My view of PW(i)

mrtq Posts: 8 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Chronicles
This is what i haft to say about PW(i)
you had to run far to get to quests or monsters,
the general help in the game is bad aswell
the waypoint for a quest just points to the damn quest giver,
not to the area where one need to go to :(
the grapics was nice, but the music was dull, making the game very bad
i got drowsy playing with the music...
then i learnd i could listen to a radio, NOT SUPPORTED FOR EUROPE!!!
so radio was no go either... can it get worse?
the current players are af no help, they only think about 2 things: beeing *******s and duel
if thats how the game is meant to be plaied like, please put a warning to us friendly players who wish for a great time
and the last thing...
the combat system is worse then ever...
Flyff, Runescape, WoW, Priston Tale has much better targeting responce then PW's Targeting system
i don't mind the auto attack feature once you order it to attak,
but the fact that you need to order for normal attack after casting a spell is just lame... THAT SHOULD BE AUTOMATIC!!!
i only managed to get to lvl 5, then i had enough of the slow respoce system of the game...
and no... my computer or internet runs fine so it has nothing to do about that
i got a 1024/256 internet connection (which is MORE then enough for PW, and i had atleast 45 FPS within the game...
so the game was running smoothly, but the respoce in the game was worse then any game i have tried todate!!!
i ain't returnning to this game ever again...

Thise is my final words about Perfect World,
and the score is from 1 to 10... i'd give it -10 (negative 10 points!!!)
Ban me for all i care... i won't return anyways...

(Did i had a bad time in PE(i)? Don't ask this... if you don't understand the above you simply just braindead...)

Goodbye, Enjoy the game, i know i did not...
for those that love the game: i don't care what you think of this post, i posted my mind, i gave the devs something to chew on(if they will do anything about it) and thats it...
I WILL NOT RETURN BACK HERE(Unless a moderator/admin PM's me... else ppl can just go to a corner and poke their noses)

Have a nice Life, Gaming experince, and what ever...
Post edited by mrtq on


  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    k, we'll be sure not to miss you b:bye

    lvl 5.. you have no right to post any opinion on a game based on an hour or less of gameplay
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    byebye hf gl b:bye
  • merulz
    merulz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    k, we'll be sure not to miss you b:bye

    lvl 5.. you have no right to post any opinion on a game based on 10 minutes or less of gameplay
    I fixed it for you.

    Perfect World IRC:
    Channel: #pwint
  • Lady - Harshlands
    Lady - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    k, we'll be sure not to miss you b:bye

    lvl 5.. you have no right to post any opinion on a game based on an hour or less of gameplay

    Agreed, not to mention none of the games you stated even come close to this one.

    Plus like bob said, if you only reached level 5, you know absolutely nothing about the game or its players.
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    merulz wrote: »
    I fixed it for you.

    b:chuckle its been a while, for a first time player knowing nothing about the game (as a cleric who used blades/swords til lvl 10) it took me a while b:surrender
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    merulz wrote: »
    I fixed it for you.

    b:chuckle its been a while, for a first time player knowing nothing about the game (as a cleric who used blades/swords til lvl 10) it took me a while to figure it out b:surrender
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think this noob poster actually spent more time posting this message then even playing the game.

    Really shows what kind of an t he is.

    I think PWI just got better knowing this idiot is not playing.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Drazo - Dreamweaver
    Drazo - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    We hope you find a MMORPG that suits your taste more. b:bye
    So that you won't have to come crawling back here anytime soon. :P
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ...that's a bit extreme, use common sense and read skill description lol >.>
    but yea, when I start off as a bm, I wondered where the hell can I get a shield (most MMORPG has it)-.-!
  • Nubble - Heavens Tear
    Nubble - Heavens Tear Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    oh wow 10mins of playing and players dont help ? b:bye
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You know,the OP has some good points mixed among all that,just didn't put them across very well,there is a lot wrong with this game and instead of everyone jumping to protect it you should all be pressuring the gm's to get some fixes and improvements ;)
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    couple things.

    The fact that you are getting people repplying on this tread should prove you wrong, I play other games too and forums are rarely visited so you dont get many responses.

    the game is FTP .

    Level 5 is not enough to make a review. For instance some skills do follow with normal attack after you use the skills, others dont.

    There is a lot of help on this game, many players every where you go. In other games, the landscape has no other players. Honestly I play other game which is supposed to be better than PWI and when you log in, you see the message that 21 players are online.

    The chat is very busy too here.

    I agree on music.

    Saying that the game can always be better.
  • Drazo - Dreamweaver
    Drazo - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    And whether he/she realises or not, he/she cares about this game enough to take his/her time to write the complaint out for the purpose of letting us know why he/she is disappointed. If he/he didn't care about it at all he/she wouldn't have bothered letting us know where the game lacks for him/her. ;)
    Gah....why can't there be gender neautral pronouns? >.<
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    mrtq wrote: »
    you had to run far to get to quests or monsters,
    Right on man... Monsters should be in town, right next to the NPC that gives the quest. No more of that needless walking.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the general help in the game is bad aswell
    Yep, help sucks. Requires too much reading. Just take it out. Problem solved.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the waypoint for a quest just points to the damn quest giver,
    not to the area where one need to go to :(
    Yeah, it's bad enough that we have to spend 10 seconds looking around town to find a merchant, why should we have to find where creatures are spawning based on very generic "Just south of the city, in the forest" directions. Waypoints should point EXACTLY where the creature is, and even start attacking them when they get there.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the current players are af no help, they only think about 2 things: beeing *******s and duel
    Yes! 10,000,000 times yes! Get rid of people who are not helpful to noobs. Keep them out of the game, suggest eugenics in the countries where they live. This is a problem with society, not just the game, look what you started. Let's solve this one once and for all.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the combat system is worse then ever...
    Flyff, Runescape, WoW, Priston Tale has much better targeting responce then PW's Targeting system i don't mind the auto attack feature once you order it to attak, but the fact that you need to order for normal attack after casting a spell is just lame... THAT SHOULD BE AUTOMATIC!!!
    Damn straight, after my wizard casts a spell, I want them to run up to the enemy and melee them. I have a stick, I should be able to use it and kill with it just as well as I could from far away, using spells.
    mrtq wrote: »
    i only managed to get to lvl 5, then i had enough of the slow respoce system of the game...
    Right on. After level 5 things go downhill fast anyway between having to use more than 1 skill to kill, having another area to get lost in, more quests which tell you to kill stuff (what's the deal with that?), and having to interact more with other players.

    So um... you took longer to complain about all these things that don't work to your expectations than you spent playing the game. The game isn't up to your expectations from playing dumbed down western MMOs, so believe all games should be dumbed down. You assumed that just because a few people were morons, that we all were (it was likely something you did to illicit this response anyway). And actually expect anyone to care? You aren't coming back, so why write it? Thanks for the interesting read, but you clearly have some developmental problems.
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    Right on man... Monsters should be in town, right next to the NPC that gives the quest. No more of that needless walking.

    Yep, help sucks. Requires too much reading. Just take it out. Problem solved.

    Yeah, it's bad enough that we have to spend 10 seconds looking around town to find a merchant, why should we have to find where creatures are spawning based on very generic "Just south of the city, in the forest" directions. Waypoints should point EXACTLY where the creature is, and even start attacking them when they get there.

    Yes! 10,000,000 times yes! Get rid of people who are not helpful to noobs. Keep them out of the game, suggest eugenics in the countries where they live. This is a problem with society, not just the game, look what you started. Let's solve this one once and for all.

    Damn straight, after my wizard casts a spell, I want them to run up to the enemy and melee them. I have a stick, I should be able to use it and kill with it just as well as I could from far away, using spells.

    Right on. After level 5 things go downhill fast anyway between having to use more than 1 skill to kill, having another area to get lost in, more quests which tell you to kill stuff (what's the deal with that?), and having to interact more with other players.

    I think i detected a smidge hint of sarcasm in thatb:surrender
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    if u only played to lvl 5. then u cant even have an opinion bout the game. lvl 5 takes what? . 5-10 mins?

    ur a fail b:angry
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • mrtq
    mrtq Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Woah, that was fast!!!... not expected that...
    Hmm, seems like you people fell for it right away!

    okay let me start out by saying my REAL point of view of this game
    no lies or anything this time

    the game is REALLY awesome
    the graphics are nice and the visual effect are great...
    I'm a beta tester so instead of just roaming through the game i look at the game mechanics
    and this game is awesome
    i notice that Targeting is glitching on VERY high resolution (2024x1024 or something like that... don't remember the res on my screen)
    when at the edge the targeting is off by a few pixels, not much of a deal but i noticed it when i wanted to click a monster and it wouldn't click it ^^
    and i was right next to it...
    i had a lot of fun playing the game(so far)
    and to those of you who thought i used only 10 Min's for the lvl i used more ^^
    it took me more then 30 Min's since i was also setting preferences in the game,
    reading the tutorial popups..., trying to figure out the menus
    The interface is not something I'm used to.

    here is my score of the game 8 of 10
    now for those of you Ranting here is a little something for you to think about ^^

    I read on a forum some time ago that people are drawn to the negative stuff
    this include this post or anything negative...
    it's what we humans do... and it won't change
    IF i had posted positive perspective of the game as the first post, then it would be have been ignored
    look at your self ranting and complaining at the first sign of negative input...
    like vultures fighting for a dead creature ^^

    you people make me laugh^^

    I'm not trying to post you as the bad guys here... if you think that then your mistaking,
    i simply just wanted to test a theory i read about on that other forum... and it was right...

    Sorry for the way i did this, SORRY!
    and yes I'm a noob ... AT THIS GAME
    i started Friday downloading and installing, got to play it yesterday, and i had only 1 and a half hour to play in ^^

    again Sorry for this little... experiment...
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's too bad that you feel this way OP. If you had not already made up your mind I would encourage you to check out the forums for any answers to your questions. This place is a great resource for all kinds of PWI related inquiries, and the people here are more likely to be able to any questions that you may have. Good luck, if you decide to try again make sure to poke around on here for many FAQs
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I believe a ROFL is in order here.... b:laugh

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    *sigh* Another impatient person gives up after not getting very far in the first 3 seconds, and then claims "it's not a good game".
  • Yuniku - Sanctuary
    Yuniku - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    Right on man... Monsters should be in town, right next to the NPC that gives the quest. No more of that needless walking.

    Yep, help sucks. Requires too much reading. Just take it out. Problem solved.

    Yeah, it's bad enough that we have to spend 10 seconds looking around town to find a merchant, why should we have to find where creatures are spawning based on very generic "Just south of the city, in the forest" directions. Waypoints should point EXACTLY where the creature is, and even start attacking them when they get there.

    Yes! 10,000,000 times yes! Get rid of people who are not helpful to noobs. Keep them out of the game, suggest eugenics in the countries where they live. This is a problem with society, not just the game, look what you started. Let's solve this one once and for all.

    Damn straight, after my wizard casts a spell, I want them to run up to the enemy and melee them. I have a stick, I should be able to use it and kill with it just as well as I could from far away, using spells.

    Right on. After level 5 things go downhill fast anyway between having to use more than 1 skill to kill, having another area to get lost in, more quests which tell you to kill stuff (what's the deal with that?), and having to interact more with other players.

    So um... you took longer to complain about all these things that don't work to your expectations than you spent playing the game. The game isn't up to your expectations from playing dumbed down western MMOs, so believe all games should be dumbed down. You assumed that just because a few people were morons, that we all were (it was likely something you did to illicit this response anyway). And actually expect anyone to care? You aren't coming back, so why write it? Thanks for the interesting read, but you clearly have some developmental problems.

    +1 b:chuckleb:laugh

    i love this game b:pleasedb:bye
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    Right on man... Monsters should be in town, right next to the NPC that gives the quest. No more of that needless walking.

    Yep, help sucks. Requires too much reading. Just take it out. Problem solved.

    Yeah, it's bad enough that we have to spend 10 seconds looking around town to find a merchant, why should we have to find where creatures are spawning based on very generic "Just south of the city, in the forest" directions. Waypoints should point EXACTLY where the creature is, and even start attacking them when they get there.

    Yes! 10,000,000 times yes! Get rid of people who are not helpful to noobs. Keep them out of the game, suggest eugenics in the countries where they live. This is a problem with society, not just the game, look what you started. Let's solve this one once and for all.

    Damn straight, after my wizard casts a spell, I want them to run up to the enemy and melee them. I have a stick, I should be able to use it and kill with it just as well as I could from far away, using spells.

    Right on. After level 5 things go downhill fast anyway between having to use more than 1 skill to kill, having another area to get lost in, more quests which tell you to kill stuff (what's the deal with that?), and having to interact more with other players.

    So um... you took longer to complain about all these things that don't work to your expectations than you spent playing the game. The game isn't up to your expectations from playing dumbed down western MMOs, so believe all games should be dumbed down. You assumed that just because a few people were morons, that we all were (it was likely something you did to illicit this response anyway). And actually expect anyone to care? You aren't coming back, so why write it? Thanks for the interesting read, but you clearly have some developmental problems.

    Other games mentioned i have no experience with but i'd hardly call runescape a dumbed down western game,for something that looks like a pile of dog **** it's pretty deep further on,theres also eve which is western i think,and if thats a dumbed down western mmo then i'd hate to see what you consider deep and involving.

    There are no genuine puzzle elements in this game at all,just mis translations and wrong locations given or things that plain don't work the way they're supposed too,giving the impression this game is complicated.

    Oh yes and items and instances that should be here but aren't,yet some of the elements of said items and instances are in the game which just confuses people.

    Oh and did i mention that all quests are whack the mobs,speak to npc,rinse and repeat?b:bye
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    mrtq wrote: »
    Woah, that was fast!!!... not expected that...
    Hmm, seems like you people fell for it right away!

    okay let me start out by saying my REAL point of view of this game
    no lies or anything this time

    the game is REALLY awesome
    the graphics are nice and the visual effect are great...
    I'm a beta tester so instead of just roaming through the game i look at the game mechanics
    and this game is awesome
    i notice that Targeting is glitching on VERY high resolution (2024x1024 or something like that... don't remember the res on my screen)
    when at the edge the targeting is off by a few pixels, not much of a deal but i noticed it when i wanted to click a monster and it wouldn't click it ^^
    and i was right next to it...
    i had a lot of fun playing the game(so far)
    and to those of you who thought i used only 10 Min's for the lvl i used more ^^
    it took me more then 30 Min's since i was also setting preferences in the game,
    reading the tutorial popups..., trying to figure out the menus
    The interface is not something I'm used to.

    here is my score of the game 8 of 10
    now for those of you Ranting here is a little something for you to think about ^^

    I read on a forum some time ago that people are drawn to the negative stuff
    this include this post or anything negative...
    it's what we humans do... and it won't change
    IF i had posted positive perspective of the game as the first post, then it would be have been ignored
    look at your self ranting and complaining at the first sign of negative input...
    like vultures fighting for a dead creature ^^

    you people make me laugh^^

    I'm not trying to post you as the bad guys here... if you think that then your mistaking,
    i simply just wanted to test a theory i read about on that other forum... and it was right...

    Sorry for the way i did this, SORRY!
    and yes I'm a noob ... AT THIS GAME
    i started Friday downloading and installing, got to play it yesterday, and i had only 1 and a half hour to play in ^^

    again Sorry for this little... experiment...

    Beta tester my ****, your hiding your tail between your legs with this monstrous bs post because of how much your getting flamed.

    Your pathetic
  • Esteban - Harshlands
    Esteban - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ROFL you all got trolled..
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Beta tester my ****, your hiding your tail between your legs with this monstrous bs post because of how much your getting flamed.

    Your pathetic

    Yeah gotta love idiots that can't stick to their guns ^^
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • mrtq
    mrtq Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I sai it again, you people REALLY makes me laugh, your "flaming" dosen't bit my skin... if thats the right term

    and running with my tail between my legs?
    if thats a true statement then why do i still talk here?

    i'm sure some of your understand what exactly just went on here...
    come one... look at my first post...

    i haven't even gone indepts for that message
    i like detailes, and if i'd rete and leave i'd do it after i had atleast achive lvl 30+
    not a monet sooner or later...

    it's true you can't judge a game just for beeing a lvl 5... you think i'm that stupid?
    then your dumber then me for even starting my little experiment...

    anyways... i will return to game and enjoy it even more... you have really shown me how the badside of the cummunity HAHAHA
    oooh *whipes away a tear of laughter* you guys are such a laugh!!!
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    mrtq wrote: »
    This is what i haft to say about PW(i)
    you had to run far to get to quests or monsters,

    In the earlier levels, the monsters and such are in a pretty linear path. As you level you go to new towns, and the smaller cities around a main race's city have like 200 coin TP rates to the big city. No need to run very far at all until you hit about lvl 20 and go to Arch. Any running you do would be between mobs just about. Even at higher levels your quests and mobs are kinda linear.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the general help in the game is bad aswell

    I've never used the help, so no clue here...
    mrtq wrote: »
    the waypoint for a quest just points to the damn quest giver,
    not to the area where one need to go to :(

    Actually if the drop or mobs you have to kill are green in your list, it'll auto-path you to the mob if you click it. PWI's auto-pathing is straight line which sucks if you're running, but just cancel the auto-pathing and now you'll see a flag on your big map (M) that shows you where you were going to run to.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the grapics was nice, but the music was dull, making the game very bad
    i got drowsy playing with the music...
    then i learnd i could listen to a radio, NOT SUPPORTED FOR EUROPE!!!
    so radio was no go either... can it get worse?

    Meh, I turn the music off and don't normally have my headphones on or my speakers turned up anyway. lol You might just try using a Europe based net radio service. You can probably find something free pretty easily. I use but I think it's America only. It's essentially all the radio in PWI does anyway.
    mrtq wrote: »
    the current players are af no help, they only think about 2 things: beeing *******s and duel

    I've met players like that, but I've also known more that aren't like that at all. Any game you play (where you play with others online) will have nice and not so nice people in them.
    mrtq wrote: »
    if thats how the game is meant to be plaied like, please put a warning to us friendly players who wish for a great time

    A lot of people have a great time playing PWI, myself included. A lot of them are even friendly... lol
    mrtq wrote: »
    and the last thing...
    the combat system is worse then ever...
    Flyff, Runescape, WoW, Priston Tale has much better targeting responce then PW's Targeting system
    i don't mind the auto attack feature once you order it to attak,
    but the fact that you need to order for normal attack after casting a spell is just lame... THAT SHOULD BE AUTOMATIC!!!

    Yeah, some spells cause you to auto-attack, and some don't. Normally your caster classes won't auto-attack after a spell. Your melee classes normally do. Probably because a wizard or cleric shouldn't be hacking away at a mob with their magic weapon, and a Barb/BM/Archer's attack spells add dmg to their physical attacks. You can set macros in-game however that will let you do almost anything you want. PWI puts FlyFF's macro system to shame from what I remember about it. I haven't played the others so I have no clue about their's.
    mrtq wrote: »
    i only managed to get to lvl 5, then i had enough of the slow respoce system of the game... and no... my computer or internet runs fine so it has nothing to do about that
    i got a 1024/256 internet connection (which is MORE then enough for PW, and i had atleast 45 FPS within the game...
    so the game was running smoothly, but the respoce in the game was worse then any game i have tried todate!!!

    Considering you'll probably be lvl 5 or close by the time you even make it into your race's main city, I don't think lvl 5 is a good point to judge the entire game by. Level 20~30 would be much better, and you can get there easily in a couple/few days. You'd have more opportunity to see people, do stuff, whatever. At lvl 74 I'm still learning new stuff and growing as a player. As for having a slow response, I'm playing on a computer that is at least 6 years old or older and I have no severe issues with lag unless I'm in West Arch. lol If it ever does get bad, after a quick relog into the game and it's fine. Maybe it has to do with me having a 6meg/512k connection, but probably not as there isn't a whole lotta network traffic that I can see when I play. I only really lag if my wife decides she needs to fire up uTorrent... lol
    mrtq wrote: »
    i ain't returnning to this game ever again...

    Thise is my final words about Perfect World,
    and the score is from 1 to 10... i'd give it -10 (negative 10 points!!!)
    Ban me for all i care... i won't return anyways...

    (Did i had a bad time in PE(i)? Don't ask this... if you don't understand the above you simply just braindead...)

    Goodbye, Enjoy the game, i know i did not...
    for those that love the game: i don't care what you think of this post, i posted my mind, i gave the devs something to chew on(if they will do anything about it) and thats it...
    I WILL NOT RETURN BACK HERE(Unless a moderator/admin PM's me... else ppl can just go to a corner and poke their noses)

    Have a nice Life, Gaming experince, and what ever...

    Well, have fun doing whatever it is you are doing. It's a shame you didn't give the game more of a chance, but if you didn't like it, you didn't like it. A game's meant to be fun, right? As for myself, I'm looking forward to getting home tonight from work and dinging 75, having fun while I play PWI. ^^
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    And whether he/she realises or not, he/she cares about this game enough to take his/her time to write the complaint out for the purpose of letting us know why he/she is disappointed. If he/he didn't care about it at all he/she wouldn't have bothered letting us know where the game lacks for him/her. ;)
    Gah....why can't there be gender neautral pronouns? >.<

    I would have had more respect for OP if he/she;

    1) had played the game for more that 10 minutes (cause if he played for an hour and a half, then he sat on his behind for an hour 20)
    2) had even made an effort to read the help screen, or look around before he/she started throwing a tantrum
    3) PWI is geared toward English-speaking players, and OP either doesn't speak English natively, or is trying to play the game via his thumbs on a frickin cellphone.

    And if I were near the Player Spawn, and someone demanded help from me with that fractured **** that he calls English (with that attitude) I'd ignore him/her too.

    I had trouble the first time I played this game as well. I started on a PvP server because I didn't know any better, I applied my points poorly and had no idea what I was doing. Few people offered to help me, but I managed. I've never played a MMO before and *I* was able to figure it out without a map and two Sherpa Guides by my side.

    I'm more than willing and happy to help anyone on the server - and do whenever I can. Not ones like this one, tho.

    I believe he's a beta-tester - you need the input of people who have no idea what they are doing in order to make it bulletproof for the rest of the mouth-breathers out there.

    <waves goodbye>

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    mrtq wrote: »
    I sai it again, you people REALLY makes me laugh, your "flaming" dosen't bit my skin... if thats the right term

    and running with my tail between my legs?
    if thats a true statement then why do i still talk here?

    i'm sure some of your understand what exactly just went on here...
    come one... look at my first post...

    i haven't even gone indepts for that message
    i like detailes, and if i'd rete and leave i'd do it after i had atleast achive lvl 30+
    not a monet sooner or later...

    it's true you can't judge a game just for beeing a lvl 5... you think i'm that stupid?
    then your dumber then me for even starting my little experiment...

    anyways... i will return to game and enjoy it even more... you have really shown me how the badside of the cummunity HAHAHA
    oooh *whipes away a tear of laughter* you guys are such a laugh!!!

    The way that I can tell you're full of nonsense is the idiotic/immature way you type. And yet im supposed to believe your a beta tester?? please.

    EDIT: If you were into details.. You would be more detailed about getting your spelling right.

    Go fail more kid.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This topic makes me laugh. But I like what Bob says. ^_^
    Hi Seraph. b:bye