Seraph - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Hey! I was new to that dungeon and didn't know I needed to purify for Wyvern... :P lol Same thing the first time we did FB 69 together... lol Now I know and it hasn't happened since! XD
  • Wait... wasn't that you? b:chuckle b:laugh
  • I'm IT, so yeah... lol I'm generally in some sort of forum somewhere at any given time when I need to uncross my eyes from looking at code or computers. More often than not it this one. XD
  • He'd still lose XP without a doll... This whole thread begs the question: Why are you on a PvP server? lol I don't PvP/PK myself outside of TW or an occassional DT (I don't really even like dueling), so I made my char on a PvE server... ;) ^^
  • What is HILARIOUS about this is that Immortal tried this EXACT SAME BULLSH*T against Equinox with two other guilds! Immortal even broke an alliance with EQ to do so! So in this EXACT SAME SITUATION someone apparently from Immortal wants to say something about it against Equinox... Here's an idea, if you can't even bring…
  • That would be "Protection", not bodyguard services... XD lol
  • Lieal is anything but sour grapes. She's reporting what she knew at the time. Many of us were unhappy with stuff we found out stuff after the fact, and we're making changes for the better. We know you're unhappy about it, and just know we are too.
  • I've had it glitch where I was flying over an area and the WT bolt looked like it was hitting me in the head. I was a bit confused when it happened as I wasn't being attacked by a mob, no damage was showing, and I was blue named. I have since found that it happens sometimes when a cleric is in the are questing/grinding and…
  • I noticed on my wizard and cleric that after lvl 60 it seems like money is more of an issue when leveling your skills than spirit used to be. As stated before, just pick and choose what you want to level instead of trying to level everything. Some of the guides you'll find in the forums do a pretty good job of letting you…
  • I've never used siren's kiss at all so I can't comment on it, but I will say that it's pretty awesome when you throw out razor feathers in a TW and drop a clustered group of robes in one shot. ^^ Gotta love those pure mag robes. XD
  • Yeah, if you want an all class pet having higher level veno friends definitely helps. lol I have three, and all I had to pay for was the cost to make them at Mrs. Zoologist. So 3 for the price of one essentially. ^^
  • If luring him to the entrance is bannable, then I would think you wouldn't be allowed to pull him out of his room at all barring running for your life. I know when I've done him for people, I've had them stand in a safe location while I pulled him into the hall between his room and fb 29 to take him down without the…
  • It only costs 100k to make a faction... would someone sell a faction for less than 100k?
  • I'm a guy with a female cleric, but it's more about what I envision for the character than anything else. I also have a male wizard, again it's due to what I had in mind for the character. I find when I grind/quest/whatever, I pay more attention to the mobs, party HP, my own HP/MP, my charm levels, where I'm going, etc.…
  • 'Cause they look better than any wings in the cash shop and you have maxed your flight mastery? Just a guess...
  • LOL! This happened to me today... I was afk flying from Sanc, picked up one of the little guys apparently, and he ate the rest of my charm and killed me! Elite or not, they shouldn't follow you that far... lol Sad thing is, once I picked one up when I wasn't afk, so I played with the little guy and wanted to see how far…
  • I only did the AOE grind thing for a little while after I hit 60 until I discovered zhenning. lol You make more money with the AOE grind, but the xp comes faster with the zhen. I just had to break from it long enough to catch up with my quests every so often. ^^ I guess my next step will be party grinding at the…
  • Just for straight up damage potential: Wizard. For being able be chewed on for extended periods of time by something (or things) that would eat anything else in one bite: Barb For a pretty flexible role in any party, well rounded for some tanking and DD and some hellacious stuns (which can make them a nightmare in PvP): BM…
  • I've just considered myself a support minded cleric... lol I maxed my heals and buffs to a point where I wanted them along with my attacks so I could solo. Now I'm raising more of my attacks and seals just because I can, not because they make soloing any easier. I've even been asked to DD in some parties even though I…
  • In the earlier levels, the monsters and such are in a pretty linear path. As you level you go to new towns, and the smaller cities around a main race's city have like 200 coin TP rates to the big city. No need to run very far at all until you hit about lvl 20 and go to Arch. Any running you do would be between mobs just…
  • Like U_got_sniped said, you can't heal or res someone if they have swords by their name and you do not. You might also make sure you have enough mp. After grinding a while (if you don't use a charm), your mp could be low enough to not meet revive's fairly high mp requirement. lol
  • Your chances at molds and 3 * items seems to be greater the closer your party is to the FBs level. If you have some higher lvl players in your FB, your chances to get only coins increases. Of course I've seen coin only drops for lower lvled parties, and great drops for higher lvled, it's just your chances are better for…
  • You can only buy lvl 70 and up pots at the Officer of a land your faction owns. It's the guy you bid on a specific piece of land at. I'm assuming you have to craft the upper lvl apothecary items at them too. If your faction doesn't own land, you wouldn't have access to one of these officers. I've never bought anything from…
  • Effective as it was, he later learned there were better, more humane ways to stop the nagging...
  • He quickly learned how NOT to hold his dates when taking them on quiet night time flights over Arch. The people below quickly learned where not to stand...
  • I knew it! You would lose your head if it wasn't screwed on tight!
  • Little did she know he only wanted someone to talk to... he had no need for the rest...
  • His parents knew there was something wrong when he started pulling the heads off his sister's dolls.
  • His earlier attempts at ventriloquism failed quite miserably...
  • As far as I am aware, you can still die while you are sealed, just not attack. So it only seems to encourage spawn killing at the enemy base. Personally, I don't really see a need for the seal as it only makes a beating at TW worse and only seems to cause frustration for the losing team when they can't fight back. I'm sure…