Make Money/Gold 20m Each DAY



  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    A post has been removed due to private message content sharing. Sharing of private messages, IM and emails on this forum is forbidden. Thanks.
  • bitchimon
    bitchimon Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    As a result for sharing my Secret in Earning, I earned myself an A+ in my business Ethic Class.
    And to answer your question "you got mail" $@#$@#$@!
    Business ETHIC "return what I earned to the Society "Gamers") in return for your supports.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Your teacher gave you an A+ in a class because what you did in a video game?
  • Foxcreature - Harshlands
    Foxcreature - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    you got A+ for what you did in a game wtf...
    foxcreature-3x-veno-forum char
  • galz
    galz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i'm a total noob and i'm totally confused.
    How does a cash shop item surpass the value of the cash shop currency? that's just impossible no?
    Also u got an A+ by applying the buy low sell high concept?
    Wow,please, nobel for this gentleman.
  • Mad__Skillz - Raging Tide
    Mad__Skillz - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I hope you all realised you've just been trolled by an idiot.
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Naming and shaming is against forum rules. Edit out those merchants' names before a mod does it for you.

    Doesn't matter who buys the gold, if more gold is being bid on than is being offered for sale the price is going to go up.

    there's a mod here?
    where where where's a mod?
    never can find 'em when you need them!
    in game or here
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    well back to the topic and off with the bashers heads!

    I bought a rose firework for 1 silver, stack of 5 for one silver.
    I put them on the shop for 15000 each.
    being a noob I thought that was the whole stack.

    AFKed to forums while I had shop going, came back sold four and had one left from the stack. 60,000 for 4 selling the other one for 10K

    well anyways got to thinking.
    if including fees and taxes, if 1 gold is equal to 100 silver = to 10,000 ZEN then
    1 silver = 10 cents in USD?
    900,000 coin = 1 gold
    okay so 1 silver purchase is 9,000 coin.
    so if I sell the last one for 10K coin then its fair to say I get 60K profit.

    I made a mistake by ignorance, does that make me an **** when it cost me more to repair and create then the NPC pays for the item, and why are all the loot I pick up have to be repair, those **** monsters hit me like they are at 100% but I never get loot at 100%!

    the game costs and loot sucks, and u have to add to it, supply and demand thats why Gas is 3.00 usd per gallon for the holidays, but last week it was only 2.69 and two weeks from now all those Hindu fuel stations will complain that Americans are staying home, or carpooling and they'll drop their prices .20 cents a gallon.

    it is reality, so if you ain't got nothing nice to say to a profiteer then S. T. F. U. and stay on topic.
  • Ubnext - Sanctuary
    Ubnext - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    further more I just checked the boutique:
    It cost 1 gold for silk thread from the server for 40 pieces. not 40 stacks.
    now lets see who is greedy.
    if I farm them and sell them, the highest I have ever sold one each was 1500 coin.
    the highest I have seen them for sale is 5,200 coin.
    considering 1 gold for 40= at 900,000 coin per gold, I am paying 22,500 for each silk thread x 40 = 1 gold.
    if I got lucky after a week and sold all 40 at the in game rate of 5,250 each I would get 210,000 coin for a loss of 690,000 coin.

    so if you want to bash someone bash the Fking Developers who are gouging you.

    see they have brainwashed u into thinking kill 35 to 50 monsters for one quest is fun, and that cheating you with their bs, you get frustrated and buy things with real money.
    but if they made everything a little more fair and a lot less glitchy I;d be happy to just throw 100.00 plus a year at em in free donations.
    I play ut2004 still and donate 300.00 usd a year to the server.
    it only cost 32.00 a month for the server to run full speed. and for that enjoyment I can still enjoy a 7 year old game.

    when your customers are happy u get rich, but when they aren't you have to gouge them few who contribute to still call the game free. so shut up and go pick on the right peeps who are at fault. don't fault the entrepreneur who is trying to at least enjoy some of the game.
    if you don't like this, then come to sanctuary, ; look me up, and sell me some power lvling gear for my 27 cleric for less than 500,000 and i'll give you all my loot for a week.
    cause i think it is BS that I have weak spells, weak genie, only 950 HP and the monsters have 3500 to 7500 that I have to fight to get a quest done and still earn good exp and spirit.
    get there in time to claim a just reward from giver, and not have to spend 100's of 1,000's to stay alive, with potions and mods.
    you peeps make me sick.

    meanwhile if I join a group in order to be safe I have to hover over the sqaud, heal like crazy meanwhile you whining peeps are looting everything, and random sucks. i get potions of health when I need potions of mana. I get coin and arrows and I don't have a fking bow, and I don't get gear with HP+ or MP+ I get trash + dex or +str+ endur.
    wtf you call this fair.
    and if I try to loot myself, I get creamed with a one hit -1200 head shot from a serpent 10 lvls under my lvl.
    so lets keep talking about how fair the game is.

    like I said before you archers and veno's make me sick.
    try getting in there and fighting at close range, with weak spells and 3.00 range then tell me about fair.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I dont know about anyone els but the whole GOLD Trading system confuses me :( maybe I haven't played enough >< but the UI for that system sucks.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • bitchimon
    bitchimon Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Gold Trading is at the NPC "Auctioneer" select Gold Trading
  • Ubnext - Sanctuary
    Ubnext - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    bitchimon wrote: »
    Gold Trading is at the NPC "Auctioneer" select Gold Trading

    as if you gave us advice about something we didn't already know. spammer.

    she said the whole thing was confusing she didn't say she couldn't find it.


    it is PWI that set the economy up to fail so they could raise more funds through cash cards and visa/paypal payments.

    Lvl 30 Commander in Chief gives quest for 100 wedding Candies.

    The only way to get them candies is if you go to another NPC for weddings. they don't drop!

    well you need 200 wine which also happens to be...... NOT A DROP!

    but wine is in the PW Boutique: it cost 10 Perfect: token of Luck, guess what thats not a drop either.

    so it takes 10 token of luck to buy 1 wine that in turn takes 2 wine to buy 1 wedding candies.

    in other words it cost 2,000 Token of luck to buy 100 Wedding candies!

    but you have to spend IRL cash to buy these token of luck.
    you can't just purchase 100 or 1,000. you have to buy packs, and those are a random roll for 1 to 15 each, believe me you mostly get 1 seldom 5 i have spent 30.00 USD and have never rolled over 5. and I am broke still.

    I bought a Platinum Guardian, and I have had since before Christmas, and can't sell it for a fair price of 2,500,000 coin. which is 2.7777777777777 gold and it cost me 3 gold to buy.

    how top of that I was promo to get 450 more zen for my purchases of 3000+ zen. and I never got them. I got robbed.

    so as it is half the stuff you need has to be bought, some of which cannot be auctioned when purchase in PW. this robs us economically.
    they should stop the purchase of gold and let you sell everything you buy in the auction house.

    but they wont do this as long as PWI is making profit off extortion tactics.
    I say boycott PWI donations and cash systems, and I guarantee you they will find a solution similar to this suggestion. ever since the American's agreed to put USD on the stock market, the dollar has never been worth a dollar again.

    so maybe PWI can learn before its stock market crashes.
    I guarantee I wouldn't give a PWI prepaid card, as another gift, even if they were half priced at walmart.

    not until i see some improvement in the game economy.
    I roll ten sockets a box, I should be able to auction them, I roll 1 token a box, I should be able to buy and sell them on the auctioneer.
    wraith badges are another rip off.
    but at least they retain a little more value.

    and if you are not part of the solution towards a game that could actually be fun to play, the just look wiser and hold your tongue and spam some other topic in some other thread.

    by the way, if the original poster was buying gold for 400,000 then we were already being gouge even then by PWI because it cost 2.5 gold for a hammer that opens a 1,000,000 coin box. 400,000 x 2.5= exactly 1,000,000 million coins. break even is not worth paying 250,000 to a cash shop for the box.

    because then you paid 1,250,000 for 1,000,000 coin. extortion or developed to fail, its all the same.

    do not sit here defend PWI for their obvious greed.

    that's also not taking in to thought that I can't make 1Mill coin with 3 Gold purchases. like he said he did with tiger packs.

    so if he had to buy 2.5 gold to get a hammer, it would have cost him, 1,000,000 coin, plus the currency conversion commission fee, more extortion, plus the 250,000 for the box of coins. so he's probably out 1,500,000 for a box of 1M coin. FAIL


    and if you have to do all this and keep up gear. I got four armor with +25% endurance, and one weapon with +50% endurance. technically speak 100% should have been enough to keep durability at 100/100. but even with plus 150% I still spend about 3K, every time I repair all which is about every 3 to 5 quests.

    50% of the quest require some purchased item.
    65.00 real money for a pair of boots I am only going to use for 10 lvls then it is bound to me, and if I sell it to npc I get 8K coin, wtf people wake up!!!!!

    PWI is falsely advertising a free game.
    to be considered legally as a free to play game, only 33% of items required by game play can be consider for a real money fee.
    anything more than that is no longer a donation it is a for profit business.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    in game coins = gold = irl. you can buy anything with coins made in the game. so it's f2p.

    if you are an idiot and buy overpriced stuff it's ur fault.
  • Shalis - Harshlands
    Shalis - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    as if you gave us advice about something we didn't already know. spammer.

    she said the whole thing was confusing she didn't say she couldn't find it.


    it is PWI that set the economy up to fail so they could raise more funds through cash cards and visa/paypal payments.


    Lvl 30 Commander in Chief gives quest for 100 wedding Candies.

    why are you concerned about the wedding candies? there are many many other ways to gain rep that are far easier, from quests to wraith items.

    The only way to get them candies is if you go to another NPC for weddings. they don't drop!

    well you need 200 wine which also happens to be...... NOT A DROP!

    but wine is in the PW Boutique: it cost 10 Perfect: token of Luck, guess what thats not a drop either.

    so it takes 10 token of luck to buy 1 wine that in turn takes 2 wine to buy 1 wedding candies.

    in other words it cost 2,000 Token of luck to buy 100 Wedding candies!

    but you have to spend IRL cash to buy these token of luck.
    you can't just purchase 100 or 1,000. you have to buy packs, and those are a random roll for 1 to 15 each, believe me you mostly get 1 seldom 5 i have spent 30.00 USD and have never rolled over 5. and I am broke still.

    you seem confused.. packs always give 15 tokens. the packs that give tokens that is. get the anni, tiger or coral ones. you can also buy tokens from catshops for 10-11k coin each

    I bought a Platinum Guardian, and I have had since before Christmas, and can't sell it for a fair price of 2,500,000 coin. which is 2.7777777777777 gold and it cost me 3 gold to buy.

    charms are a little different market as their prices have never matched the gold/coin ratio since i've played (mp is always cheaper than hp too due to demand)COLOR]

    how top of that I was promo to get 450 more zen for my purchases of 3000+ zen. and I never got them. I got robbed.

    did you send a ticket?

    so as it is half the stuff you need has to be bought, some of which cannot be auctioned when purchase in PW. this robs us economically.
    they should stop the purchase of gold and let you sell everything you buy in the auction house.

    plenty of things come in both bound and unbound flavors. very little is actually bound until you equip it. everything that you can buy with gold you can buy with coin pretty much

    but they wont do this as long as PWI is making profit off extortion tactics.
    I say boycott PWI donations and cash systems, and I guarantee you they will find a solution similar to this suggestion. ever since the American's agreed to put USD on the stock market, the dollar has never been worth a dollar again.

    boy.... where did that speech about the USD come from? and you are mistaken, USD ceased to be a dollar the moment private corporate FDR was created and it became a fiat currency.

    so maybe PWI can learn before its stock market crashes.
    I guarantee I wouldn't give a PWI prepaid card, as another gift, even if they were half priced at walmart.

    this is a game, a product. The company that makes it needs to make money in order to continue to support and develop this and their other products. its your choice whether to support or not this game, as its your choice to play it or not. but to tell them they shouldn't be making money off you well thats just silly cause then there would be no PW. Keep this in mind thou, they don't force you to buy a box or pay for a subscription to play their game. in fact you can play this game for years without spending a single dollar, a lot have and continue to do so.

    not until i see some improvement in the game economy.
    I roll ten sockets a box, I should be able to auction them, I roll 1 token a box, I should be able to buy and sell them on the auctioneer.
    wraith badges are another rip off.
    but at least they retain a little more value.

    socket stones are tradeable, tokens are tradeable... quite a few people have made millions off of me selling them :P

    and if you are not part of the solution towards a game that could actually be fun to play, the just look wiser and hold your tongue and spam some other topic in some other thread.

    well... who is to say who is part of the solution or not if you are not even willing to listen to their input :) and not only is "fun" a matter of perspective (whats fun to you may not be for me) you also have to know the game first before you can attempt to judge it.

    by the way, if the original poster was buying gold for 400,000 then we were already being gouge even then by PWI because it cost 2.5 gold for a hammer that opens a 1,000,000 coin box. 400,000 x 2.5= exactly 1,000,000 million coins. break even is not worth paying 250,000 to a cash shop for the box.

    PW does not set the max price of gold, only min. Its the merchants that you should be blaming for the gold inflation not PW. and no one is telling you to buy that hammer, even at 800k coin per gold there is still things in the cash shop that are worth buying but no one is forcing you to.

    because then you paid 1,250,000 for 1,000,000 coin. extortion or developed to fail, its all the same.

    do not sit here defend PWI for their obvious greed.

    coin gives PW no profit. F2P that buy gold with coin only benefit PW in the sense that the MERCHANT that is selling you the gold will buy more to sell you. The cheaper the gold the more F2P will buy which means more gold bought by merchant = profit for PW, the higher the gold price the less gold moves (normally, not taking in consideration promotions/events that lead to further gold sales despite high prices)

    that's also not taking in to thought that I can't make 1Mill coin with 3 Gold purchases. like he said he did with tiger packs.

    gotta know what to buy/sell, thats called merchanting and is what the OP was trying to teach you

    so if he had to buy 2.5 gold to get a hammer, it would have cost him, 1,000,000 coin, plus the currency conversion commission fee, more extortion, plus the 250,000 for the box of coins. so he's probably out 1,500,000 for a box of 1M coin. FAIL

    again the hammer is the worst example you can give. EVERYONE KNOWS THE HAMMER IS ONE OF THE MOSt USELESS ITEMS IN CASHSHOP


    and if you have to do all this and keep up gear. I got four armor with +25% endurance, and one weapon with +50% endurance. technically speak 100% should have been enough to keep durability at 100/100. but even with plus 150% I still spend about 3K, every time I repair all which is about every 3 to 5 quests.

    50% of the quest require some purchased item.
    65.00 real money for a pair of boots I am only going to use for 10 lvls then it is bound to me, and if I sell it to npc I get 8K coin, wtf people wake up!!!!!

    as for this last part no idea what you talking about.. 65$ for boots.. what? who told you to buy that.... quests needing you to buy things? you mean CS and such.. the costs are trivial. and most quests that have you buy things normally give you most of the cash back or you make it from drops. Dq items are profitable again and if you are doing quests you should be getting plenty to cover repairs/quest costs/teleports.

    3k repair bill? you joking.. at my level you don't want to know how much i pay.

    in other words, there is plenty of problems with PW. but you outlined none of them. All i see is failure to learn and adapt to the game.

    PWI is a free game... if you spend is by your choice

    PWI is falsely advertising a free game.
    to be considered legally as a free to play game, only 33% of items required by game play can be consider for a real money fee.
    anything more than that is no longer a donation it is a for profit business.

    100% of the items required by game play can be obtained with in game currency... cash shop makes a lot of things easier/quicker (if your lucky), gives you a lot of things that add flare, etc.
    And THIS IS A FOR PROFIT BUSINESS LOL.. wtf... lol.. thats hilarious... you think PWE is running a charity LOL...

    Anyways.. it just sounds like you are having a bad case of noobie rage. Haven't learned the game yet, get frustrated cause you want too much too soon and then rage rage rage. Just take a chill pill, enjoy the ride up the levels, learn the game and its nuances.. or not go find another game that is perfect just for you and is run as a charity...
  • Ubnext - Sanctuary
    Ubnext - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    bitchimon wrote: »
    I started with 20M/23Gold, You need to buy TigerPacks. First you start off with 50 TigerPack and sell them for $440,000/less each. You will earn at less 2,000,000 in profit if you sell 50, and it take 20 minutes to sell 50 PACKS.

    Because (Merchants) are ripping you poor people up like Cheese. Merchants raise the gold price in the NPC Auctioneer: to a price where other can't afford to buy GOLD. They increase gold price by 100 in auction to buy Cheaper GOLD, other Merchant raise it by 10k-50k by buying 1 GOLD because they have a lot of PACKS in their Inventory waiting to be sold.

    LAST MONTH GOLD PRICE I Bought 65 @ 380k EACH

    TODAY PRICE BUYING 23GOLD= 50 PACKS use 22.5 gold and save .5 gold

    Earning for 50 Tiger Packs

    Total Earning for One Month Random Selling PACKS

    (Earning)22000000-(Expense)20855940=1144060 Net Profit

    For those want wanted to open Tiger Packs Go to the auctioneer to buy GOLD. So Buy your Packs Start your Business Kingdom with as less as 23 GOLD/20m

    No GOLD... go here and earn ZEN

    I earned my 300000 Reputation, got my FLY, MOUNT, IDecide.... and the FUNNY things is I'm still at level 76 (I have decided i have earned Enough GOLD/COINS so, it is time for me to SHARE) THANK YOU ALL WHO SUPPORTED ME FOR ALL MY GEARS for FREE

    So if a rich good Samaritan sold Gold at 500K each for a week would it solve that problem?
    seems to me if I sold 2 gold every 48 hours at 500K then the economical balance could be restored by driving the price down.

    another way to solve this problem is to cancel Zen purchase. make PWI the only ones that can auction gold and see if they regulate the prices.
    of course that could be bad, as we would then see just how greedy PWI can be.

    but if they limited the auctions to set price, it would eliminate a lot of unnecessary inflation.

    but then again they are the ones that priced Perfect stone so low that Yiyuan stone holds no value.
    ( So if they are not part of the solution then they are part of the problem)
  • Ubnext - Sanctuary
    Ubnext - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Anyways.. it just sounds like you are having a bad case of noobie rage. Haven't learned the game yet, get frustrated cause you want too much too soon and then rage rage rage. Just take a chill pill, enjoy the ride up the levels, learn the game and its nuances.. or not go find another game that is perfect just for you and is run as a charity...

    You're so right and I was so wrong.
    I was raging over a game that is so free that things just seem weird only when you need them for a quest.
    Yes PWI is a business, Yes they need to make a profit.
    and yes I am sorry for going off.
    no I am not brilliantly informative of this game.
    No your perception is not the same as mine.

    but I am not wrong in my perception, that it is grossly over rated and grossly over inflated IRL and IGL.

    but I still play it, trying to find something in between the frustrating and the challenging. i spend more time on search engines, wiki's and forums looking for solutions then i spend in the game.

    I have noticed when I have a quest for a requirement of elemental fragment, element stone, I don't get those 58.7% or 56.677% drop rates they profess in the forums or the other data bases.
    but when I don't have a quest they are everywhere.
    why is this. to make me go buy it?

    you're right there are so many things to buy in the auction or in shops to make a profit, and they all have their up's and down's especially like when everyone your selling to says I make em myself for 25K but I search everywhere and can't find tokens for under 13K and wonder where the heck they are getting so cheap.

    as far as the bound, I was referring to the 'O" shop. spend gold to buy things some of them are bound to you. I may have got that mixed up with other items I acquired supply stash.
    so I apologize for that too.

    all in all I am really sorry I hate the game so much I can't resist trying again and again to figure out a way to actually enjoy it.

    and I am sorry if I made it worse for any of you.

    but I do believe PWI could make things better that peeps have been complaining about for over two years since the first patch was available. and yet they come out with ridiculous items that offer no rel reward for accomplishments.

    peeps complain about rubberbanding, I am assuming that is the effect of glitching that happens when your toon won't move after falling, or rubberbands back and forth until you click fly then click it off again.
    or how coming down a ramp while jumping 90% of the time causes the same effect.

    or the fact that when you're killing a mob all of a sudden your dead but you never saw any other mobs and you were at 50% when you killed it.

    or how when you come to a town full of shops, the whole systems seems to lag. but nothing has been done to improve these problems, and simple suggestions have been given.

    so yes lets keep the game miserable and over inflated so more peeps will enjoy the frustration of trying to figure out how to play the game.

    while retired players don't play the game anymore sit here judge how everyone should feel.

    Oh yeah and I almost forgot, the auction house gold buying is still screwed up!!!
    so maybe a retired player could spend some time doing something a little more constructive... like figuring out where the dev's screwed up and fixing that little problem where you think your selling, but it still says your buying, how long ago did peeps complain about the UI and it still isn't fix?
  • Sanctam - Dreamweaver
    Sanctam - Dreamweaver Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    like I said before you archers and veno's make me sick.
    try getting in there and fighting at close range, with weak spells and 3.00 range then tell me about fair.

    Must not know how to play a cleric if you think you have weak spells and a 3.00 range. Or have you not figured out how to level you skills? Clerics of my level kill stuff easier than I do, at least.

  • Astreon - Sanctuary
    Astreon - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    To OP:

    Dude u're insulting us for buying for cheap and selling expensive? Hello... this is what ppl in entire world do everyday. Even PW itself, look at it... selling u nothing for something. Ripoff? u get bunch of pixels in fact. That's the base of world's economy... Buy cheap, sell for more... capitalism - free market. End of story.

    Even your parents or you support it by having your own biz (and merchant) or by working for someone who does it... so GL qqing about it ^^ This thread has no sense.