Player's BAN on Cash Shop

greystok Posts: 62
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
This is not a Flame Thread it's a Simple Fact The cash Shop was Released at to high a rate at OB.This Thread Is a Compilation of players that DO USE the cash shop but will not spend 2/3 times the price of other versions of the same game.

Please keep post simple and flame free this is not the place.

AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings:$60
AVG Monthly spending till prices are changed:$0 ;)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    greystok wrote: »
    This is not a Flame Thread it's a Simple Fact The cash Shop was Released at to high a rate at OB.This Thread Is a Compilation of players that DO USE the cash shop but will not spend 2/3 times the price of other versions of the same game.

    Please keep post simple and flame free this is not the place.

    AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings:$60
    AVG Monthly spending till prices are changed:$0 ;)

    I agree, AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings: $100.00
    AVG Monthly spendting till prices are changed:$00.00

    I was planning to spend a hundred bucks when I got off work earlier but now I will not spend a dime, instead I will just wait until the next mmorpg with great graphics and gameplay comes out (Possibly Aion or who knows really) and save up my money till then.
  • catica
    catica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    I came to the forums for the first time today just because of this. I played on PWM, I came here for CB and now for OB. These prices are too high.

    AVG spent on Cubi Gold: No idea, I bought it whenever I was bored or wanted something, but with a lvl 80 ep who loved to zhen I went through alot of cubi gold lol.

    AVG spent on Zen: $0 I refuse to pay these prices and Ill just move on when I get bored here, or go back to PWM though I was already bored there, so more than likely Ill just find a completely new game to play
  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    Not only are the prices terrible, they won't give me my free zen i earned getting to level 40 in CB.
  • wizzmaster
    wizzmaster Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ranthe wrote: »

    Not only are the prices terrible, they won't give me my free zen i earned getting to level 40 in CB.

    you should try working as a Gm is not easy Do you know how many player made it to lvl 40. they need to make sure they giving to the right acc it takes time. Is not just that they dont want give,
  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Actually dvorak said all the reward Zen HAD been given out.

    Therefore, the fact that I and some others HAVE NOT received it, means SOMEONE screwed up.
  • wizzmaster
    wizzmaster Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ranthe wrote: »
    Actually dvorak said all the reward Zen HAD been given out.

    Therefore, the fact that I and some others HAVE NOT received it, means SOMEONE screwed up.

    that a probably why you haven't get then. ( just let the river flow)
  • dankmonkey
    dankmonkey Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well everyone I know got their free Zen , I didn't get mine either. And the prices are VERY VERY BAD in the cash shop. I spend $100 + in PW-MY so back to there with my cash. So far OB has been a bust. I think I am going back to PW-MY until they get there S--T straight around here.:mad::mad::mad:
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well.. I'm still going to buy Zen, already did. I won't spend as much as I would probably, but I love the game and am not going to hold them hostage with promises of $100/month... seriously.. who spends $1200 a year on Zen? Hey maybe you do, but the number of people who will post here that they do and then actually do it are significantly different.
  • joeyknight
    joeyknight Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    They definitely won't get any cash from me until I get my free zen for hitting 40 in CB. :)
  • irbis
    irbis Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i am speach-less... you lied to us. you said that CB prices are temporial. you let us vote/suggest prices. you post here with this "plastic" smile on your face telling that "you understand that some players are not happy with the prices" where the strong majority is not happy. okey. fine., be that way. lets see if you will still be smiling when you loss most of your players.
    petition sighned
    AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings: $25.00
    AVG Monthly spendting till prices are changed: $00.00

    you got a very little time remaining. leave it as it is and i am out. this is not a threat. thats just sad fact
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Really you could do without the freaking out. What could you possibly NEED from the cash shop at lvl 10? Who knows maybe they have not decided on the actual prices of everything yet. Myabe they are sane people and think that OMG they will be only lvl 2......... they wont need much from the cash shop yet so we have some more time to THINK about what to set prices at.

    Did you ever think of that? I doubt it.......
    I agree the prices are a bit high, but you dont see me boycotting the game after its only been in OB for what 10+ hours now? Calm down and see what happens.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    irbis wrote: »
    i am speach-less... you lied to us. you said that CB prices are temporial. you let us vote/suggest prices. you post here with this "plastic" smile on your face telling that "you understand that some players are not happy with the prices" where the strong majority is not happy. okey. fine., be that way. lets see if you will still be smiling when you loss most of your players.
    petition sighned
    AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings: $25.00
    AVG Monthly spendting till prices are changed: $00.00

    you got a very little time remaining. leave it as it is and i am out. this is not a threat. thats just sad fact


    and this isn't just a case of 'not being able to please everyone', almost everyone is unhappy about these prices.
  • irbis
    irbis Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sikozu wrote: »
    Really you could do without the freaking out. What could you possibly NEED from the cash shop at lvl 10? Who knows maybe they have not decided on the actual prices of everything yet. Myabe they are sane people and think that OMG they will be only lvl 2......... they wont need much from the cash shop yet so we have some more time to THINK about what to set prices at.

    Did you ever think of that? I doubt it.......
    I agree the prices are a bit high, but you dont see me boycotting the game after its only been in OB for what 10+ hours now? Calm down and see what happens.

    question for question. are you a moderator? no? then drop this butt-plug role. i am a poor guy from central europe so i wouldnt spent much money myself. but thats irrelevant. even if i would be a money-***** i would feel cheated by now. wth is wrong with you? so what that i am 10lvl now? you think it will stay this way for long? jesus what kind of speach is this? if you are blind for people frustration and disapointment stay the HELL out of this thread
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • doll
    doll Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i'll most likely buy zen still, just not spend as much as i planned on in the first place.
  • xent69
    xent69 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Agreed, im new to the game and i wanna buy stuff, but im not paying these prices.. lol
  • birdie
    birdie Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I to did not spend a great amount in MY version but I did spend. I can see myself spending enough to get my first Heiro's but that will not be until I have achieved level 30. Can get there without a heiro fairly easily. But after that it gets expensive. I do not like what I'm hearing here about the prices.

    I am hoping that by the time I reach 30 that the dev's have tweeked the prices, otherwise, they will loose out on my support at the level that I intended to buy. It will be a lot less.

    I agree that with these prices we will see TW end up just like MY version. With three guilds fighting in TW and no one else able to compete because they are the only ones with enough real life dollars to spend on a game. I was really looking forward to eveyone starting over and everyone having a chance at TW but I don't see that happening now with the prices as they are.
  • kuailiang
    kuailiang Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I do hope they're temporary....otherwise they're not getting anything from me!

    AVG Monthly Cash Shop spendings:$75
    AVG Monthly spending till prices are changed:$0
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    irbis wrote: »
    question for question. are you a moderator? no? then drop this butt-plug role. i am a poor guy from central europe so i wouldnt spent much money myself. but thats irrelevant. even if i would be a money-***** i would feel cheated by now. wth is wrong with you? so what that i am 10lvl now? you think it will stay this way for long? jesus what kind of speach is this? if you are blind for people frustration and disapointment stay the HELL out of this thread
    Did you not read what I said? Learn to comprehend English.
    Shall I repeat myself?
    I agree the prices are a bit high, but you dont see me boycotting the game after its only been in OB for what 10+ hours now? Calm down and see what happens.

    Also no I am not a moderator, I never stated anywhere that I was. Just because I seem to be one of the people who can hold in their frustration and not spit it out on a forum, Or I inform you that you are clearly doing something wrong or violating the ToS does not in fact state that I am claiming to be one either. I dont know where you get your ideas from but you should start checking the sources. I think you might be missing a few brain cells.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • irbis
    irbis Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    first of all mrs Calm Down
    I agree the prices are a bit high, but you dont see me boycotting the game after its only been in OB for what 10+ hours now? Calm down and see what happens.
    you are NO ONE to tell me what i can and cannot. its my freaking right to "boycotting" or not to. you chose not - thats your right. i chose yes - thats my right. and boycotting is silly, people are literaly saing it loud:
    where the heck you see "boycott" here? like we are some kind of rebels.
    Did you not read what I said? Learn to comprehend English.
    want me to speak in my native lang? i can assure you it will be flawless. geez i got 200+ posts, i am active at this forums forum from 2 weeks and nobody had any problems with my english till you today. or maybe you are one of that nutts who think that their beloved english is the native lang for all countrys all around the world? if i wouldnt know you have a husband(at least you say so) i would tell you to grow up but i see its pointless now as most propably you are sticked with this way of thinking for the rest of your life. want me to go with perfect lang? sure, no problem, sponsor my english teaching please. if you think that zen prices are "just a bit high" i belive you can afford to pay for english lessons for 24yo guy who learned all his english all by himself from net,games, manga and discovery channel. just look at yourself how stupid you sound.
    Also no I am not a moderator, I never stated anywhere that I was. Just because I seem to be one of the people who can hold in their frustration and not spit it out on a forum, Or I inform you that you are clearly doing something wrong or violating the ToS does not in fact state that I am claiming to be one either. I dont know where you get your ideas from but you should start checking the sources. I think you might be missing a few brain cells.
    my gaaawd you ever heard of thing called "irony"? you're not mod? then dont act like one. got it? and if you dont see the big picture which is being draw here you are the one missing not just few brain cell but the whole brain itself.
    there were promises
    tehre were words that made us feel calm that everything is gone be alright
    there were all this praising topics and words like "you (players) rox", they were friendly patting our backs, smiling to us, trying to befriend with us.
    they made us TRUST them.
    them OB starts. same patcher issue which stoped so many players from even seeing how the game looks with their own eyes was here again. there were free zen which made people feel the taste of CS. there was this idiotic leveling contest who was about to reward that who hitted 40lvl but not all players had been rewarded.
    and on top of all that present CS prieces. i cant imagine how blind and closeminded person need to be to not see this little mindgames and manipulation that were and are rolling as we speak. i dont know in what kind of disneyland your mind flows but its not real
    REALITY is all this people posting here and there, sad, cheated, angry and disapointed. tthis time, now - is a big moment for the company that run this game. if they will **** this one - they loss, totaly. saying otherwise just shows how little you know about this bussines and how everything is linked here. me shut up? no you shut up.
    oh and one more think:
    you need to ask - to get. wth you are expecting us to do? after all this fail? just sit and watch, waiting for the world to fix itselfjust like that? what an pasive, cowardly and unproductive way is that? i will not wait with my hands crossed. i will fight. cuz i care and i belive in myself and people gathered here. in the one way we have: by posting on forum. dont get in the way.
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A wall of text that I did not read.......
    Player's BAN on Cash Shop

    Take hint in the name of the thread.
    daikyu wrote: »
    Haha...ah, this thread is truly amusing.
    The sheer amount of pissing and moaning here is gold.

    Considering this is a F2P game...and you're technically not required to buy anything from the CS....I would recommend you perhaps play a subscription-based MMO if you are dropping over $15 a month in the CS. Despite how much I like this game, the F2P system cant hold a candle to the amount of updated content you get in a P2P game ( I wont name names...but you know what games im talking about). I understand you might be all bent out of shape cuz you cant buy your heiros or whatever you waste your money on...but really, the amount of complaining going on here is out of hand for an extremely good FREE game. If they fix the prices? Great. I agree they'll likely make more money. If they leave it as is? Oh well.

    God forbid you have to play twice as long in PWI in order to get what you want, rather than immediately waste your allowance or paycheck or whatever on a stack of heiros or some new wings.

    you are NO ONE to tell me what i can and cannot. its my freaking right to "boycotting" or not to. you chose not - thats your right. i chose yes - thats my right. and boycotting is silly, people are literaly saing it loud:
    where the heck you see "boycott" here? like we are some kind of rebels.
    Boycott: to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval. [As quoted from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary]

    P.S. I did not know English was not your native language, didnt mean to insult you that way.
    you need to ask - to get. wth you are expecting us to do? after all this fail? just sit and watch, waiting for the world to fix itselfjust like that?
    No that is not what I am asking, I am asking that people take a much calmer approach at saying how they feel about the Cash shop prices or anything els for that matter. Yelling at them - insulting them is not going to get you anywhere if not much less even listened to. Just be calm express your dislike and sit back and wait to see what happens. In other words try being a bit more level headed.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • daikyu
    daikyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Are you agreeing with me..or disagreeing, Sikozu?

    I find statements such as:


    quite humorous.

    Yes you can. Its called playing for free and not using the CS. If someone is physically incapable of playing a F2P game without spending money...then I think that person has larger issues with their finances. (i.e google compulsive gambling)
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    daikyu wrote: »
    Are you agreeing with me..or disagreeing, Sikozu?

    I find statements such as:


    quite humorous.

    Yes you can. Its called playing for free and not using the CS. If someone is physically incapable of playing a F2P game without spending money...then I think that person has larger issues with their finances. (i.e google compulsive gambling)

    I am in a way agreeing lol. I mean I see it like this if there are other ways to get the items than by simply buying them, I'd do that. Its not like they make the Cash shop a requirement in order to play the game. I believe the prices are a tad bit high, but I am not going to stop playing the game because of it. There are other ways around that.

    I realize this is a ban on buying anything from the cash shop, but its not like you had to buy anything to begin with.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • rzx
    rzx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I was going to buy stuff, but not at these prices. I can go pay 15$ a month for a P2P game and have just as much fun wasting my time in front of the computer.
  • daikyu
    daikyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sikozu wrote: »
    A wall of text that I did not read.......

    Take hint in the name of the thread.


    Boycott: to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval. [As quoted from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary]

    P.S. I did not know English was not your native language, didnt mean to insult you that way.

    No that is not what I am asking, I am asking that people take a much calmer approach at saying how they feel about the Cash shop prices or anything els for that matter. Yelling at them - insulting them is not going to get you anywhere if not much less even listened to. Just be calm express your dislike and sit back and wait to see what happens. In other words try being a bit more level headed.
    sikozu wrote: »
    I am in a way agreeing lol. I mean I see it like this if there are other ways to get the items than by simply buying them, I'd do that. Its not like they make the Cash shop a requirement in order to play the game. I believe the prices are a tad bit high, but I am not going to stop playing the game because of it. There are other ways around that.

    I realize this is a ban on buying anything from the cash shop, but its not like you had to buy anything to begin with.

    If people want to refuse to support the CS....then by all means. Have at it.....
    But some of the comments ive read about leaving the game altogether due to the CS prices are simply ridiculous.
  • jet
    jet Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi, I decided to buy some zen for the first time today all together i purchased 2100 zen sounds like a lot dosnt it? But on logging back into the game i looked at my item mall and i felt completely ripped off :mad: i was expecting about 200 gold to use not a measly 21 gold! and for that i can barely buy anything that i wanted :( how can they be so greedy. Also a tip for you people in charge of this change this stupid larger amount trick that converts into a tiny amount please it really did fool me i am not happy! Lastly these prices are idiotic do they really think we are this stupid? Its not fair.
  • jet08
    jet08 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Agreed but im just not playing the server, i like cubis tbh i thought MY was abit of a ripoff for pixels but its looking like heaven now.

    2100 zen = 21 gold in cubis hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
  • zoefox
    zoefox Posts: 225
    edited September 2008
    You people like to complain about the prices of hierograms since you use them so fast. Clearly you don't have enough vit in your builds. I find that everytime someone complains about something like this, they have a build that isn't all that great. In every mmo I play.
  • moti02
    moti02 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I understand EA has to make $$, but have to agree the prices are exorbitant. :eek:
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    irbis wrote: »
    question for question. are you a moderator? no? then drop this butt-plug role. i am a poor guy from central europe so i wouldnt spent much money myself. but thats irrelevant. even if i would be a money-***** i would feel cheated by now. wth is wrong with you? so what that i am 10lvl now? you think it will stay this way for long? jesus what kind of speach is this? if you are blind for people frustration and disapointment stay the HELL out of this thread

    Calm yourself... that is all :)
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • killu
    killu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    moti02 wrote: »
    I understand EA has to make $$, but have to agree the prices are exorbitant. :eek:

    I agree, the cash shop is overpriced.
    Lost City -
    Class: Barbarian
    Level: 1x
This discussion has been closed.