
Can we have the ability to choose a different font colour please? What you are using now is eye hurting.
Recruitment: Neverwinter Online (spotlight)(wiki) - Star Trek Online Federation - Star Trek Online Klingon - Star Trek Online Romulan - Champions Online
Guild FAQs: Neverwinter FAQ - Star Trek FAQ - Champions FAQ ..........Facebook: Mattachine Guild
The background definitely needs to be "Trek'd" up a bit, it's a bit dull, and the dude and his phaser pistol is a bit bland and faded (and definitely DO NOT want to see just a Chris Pine clone up there) ...
Perhaps a variation on the 8.5 Promo pic with the three races? Also I'd make the "Stars" on background a bit brighter, with a bit more variety in sizes, colours and shapes ... Make it look like a Galaxy in other words
A lot more contrast/differentiation between page numbers i.e. 'current page number' vs other page numbers = Maybe bolder or a different font or different colour, underlined, larger ... something!
The Star Trek Online logo really needs to be bigger ... Be proud Cryptic! Shout that name out and make that sucker huge!
We will never be this awesome in the game.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Oh my god it is horrific.
Joined January 2009
... and thought, "This. So very much This." At least put the color palate back.
It's not highlited properly.
- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I can see the need to fit in a trend of websites between games, but the 'classic' STO sites should be maintained...
Its fancy. Logged in its nice to look at.
Not logged in it sadly looks messed up. Unfinished, NOT inviting to log in.
Also it has style over substance disease. Upper quicknavigation with my account access is gone. That a big step backwards. Its like a complete new line of american aircraft carriers will be coal & steam driven backwards; like the most recent porsche will require a horse to move backwards; like next upcomming Battlefield game will be released in EGA backwards; like... ok I think you got the point. So please come back from neander valley, lay down the club, stop grunting and give this modern, fancy look you have created some modern function... back.
And take a look at it when logged off with different browsers.
Also: When you where already at it for changing why in three devils name you did not added the quick forum navigation also at the end of the thread?
Star Trek Online > Information and Discussion > Galactic News Network
.page {
color: #FFFFFF;
.page {
color: #aFaFaF;
Give it to the webteam (Front-End)... they should know what it means (if they don't, get them fired, and find people who actually know what they are doing).
Granted, I havn't tested it across the entire PWE webpage collection, but I am pretty sure it will work.
So much this.
Also, spoiler alert: I can't hide words by painting them black anymore.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Test: silver, grey, SlateGrey, DimGrey. Hmm....
I pretty much agree to all kirkfat & hippiejon talked about in their posts.
Personally i really prefer the black backgrounds. It is easier to read, less painfull to look at (especially over a longer period), and i think black fits better to a Star Trek forum. Think about outer space and the LCARS displays. Lot's of black.
About those outdated forum buttons: I dont know if the forum graphics fall into Thomas Marrone's field of work, but would it not be cool, if he could design litte LCARS forum buttons for us?
Try This.... Text is too short though.
But when you quote it, it will be visible again ...
Feedback time:
1) So much grey. Is grey the new black?
2) The contrast between the blue of the Starfleet Veteran forum title and the grey background is horrible, it's very hard to read.
3) Am I on the Star Trek Online boards? Because you'd hardly know it from looking at the micro title at the top.
4) Did I mention all the grey?
5) Can we at least have the background colour of posts alternate between posts like the different sections do on the forum homepage? (Light grey/Dark grey/Light grey/Dark grey etc).
I'm seeing 2 different versions of the forum depending on what browser I use, this is what i see using IE or Opera. However, this is what I see when using Comodo Dragon.
So which version is the correct version? Or is there a third or maybe a fourth version I haven't found yet?
The font size is not that bad, its readable, although it could be one or two points bigger, just to make reading easier.
But I like it overall and think its a step in the right direction, from the old design. But it feels unfinished.
Unfortunately the Art and design have gotten in the way of the functionality of the forums as they have made it very difficult to read due to contrast issues.
It was like that before too...