Please show more respect to other's

Black_wolve - Sanctuary
Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
edited March 2010 in General Discussion
There's one thing i hate on this game is some of thease faction's think they own you or tell you what to do iam sorry when did this game turn in to a dictatorship or they think there better it's just a game come on now grow up.

Also just the other day a cleric friend invited me to do a Fcc run i said np so in any case i get tired of being ask this (this your first time) i reply no and there where some that belong to a larger faction didn't like how i was doing it so they where rude and all left the squad left me and cleric hanging so np we got 4 more players and had a blast np.

Another friend who is a lv 99 barb was kicked out of squad because they told him he was not good enough and you wonder why barbs are hard to find to do runs i see it every day when i logg on looking for barb for delta or gamma or fcc and some get mad and go on world chat wheres all the barbs go i wonder why.

I cant tell you how many time's i been used in t-t runs when they use me as a tank and after all is done i got nothing but a 200k or higher repair job well thats another reason why i refuse to do any type of runs unless i know who iam with.

I realy think that barbs and cleric's take a lot of abuse from other's i know i started a cleric to see for my self it's hell getting yelled at telling me im not healing when iam etc a person i spoke to deleted his lv 91 cleric couldn't take the abuse from others so again what's this game turning in to?

It's not easy to be in any char but you all have to work together stop blaming others it's very childlish so as i think im not the only one who has gone through this i can imagine how some feel some i know even quit pwi went to jade dynasty they tell me on jade there tired of all the stuff going on on pwi i realy cant blame them.

So in any case im just telling it as it is and asking for some respect like others deserve it to war's have began over stupid thing's such has control and to much power rember this is a game not real life .

I may sound rude but im one of those people making a point and i cant tell you how many times i left squads do to the abuse i get on barb and cleric they didn't like it when i left oh well i say they should of thought of that befor they got nasty and rude lol.

So my point is this is a game to injoy not a dictatorship we all deserve better respect and if you dont like how a person is doing it then find a differnt squad not every one does it the same way i seen it done seval differnt ways in fcc and in t-t what would this game be like with out barbs and cleric's can u imagine i can well take care people sorry if i sound rude im just tired as a few barbs and cleric's i know are being treated bad
Post edited by Black_wolve - Sanctuary on


  • KohakuNushi - Lost City
    KohakuNushi - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well bro thta happend cauze many kids 13+ years old playing and they dont care about repect, by the other hand some poeple are just jerk and i kown what u saying i sufer it every day on my EP.
  • Roseddesor - Heavens Tear
    Roseddesor - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    There's one thing i hate on this game is some of thease faction's think they own you or tell you what to do iam sorry when did this game turn in to a dictatorship or they think there better it's just a game come on now grow up.

    Also just the other day a cleric friend invited me to do a Fcc run i said np so in any case i get tired of being ask this (this your first time) i reply no and there where some that belong to a larger faction didn't like how i was doing it so they where rude and all left the squad left me and cleric hanging so np we got 4 more players and had a blast np.

    Another friend who is a lv 99 barb was kicked out of squad because they told him he was not good enough and you wonder why barbs are hard to find to do runs i see it every day when i logg on looking for barb for delta or gamma or fcc and some get mad and go on world chat wheres all the barbs go i wonder why.

    I cant tell you how many time's i been used in t-t runs when they use me as a tank and after all is done i got nothing but a 200k or higher repair job well thats another reason why i refuse to do any type of runs unless i know who iam with.

    I realy think that barbs and cleric's take a lot of abuse from other's i know i started a cleric to see for my self it's hell getting yelled at telling me im not healing when iam etc a person i spoke to deleted his lv 91 cleric couldn't take the abuse from others so again what's this game turning in to?

    It's not easy to be in any char but you all have to work together stop blaming others it's very childlish so as i think im not the only one who has gone through this i can imagine how some feel some i know even quit pwi went to jade dynasty they tell me on jade there tired of all the stuff going on on pwi i realy cant blame them.

    So in any case im just telling it as it is and asking for some respect like others deserve it to war's have began over stupid thing's such has control and to much power rember this is a game not real life .

    I may sound rude but im one of those people making a point and i cant tell you how many times i left squads do to the abuse i get on barb and cleric they didn't like it when i left oh well i say they should of thought of that befor they got nasty and rude lol.

    So my point is this is a game to injoy not a dictatorship we all deserve better respect and if you dont like how a person is doing it then find a differnt squad not every one does it the same way i seen it done seval differnt ways in fcc and in t-t what would this game be like with out barbs and cleric's can u imagine i can well take care people sorry if i sound rude im just tired as a few barbs and cleric's i know are being treated bad

    (1) It's a video game so don't expect to find that great of quality people every where you go. Just find the people you like and stick with them.

    (2) Yes allot of people don't have patience for something different then what they learned already. I find this to be a shame because they really can't ever be much of a leader or read game mechanics to learn more efficient ways.

    (3) Yes TT in it's self is ultimately a gamble so I suggest you just find people you like to party with. Or be your own TT leader and find people who are okay with you fairly dictating drop rates.

    (4) Barbs and Clerics take abuse or seem to only because it costs allot and they don't realize it. However try being a Wiz who is a DD behind the scenes but uses just as much coinage drain as barbs and clerics lol.

    (5) If you think your being treated bad you can do one of two things (A) THE WRONG WAY: Get mad and leave, (B) THE SMART WAY: Change the subject matter to something more interesting and if they still complain you know there just a ******. Or (C) Maybe you are doing something wrong and there giving you constructive criticism (every ones a critic by nature).
  • Euphy - Dreamweaver
    Euphy - Dreamweaver Posts: 495 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I've always been a cleric... and honestly I've hardly ever been "abused". Annoyed by clueless blademasters trying to tell me how to do my job? Yes. By and large people seem to think healing is boring, and treat people who have fun doing it for them well. Every now and again, I'll have stand offs. For example, with a lv.80 tank who I considered to be too low for a TT:2-3, and wanted to blame me for the heavy damage they were taking (A full magic cleric with maxed skills and a gem-studded Frost weapon.). But things like that are few and far between. People welcome clerics into their squads, love our buffs, and revives make the death nothing more then a pinch. Barbarians are also welcome additions to squads, and typically are valued even more highly. I fail to see the abuse. Good support characters are adored.

    Of course there will always be jerks, but seriously... they're not worth your time. Leave them behind and rage on mobs. If someone demands that you cross the map to save them a percentage point of experience and you're busy or just teleported to Twlight Temple... refuse. If they think they're such a high level that their exp is worth that much they can carry a Guardian Scroll. Or they could ask friends closer to them. If you're helping them tank a boss, perhaps they'll compensate your teleportation fees so you're not wasting unnecessary time.

    I would spread this topic to cover all classes, not just clerics and barbarians. Treat each other with respect. That includes the fish-sticks (they're awesome too!).
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    reroll to a pvp server people are more polite when a wrong word can get them stabed repeatedly set on fire and thrown in a dicth

    but ya sanc is about as bad as caerbear servers get
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    There's one thing i hate on this game is some of thease faction's think they own you or tell you what to do iam sorry when did this game turn in to a dictatorship or they think there better it's just a game come on now grow up.

    What do you mean by this? I honestly am unsure what you are suggesting here.
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    (but ya sanc is about as bad as caerbear servers get)

    That to funny but it's true i know of a lot of barbs and cleric's who told me storys what they go through it's no picnic trust me i realy believe there are some good people out there but u never know who u run in to in any squad.

    regardless of age i was always taught treat others how you want to be treated trust me if they get rude i give them a warning now i say very nice if it dont stop i find another squad and if the persume i leave easy as that. then that peron or person go telling every one not to squad with me i been ask and when i tell them the truth they said they would leave to what i ment by abuse is being called bad names yelling telling you how its done but again i never had a problem with fcc or t-t befor i realy think no matter what char you have every one regardless of age should know better im not asking to much it gets to ya after a while.

    And yes every class gets it but i seen a lot of clerics and barbs sense we are always needed in runs not that im judging every one it realy gets to ya after a while i been putting up with it sense i started my barb late april last year.

    sanc is getting pretty bad i also have a barb on dream weaver its not that bad on that server yet lol
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No one will ever respect anyone else in this world. Get used to it.

    Example; **** rights.

    Point proven.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I've always been a cleric... and honestly I've hardly ever been "abused". seems like people claim to be abused a lot more often than they actually are. I'm not the kind of person who sticks to one group of friends, and I even random BH squad nearly every single day and I barely ever get rude squad members.
    That to funny but it's true i know of a lot of barbs and cleric's who told me storys what they go through it's no picnic trust me i realy believe there are some good people out there but u never know who u run in to in any squad.


    And yes every class gets it but i seen a lot of clerics and barbs sense we are always needed in runs not that im judging every one it realy gets to ya after a while i been putting up with it sense i started my barb late april last year.

    I started my cleric very shortly after Open Beta, so your April start isn't all that impressive to me, sorry. Honestly, I feel like barbs and clerics exaggerate...a lot. I can't speak much for barbs since my barb is 2x, but as a cleric I don't see a lot of what clerics complain about.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Barbs QQ and say they're super rare and almighty

    Clerics are stuck up and think they run the squad because they can heal

    Venos are emo and like to solo their own stuff with their pets without paying any attention to squad

    Archers are World Chat fanatics and love causing drama(Top 5 players that people QQ about on Sanc are Archers, we're all over WC. I don't know about other servers)

    Wiz just kinda goes with the flow

    Blade Masters are wannabe tanks

    Assassin GM Edit QQ that think they're hot stuff because of OP

    Psy is always trying to match up with wizards and try to top them as the top elemental class

    Now all we need is a camera guy and we have the whole soap opera crew.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Helbear - Heavens Tear
    Helbear - Heavens Tear Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My cleric is 91, I quit it for a wizard and go with the flow of things having fun nuking people. I didnt tell anyone on my clerics friend list I was starting over again I just went so they cant hassle me.

    My cleric got highly abused in some instances, being called a fail cleric for "over healing" the tank and not healing someone else who had only got hit once. Getting moaned at and abused because I stopped healing to DD abit after stacking IH on the tank, and just general idiots moaning at me saying "Im a cleric, I heal and nothing else"

    My reaction to all of this was stop healing, wait until an AoE boss and use the home teleport and say good bye. Works a treat! b:bye
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Clerics are stuck up and think they run the squad because they can heal

    Hmmmm a cleric should run the squad and take lead. If we know how good or strong we are and we play it out way things will be alot safer. Unless ofc you get an idiot/oracle cleric and then your pretty much screwed.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ran into a couple of those. They think healing the barb is everything.

    Example1: Barb died, cleric put down BB to revive barb, entire squad died.

    Example2: I know I can take out Sty in a matter of seconds. Normally under 20 with Demon Spark. But he almost 1 hits me. With BB I can take him down. A lot of clerics refuse to BB or even heal me over the barb. So we normally sit there for 10 Minutes killing Sty because I have to use Fists to keep aggro down. XD

    So I normally do my B79 With 1 Cleric friend of mine and a couple others that want to follow along so Wine isn't so expensive and we'll be done in about 15 minutes tops. Longest time is having to go turn in quests to get next BH.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry but in my experience the exact OPPOSITE is true.

    The day I get ANY repayment for this stuff is the day I will give a darn about the expenses of clerics or barbs:

    200 gold for herc

    2 million for tome

    10-15k for cookies or venison every time my herc dies because of bad squads who disrespect venos

    MY REPAIRS (usually about 7-15k every TT)

    And UNTOLD NUMBERS OF HEALTH POTS because I have to heal myself when the cleric is babying the barb.

    And in my experience all I ever see is bossy, pushy, egomaniac clerics & barbs.

    The other day I did a BH with a cleric & a barb & they went afk without telling me, put me on follow, and just let me do the whole thing by myself while they tagged along afk using my herc, my time & my labor.

    AND I'M SICK of ppl typing to me when I can't type back because VENO'S WORK ... we can't just put on macro & chat. I'm busy healing my pet & directing it AND ME. Try that sometime. It ain't easy.

    All I hear is how horrible venos are all the time & told I am not allowed to squad because I'm useless.

    Now barbs want to Waa Waa about being abused?

    Oh for heaven's sake... go somewhere. b:angry
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I personally love Venos. Me + Veno + Cleric(Maybe) = Awsome TT squad. Veno could do it alone but lets face it, its going to take forever without some DD.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I personally love Venos. Me + Veno + Cleric(Maybe) = Awsome TT squad. Veno could do it alone but lets face it, its going to take forever without some DD.

    Most venos don't solo because they want to.

    They do it because it's a necessity.

    But that's not the topic. The topic of the thread is that poor little barbs & clerics think they are being abused. And for the life of me I just don't see that.

    If I had a coin for every time I got barked at by barbs & clerics or cheated or killed because they fail or whatever...

    I'd be the richest person in the game.
  • Helbear - Heavens Tear
    Helbear - Heavens Tear Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    200 gold for herc

    2 million for tome

    10-15k for cookies or venison every time my herc dies because of bad squads who disrespect venos

    MY REPAIRS (usually about 7-15k every TT)
    Buying a herc is a personal preference though so you cant moan about the cost of a herc when you choose to buy it.

    2 million for a tome is cheap, mine cost me 9m but im not complaining

    Again cookies or venison because of the herc, personal preference

    Repairs of 7 or 15k are damn low, My cleric had repairs of over 70k at one point after 1 TT barbs have it worse for repair bills so please dont moan about 7k
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Think? I never think not seriously anyway unless I do think and then its seriously. I am better then you why? I have played more I have more experience I have tried it your way and it sucks my way doesn't get over it. Sometimes you take criticism and learn from it other times you know what you are doing and they don't but if anyone dies its because someone failed to know what they are doing.

    Don't take it as a insult if you are told you are wrong take it as a compliment that people think you can do better.

    This being said no more barb/cleric/veno/Wizard/Bm/sin/psy/archer qq about costs and sht everyone has their own and they all outweigh each other get the **** over it.

    Remember respect it earned not given willy nilly do your job well you get respect fail and it counts for 5 times of doing well. People will always remember when you sucked they won't remember when you did you job right.

    (views expressed in this post in no way represent Pressa in any way...............I just felt like being a total **** to this subject that has been posted 10 billion times.)
    b:bye you get what you sow and right now you are sowing some bad seeds man some real bad seeds.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hmmmm a cleric should run the squad and take lead. If we know how good or strong we are and we play it out way things will be alot safer. Unless ofc you get an idiot/oracle cleric and then your pretty much screwed.

    this is ridiculous

    Whoever heard of a priest leading an army thru battle?

    The game is made to simulate reality. Learn it.

    If you have a dominating personality that can't handle subservience then you shouldn't chose to be a cleric.

    Clerics are HUMBLE.

    the RPG in MMORPG stands for ROLE PLAYING GAME

    That means pick your role & stick to it. It doesn't mean redefine the whole class just because you are a contrary type person who likes to aggitate everyone by stepping outside the lines.
  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry but in my experience the exact OPPOSITE is true.

    The day I get ANY repayment for this stuff is the day I will give a darn about the expenses of clerics or barbs:

    200 gold for herc

    2 million for tome

    10-15k for cookies or venison every time my herc dies because of bad squads who disrespect venos

    MY REPAIRS (usually about 7-15k every TT)

    And UNTOLD NUMBERS OF HEALTH POTS because I have to heal myself when the cleric is babying the barb.

    And in my experience all I ever see is bossy, pushy, egomaniac clerics & barbs.

    The other day I did a BH with a cleric & a barb & they went afk without telling me, put me on follow, and just let me do the whole thing by myself while they tagged along afk using my herc, my time & my labor.

    AND I'M SICK of ppl typing to me when I can't type back because VENO'S WORK ... we can't just put on macro & chat. I'm busy healing my pet & directing it AND ME. Try that sometime. It ain't easy.

    All I hear is how horrible venos are all the time & told I am not allowed to squad because I'm useless.

    Now barbs want to Waa Waa about being abused?

    Oh for heaven's sake... go somewhere. b:angry

    only prob i have with venos is the ones that absolutely have to pull every single mob, that refuse to stash a pet when sneaking past some mobs, or who insist on out DDing me on the rare occasion i tank a boss that gets up close. i tanked wyvern the other day only cuz i had to (i needed 3 clerics..... 1 heal 1 BB 1 to heal the BBer and party heal...... )and the damn venos kept pulling aggro cuz they didn't realize A)I'm notta barb i have no aggro skills i rely on dps to keep aggro B) i cant out dps them when its a close range boss and i have to keep casting WoG and wingshell but other than that it went fine. QQ wish we had had a barb
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry but in my experience the exact OPPOSITE is true.

    The day I get ANY repayment for this stuff is the day I will give a darn about the expenses of clerics or barbs:
    Veno's don't have the biggest normal expenses at all, not by a long way.

    200 gold for herc
    You didn't HAVE to pay 200 gold.

    2 million for tome
    X-Mas tome costs 900k - 1m on HT

    10-15k for cookies or venison every time my herc dies because of bad squads who disrespect venos
    Everyone dies from bad squads.

    MY REPAIRS (usually about 7-15k every TT)
    That is it? Count yourself lucky b:surrender.

    And UNTOLD NUMBERS OF HEALTH POTS because I have to heal myself when the cleric is babying the barb.
    Depends on cleric, ill heal veno after soul transfusion.
    And in my experience all I ever see is bossy, pushy, egomaniac clerics & barbs.
    All i ever see is complaining veno's.

    The other day I did a BH with a cleric & a barb & they went afk without telling me, put me on follow, and just let me do the whole thing by myself while they tagged along afk using my herc, my time & my labor.
    Why not leave squad?

    AND I'M SICK of ppl typing to me when I can't type back because VENO'S WORK ... we can't just put on macro & chat. I'm busy healing my pet & directing it AND ME. Try that sometime. It ain't easy.
    Veno class isnt difficult to control and you can set up a healing macro, it worked last time i did it anyway.

    All I hear is how horrible venos are all the time & told I am not allowed to squad because I'm useless.
    Veno's are far from useless but then again everyone has their own warped opinion.

    Now barbs want to Waa Waa about being abused?
    Your doing the exact same thing but as a veno.
    Oh for heaven's sake... go somewhere. b:angry

    Just a few things i thought i would say.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Buying a herc is a personal preference though so you cant moan about the cost of a herc when you choose to buy it.

    2 million for a tome is cheap, mine cost me 9m but im not complaining

    Again cookies or venison because of the herc, personal preference

    Repairs of 7 or 15k are damn low, My cleric had repairs of over 70k at one point after 1 TT barbs have it worse for repair bills so please dont moan about 7k

    OH... I am so glad you said this! b:chuckle


    Can you add? Separating out each thing is not logical math.

    getting the cheapest tome just to feed the pet was the point

    Obviously you conveniently don't want to see the whole picture.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just a few things i thought i would say.

    I'm not even going to justify that nonsense except to say reality eludes you... sorry about that.

    And... get a calculator... no matter how you slice it... coins or gold it all is the same 9999 Source of Force...

    Gee does anyone understand math?
  • Helbear - Heavens Tear
    Helbear - Heavens Tear Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this is ridiculous

    Whoever heard of a priest leading an army thru battle?

    The game is made to simulate reality. Learn it.

    If you have a dominating personality that can't handle subservience then you shouldn't chose to be a cleric.

    Clerics are HUMBLE.

    the RPG in MMORPG stands for ROLE PLAYING GAME

    That means pick your role & stick to it. It doesn't mean redefine the whole class just because you are a contrary type person who likes to aggitate everyone by stepping outside the lines.

    I hope you're not on HT, if my cleric was in a squad with you i would make it my personal quest to get you killed
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm not even going to justify that nonsense except to say reality eludes you... sorry about that.

    And... get a calculator... no matter how you slice it... coins or gold it all is the same 9999 Source of Force...

    Gee does anyone understand math?

    You choose to buy a herc, thats your problem. A herc is a necessity so u cannot expect other people to pay fr your luxury.

    Gee does anyone understand common sense?
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • ShadowsWrath - Heavens Tear
    ShadowsWrath - Heavens Tear Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What do you mean by this? I honestly am unsure what you are suggesting here.

    I would gather he means some players because they might be in a major land holding faction etc, get an inflated e-peen and sense of self worth.

    "We own land so Im better than you " Syndrome.

    Even though they might be n00bs hanging off the coat tails of the rest of their Faction
  • Helbear - Heavens Tear
    Helbear - Heavens Tear Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OH... I am so glad you said this! b:chuckle


    Can you add? Separating out each thing is not logical math.

    getting the cheapest tome just to feed the pet was the point

    Obviously you conveniently don't want to see the whole picture.

    Not once did I mention charms and such through my post because I know they are personal preference, my cleric hasnt used a charm since level 75 and most barbs on HT dont use them either so QQ somewhere else please
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    only prob i have with venos is the ones that absolutely have to pull every single mob, that refuse to stash a pet when sneaking past some mobs, or who insist on out DDing me on the rare occasion i tank a boss that gets up close. i tanked wyvern the other day only cuz i had to (i needed 3 clerics..... 1 heal 1 BB 1 to heal the BBer and party heal...... )and the damn venos kept pulling aggro cuz they didn't realize A)I'm notta barb i have no aggro skills i rely on dps to keep aggro B) i cant out dps them when its a close range boss and i have to keep casting WoG and wingshell but other than that it went fine. QQ wish we had had a barb

    yeah I totally agree with you

    actually those type venos aggravate other venos in squad to no end LOL
  • Helbear - Heavens Tear
    Helbear - Heavens Tear Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You choose to buy a herc, thats your problem. A herc is a necessity so u cannot expect other people to pay fr your luxury.

    Gee does anyone understand common sense?
    I do Hunter! It must be a HT server thing b:chuckle
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I do Hunter! It must be a HT server thing b:chuckle

    I just think the person has a warped sense of importance about herself.

    Clerics should lead the group not because of ego but because we are the ones keeping people alive and know from experience what can be handled all at once or in small groups.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this is ridiculous

    Whoever heard of a priest leading an army thru battle?

    The game is made to simulate reality. Learn it.

    If you have a dominating personality that can't handle subservience then you shouldn't chose to be a cleric.

    Clerics are HUMBLE.

    the RPG in MMORPG stands for ROLE PLAYING GAME

    That means pick your role & stick to it. It doesn't mean redefine the whole class just because you are a contrary type person who likes to aggitate everyone by stepping outside the lines.

    bzzzzzzzzt wrong answer Clerics are humble clerics are aggressive. In fact Priest are meant to be aggressive just because some people portray them as reserved doesn't mean they have to be.

    You have never squadded with a aggressive cleric have you? I have clerics run into mobs and set up BB why just cause they **** can they didn't tick they lived in a bh 89 no less you either hit the mobs or stayed back it didn't matter cause everyone else went hog wild on them.

    Its play style if I want to nova every dam time I see a group of mobs that my prerogative if I can survive then I have succeeded. Since noone dies you must be proactive, proactive people get things done humble people do nothing. I will take a aggressive cleric over one that does NOTHING any day.

    And yes my dear people you DO have to pay 200 gold for that herc if not more. Why? because people have this warped little view that venos without hercs are less then useful when in actuality they are just as effective its a stupid stigma just like that of clerics caring about their mp charms or barbs complaining about repairs.

    b:surrender and ew hunter I hate clerics who try to heal me after soul transfusion its such a wasted effort unless I am not healing myself.

    mmm dunno everyone has their expenses nobody should be complaining about them least of which barbs anyway.