chelseacrafter Arc User


  • Totally off topic but WHAT??? Girls version? Obviously you don't have a clue why US football players HAVE to wear full pads & helmets & usually retire the game due to massive permanent injuries. I also don't see rugby players with body builder bodies or biceps as big as my waist. LOL
  • EXACTLY... but I don't think GM's are even capable of wiping the map... that's not their jobs.
  • When are you guys going to learn that GM's are just customer support no matter what they want you to think? GM's don't control the game play. That's why they don't care. This game has a total disconnect between it's developers & those who implement & maintain it. That is why this issue doesn't get resolved. And actually…
  • Most fail, funny moment at a boss... We get to AOE boss & 2 clerics still fighting after arguing thru whole dungeon & BM mad because they insist my herc tank. Other veno standing around afk all the time is now afk again I think. So I start tanking & no one does anything but fights standing around behind me, leaving me to…
  • Let random distribution in game give drops... all problems solved. No one is more important than anyone else in the game. Expenses you incur in the game are your own personal choice & no one owes you anything back. FYI - Solo instance doesn't drop the same (at all) as squad does. Game elitism is just wrong. (ok flame away…
  • Won't exist. the database can't last that long that is all b:chuckle
  • Everyone makes money then spends it. Write us back right before you spend your money! b:chuckle If I save up 50 mil coins for a goldmane & then buy it ... am I now poor because I have zero coins? Hmmmmmm.....
  • Yeah I give up to... People blowing everything out of proportion, reading things into something not there & twisting everything convenientally so they have something to go off topic on .... FAIL & waste of my time & emotions.
  • Once again, it's not rocket science... I never said veno was the hardest. Show me where I did. YOU are saying I did out of failure to comprehend my simple example. I speak for myself. I don't speak for every player on the game. I used myself as an example to point out something very fundamental. Why should I feel sorry for…
  • No actually that is just your failure in reading comprehension. What I said was very simple... Why should I feel sorry for barbs & clerics when no one cares about my issues. Now just because I didn't act like a god & speak for everyone else in the game as if I'm superior & only spoke for myself you got LOST in what I said.…
  • THANK YOU It's ridiculous that people can't see that running two characters at once is way more intense than running just one character. Situations constantly are changing. You can't macro that. It's very uninformed to think a veno just stands around healing their pet & doesn't have to do anything else. That just shows the…
  • Last time I looked, your permission isn't required for me to voice my opinion. But go ahead & knock yourself out QQing about my diagreeing with you. The topic is about ALL barbs & clerics. I don't recall the OP singling you out & neither did I. I have no problem with you disagreeing with me. Or anyone else for that matter.…
  • yeah I totally agree with you actually those type venos aggravate other venos in squad to no end LOL
  • I'm not even going to justify that nonsense except to say reality eludes you... sorry about that. And... get a calculator... no matter how you slice it... coins or gold it all is the same 9999 Source of Force... Gee does anyone understand math?
  • OH... I am so glad you said this! b:chuckle BUYING CHARMS & BEING A BARB OR CLERIC IS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE Can you add? Separating out each thing is not logical math. getting the cheapest tome just to feed the pet was the point Obviously you conveniently don't want to see the whole picture.
  • this is ridiculous Whoever heard of a priest leading an army thru battle? The game is made to simulate reality. Learn it. If you have a dominating personality that can't handle subservience then you shouldn't chose to be a cleric. Clerics are HUMBLE. the RPG in MMORPG stands for ROLE PLAYING GAME That means pick your role…
  • Most venos don't solo because they want to. They do it because it's a necessity. But that's not the topic. The topic of the thread is that poor little barbs & clerics think they are being abused. And for the life of me I just don't see that. If I had a coin for every time I got barked at by barbs & clerics or cheated or…
  • Sorry but in my experience the exact OPPOSITE is true. The day I get ANY repayment for this stuff is the day I will give a darn about the expenses of clerics or barbs: 200 gold for herc 2 million for tome 10-15k for cookies or venison every time my herc dies because of bad squads who disrespect venos MY REPAIRS (usually…
  • How about we just let the game do the selection like it was intended & act like GROWN UPS even if we aren't one yet? Seriously... I have news for ALL you barbs & clerics out there... Until you all pay me back for buying my herc then I don't want to hear ANYTHING about your charms. I don't see you all paying RENT for the…
  • LOL People already do it to the assassins. Instead of using the polite "Sins" nickname they call them "Asses". To me it's like bad drivers... don't blame the car... it's the bad driver's fault.
  • OH... and by the way... WELCOME to the SAME THING the Venomancers have to deal with all the time. From my first day on the game I've been insulted for being a veno, kicked out of squads, not allowed in squads, called worthless, told I'm a guy when I'm female in real life & told I don't need help because all venos are rich.…
  • If you can't figure out that the OP is talking about the races of cartoons in the game & is NOT talking about real life racism... please just move on to another thread. You will never "get it" & any comments you make are not on topic. I wish people would stay on topic. The topic is about how some real life people have…
  • EXCELLENT IDEA... It should be a TW arena with an area off to the side where spectators can stand around cheering ppl on. The whole TW thing atm is just so fail imo. I have no desire to participate unless we get to turn it into a sport where fans can participate by cheering their favorite factions on. I think I'd join a…
  • Seriously I'd rather PWI spend time, energy & resources on more pressing issues & ideas. Meditation is a passive action that doesn't impact anything in the game. All you're talking about here is making meditation more fun to look at the first few times you see it & then you'll be bored again. Not a good idea at all...…
  • I agree... and it's not just for the Barbs. I'd love to turn into a frost antelope to match the pink antlers please. :D
  • and yeah I agree with a few ppl about roleplaying... If you don't understand what roleplaying is go look it up & get a clue. You agreed to role play a scenario of ancient China when you entered the game. Deal with it.
  • THIS... and fyi there are a lot more important equality issues on the game than same sex marriage such as female equality. The manner in which females characters are made to be subservient to the male characters is just wrong. Giving only male characters abilities & control over actions & relationships is wrong. Not being…
  • I'd rather see PWI apply time & resources to real issues & problems & leave the musical entertainment to my Ipod or internet radio stations. Have any of you tried the little music icon on the task bar in your game client to get radio stations to replace the game music? That's what it is there for. They have a lot of other…
  • In case no one has noticed, our entire server (Sanctuary) is slowly but surely reverting from English to Chinese for many weeks now. Every day I run into more & more Chinese writing in quests, instances & NPC dialogs. At this rate the entire game will be reverted to the original Chinese language by months end. b:chuckle…