Myai - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Thank you both for the input! I still have a few levels to finish deliberating and the info you guys gave me will help me have an answer by the time I reach 89. b:thanks
  • It's helpful when tanking Drake (fire) in FB/BH59 too. For the fire resistance... b:surrender
  • This class reminds me a lot of the Balos from JD. The Mystics remind me a lot of the Ardens from JD. This whole race sounds like the Athans from JD. It seems like everything from this new race was copied from JD. I mean, yeah sure, it's a PWE game, but do they have any imagination? b:surrender
  • I am so up for this. Before each run I tell everyone "Feel free to ask for a spark any time" but I hardly ever have anyone ask for them during the run. I spark after BBs and RBs and after the BM HFs but I never know who actually needs them. Coincidently enough, I've been thinking the same thing with the Spark indicators,…
  • Jump, I'm not a rabbit venomancer if you could have only one which would it be? female barbs or male venos
  • I read this guide and the non-updated one but I didn't find the answer to me question. I looked in the PWI wiki and it says that you can also get more skill slots according to my genie's Lucky points. My genie recently got to 50-60 lucky points and it already has four skills from before that and I was wondering if I can…
  • If you're still looking for more AoE/Reflect/Herc/Veno grinding tips, guides, etc, send me a message on here and I'll send you this giant text/guide I have. It sounds like you like AoE grinding. So get a BM and focus on AoE skills, damage, defense, and vitality. Soloing, you can't get very large groups, maybe 5 mobs max.…
  • I like realistic(ish) names for my chars, so when I was making my veno I thought that Maya would be a really good name for a veno, but it was already taken. So I played around with the sound and availability and end up with Myai. There was no way to say "nvm, I don't want that name, let me choose another one before I…
  • I agree to everything Desdi said, so I'll just add my own stuff in there. I'm an AoE grind addict. If I have a quest for land mobs the only way I do it is AoE grinding. (herced btw). I don't know if it's faster than regular or what, but I find it to be more entertaining and mana-saving. I have never had to use a potion…
  • *Updated* Removed the Shift+Click function that they just implemented. Removed the "remove three lines from the Auctioneer" suggestion that they implemented Also removed a duplicated suggestion from the TW category. b:bye
  • You were very helpful, thanks. But there were a few things that haven't been implemented 100% -The skills bars haven't been extended from 1-0 and F1-F12, just 1-9 and F1-F8, so I included that in the suggestion -I don't think you can turn of Whisper. I just went into the UI and tried to turn off my Whispers in…
  • Oh, didn't know that =P But yes, I have gone through the list a few times, it's just that I don't do some things in PWi like PvP and TW, so I wouldn't know about some of those that have been implemented. But I do know the basics about them, but I've only done TW twice. And the notes above the list of suggestions is for in…
  • Ty for the tab-cyclying. I went through the list last night but I guess I went too fast since I didn't even see the tab one. o.o I always use tab... EDIT: I think I actually did take it out last night, it's not there right now...
  • Alright, here's the thread I was saying I was going to do:
  • I know they are, but I usually spend time surfing the forum with no purpose and end up regretting it because I stop after realizing that I'm not actually doing anything useful. Now I can at least do something instead of read posts from months ago. b:chuckle
  • ty for that, i'll be removing those now
  • I didn't notice the time lmao. Before I noticed it was time to turn of my laptop and leave But it's done know, finally, thank god. I'll be going through it later again to update it and clean it up a bit.
  • Sorry about Grippieluver's post in between both of mine, I had no idea that the content would be so big and require reserved posts. Player - Ability to search specific NPC across the entire world in the coordinate assistant - Ability to craft higher grade materials from the lower grade version - Personal houses -…
  • How I think the BH system should be: - You can only get 1 per day - They're not stackable, can't have more than one BH quest in your quest log - People that aren't within the BH level range can't be in the squad or no one gets the credit Ex: if a level 39- or 50+ is in a squad doing BH39 none of the 40-49 players that have…
  • I scanned through most of the posts that can after the mod stopped but didn't see any discussion like ours, where someone actually said "I'm going to do it!" and then everyone told that person to not do so. After that I also scrolled through some of the Suggestion Box to see if there was an already-made thread, which also…
  • Ok, this is like, necroing a post but whatever, this thread has had so many necros that this doesn't even make a dent in the number b:surrender Removing the panda/wolf? I think that it'd be much more likely that they'd create true forms for all of the animals. Not because of the culture and symbolism, but because i'm…
  • I'm not criticizing the mod (I'm fairly certain that he/she had a good reason to stop updating), I just want a thread updated. I really don't care what this mod does, I just wish that someone who could would step in and update this. If someone took up the responsibility right now it would probably take more than one or two…
  • Yes, I do o.o I just miss the old updating times xD I was thinking of making a new one and actually keeping it updated, but I don't know if anyone would actually post in it... *I would actually be able to keep it updated*
  • -Ability to toggle more than just one pet skill. (Seriously, do you think we only want to constantly use ONE of the pet skills? This feature is even in JD D= ) -An item that allows us to open more skill slots for pets -A special skill for level 105 characters that 'greatly' boosts all damage caused by a certain percentage…
  • Alright, it's been days and no response, so I'm guessing that such a thing doesn't exist. =/
  • I sometimes stop playing PWE games for long times sometimes because of my personal life outside of the game (like, I'm currently on vacation at the beach and haven't gotten on the game for 8 days) And once I think I was away for at least 3 months, and not to mention that I tried Ether Saga and stopped almost as soon as I…
  • *cough* don't feed the toll *cough* *slowly backs away*
  • This is... AWESOME!! b:laugh
  • I loved it! I didn't hear anything about venos, psychics or assassins though. Or maybe I'm just deaf. Sometimes I feel like one of those idiots though, but I've never cause a party wipe before. b:chuckle I love the "And Magic Man got slayed" part!
  • My suggestion is that you update this thread or find someone else to do it for you. b:surrender