arjo Arc User


  • just wondering....were afganistan invading his country? my point is...he didnt do it for his own country...i wonder if he gets the respect he wud deserve from his own country goverment... my guess is not... ive served myself so i know what im talking abt... he did tho service a great for the civilians in afganistan and im…
  • come to fake pw or xtreme server if u want decent pk :PP
  • ive been gone for so long alrdy...ive been having fun at fake pw..we had reset there....they resetted even all our god stones among the tw map xDDD
  • nef's quitted?
  • sooo...what happened?nef's quitted?
  • sooooo...whats the situation here atm?nef got all map yet?
  • what if u girls just do like i do it? just shake it! b:pleased
  • i just shake my weenie and go order new b33r b:laugh
  • lol i wasnt even seroius w this theory....i just wanted to shake the kitties in the bag a little bit...thats what im doing here in forums if u have noticed! b:chuckle and about these nef's fake bids....welll when i was in nef we got every weekend many attacks from guilds that noone had heard be4 nor after!we never saw any…
  • read it again....b:surrender there aint reading YOU r getting it...or since when u have been nef leader?
  • where all that munnies goes? u get WAY over 200mil each like 800mil close?or 1 billion? u do know rising that u get extra money from winnig the war!??higher the bid is more u get! just asking out of curiosity...what kind of gears milyen got? and other question....just throwing it nef that keeps gold…
  • sooooo....last time Leg's were throwing axes and now Regi and Enely got IG supplier and spy in nef....whats next? i just wonder....b:chuckle
  • she's from hawaii...b:dirty and she also speaks wisely.... hot and smart! b:thanks
  • from hawaii...damn...u must be HOT!!!b:dirty b:dirty b:dirty
  • ^^ i like this guy! b:laugh
  • yeah....i gotta admit i was wrong! b:shutup i rly gotta apologize u roid! b:surrender i had NO idea of this lol.... <<--noob >.<
  • WHOA! that is kind of racism from my point of view....i never knew tht! b:shutup i rly gotta apologize u Roid! b:surrender i just wonder y is this? any GM to answer on tht? luckily im not from those countries! :)
  • sooo.....if u r near 1k officer as nef member u will get kicked from faction? *goes luring some nef's officers by 1k officer* b:chuckle
  • TheHunter_ its long time tho since i was in months or so....
  • lol b:chuckle
  • i agree w this and u also have missed the i cud have been ANY just happen to be nefarious now..any and i mean ANY guild wud change places w nef! least something to do....+12 full nirvana gear set made from lunar gears.....theres something to do for a while at…
  • they were in nef way be4 i was....from the real beginning of nef i believe (am i wrong?) and they have also teached some stuff for me! b:thanks
  • then stay blue b:laugh
  • if u wud have paid attention on what i not QQing over nef QQ over ppl that is QQing over nef lol go do nirvana or lunar and get urself REALLY pwnage gears!b:shocked
  • AMEN b:thanks
  • i was in nef from Sasa's time till devalis....after Sasa quitted things started to go down....damn i miss him! b:cry how many of u remember when psihi and darkrings and some others highest lvls of nef left and created steel (there was some other be4 tht but cant remember the name now >.< )? by tht time nef almost falled…
    in Nefarious Comment by arjo February 2010
  • its not smokes...its mushrooms! b:pleased
  • nuuuuu! we cant fight against each other! that is plan of evil forces! they r poisoning our minds against each other! brother stabbing brother! oh the evil forces wud love to see that happening! we must resist the - ah so sweet but so intoxicating call of evil forces! do not fade to dark side! resist it! it or u will…
  • yeah i agree on tht...nef is the one that is the forces of evil! they bring the doom day if rest of server wotn line up and fight together against those bringers of eternal dark night! b:chuckle sooo.....i call all u brave warriors out there to take ur sword/axe/hammer/wand (or w/e wep u use) and fight for ur children! cuz…
  • depends SO much of the faction! i believe regi accepts 90+ atm...and same goes w nef and enelysion and other big guilds.... but some small guild that might be really good aswell! it depends so much of the ppl who r in it! soooo...there aint any correct answer to tht! my advice for u is just keep ur mind, eyes…