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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



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    mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First, sry for a wall of text.
    Well... since there isnt yet any response from Cryptic's part, aside Brandon's, this leads me to the conclusion that this nerf was indeed about greed :(, to make ppl buy keys for ECs, and not for the sake of game economy and inflation or close an exploit, wich wasnt one in the first place. It will be problly the same case as with the JHAS needed to buy JHAS hangar pets.

    I saw here alot of ppl with pro nerf posts with economy and inflation reasons. If you guys think any economic principle works here in STO then you are naive or just covering it up. The game's economy is controled, by same time now, by a few ppl, with billions of ECs and lots of toons/accounts who got monopol on diferent niches, usual on expensive items. Some go with diferent energy type on mk XII purple tac console, some with accx3 space weps, etc.

    Actually, at least here in STO, inflation is generated from pure greed, not Tour or any other means to get ECs. Let me give you an example, if you still dont see it.
    Player X wants to buy an expensive item, wich he wants to put it on his ship. Looks on the exchange and see it, but he doent really have the ec for it, just needs a bit more. Then he goes to get some drops to sell, borrow from friends or do the tour (before the nerf ofc) etc. In the mean time exchange player Y sees that item, buys it since he can afford it without any problem and repost it on exchange for a much higher price. Now player X, when he thinks he has the ECs, goes to the echange, sees that now that item is even more expensive, so he is FORCED to go and GENERATE even more ECs. Its just basicly a scam, done thru a system, but still a scam, player Y profits and exploits player X, ruining its fun aswell, since he is forced to grind even more for an item wich he would actually used, no matter its a ship, a console or a weapon.
    Is the same thing, in real life, if someone goes to buy something on a 20% off sale for example, then a person buys that item before him and then sells it for 20% more then the normal price. So there goes the inflation, the price of on item just got up by 40% on just pure greed, nothing else.
    After this nerf i wonder what will be next, i think the doff system, since i saw there is a revamp scheduled.
    These nerfs where done, it seems, to hit hard on the f2p player base, but as i saw in other free to play mmo games, if you cut the f2p, the p2p will have a hard time aswell, eventually even leaving. After all, in the end, who will generate the Dil and ECs for the p2p players to buy?
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    rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Another voice of protest.

    What we have seen the past few days is basically ruining the chances for new players to ever work themselves up in this game. Let me explain this thought.

    A player reaches level 45, sees he can finally start equipping Mk XII equipment and goes to the exchange (since there are no real vendors for energy credit Mk XII, and because the usual level 45 doesn't have the dilithium for the Dil store equipment). The build he will be buying himself will only be temporary, so that he has legitimate ways of earning dilithium, fleet and energy credits to work on his very end-game build.
    Now, to have a build to work from, costs money. The usual level 45 might have a few 100k's, but that's it. He sees that he can buy only some low-value equipment. ==In the old Tour, he would run it, say, one or two times, earn himself 700k, having a total of around a million ec, which is enough to get a ship up to STF quality if you play an STF with longer-playing friends or fleet members.==
    He now has no way of doing Tour the Universe for good money-making. The options left to him are these:
    1) show incredible patience with doing easy missions, hope for some good loot and finally start getting the ec to work on his temporary end-game build. This amount of patience might scare players away from the game.
    2) use energy-credits to start playing the exchange. This is impossible for new players, those that don't have the EC cap increase, those that don't have an account bank and so on.
    3) play foundry loot missions. This is boring, and the builds required cost energy credits. SO this is also impossible for new players.

    I know that I will keep supporting new fleet members with my personal amount of energy credits, to give them builds that they can use until getting fleet/reputation gear. But not everybody does this. There are players that don't want to invest in others, and there are players that don't want to join a fleet and get help with their builds. This is normal and nothing I will complain about, but for thsoe players, they have got not much chance left to actually get the good end-game equipment, at least not without blowing up frustatingly often.

    And a last one: the only ones affected by this change are the ones with only a few characters AND without an Account Bank. If I would want to, I can run the Tour on 5 characters and deposit all that money on my account bank, giving me the same amount of credits as before, except that I had to earn it on different characters instead of 1.

    So as a conclusion, this move will only affect the newer players who don't show incredible amounts of patience, possibly scaring them away. And when people start to leave the game at level 50 and possible new players keep seeing that they loose more ways of getting good builds every day, growth will stop, eventually leading to players leaving the game, leading to a stop in ZEN purchases, leading to a stop in development, leading to more players leaving and eventually putting a hold to one of my favourite games of all times.

    This post isn't meant disrespectfull or as a huge rage cry. I will be respectfull to anyone with his own opinion and expect that those who disagree with me also treat me as such.
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    shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    raeat wrote: »
    The word "exploit" is exploited far too often by game developers to mask their own incompetence - as if players are somehow in the wrong for making the game's currencies too efficiently or even in thinking in ways that do so. It is the nature of games like this that players utilize in-game functions to be maximally efficient. Good players do just that.

    Meanwhile I see no nerfs being applied to control the dps-orientation of the game. Indeed, with the nerfing of the Tour, a major reason to build a ship based on speed is now gone. I guess dps wins the day yet again. Very Star trek to think only in terms of damage, damage, damage and more damage. Nothing but damage. This is Star Trek to you?

    Not to mention the harm done to those who invested in ships built for speed, and their interfaces built for the Tour. For these people, who are only doing what players do, this bonehead move by Cryptic is nothing short of arbitrary victimization. Punishment for thinking in ways players are supposed to think. Where are the free respec tokens for players who, in good faith, invested in driver coil, a now useless skill.

    And to those who say that the Tour was little or no effort, I got news for you, sunshine. Everything you do in this game, EVERYTHING, is key presses and/or mouse clicks (or the equivalent for other controllers). The Tour was just as labour-intensive as any combat and required time and attention. In my own version, it was constant effort except for about 40 seconds when crossing Eta Eridani. And don't even try to hide behind the idea of risk in a game where ship destruction is met with an immediate, or near immediate, respawn button.

    As for the Tour being an "exploit," you game devs ever hear of play testing? You do have a test server, do you not? Tribble, isn't it? Do you even think about what's going to happen *before* you introduce game elements? Maybe you need to hire people who can "tiger team" your content before it is introduced. Of course, this would apply to new content, not to content that has already been live for, what?, two years or more? Don't try to tell us you had no idea how the Tour was being used all that time. It's just that up until very recently, that, quite rightly, met with your approval. Now, suddenly, it's an "exploit."

    The only ones being exploited here are the player who are playing the game to the best of their abilities...

    Cryptic has a long history of this sort of behavior. Ask any former City of Heroes/Villains player and you'll understand.
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
    edited July 2013
    Take a queue from the Borg...
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    decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    raeat wrote: »
    The word "exploit" is exploited far too often by game developers to mask their own incompetence - as if players are somehow in the wrong for making the game's currencies too efficiently or even in thinking in ways that do so. It is the nature of games like this that players utilize in-game functions to be maximally efficient. Good players do just that.

    All an exploit is, is the use of something in a way the people who made it never intended. Some explots are bad, some are borderline and some are harmless. It is upto to those on high, however, which catagory it fits into in their opinion in a game as it is their property after all. It really doesn't matter if we think it is harmless or not.
    raeat wrote: »
    As for the Tour being an "exploit," you game devs ever hear of play testing? You do have a test server, do you not? Tribble, isn't it? Do you even think about what's going to happen *before* you introduce game elements? Maybe you need to hire people who can "tiger team" your content before it is introduced. Of course, this would apply to new content, not to content that has already been live for, what?, two years or more? Don't try to tell us you had no idea how the Tour was being used all that time. It's just that up until very recently, that, quite rightly, met with your approval. Now, suddenly, it's an "exploit."

    Erm this is Cryptic we are talking about here. Bugs have made it live ven though they have been reported multile times when on Tribble. Old bugs that have been around for a long time are not fixed and so on. Basically if it doesn't affect the ability for them to make money it is of a low priority no matter how long it has been around so they'll get to it when they feel like it.

    However if it was done to deal with the few sectors, drop then rinse and repeat problem there is another way to deal with it. Make some sort of item awarded by the person who gives this event out when you finish it. The use of this item would remove the cool down this way those who have completed it can take it again, this will add another incentive to do the full run.
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    jjumetleyjjumetley Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    A player reaches level 45, sees he can finally start equipping Mk XII equipment and goes to the exchange (since there are no real vendors for energy credit Mk XII, and because the usual level 45 doesn't have the dilithium for the Dil store equipment).
    I can't agree with you. I have 10 characters and I always used the equipment I earned during missions and which I got as loot in STFs. When you're playing an STF you start earning dilithium so you can buy blue Mk XI equipment which is more than enough for endgame. Oh - you can also craft items - it's cheaper than buying stuff from dil shops.

    People - stop with all this hysteria. There are better and more fun ways of making EC.
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If this game did not go F2P, it would be dead right now. you can spin it al you want, you can say whatever you want and you can believe whatever you want, but F2P players saved this game.

    Sorry if this hurts you massive ego novablastmkg, but it is true. Yhe fact you can grind for basically everything in this game makes it better than many F2p IMO, because it means that you can still get everything the game offers.
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    johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wow, lots of anger.

    Cryptic has a very liberal F2P policy (compared to someother games I have played recently, that have some pretty heavy handed restrictions), and I for one (A sub turned to LTS, who still pays real money into the game) hopes it doesn't change.

    What I like about the F2P, is that you can (if you put in the time and effort) get anything that someone can pay for in game. If someone chooses to take this route... there is nothing wrong with it.

    On the tour fix. Yes, it did come as a shock... yes, Cryptic should have announced sooner (Although, I don't think this would have changed anything). BUT, in the end... as another poster pointed out... the mission reward (through whatever means) was out of alignment with other avenues to obtain energcy credits, and thats what needed to be fixed, and cryptic fixed it.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    People - stop with all this hysteria. There are better and more fun ways of making EC.

    No joke, i would love to hear about those.

    EDIT: Wait scratch, that. You say it here, and next thing you know, it's nerfed out.
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    xblazex#7666 xblazex Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You can all call me names judge me say I have a ego or whatever else but at least i supported the game (and got cool stuff for it) and I Don't cry when they fix a known exploit not here qqing because omg i actually have to play the game normally and cant make easy millions.

    Whatever you want to think of me go ahead i said my piece as have a right to and it was clearly explained.

    only aimed at those who make it a mission to play free and have given nothing of value back to PWE/Crptic

    and do nothing but whine and complain about patches so called bugs (my game is fine i'm not sure what your playing.

    I searched some of your posts people ...so much qq ,tantrums and negative comments
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    shomrim wrote: »
    I logged in today for the Tour the Universe run, not to play but to see how many are still running this. I saw a lot fewer people giving it a shot than on a normal run. I will not be running it anymore. Already stripped my ship of its high speed equipment. Just want to thank the Crypt Keepers for ruining a fun part of the game. Way to go guys. Way to go.

    I ran the tour today ( for the last time ) I'm gutted by this as my ship with the right equipment I.e the new fleet warp core that I got just for the tour is now not worth the fleet credits and dilly I paid for it so the 50k odd in fleet credits and the 10k dilly was wasted by crypt when they took the under handed steps to change the tour without even giving us a heads up you can most likely still see my tweets as about the tour and them tweeting back that they have NOW added this to the patch notes.

    So in conclusion I have one of the fastest ships in the game that can make AND has made 5 FULL runs in the tour that's is now useless so thanks for that crypt way to go
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I ran the tour today ( for the last time ) I'm gutted by this as my ship with the right equipment I.e the new fleet warp core that I got just for the tour is now not worth the fleet credits and dilly I paid for it so the 50k odd in fleet credits and the 10k dilly was wasted by crypt when they took the under handed steps to change the tour without even giving us a heads up you can most likely still see my tweets as about the tour and them tweeting back that they have NOW added this to the patch notes.

    So in conclusion I have one of the fastest ships in the game that can make AND has made 5 FULL runs in the tour that's is now useless so thanks for that crypt way to go

    Not cryptics fault you used earned resources that way. that was your own decision.
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    And why not just fix the mission to only allow full tours to give rewards?

    This is a sensible solution, match the reward to the intent. No need for heavy handed cool down, unless the intent was only 1 run per event, but that is probably not the case.

    Of course I don't do tour the galaxy, but I can see this is a serious frustration for many.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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    kamblekamble Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    I can't agree with you. I have 10 characters and I always used the equipment I earned during missions and which I got as loot in STFs. When you're playing an STF you start earning dilithium so you can buy blue Mk XI equipment which is more than enough for endgame. Oh - you can also craft items - it's cheaper than buying stuff from dil shops.

    People - stop with all this hysteria. There are better and more fun ways of making EC.

    There are better and more fun.. have you read this whole thread?

    A. It isn't just about the ec's

    B. For many of us this event really is fun.

    Who are you to decide what I or others should consider fun?
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    johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kamble wrote: »
    There are better and more fun.. have you read this whole thread?

    A. It isn't just about the ec's

    B. For many of us this event really is fun.

    Who are you to decide what I or others should consider fun?

    And how has this change inpmacted the "fun"? As far as I can tell, you can still race others around the universe? How does a 4 hour cooldown (which I do agree is to long) impact your ability to fly sector to sector with your friends?

    But, you bring up a valid point though about some finding it fun (I am not one of those), so how about... only the first run award anything?

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not cryptics fault you used earned resources that way. that was your own decision.

    Sir, while i do recognize the need and mandate to keep things civil, it cannot go without being said what a douchebag attitude you just displayed there.
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not cryptics fault you used earned resources that way. that was your own decision.

    I think your find it is their fault the fleet warp cores came out before the they nefted the tour if they had told us they was planing this sillyness I would never have wasted resources on a warp core that is no longer any use to me derr
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think your find it is their fault the fleet warp cores came out before the they nefted the tour if they had told us they was planing this sillyness I would never have wasted resources on a warp that is no longer any use to me derr

    but how is it their fault that you bought an item that is only useful for a side-mission. I am confused?
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    but how is it their fault that you bought an item that is only useful for a side-mission. I am confused?

    Because they gave no warning of there intent to make changes to the tour last time I check I can't read minds so how was I to know I'd be buying a warp core what will be soon made a useless piece of tech
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Because they gave no warning of there intent to make changes to the tour last time I check I can't read minds so how was I to know I'd be buying a warp core what will be soon made a useless piece of tech

    Now I am probably not talking for anybody but myself, but generally if I got the chance to get a really good piece of gear, i would rather get something that helps in battle, rather than help a bit in a side-mission. Who knows, maybe that is just me
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It is arguably none of their fault that he bought the warp core. It is, however, entirely their fault that his (quite hefty) investment went to waste. And you can also argue that it IS their fault that he was motivated to buy it in the first place.
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Now I am probably not talking for anybody but myself, but generally if I got the chance to get a really good piece of gear, i would rather get something that helps in battle, rather than help a bit in a side-mission. Who knows, maybe that is just me

    Well I don't know about other people but if I earn my own resources ill buy what I like with them but the fact that I have the new warp core and they nefted the tour with no warning is an outrage oh and I have the full tal shiar set I.e warp core that is made for battle that's why I got a new core just for a side mission not that I really feel the need to justify myself to you
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    blevokblevok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Now I am probably not talking for anybody but myself, but generally if I got the chance to get a really good piece of gear, i would rather get something that helps in battle, rather than help a bit in a side-mission. Who knows, maybe that is just me

    so you care only about battle. thats fine, but lots of people care about more than just battle. numerous people have spent money on respec tokens, ships, engines, even racing uniforms, specifically for the tour.
    i'm a big supporter of the concept that the game should be expanding, not shrinking... in other words, the missions, mechanics, and capabilities that are in game should not be removed or changed except to resolve bugs. any more than that is equivalent changing the product after it's purchased, which is a big party foul in terms of maintaining customer satisfaction.
    Fleet: Stargate-Union
    Pizza: Pepperoni
    Kalek shel'tek!

    "Do not make me look foolish by allowing yourself to be murdered" -Lord Yu
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    blevok wrote: »
    so you care only about battle. thats fine, but lots of people care about more than just battle. numerous people have spent money on respec tokens, ships, engines, even racing uniforms, specifically for the tour.
    i'm a big supporter of the concept that the game should be expanding, not shrinking... in other words, the missions, mechanics, and capabilities that are in game should not be removed or changed except to resolve bugs. any more than that is equivalent changing the product after it's purchased, which is a big party foul in terms of maintaining customer satisfaction.

    I care more about battles as well, i just thought that it seems a bit much to use so much resources for a single item to use on the tour. Maybe it is because I never did the tour.
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I care more about battles as well, i just thought that it seems a bit much to use so much resources for a single item to use on the tour. Maybe it is because I never did the tour.

    Well maybe you should have tired it or maybe you should try it before you chime in telling me that I'm wasting my resources what I buy has not much to do with you I earned what I have and ill use them as I see fit.

    And if battle is all you like maybe you should buy C.O.D if you don't already have it and leave the real gamers to Star Trek
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    blevokblevok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I care more about battles as well, i just thought that it seems a bit much to use so much resources for a single item to use on the tour. Maybe it is because I never did the tour.

    it's not any different than spending a large amount of time collecting favors to buy a floater that wont even be useful for like 80 percent of the year. in fact, thats even more ridiculous... the credits you get from the tour will buy you new weapons, build your starbase, and help equip your friend. you can even turn it into dilithium to buy that shiny ev suit from voyager or your next master key. all because you spent 5 bucks on a respec or engine or something.
    Fleet: Stargate-Union
    Pizza: Pepperoni
    Kalek shel'tek!

    "Do not make me look foolish by allowing yourself to be murdered" -Lord Yu
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    blevok wrote: »
    it's not any different than spending a large amount of time collecting favors to buy a floater that wont even be useful for like 80 percent of the year. in fact, thats even more ridiculous... the credits you get from the tour will buy you new weapons, build your starbase, and help equip your friend. you can even turn it into dilithium to buy that shiny ev suit from voyager or your next master key. all because you spent 5 bucks on a respec or engine or something.

    sorry, I typed that wrong, what I meant was i care a lot about stuff other than just battling, especially the story. I guess i get what you mean.

    BTW, COD needs to go die in a hole somewhere.
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    notorycznynotoryczny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think that Cryptic will introduce some heavily ec-dependant "features" in season 8. They are nerfing another ec source because it will force more players to grind more. Unfortunately, people that are hurt the most with those changes are small-time operators and casual gamers. I understand that infamous foundry clickies were a kind of exploit, and that tour could have been abused. However this is a next step in "less rewards for more effort" process.

    "The STO team has consistently ensured that there is enough missions and systems in the game that any player should be able to earn 8000 Dilithium per day if they focus on Dilithium based missions for about 4 hours. By the way, the average level 50 player plays approximately 3.5 hours on a given day."

    "Make Dilithium more available to all level 50 players ? not just those playing on elite ? by increasing the average amount of Dilithium earned. We want the average amount of Dilithium earned by all level 50 players to exceed 13,250 per week and will be monitoring and adjusting Dilithium rates to ensure this happens. " Just after this statement they removed standalone "explore b'tran sector (VA)" mission, which rewarded 1440 dil.

    Remember that PWE bought Cryptic not only for money - its a kind of test how much they can change a western-type MMO before most of the people leave. Except STO, all PWE games are very grind-heavy eastern-type MMOs. So, are they trying to change ec into time-currency too?

    Moreover, ec and dilithium system changes are only one part of STO changes. Have you heard of auto-ban feature? Yes, a permanent ban if someone uses certain word in chat twice. No direct human supervision, just s script that permabans people.


    Just take a look yourself.
    May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites
    pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sorry, I typed that wrong, what I meant was i care a lot about stuff other than just battling, especially the story. I guess i get what you mean.

    BTW, COD needs to go die in a hole somewhere.

    Ok dear charm down and if you typed it out wrong you should edited it to make the point your trying to make ( whatever it is ) because all I'm seeing is you trying to tell me what to do with the resources I've earned and that dog won't hunt buck'o
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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    notoryczny wrote: »
    Remember that PWE bought Cryptic not only for money - its a kind of test how much they can change a western-type MMO before most of the people leave.

    That's really paranoid.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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