Most memorable boss fail moments?



  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    xD most Epic Death Ever was "someone" during a rb got 1ked by the God's Eye xD just had to point that out i wont give "her" name out but alot of people on Dreamweaver know who i am talking about.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My worst gamma fail was also my funnest.

    So right before second wave, the barb dc's like he had a few times in the gamma. We waited patiently for him to come back while Imp deals with the waves by himself. Barb doesn't come back. So we're freaking out on what to do with second wave since that was after the next boss. I forget exactly what we did but it was horrible. Moo and I were dying of laughter afterwards because althought a challenge to complete; it was more fun than the others I had done. Imp... wasn't too happy about the repair bill though so I payed for it.

    Ah... gamma... I miss it. I even miss Air going on about my makeup b:sad
  • Gromskull - Harshlands
    Gromskull - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talking about gv gamma. Just had my greatest fail today :) Yes we failed at DW, in the most noobish way possible, because of my stupid idea, considering that i've done this manny times and i know it's kinda dangerous.

    So here's how it went.
    Usualy i gv with 2 wizz (good friends of mine), just that today 1 of them couldn't come. So we call 1 more archer, 2 archers in total, huge DD. Ok, here comes DW. I'm going to hold half of the mobs, all good, and then sudenly a great idea pops into my head. We have enough DD, there were 2 people with aoe debufs, i though, what the hell, we can handle all mobs, so i come back with others waaaay early than suposed to. Roar, turtle and start throwing aoe's. All was preety until the 20 sec or dmg reduction passed and all i saw was 1 charm tick, 2, dead :)))
    Thinking about it now is funny, just that then i was really mad
  • XxIfritxX - Lost City
    XxIfritxX - Lost City Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yesterday doing HH1-1 for frnds
    asked the Lv 60 cleric to start BB so drum boss won't kill em all on his aoe

    but then the cleric Lv 87 asked the Lv 60 to stay away and he didn't have mana to do it him self -_- they all died including Lv 87 cleric

    kept hitting boss till 50 k hp left then I died xDb:cry
    All my Goals in Life Turned to be Offside b:surrender
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Watching Calvin 101BM die in FB51 a couple weeks back. That was epicLOL.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    My own FB39, waaay back in the nooby life.

    Me being used to bigg **** bosses that stand out, I couldn't find farren anywhere (as he was just as big as his ads). Squad was happely clearing the mobs, until I randomly select one of farrens ads and pop a hailstorm.
    He rushes at us, AoE one shots me and the cleric, I'm like WTFFF?

    Barb grabs aggro to save the rest of the squad, runs around in circles while his charm keeps ticking. While I was halfway the road trying to get back, he gets enough of his charm **** and kills farren. Squad wasn't happy b:surrender
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Secret Passage. Last month.

    I needed Dismal Shade. Got a buddy to help make a squad with me, and he invited an assassin, a BM, and another assasin. He himself was a sin, too. One slot was open for a cleric, but they chose not to get one, saying that we'd be fine since we had all this muscle. Yeah, right.

    I got lead and was getting somebody from my guild, only to find that they were already on their way to the boss. So I'm thinking, "well, ****" but I follow them anyway to see if they were actually going to try taking him down without a cleric. There was a bit of a waiting list, I think, so they were hanging out by the door. Cleric arrived and was on her way to us. Suddenly, no sooner than she's thrown us an 'omw' message in team chat, the boys rush in all at once.

    They aggro EVERYTHING.

    As soon as they pulled aggro on the minions, I started running, but they were by then all dead and the only person Dismal Shade could 'see' was me. He freaking chased me through the dungeon, probably to the chagrin of any other players in his path. To be honest, I'm not sure how he managed to lock onto me when I hadn't attacked or actually been in the room, but I died too. At least I died running. Then one of the sins (who wasn't even leveled enough for the FB of this dungeon!) quit and ran off, and then the higher level sin ragequits and leaves too. Cleric tanked the boss for me with her other veno character. Happy happy day.
  • PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear
    PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yesterday i was solo'ing suzerix for my girl and got him down to 1.5k hp so i thought id have some fun and melee him to death. Thing was he took my hp away miles faster than i took his, i died with him having 500hp left. Was not fun flying back to solo him again while my girl was like 'wtf o.O' b:surrender.

    hahahah I can't wait to sayy you fail hahahah

    I'm the only Harpy, Who's Psychic and knows all!b:chuckleb:pleased

    Live Life How You wish To Live It.

    I love PWI, Teh Forums, and Konari b:thanks

    Is currently working on Wizzy (imo better than my Psy)b:surrender name: SaphiraGione
  • PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear
    PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yeah double posted sowwy b:surrender

    I remember like 2 weeks ago and I needed Jewelscalen, It was a lvl 9x cleric, 8x barb, another Psy,
    Everything went well (I was aoe healing the whole time) then next thing I know BAM the Tank dies (WTF O.o) and then the Cleric got his **** whooped my aoe (Another WTF O.o) and the other Psy dc'd
    Jewels had only 700 or so HP, so I decided to throw on Black Voodoo and hit him, I ended up killing in after 2 hits.
    The cleric Lagged, which caused the barb to die, I swear the Psy didn't dc, (she probs dipped when she saw the barb fall)

    I'm the only Harpy, Who's Psychic and knows all!b:chuckleb:pleased

    Live Life How You wish To Live It.

    I love PWI, Teh Forums, and Konari b:thanks

    Is currently working on Wizzy (imo better than my Psy)b:surrender name: SaphiraGione
  • Promivius - Dreamweaver
    Promivius - Dreamweaver Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Guess I did my head slap boss run today.

    There I was (me L48) with 2 barbs (58 and 57), a BM (58) and an archer (54) getting BH39 bossmobs to the next plain.
    At boss 3 (the one with the vampiric ladies) I ask in group chat if I should lure 1 of those ladies away from the boss with a genie. "Sure" is the reply.

    So there I am luring the boss instead... ooh boy!!
    I mean I have lured with a genie before but my mind must have done a trip on me.
    Hell I did the luring in a group of 3 once (me 47, barb 54 and a BM at 59) on all bossmobs without anyone looking at the dirt.

    Anyway, fortunately the squad I was part of snapped into action before you could write "Iwanttokillmyself".
    Head-barb on the boss, the other barb, bm and archer ducking it out in the ladies-in-red left and right.
    Me healing all over the place. End result was a boss down and non would think the wiser as we all lived to tell about it.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Theavenger - Sanctuary
    Theavenger - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Once upon a time in a faroff land called....BH51...

    So we were walking along perfectly fine, we were gonna kill Wyvern first
    we passed around fushma no problem, and then we come to the area where rankar walks around. (note that obviously nobody bothered to look at the minimap) nobody saw him, so we were like all killing mobs and stuff all fine and then out of nowhere Rankar come out and killed the wiz in our squad. so while we were trying to kill that, fushma rounds the corner and starts attacking us too.

    Party Wipe.

    and theres one time when our cleric died when we were fighting wyvern, so the tank died, so we all ran and we were basically playing Hide & Seek with Wyvern. it was pretty awesome.

    Edit:Oh, also there was this time when i was flying to arch from Tusk town (don't ask what i was doing there) when i was like lvl 20, i went AFK. I had the volume up pretty high, so i could here Krimson's evil laugh and my char basically being obliterated all the way down the hall. Life Lesson- You can never fly too high in PW.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most fail, funny moment at a boss...

    We get to AOE boss & 2 clerics still fighting after arguing thru whole dungeon & BM mad because they insist my herc tank. Other veno standing around afk all the time is now afk again I think. So I start tanking & no one does anything but fights standing around behind me, leaving me to solo the boss. Now the BM is yelling that he should be tanking not me. I'm getting no heals & pots aren't compensating even with Metabolic Boost. That's the FAIL part...

    Now the funny part...

    Knowing I was going to die at that rate & getting no help I heal up herc & town portal out. They never notice I'm gone. Herc disappears... boss kills them all & they are yelling "what happened!??" and "where's the veno" & "did she die?"!!! b:laugh

    I hit cancel squad & go solo it.