xtazee Arc User


  • Stop crapping on this topic. We know he's ex-Crimson and what's hard to believe is that he actually knows how to PvP (maybe that's why he left haha). So why did he leave Crimson? Why is he not attacking others except Kingdom and Kylin? Sad to see angeRR and UnknownWDF support this ****.
  • Ever tried attacking the big guilds? LS = Dead = No1 shows LOL b:chuckle Yall will get wtfpwned by Crim and QQme in a heartbeat. Now shut up and go level up you PvE noobs
  • You can never say b:pleased
  • Just you wait until QQme or/and Crimson decide to slaughter your guild. Until then enjoy carebear mode :)
  • Quoted for win. Exactly my point. They are so adamant on spreading their **** ways..like a damn bad disease. Leave the games and kids alone!
  • Fight the good fight in the real world..you sick ****. This is a mythical fantasy game. Homos were executed during those times. Unless they implement some **** torture system into PW b:pleased, we ain't interested in what you have to say. Reality is that you will always remain a minority! Now shut your face and thank your…
  • There are no **** in a perfect world!!!! Now shut up coz this will never be implemented as stated countless times before.
  • Not defending anyone just nit picking on your nonsensical posts :) Edit: Pinkyfied text
  • Generalization ftw!! I used pink this time..easier to read? Did they touch you there? You poor lil abused child :( b:bye
  • Amnesia much?
  • Hmm not bad.. meca +1 for a change. Ignore Ultimate...every post of his is utter garbage. <3 Ligeia though. It always turns into a Crimson hate thread no matter what the topic is :) QQme members truly do envy you guys b:chuckle Anyways although I haven't been online recently, I hear Crimson has stepped up their game and…
  • Ultimates posts as usual is nothing but self-whoring and bla bla bla. Totally agree with Ligeia's reply! But..aren't you part of QQme? Isn't QQme's indirect campaign strategy supposed to be "giant killers"? (still to be done though) Can QQme only handle 1 KoS (Crimson)?
  • Lmfao b:laugh
  • Someones crying out for attention it seems.. Crimson has 1 lvl 90 and QQme has 5? They started PvP eons ago!! kekethx KD and Kylin are a joke, they are trying to stay under the radar and grind, zhen or whatever it is you carebears do while QQ and Crimson actually play the game on a PvP server the way it's supposed to be…
  • You've got issues and need some counseling son b:pleased Butthurt that Crim and QQ are the only real pvp guilds on this server? It was actually a well written post and made a lot of sense, unlike the **** people like you normally fill the forum with. gtfo fool
  • Yes, let's pick on the alts now.. Racist!
  • You sir are an idiot. Only an Axe BM can stun lock for over 30 seconds! No other build, I repeat! No other build can stun lock for more than 9 secs. You unskilled lying piece of trash, please strip your character and then uninstall. Again you prove what a inexperienced player you are.. The BM class has to adjust according…
  • <-- in before QQme spam police drowns this post with their overwhelming e-peens + e-gos Gots to feel sorry for poor ol "icon/image"..... wot a tool b:chuckle Sig material = "OPVeno: Icon ain't got no balls"
  • Seriously this is just ridiculous.. Lyndura's suggestions are for overall PvE and PvP dominance... No matter what you say, Axes will net you more drops/cash and XP in an hour than a sword or fist will in 3-4 hours. Now, put 2 Axe BMs or 1BM+Cleric in YKD for an hour..pure profit!! Granery's suggestions and arguments are…
    in BM Weapons Comment by xtazee May 2009
  • Sowweee I r notz as pro as you in the Engrish :( I'm anything but raging my dear. I visit forums for gigglez while waiting for my daily to complete. Time will tell...for now go about doing your usual trolling/bragging. Make up for the skills in-forum for what you lack in-game ;) PS. You're calculations are bit off..
    in QQme Comment by xtazee April 2009
  • Hahaha.. Why should I care if you take me seriously or not? Even if I did post on my main, and offer any constructive criticism (which I previously have, mind you) it wouldn't make a jot of a difference..Why? Because you guys are the most thick headed bunch of clowns on the server. I *used* to be a staunch supporter of…
    in QQme Comment by xtazee April 2009
  • LMFAO!!!! Finally something worth looking at from Walter. Anyways..on topic! Seriously, *accoring to forums* yall kill hundreds of Crimsons daily, destroy their zhen and grind parties and try your best to prove they suck at PvP. Am I right? Then, why is it that I see YOU (pro PKrs) re-rolling new guilds (Rule, Realm,…
    in QQme Comment by xtazee April 2009
  • ^ Quoted for pure win!!!!!
  • And you expect the other lesser guilds to stand up to Crimson? Pendulum claim to be the best PKrs around (honorable mention -> Alex the pro EA) AmIright? Yet 40 of you'll get massacred in under 12 minutes. Where's the uber skill and 1v5 pwnage you scream about on the forums and world chat? OK let's assume: 40 Pend members…
  • So naive is what most of you are! You all keep forgetting that majority of the people are high levels from other servers? Do not underestimate them and get too full of yourselves. I "used" to refer to Crimson as no-skill carebear PvErs too, but after watching them closely (eg. almost breaking the WarLords TW time record,…
  • I ain't no Crimson supporter, but you got to admit that it's the same bunch of people you see whining on the forums about Crimson… Frankly the majority of Crimson are pretty decent. It's the idiots like walterthewf and a few other kids that give them a bad rep. To be very honest, pendulum should spend more time in game…
  • I've got a 6x Fist BM & a 8x Axe+Spear BM. So here's my PoV on each build: (I'll summarize it for you as this has been argued about in 100's of other threads and forums) - Swords: Myriad Sword Stance...that's it! This is a mediocre weapon choice with "decent" damage output but it will never outshine the other builds. -…
  • ^ What he/she said! @ OP: Q_Q more
  • Oh, fun time! Let me break it down for you... You've studied every known language? Aware of every phonetic, syntax, semantic and pragmatic used? So fluent that you can type in any language without making a single grammatical error? Amazing is what you are sir!!! Learn2Spell <- L337 typezor skillz Ugh..what? *grammar police…