TW Battlefront Report - Dreamweaver



  • Tinypony - Dreamweaver
    Tinypony - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nice job Lieal, another clean breakdown of the wars. Keep it up missy. :)

    Great fight Calamity! While I'm sad I left behind some great friends, I'm happy I got to see all your faces again albeit being on the opposing side; it was a good fight! :D
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ye it was major fun =D
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Sheeeba - Dreamweaver
    Sheeeba - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Another nice breakdown Lieal. b:victory Keep up the great work.

    ::venos kick tail::

    Sheeeba: 8x Venomancer, Hate2Love
    ClericNico: 7x Cleric(Mainly Support), Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 6x Barbarian, Einherjar

    "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
  • Seraphim - Dreamweaver
    Seraphim - Dreamweaver Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    TheTitans has 2 lands now :P
  • Varsity - Dreamweaver
    Varsity - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    very nice :) had to take a deep breath after reading it. ahhh Mind Siezure
  • Sumerisle - Dreamweaver
    Sumerisle - Dreamweaver Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Another great job Lieal! Keep it up! =D
    Believe, level 2 Dreamweaver faction recruiting all classes. PM me in-game or drop me a message for more info!
  • VictoryPets - Dreamweaver
    VictoryPets - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm going to reply to the biased reporting shown by the 'non biased' equinox reporting of the TWs this weekend.

    Equinox went behind Calamity's back and arranged for Armageddon to attack Calamity on the same day- Immortal was also asked to join in that 'alliance' but took no part, instead the previous leader of Immortal decided against the better wishes of the faction to bid on Calamity anyway. Several vent meetings were held prior to the bidding process between Equinox, armageddon and other faction leaders as Equinox saught to drum up support for their stabbing their allies in the back as clearly they knew they would not succeed in a straight fight.

    There was no 'throwing out' of the old leader of Immortal- I was made leader as the leader was and is moving house. Subsequent to that a number of officers asked that the move was made permanent. This was put to Anubus and he immediately promoted me and then left the faction. Subsequent to this Immortal is now in the hands of Dragon and when Anubus returns he will be handed the guild.

    Some of us have left and formed a new guild which you will be hearing about in due course.

    Seems that the report that was posted is more 'sour grapes' from EQ than a balanced view of the battles, together with EQ- biased rumours.

    What will be interesting this week is whether EQ will attack calamity again, whether Calamity will attack EQ, a city or perhaps take out Immortal, and whether EQ can pressurise Armageddon to follow them again or whether Armageddon will turn on EQ and join forces with Calamity in attacking EQ.

    Rumour has it that there are severe internal struggles going on in EQ at present with the past/present leader quitting the game (they change leader so often it's hard to say whether he was leader at the time or not), several other high levels quitting the guild and many others thinking about it.

    As regards what happened in the Immortal/Calamity battle, there will be a U-Tube video posted in due course on that. It was the most fun we have ever had in a TW- we were laughing so hard my stomach was hurting. It was our fight to do what we wanted to do with it- hey sorry if it made EQ's attempt at stabbing Calamity in the back fail, but that's what happens when you plot behind people's backs.
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lieal is anything but sour grapes. She's reporting what she knew at the time. Many of us were unhappy with stuff we found out stuff after the fact, and we're making changes for the better. We know you're unhappy about it, and just know we are too.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Like I said before, I do try to keep this as unbiased as possible... I have no interest in starting stuff over a game. If you have any problems with me, or what was written, then PM me ingame if you want to handle things - no need to start things here and ruin it for people that do enjoy this. Also, if you really want to believe that this is all rumours gathered from Equinox, then do whatever you want, but I'd just like to mention that most of the rumours had come from (now ex?) Immortal members, as well as friends I have in other factions. "Rumours" = rumours. Not just something only one person had told me, but the things that several other people have, from all over the server. Please tell me anywhere in there where I said, "This is true, this is what happened." If that were my opinion, it'd be titled, "Lieal's Opinions and What Really Happened."

    Or something like that. >_> lol. But yes, if you'd like to sort some stuff, as I mentioned before, I have no problem with handling it in PMs... I simply don't want this turned into a flame war. Thanks.
  • Forsakensin - Dreamweaver
    Forsakensin - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I would like to point out that we did not fight at all, we decided to have fun with a GAME and ran out to wave HELLO! to Calamity, it was by far the most fun i've had in a long time in this game.
    Sarcasm is the best answer for idiots
  • Mischa - Dreamweaver
    Mischa - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What would you say it was really the outcome of this weekend?

    People ussually say that defending is way easier than attacking, yet this only applies if the defending guild turtles for 3 hours hoping to default the match. Calamity however pushed Equinox attacks back to base and killed their crystal 1h30ish minutes into the match, as they were expecting the high levels sent to Armagedon and Immortal to finish the TWs they were assigned (or reassigned after Immortal's response to the attack). Once Calamity got their full top 80 squad, they started the push that lasted around 20-30 minutes and ended up in a win. Will this happen IF Calamity attacks Equinox? Equinox had also some losses for this TW, some of their 80+ DDs as well as MrLucky and Lightwish were not there, A lot of people in Equinox blamed the loss due to lack of tactical organization, given that Zion and Lightwish were not leading the TW, so that there were still unassigned squads, strategies and targets 20-30 minutes well inside the instance. Maybe now that Lightwish is back at Equinox they can pose a greater threat against calamity.

    I think that if another clash of this 2 happen it would be on Equinox account, it takes a fool to not see what Calamity has been trying to do for the past weeks, blocking out every guild from 3 of the lvl 2 territories. they just blocked Immortal and EQ from City of the Lost, they got Plume, and they're 2 territories away each from blocking all factions from 1k streams and Dreamweaver port. Equinox shouldn't attack Calamity again well, mostly because each of those losses comming up as announcements just makes Calamity recruitment much more easier, and debilitates Equinox roster. This weekend made this week more exciting hoping that the next will answer a lot of questions:

    -With Immortal officers leaving, will Equinox/Calamity attack them? Ancient Wall holds a very powerful tactical position when it comes down to surrounding 1k Streams.
    -With Equinox defeat will they try again for Calamity next week? Will any of the surrounding guilds (Dynasty, TheTitans, Armagedon, Immortal, Calamity) try to get more land of them now that they see that Equinox can be defeated?..
    -With Equinox first defeat, there's rumors already of a massive leave. Will it happen? What can Jay or the core leader's do about it?
    -A new guild comes out every 5 minutes in DW and disbands every 2 b:shocked for the sake of such a small server, would we finally get to see leaders of Tragedy, HDT, TheDivine, Dominion and VP's new guild maybe making one other TW faction and stop creating small factions filled with lvl 15+ hoping you can still take some piece of land? Dynasty and TheTitans, the "weakest" factions holding land atm, are way stronger than most of those 5 high level factions combined. Might as well consider joining forces.

    I hope my questions and comments were sufficiently unbiased for you guys b:kiss
  • Progrinder - Dreamweaver
    Progrinder - Dreamweaver Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    just wanted to say it's a nice job you do here liealb:victory keep doing it!

    But yeah no one can't rly be unbiased, and yeah you also got one point of view of those fights that show a little, you are an equinox member and even if you do it really good and unbiased, we still can feel itb:surrender

    So I found the post of vp very good, not flaming or anything but giving one other view of what happened, and I think people 'll like it too, if you don't give those little rumors and reaction etc this post 'd be a little boringb:sad

    and like you can see flame did not started and no one start to complainb:thanks
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    just wanted to say it's a nice job you do here liealb:victory keep doing it!

    But yeah no one can't rly be unbiased, and yeah you also got one point of view of those fights that show a little, you are an equinox member and even if you do it really good and unbiased, we still can feel itb:surrender

    So I found the post of vp very good, not flaming or anything but giving one other view of what happened, and I think people 'll like it too, if you don't give those little rumors and reaction etc this post 'd be a little boring

    and like you can see flame did not started and no one start to complain

    I agree that I can't be 100% ubiased all the time, yes, but I try my best, lol. And I personally enjoyed reading VP's post as well, but I know some people like to read stuff like that, and then just blow it up into unnecessary proportions.

    As for the reporting other sides part, well, I'm always up to talking ingame - or even PMing me here - if you think I should put something from your faction's side into the report, because it's meant to show all the factions, not just several. =)

    And LOL, Mischa, I'm hiring you as my "Future Predictions"... I gave up on it. b:surrender And your post was very interesting to read. b:victory
  • Mischa - Dreamweaver
    Mischa - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hey I wouldn't mind helping out, I think what you have been doing is great to read. Keep it comming b:thanks
  • EquiNOT - Dreamweaver
    EquiNOT - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    what victorypets said was true, you guys tried to backstab calamity, and fail miserably. way to go equinox, asking two other factions to help attack you guys because you were too afraid to go 1v1 against calamity. where's all those worldchat people saying calamity was afraid to attack equinox, but nobody says anything when its a 3v1 against calamity. way to break the allies pact guys. i'm glad immortal had no part in this bullsht you guys tried to pull, and i hope next week calamity returns the favor to you guys, see you then b:bye
  • BlueLace - Dreamweaver
    BlueLace - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Why not post under your IGN Equinot?? got something to hide?? I think you do b:shutup

    Edit to add: Lieal, you do a great job with this, don't stop, it's good reading
  • Mischa - Dreamweaver
    Mischa - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Don't talk about honor EquiNOT, as your last action involves beating down a fallen faction with a fake name because you don't have the balls to use your own.

    Honorable or not, the least to say, Equinox move was very bold, they went all in and lost, so did Immortal with TheTitans almost 2 months ago vs Equinox. And we know the outcome of those 2 guilds now. So did Equinox and Calamity a month ago vs Armagedon and they both won and no one held grudge against either guild back then. History is always told by the winners, which made this weekend report far more interesting to read than the other reports.

    Next week if Equinox beats down Immortal or Armagedon (since they still can afford to do so) and Calamity doesn't attacks them, we will be talking of how scared is Calamity to attack and how strong is Equinox still even though demoralized by the lost to Calamity, we will be saying that defending is easier than attacking and that Calamity should show DW that they can beat EQ on their land, we will be discussing bidding prices on seraphim, complaining that the gold prices have skyrocketed, talking on how telecoustics should be more expensive so spammers like me actually stop doing so, and how we need faster pickaxes.

    People will always talk and no one is anyone's favorite, before The 3 TWs we were "the disease of Dreamweaver" after the TW Equinox is "The Backstabber". It's quite hilarious to read it b:laugh
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i'm glad immortal had no part in this bullsht you guys tried to pull, and i hope next week calamity returns the favor to you guys, see you then b:bye

    What is HILARIOUS about this is that Immortal tried this EXACT SAME BULLSH*T against Equinox with two other guilds! Immortal even broke an alliance with EQ to do so! So in this EXACT SAME SITUATION someone apparently from Immortal wants to say something about it against Equinox...

    Here's an idea, if you can't even bring yourself to post as yourself because you know what you say is so stupid and mis-informed or clueless you can't even bear the weight of the shame on your own shoulders, don't post. Though it is funny to see Immo kissing Cala's hindquarters now in an attempt to not be wiped off the map.
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    *sniff sniff* This thread reeks of drama, take it somewhere else, it's beginning to smell in here.

    Oh and keep up the good work Lieal. I have to say I'm impressed with how DW's TW is going. Keep up the good entertainment guys.
  • Forsakensin - Dreamweaver
    Forsakensin - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    this is unusual coming from me, but would you people please try to keep the bashing to a minimum, scrolling through multiple pages to read TW reports is a pain in the rear b:surrender
    Sarcasm is the best answer for idiots
  • Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver
    Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm going to reply to the biased reporting shown by the 'non biased' equinox reporting of the TWs this weekend.

    Equinox went behind Calamity's back and arranged for Armageddon to attack Calamity on the same day- Immortal was also asked to join in that 'alliance' but took no part, instead the previous leader of Immortal decided against the better wishes of the faction to bid on Calamity anyway. Several vent meetings were held prior to the bidding process between Equinox, armageddon and other faction leaders as Equinox saught to drum up support for their stabbing their allies in the back as clearly they knew they would not succeed in a straight fight.

    There was no 'throwing out' of the old leader of Immortal- I was made leader as the leader was and is moving house. Subsequent to that a number of officers asked that the move was made permanent. This was put to Anubus and he immediately promoted me and then left the faction. Subsequent to this Immortal is now in the hands of Dragon and when Anubus returns he will be handed the guild.

    Some of us have left and formed a new guild which you will be hearing about in due course.

    Seems that the report that was posted is more 'sour grapes' from EQ than a balanced view of the battles, together with EQ- biased rumours.

    What will be interesting this week is whether EQ will attack calamity again, whether Calamity will attack EQ, a city or perhaps take out Immortal, and whether EQ can pressurise Armageddon to follow them again or whether Armageddon will turn on EQ and join forces with Calamity in attacking EQ.

    Rumour has it that there are severe internal struggles going on in EQ at present with the past/present leader quitting the game (they change leader so often it's hard to say whether he was leader at the time or not), several other high levels quitting the guild and many others thinking about it.

    As regards what happened in the Immortal/Calamity battle, there will be a U-Tube video posted in due course on that. It was the most fun we have ever had in a TW- we were laughing so hard my stomach was hurting. It was our fight to do what we wanted to do with it- hey sorry if it made EQ's attempt at stabbing Calamity in the back fail, but that's what happens when you plot behind people's backs.

    How could it went to Anubus when he left after the TW and he didnt come back? He wasnt on Vent when you had the little officer meeting. He NEVER knew did he? So...stop sending out bold face lies b4 no one believes you Thank You b:pleased
  • Forsakensin - Dreamweaver
    Forsakensin - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    How could it went to Anubus when he left after the TW and he didnt come back? He wasnt on Vent when you had the little officer meeting. He NEVER knew did he? So...stop sending out bold face lies b4 no one believes you Thank You b:pleased

    just to set the record straight, the officers of immortal decided that a change in leadership was needed, we let Anubus know when he logged onto vent, gave him our reasoning and explanations, THAT is when he handed over leadership and left the guild. Considering that a high ranking officer had resigned and the rest were preparing to follow should have been apparent. What your current post reeks of is being butt-hurt that you were kicked from the new faction that arose for less than reputable behavior. Please remember to go looking for the facts before you make accusations. Thank you.b:pleased
    Sarcasm is the best answer for idiots
  • Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver
    Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    just to set the record straight, the officers of immortal decided that a change in leadership was needed, we let Anubus know when he logged onto vent, gave him our reasoning and explanations, THAT is when he handed over leadership and left the guild. Considering that a high ranking officer had resigned and the rest were preparing to follow should have been apparent. What your current post reeks of is being butt-hurt that you were kicked from the new faction that arose for less than reputable behavior. Please remember to go looking for the facts before you make accusations. Thank you.b:pleased

    when did you speak to Anubus 3 minutes b4 TW? cause if I am not mistaken he didnt log onto vent till very late. He also logged out right after the TW. So how could you talk to him?
  • Forsakensin - Dreamweaver
    Forsakensin - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Seeing as you were not on during the later hours of the night i will explain this to you. he logged on off vent after TW was over, he logged on again about an hour and a half later, which is when the officers had our meeting with him. so yes, we talked to him. He knew our decision and he decided to leave Immortal after handing over leadership. Seeing as i dont remember you being on vent and knowing damn well you wern't in the same channel as us, i would suggest not making accusations you have no grounds to make.
    Sarcasm is the best answer for idiots
  • Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver
    Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Seeing as you were not on during the later hours of the night i will explain this to you. he logged on off vent after TW was over, he logged on again about an hour and a half later, which is when the officers had our meeting with him. so yes, we talked to him. He knew our decision and he decided to leave Immortal after handing over leadership. Seeing as i dont remember you being on vent and knowing damn well you wern't in the same channel as us, i would suggest not making accusations you have no grounds to make.

    He nevered logged on a hour and half after the TW. And yes I was on Vent. That was the only application I had on thank you very much. So I have grounds on my accusations. K thanks bye
  • VictoryPets - Dreamweaver
    VictoryPets - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Thanks for the posts guys, glad to see most people can take in another viewpoint without degenerating into abuse- I like the TW reports and hope they continue to be posted (can you do one on a separate thread each week please?), and let's hope people can discuss them in a civilised manner.

    Seeing as WraithKiller is deflaming Immortal in general and me in particular, I'll mention why he was kicked- for stalking members of a certain gender, and generally managing to upset them and several other members of the guild. I'd recommend no one takes him into their guild as this sort of immature player really shouldn't be allowed to play games, they should be in therapy.
  • Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver
    Wraithkiller - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Thanks for the posts guys, glad to see most people can take in another viewpoint without degenerating into abuse- I like the TW reports and hope they continue to be posted (can you do one on a separate thread each week please?), and let's hope people can discuss them in a civilised manner.

    Seeing as WraithKiller is deflaming Immortal in general and me in particular, I'll mention why he was kicked- for stalking members of a certain gender, and generally managing to upset them and several other members of the guild. I'd recommend no one takes him into their guild as this sort of immature player really shouldn't be allowed to play games, they should be in therapy.

    omg..I am stalker. I should go into therapy b:laugh. You have no proof. Screenshot plsb:victory
  • Forsakensin - Dreamweaver
    Forsakensin - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Wraith, all i have to say in the matter is you have absolutely no clue what went on and your accusations are false and unfounded, you were NOT in the channel when we had our meeting WITH anubus there. it would be much appreciated if you would stop being butt-hurt that you were kicked from the faction. this is my last post on the subject as i've already wasted enough valuable time on you. please grow up. Again, please stop making accusations that you have no grounds to make. if you dont like that you got kicked, deal with it and move on, or quit the game and find someone else to bug, thank you, and have a nice day.b:victory
    Sarcasm is the best answer for idiots
  • akatsukixitachi
    akatsukixitachi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    why would u stick up for An00bus anyways? i c no point in the argument fellasb:chuckle
  • _dragon_ - Dreamweaver
    _dragon_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    First I would like to start off by saying that Anubus will not be getting Immortal Back as I am Now the Leader and that is the way that it will Remain.

    Second I think everyone should know That EquiNOT is actually VictoryPets. He made that character to place a bid against EQ when we were being attacked on every land. All post made by this character EquiNOT are in my opinion to be taken with a grain of salt as it will appear bias towards VictoryPets. VictoryPets made this character while he was logged into vent and was very vocal about it in the room with a few other members, Most of which are now his Loyal Lackys of the Faction XBushidoX.

    Yes Anubus did sign on to vent after the TW and then released control of Immortal To VictoryPets as he was tired off dealing with the issues that were being caused within the faction. Also there are members of what is now XBushidoX that he had trusted that stabbed him in the back. I will not go into the fine lines of it but some of it did involve the logging of his account by members that are now in XBushidoX to cause WC drama and brand him with a bad name. Some may tell you and believe that Anubus was completly at fault for these issues, but this is not entirely true. The person behind Anubus has been a friend of mine for an Extremly long time and i know for a fact that a majority of the accuisations that has been spread about him to be false. And seeing as he has left the game almost entirely I feel that this is no longer a subject that needs to be discussed.

    Third and last I am sorry for all the Issues that this post might cause the real noninvolved members of XBushidoX. It is still my opinion that XBushidoX was created and **** the members of mine as well as other guilds on the fortellings of Lies that were spread about Anubus and other truly Loyal members just to give reason and purpose to the stealing of items and funds from the guild Banks.
This discussion has been closed.