finasoa Arc User


  • Yea, I tried to transfer the +1 from one piece of armor to another and it says I need 1 Chienkun stone. I REALLY want to + my weapons but I don't want to if I can't get one of these Chienkun stones that I need to transfer it. Would really be nice to have some answers.
  • You'd think an admin or someone would know... Anyway, i'm about to + some armor and try to see if I can transfer the level to some other armor I'll see what it's all about...
  • Bump...really would love info on this
  • The guy who was getting all angry at me came after my group and I in hero's tomb and attacked me I killed him. Then they sent five people from their guild after me because they were complaining about me PKing a couple of their members. Five people to kill one lowly mage XD. Well I guess I had it coming…
  • In my opinion...easiest way for a barbarian to level up is to party with a veno or another class and do quests with them. They're hardly be leeching exp since exp received for killing mobs usually doesn't help much for leveling up after level 15, and most of the exp comes from finishing quests... So if they just have…
  • I play with a white name because I like the way it looks more than the blue name. I also don't mind PKing the occasional solo-er fighting a mob or someone who has been afk for an hour in the same spot outside of a safe zone. I just didn't want to play PvP server where I would imaging it'd be PK left and right. Also, if I…
  • The GMs do want to investigate situations of people getting into arguments and whatnot... For example, my friend and I were questing in West Archo and a level 8 barbarian came up to us and demanded to join our squad. I politely told him that he should finish his quests in his respective town first and then when he has the…
  • Venomancer is by far the most popular class. They are quick to level up (saw a level 60 venomancer 2 days ago), can solo extremely easily, don't seem to need many pots or anything...and therefore also always have TONS of extra gold. I'd say the second most popular is Blademaster. At least when you run around in etherblade,…
  • By the way, to everyone who said they needed to buy stuff from the shop to level up, you really don' least yet. My friend and I both reached level 30 in about 36 hours by power questing together. We were both mages...not even Venomancers. When we got to archosaur we saw maybe 2 or 3 venomancers for several hours.…
  • So I didn't read all the posts, but from what I can gather...1$ = 1 gold. Is that correct? If so I don't think anyone should be complaining! As far as I am concerned that is an AMAZING price in comparison to some of the other games I played. 1$ for 1 gold?? So 3 bucks for a silver hierogram? Um...that sounds pretty cheap…
  • Only 1 hour? That's awesome =D Last game I played, every time they did maintenance it was for 4 hours of more and they almost never mentioned what it was for. Glad this one is better than that.
  • Thank you very much. Sorry for sounding so agitated but I figured if I just sat there patiently it might never happened. I'm glad the issue was resolved.
  • 8 PM here... Must be 5 PM PST now. Which means that anyone who might have possibly, by some slim chance, been working on the problem today is going to call it quits for today and go home. Meaning...there is no way we are getting our Zen today. Probably not tomorrow or the next day or next week. I'll be suprised if we get…
  • This is supposed to be for Monday September 8th, 2008 and not 2009 right? By the way, I did send a PM with my username and role name. I think this thread needs to be updated to say 2009 so that people stop getting their hopes up just to have them dashed upon the jagged rocks of reality.
  • I haven't even charged Zen to my account... I've decided not to charge any Zen until I receive my Zen from Closed Beta. After that I'll see how I can get by without the cash shop. I will most likely be buying ALL of my cash shop items from other players, or buying Zen at the Auction House, once my free Zen runs out. But if…
  • Bump. I would really like to know what these cheikun (or something) stones are, since it says something about them being needed for refining transfer...but I have no idea where to find these shop or otherwise.
  • Well that's nice that it's fixed for everyone. Can we please fix the problem with people not receiving their free Zen now?
  • Well I participated in it at first and my screen certainly did NOT freeze. I was able to cast magic and run around just fine. Yes I had more lag than normal, but I was by no means unable to fight. In my opinion, this is not server lag...this is your computer not being able to render all of the players, skills, monsters,…
  • So what about these cheikun or whatever stones that seem to be required for it? What are they are how do I get them?
  • I was REALLY REALLY hoping that I could be able to use my free Zen to get some hierograms (charms) for the boss event...but it looks like that didn't happen. I suppose I'll just be one of those people who deserved Zen, but didn't get any, and therefore has no hiero and can't survive as well as those who DID get their free…
  • Still none... Xarfox asked for the account name I used to get to level 30 and sent it in a well as my RP name. That picture of my player in the Secret Hive should still be on this thread as proof. Trying to be patient here but it's almost like they're holding off the Zen as much as possible so that we give in…
  • After e-mailing both billing and customer service and PMing Xarfox (no reply yet) I received one e-mail last night telling me that the issue will be fixed by today. Time is I hope they aren't slacking off. Ho Jenshi quest needs to be fixed too...getting kind of annoying to level up past 35 without it.
  • Still NONE for me either!! I wonder why it's fixed for some people and not others? The only thing that makes this not so bad is that admins and whatnot actually participate in the forums in the forums and are active. In other games you never see hair no hide of an admin. Thank goodness the ones here at least keep us…
  • I still have not received mine either... It's kinda disheartening that lots of other people have gotten their by now but I haven't...although several people still haven't. How come it takes so long to deposit Zen into people's accounts? If for some reason you want proof my level there ya go. My character in the Secret…
  • I apologize if this posted sounded rude or anything. It wasn't meant to seem like I was angry. I am just checking to see if everything is going as is should be. Just want to know whether Zen was really deposited or not. Was kind of hoping to log in and be able to put the 1000 Zen into my account right from the…
  • logged in...seems to be working
  • I didn't even control alt delete. I was with someone else and we could still talk to each other......just not move or anything. I was hoping it would go away if I waited but I guess not.
  • Happened to me too. Hopefully there isn't some sort of rollback and it gets fixed soon.
  • Now I get to the character screen, but when I click Start it just says disconnected from the server and to log in again...but still can't get into the server.
  • I wouldn't be suprised if the wrinkle they forget to iron out to delete all the unused Zen from people's accounts... Considering how about an hour and a half ago I could go to billing and still add the 5000 Zen I didn't use...but now when I go to the billing page it just says "Internet Connection timed out" or something…