there is such thing as work/school etc where those who enjoy the game are not able to log in and spend their time playing it. During those times, these individuals who enjoy PWI will often come on the forums to see whats ongoing in the community and to get their pwi fix. It makes perfectly sense for someone who enjoys the…
Anyways.. it just sounds like you are having a bad case of noobie rage. Haven't learned the game yet, get frustrated cause you want too much too soon and then rage rage rage. Just take a chill pill, enjoy the ride up the levels, learn the game and its nuances.. or not go find another game that is perfect just for you and…
how good is 5aps without the 500x dmg and inv of permaspark? how about make -int eq %based with diminishing returns, and put 180sec cooldown on spark. there ya go 5aps fixed
oh yes definately. but not 30mil coin, 30mil gold and give us a chance to revert it back to real life $$.. and while we are it have them send the whole female sweddish swimming team over too
its a promotion.. charge 150$ bucks get a free mount.. like you buy a cup of coffee and get a free donut... you are not purchasing the mount directly. not only is your sense of entitlement off the charts your reading comprehension skills leave a lot to be desired.
Level 76: Dying Hsuefeng Does not show up when "Find Quest" is pushed 1. Speak to Snowtear (Located in entrance lobby of 1-3) 2. Speak to Dying Hsue (Located within 1-3 before reaching the Soul Mirror Boss) -Kill 1 Hu the Head Robber (Located within the Royal Chamber, just outside the entranceway the leads out of the…
Sorry i mispelled your name :P
hehe.. there is no "packs" its RNG access requests. everytime you "open a pack" you are asking the RNG to generate a number for you. depending on the number you get a prize (lets say 1-900 ToL, 900-910 ToBL, 910-905 SoT etc, just for an idea) what i was saying is that the more people are accessing the RNG at the same time…
another thing that might be worth taking in consideration, althought it makes accurate math prediction impossible, is that the RNG for the packs looks like is server wide. Meaning if there is 10 people opening 1 pack a mn there is few chances of those 10 people getting anything good, but if there are 1000 people opening 5…
I'm not sure then Lord. I got mine yesterday, i remember it was a little sketchy at first, as just as you my options where grayed out. i refreshed the page and reselected the server/character and then it was ok and i got it immediately in the game upon selecting the tiger.
i noticed you are lvl 9. i think you need to be lvl 10 before being able to use the cash shop/charge gold
try reselecting server/character
well said. but its always the most selfish and self centered brats that yell the loudest ain't it?
hehe awesome pic grim. Food and whiskey! Now we talking
Skipped through a few of these. its always fun to put a face to the players around you... having said that thou some of you really should be careful of what you post.. there is a world of difference between posting a pic and making pics for the purpose of gathering attention a lot of you are very young and don't realize…
I don't understand all the hate towards CSers. And the pride for being a F2P... "YAY I'm a free loader everyone cheer for me!!!" the expression, "biting the hand that feeds you" comes to mind. Its soo ridiculous that if you even spend 5$ (less than a coffee at starbucks) on the game you are looked upon as if you are some…
lol at the nerd rage. the mysterious merchant will open the packs for you.. but unfortunately he charges 1/3rd of the chips from the pack... he gives 1000 chips for 100 packs, or 100 chips for 10 packs.
so what exactly is your complaint? that R9 is too powerful or that R9 is too easily available?
yes analysing single stocks during a world wide market crisis is a great way to calculate a individual company's economic health.... sigh i still am having a hard time understanding how a few K of $$ = instant gratification... seems most of you seem to think that a large percentage of the population that plays this game is…
i know your joking. but the real funny thing is you are more right than you think
Change -int to a % based value instead of a static one.
lol, never lost your aerocraft yet eh? lucky
i'll throw in my input as well since evict wasn't familiar with your previous game experiences. i had a warlock in that other game, and played KO as well. Welcome to PWI, hope you have lots of fun.
a bit off topic but never never agree to any legal document without first reading it ...
i use it often. easy to switch as needed for hp regen with bubble/charm/pot when soloing (AOE or single). Also i keep it on when not fighting as a pvp preventive measure. And if i remember right DOTs/soulburn/SoR still hit for regular dmg.
A Simple Test of Balance: If as a wizard/psychic/cleric i spend the exact same amount of $$ on gear as a fully 5aps geared barb/bm/archer/sin then i should be able to tank and dps for the same as them right? I should be able to farm TT/FC to my hearts content right? As for the person earlier in the thread stating that…
205 total general tokens which = 2.049.795 mysterious chips
GMs are people too you know :) if it wasn't a PWE staff (i.e.: GM) then i would discard it as QQing.
yes go back to the person that gave you the original wings and you should be able to buy another pair from him. (unless your tideborn those where bugged haven't checked if its been fixed).
yes because we both where stating relevant facts to this discussion. obnoxious people are bad debaters.