Please don't complain about PK in PvE!

finasoa Posts: 68 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
Posting this here because I doubt anyone in PvE reads the PvP forum, and I doubt many people read the Heaven's Tear forum.

Please stop complaining that you got PKed in PvE.

If you have PK mode on then it means only two things: You want to PK or you want to BE PKed.

So if you're running around with a white name, and I see you, and I PK you, don't whine. If you don't WANT to fight other players TURN...IT...OFF!

I have never ganged anyone nor have I killed anyone when they are fighting a monster. Somethings some people may consider 'dishonorable'.

Every person I've PKed hasn't been fighting anything at the moment.

So if you DON'T want to fight other players then turn it off! Stop running around whining to everyone that you were PKed...if it upsets you, turn it off, it's not that hard.

And don't tell me to go to the PvP server. I decide where I want to play, not you.

Don't even waste your time sending me a message telling me not to PK you when you have a white name or message me telling me to stop PKing your friends. If they don't want to PK then turn off the PK switch. Not that hard.

If anyone messages me with dumb stuff like this you're going to be immediately blacklisted. I don't want to listen to people complaining about something they allowed. PK is optional, it isn't please, if you don't wanna be PKed or PK other people then just turn it off and stop crying.

Post edited by finasoa on


  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wait... People actually complain about this when they have a choice on whether or not to PK?

    I'll start killing for sport in that case.
  • poison
    poison Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm gonna have to agree here. PvE does NOT mean no PK, it means PK optional. If you turn it on, you have absolutely zero right to complain if you get PK'd. The button clearly tells you what it does and that you can't change it again for 12 hours, so if you clicked it, I don't want to hear about "by mistake".
  • namika
    namika Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I only got one word wow. Its to wonder if some people are completly clueless when it comes to games, playing on a PvE server, physicaly activating the PvP flag and still complaining about getting PK while being fully aware that your just asking for it. Baffling.
    IGN: Namika
    Lvl: 30
    Class: Venomancer
    Server: Heaven's Tear (PVE)
    Guild: None
  • finasoa
    finasoa Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The guy who was getting all angry at me came after my group and I in hero's tomb and attacked me I killed him.

    Then they sent five people from their guild after me because they were complaining about me PKing a couple of their members.

    Five people to kill one lowly mage XD.

    Well I guess I had it coming eveeentually.

    But you know what i'll do if it starts to bother me? I'll turn PK off instead of running around yelling "OMG I got PKed when I purposefully had PK on well knowing I might get PKed! OMG!!1112! this is intolerable! Must gather a group to kill this unlawful PKer."

    You got your 'revenge' get over it people. Don't like it? Turn it off.

    If you keep it on ur accepting the fact that you're going to get in player vs player fights. It happens. It shouldn't be such a big deal if you're choosing to keep it on ^^.
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I got in a huge fight the other day with some really clueless girl goin off on pk'ers in PVE. I really don't see why the hell ppl see fit to judge other ppl's actions when it has nothing to do with them

    If you dont wana pk turn the damn protection on and go about your life ><
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    OMG!! too funny even in a pve server ppl still whines about being pked...gee glad that noone whines on the pvp server.

    But seriously what more do u want? u have a button that turns of pk yet still complain?
    oh i know u want a button so that u can turn it on, kill someone, then turn it off...i see now :confused:
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    not a big fan of PvP, but I got to agree :) if you enable PvP on a server where it is 'optional' you got only one person to blame ..... the person you see when you look in a mirror.... yourself
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    peregryn wrote: »
    not a big fan of PvP, but I got to agree :) if you enable PvP on a server where it is 'optional' you got only one person to blame ..... the person you see when you look in a mirror.

  • indie
    indie Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Something I have found funny in most games are the people who cant **** it in PVP, will go over to the PVE servers and think they are gods. Not saying this is you but it happens all too often, In my eyes, if you have your flag up I dont care if you are fighting, if I dont like the way your character looks, or I feel that your choice of hairstyle and color doesn't belong in a world as beautiful as i, i will down you. (if only there was a tea-bag)
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    That indie is a perfectly valid playstyle choice, it is also one of the reasons when given an option I will leave PvP off.

    Nothing against you, or against anyone else that wishes to PvP, I simply don't. That said, it would not suprise me if I got PK'd shortly after I turned PvP on, and would not complain about it, simply head for a safe zone till I can turn it back off :eek:
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • Naris - Heavens Tear
    Naris - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    peregryn wrote: »
    That indie is a perfectly valid playstyle choice, it is also one of the reasons when given an option I will leave PvP off.

    Nothing against you, or against anyone else that wishes to PvP, I simply don't. That said, it would not suprise me if I got PK'd shortly after I turned PvP on, and would not complain about it, simply head for a safe zone till I can turn it back off :eek:

    Doubt you'd get pked as soon as you turn PvP on. While white names AFAIK seem to seek out other white names to PvP much more on the PvE server, most just go about their own business. It IS nicer to be able to see your name in a crowd of blue names and all...

    Granted, I'm not turning on PvP until I can afford to again. Too expensive for hieros and pots drain money faster than gear can be put up to spec...*sigh*