I'm much too old to worry about some nobody on a gaming forum calling me a parasite. If he thinks about it a bit I'm sure angrytarg will come to that conclusion too.
I really should, though my Starfleet-flavoured half wants to reason while my angry Targ wants to squeal in anger but eventually just take a deep snort and leave. I try to find the middle ground there which's first part is done. Now unto the second...
No it isn't because you are still not giving any value to Pwe/Cryptic.
So basically you admitting to a free meal at your hosts expense which makes my point ...the fact that you had to work harder for it is completely irrelevant.
First and foremost he's investing time and effort. That's not irrelevant even though you want to see it that way. And second, if that's such a bad thing then Cryptic should just stop handing out "free meals" and go back to P2P. But they don't. And neither I nor anyone else will feel "guilty" about that.
But I think we all made our points of view clear, soo... I'll rather be with my spouse *snorts and turns around*
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
if that's such a bad thing then Cryptic should just stop handing out "free meals" and go back to P2P. But they don't. And neither I nor anyone else will feel "guilty" about that.
if that is your official opinion i hope your not one of the people who rant about afk players it is also my opinion that its exactly the same thing as your doing to pwe/cryptic
I personally don't like the whole FTP concept ingames Simply because it creates more problems than it solves , creates people who are parasites on the system , it allows people to create multiple accounts makes it harder to enforce the tos, makes banning useless so it is harder to get rid of the "bad element" and overall makes it easier for profession exploiters to do their work.
I think FTP players should have a lot more disadvantages and restrictions .
FTP are usually the ones who complain about PTW and other Disadvantages over "wallet warriors" which is illogical if i am going to pay money and your not i should have advantages over you .
In my opinion if someone actually tries to take the FTP system literally and makes it their goal not to spend money they are a parasite and should be grateful and feel lucky with the amount of stuff that any ftp game has given them. I personally think its to much.
Good to know some of you think like this, and I'm sorry you feel that way.
I'm F2P and I have never -nor do I plan to, EVER- spend a single dime on anything that is offered to me for free. EVER. (Specially not after I've seen how PWE treats their customers.)
Anyhow, that's how free stuff works, you know?
Say STO was a grocery store. One day the store makes this big PA announcement:
"Attention, dear customers: from now on you can come here and take ANYTHING YOU WANT FOR FREE. We'll still keep a special aisle for stuff we really want/need you to pay for. We'll call it, um... the C-Aisle. Everything else, though, you can enjoy and take home for free. Thank you for shopping at STO."
What do you think is gonna happen? I for one will go to that store EVERY DAY and take home as many FULL CART LOADS as I can fit into my car. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Until they either withdraw the offer or the store is sucked dry.
And you can bet your butt I will not be the only one doing this. There will be lines going around the block of people waiting their turn to seize this amazing offer. I mean, why should I pay a single penny for anything that is OFFERED to me for free? I'm not breaking into the store to steal it. I'm not tricking my way into getting free stuff. It was OFFERED to me FOR FREE. I might as well take it while it lasts. Damn right I will.
Call me a freeloader, a leecher or whatever you wanna call me. This is a fact of life: you offer stuff for free, people will take it and not pay a penny for it until forced otherwise. Deal with it.
My point is: if PWE feels that the F2P model is not working for them, they should scrap it altogether and be done with it. But don't offer and publicly brag about a "truly free to play" game, then do everything in their power to make it virtually impossible for their casual F2P player base to stay competitive in-game.
Good to know some of you think like this, and I'm sorry you feel that way.
My point is: if PWE feels that the F2P model is not working for them, they should scrap it altogether and be done with it. But don't offer and publicly brag about a "truly free to play" game, then do everything in their power to make it virtually impossible for their casual F2P player base to stay competitive in-game.
That is all.
i Already answered your point here ....
I will also speak about your point on advertising free to play. If i want to advertise game that is FTP but with heavy restrictions and you decide to play it you cant then complain that I am "tricking" you into paying because of said restrictions .
As long as you can access the game and have partial and /or basic fuctionality it still can be considered ftp.
... and you made my entire point you you expect to play for free and stay competitive .....shakes head.......wow....the sense of entitlement is amazing but that part is not restricted to ftp its actually worse with paying players who think they make the decisions on what a company can or cant do.
My policy if i don't like what a company is doing I leave.. and I am saying that as a lts. If i choose to stay then i am choosing to accept the company's path. This is not the only game i play.
I too agree, that people who have not spend a dime on this game should get restrictions.
So introduce a system that has this:
Bronze player: Very restricted and limited compared to other modes.
Silver player: A person who is not actively subscribing but has actually SPENT REAL money from PWE to get Zen (Even if 500) or subbed, at least once. Less restraints
Gold player: Actively subbing and gets cool stuff (like Vet rewars) and has NO limits, and na enjoy the game to the full. (Apart from buying optional extras so to speak)
Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.
Well, this post seems off track o.o ..but I would say just making it so you get the 650k reward at the end for flying threw _all_ the block would have been a legit fix. I ran the whole thing anyway, but I jus hate stopping.. over & over again.
Why do they need help? Since FTP Cryptic's finally making money. The STO team has gone from 20 devs, when the game was PTP, to 50 now. The current FTP system is working for them, and because it's working we got new KDF content, new Rom content, and can expect a new EP next year. Why TRIBBLE with that due to some people wanting to believe they're better then others?
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Why do they need help? Since FTP Cryptic's finally making money. The STO team has gone from 20 devs, when the game was PTP, to 50 now. The current FTP system is working for them, and because it's working we got new KDF content, new Rom content, and can expect a new EP next year. Why TRIBBLE with that due to some people wanting to believe they're better then others?
It would still be FTP ...
Did I say it would not be?
Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.
As it was said before they need to put a system like in stf's if you leave I.e drop the tour it's a 1 hour penalty or 20 mins to stop people scamming the tour so same EC for each full run but if you don't complete the tour you can compete.
From outside the closed studios, there has been a trend for a long while now to see sources of regular EC marginalized in favor of the dilithium economy which is tied to real world cash expenditure in some degree. We have seen the weapon and now console markets crashed with fleet versions that require more dilithium than the ordinary player is liable to be patient enough to grind over months. Before long the DOFF market will be hit. That?s kind of what the exchange is becoming isnt it? An excuse to turn dilithium into game money by selling off master keys or some such to buy game goods rather than grinding it out. This isn?t the first game to turn toward what amounts to a real money auction house where they get a cut to stay profitable.
It's a trend I expect to continue and why your ideas all suck OP. It's how the game is supported now. It might not be good for the old school gamer in you but it's not good for keeping the game going.
Lol first post got edited, was probably an exploit.
No, I read it,
the OP was being really mean to the DEVs, now I have been and in some ways still are (Odyssey escort bug ... I will say no more) annoyed with the DEVs , but this guy was taking my pleases and :mad: to a whole different level; insulting them, using videos and rude words to really hurt the DEVs.
Find another means of struggling to get an EC like myself. I am always trying to stay below 300 k ...
Anyway TOTU was not even available often anyway so ... yeah ...
Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.
What you're suggesting is changing a system that's working. You have no idea what problems adding a third, lower, level to the system might cause Cryptic. You simply want to be prejudice against others without any real facts about their actions.
As long as Cryptic is happy with the system I don't see why you should care. This system has worked for PW for years - it worked well enough that it allowed them to spend $50 million dollars to buy Cryptic. It doesn't need fixing.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
If all the free players who spend less than a gold membership per month left could they survive ? Yes
If all the Real money paying players who spend the value of a gold member ship or more in real money left could the game survive ? No
So whos a better value to PWE/ Cryptic ? Paying more value = better
So its not a belief its simply a fact..
What you fail to seem to grasp is that just because someone isn't spending money today doesn't mean they won't spend money tomorrow. FTP is marketing to the impatient. At some point many are eventually going to succumb to the impatience and spend money to get what they want rather then waiting weeks or months to get it.
Cryptic is looking at a much bigger picture with much more long-term ramifications then you are. Their marketing plan isn't "pay good, no pay bad." If it were they never would have introduced the Dilithium Exchange to the game.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
What you're suggesting is changing a system that's working. You have no idea what problems adding a third, lower, level to the system might cause Cryptic. You simply want to be prejudice against others without any real facts about their actions.
As long as Cryptic is happy with the system I don't see why you should care. This system has worked for PW for years - it worked well enough that it allowed them to spend $50 million dollars to buy Cryptic. It doesn't need fixing.
That $50 million covers three games.
So , roughly 17 million per game.
Not a huge amount ... relatively speaking.
I genuinely think Cryptic need to be more serious about getting people to sub, lockboxes are annoying, and less people are buying into that TRIBBLE.
Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.
I genuinely think Cryptic need to be more serious about getting people to sub, lockboxes are annoying, and less people are buying into that TRIBBLE.
See, you're talking from your heart - your own desire - rather then from any facts. Every indication is that Lockboxes are still working quite well. The game is still growing and they have announced a new EP for next year. As a Subscription game STO failed hard. The current system is working even better then anticipated.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
the OP was being really mean to the DEVs, now I have been and in some ways still are (Odyssey escort bug ... I will say no more) annoyed with the DEVs , but this guy was taking my pleases and :mad: to a whole different level; insulting them, using videos and rude words to really hurt the DEVs.
Find another means of struggling to get an EC like myself. I am always trying to stay below 300 k ...
Anyway TOTU was not even available often anyway so ... yeah ...
I can tell you haven't bothered to read this thread. It was more than just an EC grind.
It's clear the devs did this ninja style probably for a number of reasons:
They want to coerce players into joining fleets and doing fleet activities by eliminating sources of EC that don't require teamplay.
Eliminating sources of EC that don't require teamplay also limits a players EC purchasing power. The intended effect here could be to coax players into purchasing more c-points which would then be used to purchase items like lock box keys for use as as quick sale items on the exchange.
Not much more. Most of the time the players barely acknowledged each other's existence.
How often did you run the tour? Prior to LOR, I was running it every other day for about 3-4 weeks straight. A few people gave me cold shoulders, but most people were nice.
How often did you run the tour? Prior to LOR, I was running it every other day for about 3-4 weeks straight. A few people gave me cold shoulders, but most people were nice.
I know i hardly ever finished a tour without having been given DI by someone.
What you fail to seem to grasp is that just because someone isn't spending money today doesn't mean they won't spend money tomorrow. FTP is marketing to the impatient. At some point many are eventually going to succumb to the impatience and spend money to get what they want rather then waiting weeks or months to get it.
Cryptic is looking at a much bigger picture with much more long-term ramifications then you are. Their marketing plan isn't "pay good, no pay bad." If it were they never would have introduced the Dilithium Exchange to the game.
No I m not. If you have read my posts i have always included them. Those people are more of "bonus money" not anything that you can count on.
They are about as reliable as a lottery ticket.
Some will (win) eventually spend money
some will (lose) do everything they can not to .
My POV those people you mention in your post should be heavily restricted
Or to use my earlier example only allowed to access point "a" until they decide to spend money to access point b etc etc
As long as they have access to point a it still can be advertised as FTP
So Tour the Universe has received a 4 hour cool down, and the reason given was that some members of the community abuse it. By abuse, they probably meant that some players figured out a route that involved visiting the smaller sectors blocks, dropping the mission, and restarting it for maximum earnings.
There are several issues with this cool down.
1) Unfair to players who never exploited the short route. Yes, there are some who use the short route to earn more in one hour, but there are also a good many more that do normal complete runs. There are even some of these people who invest specially to improve their Tour speed, and aim to get things like Driver Coil, borg engines, Odyssey, etc so they can get more than one run in, maybe up to even 4? I personally encountered one player who was like 'shucks, and I only just got my Odyssey', implying he opted to buy the ship cos he had more efficient Tours in mind. It was a decent way to earn EC. But now they are punished to doing only one run per event, for an exploit they didn't even commit.. and this leads to...
2) Wasted effort, time, money on getting the equipment and skill points for faster sector space speed. This tour event has been around so long it was almost a constant, and even a gameplay feature. Some people modify their builds, or have one ship specially which they have bought, and switch to just to have faster runs. The efforts of these individuals are now rendered moot as no matter how fast they go, they can only get one run in per character in that hour. Their investment is pretty much wasted. I so far, only have one borg engine, so I haven't invested heavily in optimizing Tour runs yet, but I can imagine how those who did might feel.
3) Unfair to newer players / toons. New players will never be able to earn EC from the way Tour used to be, and they will be limited in their EC earning options. It will make it more difficult for them to get their EC wealth going... while those who have been running the tour since the game started (regardless of normal method, or exploit method), if they haven't expended all the EC earned, can enjoy their riches, and watch the poor struggle to get going. There is gonna be some rich-poor divide that is more difficult to close.
4) Other EC related issues spring up.. such as exchange prices crashing. This can be both good and bad. Good for a buyer, bad for the seller. Many of us are both. EC value is probably going to increase, so things are probably going to get 'cheapter'. For players who are rich before the nerf, they probably benefit as with the EC they had, they can buy more. Players who are poor, well, just have to struggle to even get anywhere near a rich person's ship.
5) 2 years later, then you fix it and call it an exploit.
Honestly, I didn't play this game for all that long. I only joined earlier this year. I only discovered the perks of running Tour the Universe event about 1 month into playing (after I reached VA). But even from my very first run of Tour, I found the system quirky, 50k for a sector block? regardless of whether the sector block involved 3 loading screens (like Romulans) or 1 loading screen (Like Deferi, Undine and Borg sectors)... that already got me thinking if there was more efficient ways to run the Tour. And not surprisingly, people have found ways to do so, and been running the the short 4 sector tour the past 2 years.. earning up to 2 mil + + for that one hour.
From the very onset, the design of tour was inviting players to figure out an 'exploit'. If you want to call it that. Why didn't you fix it earlier?
It smells more like all this time, the devs were fine with the way it was, until some people decided to get even more money greedy, and since EC is one of the main ways F2Ps survive without using real cash, they decide to nerf Tour to cut down the supply of EC. Hopefully that will push more F2Ps to buy some ZEN, that is probably their logic.
Anyway, I suggest, that since you want to call the faster method an exploit, and you want to fix it, then you should fix Tour DIFFERENTLY.
Not the 4 hour cooldown. Rather. make... the tour assignment either..
1) Undroppable once accepted for that duration of the event. It must be completed before you start another run.
2) Rewards only given at the full completion of the run, visiting all the places on the checklist, rather than 50k per sector block.
3) Cool down only on players who drop early
I think option 2 is the most logical and should have been the way tour worked from the start.
Also, option 2 will allow players who specially optimize their character builds for the Tour, to continue to do 2-3 tours per hour, while at the same time stopping the exploit.
If you do change it to option 2, then I know you are fixing the exploit.
If you keep the nerf as it is, then I believe this change was much less an exploit fix, but rather just another way to try to force F2Ps to make their first real money investment in the game.
Lol like I mentioned before I guess this is gonna hurt their sales on EC cap increases from the store, now there is no need to get more than 10mill the way Cryptic is TRIBBLE us.
Jeez, if this hits you that hard, then I question your ability to make any in-game money at all, because you're obviously incapable of thinking of anything but one thing. I NEVER did this thing, and I make a decent amount of money, each day. Granted, I also limit my spending, as in, I don't buy stuff I don't think I'll see much use out of, but occasionally, I do buy specialty items that cost.
So overall, I hardly think putting a cooldown on this ONE event, screws anyone over, except those that are limited in thinking & ability.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
Yeah, and that's about the maximum level of interaction....
So far below the standard for everywhere else, right? I must have been playing in the wrong part of this game all along, cause it seems i've been missing quite the party.
perhaps others would not have discovered this exploit if cryptic had not broken the end of the tour in the first place effectively forcing users to cancel the tour to go on a second or 3rd tour...you only push away legitimate players who only have limited times to do maybe one or two hours of tours per week.
An update -- the change was unfortunately missing from Tribble and Holodeck patch notes. I've added it to yesterday's Holodeck patch notes now. We apologize that it was missing.
Please keep feedback constructive in this thread so that I may pass it along for consideration.
EDIT: It was changed to close an exploit, but we will still consider your constructive feedback.
I really should, though my Starfleet-flavoured half wants to reason while my angry Targ wants to squeal in anger but eventually just take a deep snort and leave. I try to find the middle ground there which's first part is done. Now unto the second...
First and foremost he's investing time and effort. That's not irrelevant even though you want to see it that way. And second, if that's such a bad thing then Cryptic should just stop handing out "free meals" and go back to P2P. But they don't. And neither I nor anyone else will feel "guilty" about that.
But I think we all made our points of view clear, soo... I'll rather be with my spouse *snorts and turns around*
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
if that is your official opinion i hope your not one of the people who rant about afk players it is also my opinion that its exactly the same thing as your doing to pwe/cryptic
I can agree with that
Good to know some of you think like this, and I'm sorry you feel that way.
I'm F2P and I have never -nor do I plan to, EVER- spend a single dime on anything that is offered to me for free. EVER. (Specially not after I've seen how PWE treats their customers.)
Anyhow, that's how free stuff works, you know?
Say STO was a grocery store. One day the store makes this big PA announcement:
"Attention, dear customers: from now on you can come here and take ANYTHING YOU WANT FOR FREE. We'll still keep a special aisle for stuff we really want/need you to pay for. We'll call it, um... the C-Aisle. Everything else, though, you can enjoy and take home for free. Thank you for shopping at STO."
What do you think is gonna happen? I for one will go to that store EVERY DAY and take home as many FULL CART LOADS as I can fit into my car. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Until they either withdraw the offer or the store is sucked dry.
And you can bet your butt I will not be the only one doing this. There will be lines going around the block of people waiting their turn to seize this amazing offer. I mean, why should I pay a single penny for anything that is OFFERED to me for free? I'm not breaking into the store to steal it. I'm not tricking my way into getting free stuff. It was OFFERED to me FOR FREE. I might as well take it while it lasts. Damn right I will.
Call me a freeloader, a leecher or whatever you wanna call me. This is a fact of life: you offer stuff for free, people will take it and not pay a penny for it until forced otherwise. Deal with it.
My point is: if PWE feels that the F2P model is not working for them, they should scrap it altogether and be done with it. But don't offer and publicly brag about a "truly free to play" game, then do everything in their power to make it virtually impossible for their casual F2P player base to stay competitive in-game.
That is all.
i Already answered your point here ....
I will also speak about your point on advertising free to play. If i want to advertise game that is FTP but with heavy restrictions and you decide to play it you cant then complain that I am "tricking" you into paying because of said restrictions .
As long as you can access the game and have partial and /or basic fuctionality it still can be considered ftp.
... and you made my entire point you you expect to play for free and stay competitive .....shakes head.......wow....the sense of entitlement is amazing but that part is not restricted to ftp its actually worse with paying players who think they make the decisions on what a company can or cant do.
My policy if i don't like what a company is doing I leave.. and I am saying that as a lts. If i choose to stay then i am choosing to accept the company's path. This is not the only game i play.
So introduce a system that has this:
Bronze player: Very restricted and limited compared to other modes.
Silver player: A person who is not actively subscribing but has actually SPENT REAL money from PWE to get Zen (Even if 500) or subbed, at least once. Less restraints
Gold player: Actively subbing and gets cool stuff (like Vet rewars) and has NO limits, and na enjoy the game to the full. (Apart from buying optional extras so to speak)
I hope STO get's better ...
It would still be FTP ...
Did I say it would not be?
I hope STO get's better ...
It's a trend I expect to continue and why your ideas all suck OP. It's how the game is supported now. It might not be good for the old school gamer in you but it's not good for keeping the game going.
lets analyze that comment :
If all the free players who spend less than a gold membership per month left could they survive ? Yes
If all the Real money paying players who spend the value of a gold member ship or more in real money left could the game survive ? No
So whos a better value to PWE/ Cryptic ? Paying more value = better
So its not a belief its simply a fact..
No, I read it,
the OP was being really mean to the DEVs, now I have been and in some ways still are (Odyssey escort bug ... I will say no more) annoyed with the DEVs , but this guy was taking my pleases and
Find another means of struggling to get an EC like myself. I am always trying to stay below 300 k ...
Anyway TOTU was not even available often anyway so ... yeah ...
I hope STO get's better ...
As long as Cryptic is happy with the system I don't see why you should care. This system has worked for PW for years - it worked well enough that it allowed them to spend $50 million dollars to buy Cryptic. It doesn't need fixing.
Cryptic is looking at a much bigger picture with much more long-term ramifications then you are. Their marketing plan isn't "pay good, no pay bad." If it were they never would have introduced the Dilithium Exchange to the game.
That $50 million covers three games.
So , roughly 17 million per game.
Not a huge amount ... relatively speaking.
I genuinely think Cryptic need to be more serious about getting people to sub, lockboxes are annoying, and less people are buying into that TRIBBLE.
I hope STO get's better ...
I can tell you haven't bothered to read this thread. It was more than just an EC grind.
It's clear the devs did this ninja style probably for a number of reasons:
They want to coerce players into joining fleets and doing fleet activities by eliminating sources of EC that don't require teamplay.
Eliminating sources of EC that don't require teamplay also limits a players EC purchasing power. The intended effect here could be to coax players into purchasing more c-points which would then be used to purchase items like lock box keys for use as as quick sale items on the exchange.
My character Tsin'xing
Well, i always get the bug to go around saying Hi to everyone i meet, but i'm always afraid i'll get the cold shoulder.
How often did you run the tour? Prior to LOR, I was running it every other day for about 3-4 weeks straight. A few people gave me cold shoulders, but most people were nice.
I know i hardly ever finished a tour without having been given DI by someone.
My character Tsin'xing
No I m not. If you have read my posts i have always included them. Those people are more of "bonus money" not anything that you can count on.
They are about as reliable as a lottery ticket.
Some will (win) eventually spend money
some will (lose) do everything they can not to .
My POV those people you mention in your post should be heavily restricted
Or to use my earlier example only allowed to access point "a" until they decide to spend money to access point b etc etc
As long as they have access to point a it still can be advertised as FTP
Jeez, if this hits you that hard, then I question your ability to make any in-game money at all, because you're obviously incapable of thinking of anything but one thing. I NEVER did this thing, and I make a decent amount of money, each day. Granted, I also limit my spending, as in, I don't buy stuff I don't think I'll see much use out of, but occasionally, I do buy specialty items that cost.
So overall, I hardly think putting a cooldown on this ONE event, screws anyone over, except those that are limited in thinking & ability.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
So far below the standard for everywhere else, right? I must have been playing in the wrong part of this game all along, cause it seems i've been missing quite the party.
It takes a huge amount of coaxing to get people to talk on Fleet chat ...
make that any team(ed) chat.
I hope STO get's better ...