kuailiang Arc User


  • 8pm? At PST -8? That makes it at 11pm for easterners and way worst for Europeans. PWE, put it at 2pm PST, should be more universal. Unless I can't count timezones.
  • It'll depend on my guild. If most move to PW-EUROPE, I'll move too. Otherwise, might go back to MY-EN. Either way, it's win-win.
  • Doubled from it's current rate would still make some items very pricy. The Camo shirt is worth 10 golds and thus 10$. Even cut in half, it's still 5$ for a single random fashion. In my opinion, the cash shop doesn't need a static change but rather an overall modification. 1$ for 2 gold, in example, would be somewhat…
  • I can't stand that song. It's painful to listen to. I'd take a loop of the PWI version anyday but the staff ain't willing to release it to public :mad:
  • I do hope they're temporary....otherwise they're not getting anything from me! Player:KuaiLiang AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings:$75 AVG Monthly spending till prices are changed:$0
  • So the ratio is 1/1? Wow, high level rides will be too god damn pricy and gold hieros...and fashions...and flying devices. Nevermind, I'll be a Wizard without cash shop. That's an awful move on their part.
  • My birthday too! Seriously! Happy Birthday to us ^^
  • Woah woah! Keep a spot for me! I've been talking with Wargasm about joining, I just wasn't aware I had to register anywhere xD
  • Although everything has been said... Thank you for everything anyway ^^
  • I will probably be guildless in the Open Beta until I find a decent guild. I'll be on the PvE server, if any, because I can't stand random PK. From what I've read on the forums, lots of people seem to despise one another so you might have better luck asking that in-game.
  • Am I the only one who think there is nothing shameful with being adorably cute? Seriously, cute doesn't mean young... Moving on now.
  • I did notice a slight difference in lag from the beginning of the CB up to now. It's nothing major since my ping is 98ms but someone across the world could very well end up with lag similar to MY-EN. Boost your server and connection PWE! Or split your people, it's crowded xD
  • After this mess, I am SO funding a guild called 'Asylum' during OB. Now, graphical glitches are a common thing when you lag or get disconnected. You can go REALLY high in the sky when you can fly and it is very possible to remain immobile in thin air if you lag...you can even stay there forever until you decide to move.
  • Someone broke out of their asylum. Please go die in a fire?
  • KunKun Lord isn't exactly a boss. It's just an annoying critter you have to melee for a quest and it keeps on running away. You could slap it to death, wouldn't make any difference and he wouldn't harm you.
  • *sigh* Please, sens of humor! I do not find this funny because it's not unheard of but the title kind of revealed that this was one big farce. Moving on now.
  • SP will be a problem at first (19-60) but eventually, gold will become the problem.
  • For the Closed Beta, I chose a Wizard and I intend to use the same class for the Open Beta. Thanks to the lack of skill delays, I can level up a Wizard without eating hierograms; I've learned that kiting is far easier here and as such, I will roll a full int Wizard rather than a Light Armor ^^
  • A shirt with: 'I beta tested and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.' written on it ^^
  • There is also a quest in Archosaur that provides you with the transfiguration tool to change your appearance once.
  • You can only EDIT during the first two days of a character's life.
  • ECIDLZN? Would be such a bother compared to ADC xD The problem I have with Archosaur is that it reminds me a lot of the Power Rangers and their 'zords' and dinosaurs as a whole. I just doesn't sound right to mine ears ^^
  • Eldergoth Detector? Seriously? That sounds...odd. I portray a robotic Eldergoth screaming 'Warning! Warning! PC character detected!'. Eldergoth Scout sounds way better, I agree. The Gothloc also became Kobolds. It find it strangely appropriate, little peons walking around with torches trying to burn you to the ground at…
  • I've got a ping of 98 on both servers and that's at peak hours. Eastern Canada.
  • There are some quest-breaking references, that's a fact. Like it says kill 20 while you have to kill 5. Go see the Elder while you really have to go see the Merchant. Could be worse. Could be better. Either way, it's looking at a bright side. They could revise the entire dialogs for the OB, that'd be nice since everything…
  • I was very excited for the 1-month Closed Beta then pop! it became 1 week and I basically stopped and entered a waiting trance. The OB starts on my birthday soooo I ain't complaining ^^
  • Yeah, some mobs have rather strange names but they're just that, names. They could have kept all the MY-EN names for all I care...but translate everything else in better english so we know what's happening.
  • Misty Forest Ring? That's original xD And the PWI translation is WAY better than it is on MY-EN. There's no way we can complain about this unless you'r really, really picky.
  • I had the chance to play both early and late UO. Lousy graphics at this time, decent at that time. The customisation was almost endless and you truly could shape the world instead of it being a huge static map. I miss it. PW is a great game but if grind means killing mobs in any way, shape or form then yes, it is one huge…
  • Having a level 66 Werefox on MY-EN, I probably won't roll a Venomancer at the OB. Simply put, the eggs' prices will be eventually lowered down to 1 gold and as such, I'd rather not have to XP 2-3 pets every levels. Wizard or Cleric at OB. Most likely a Wizard.