Miugre - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • All they'd need to do is make one or two new servers on which the power creep gear/items are absent, then restrict access to only allow accounts which transfer 1000 Zen per month to one of them (which would either disappear or could be usable for vanity/storage items). Yes, it's not likely, because wanmei would probably…
  • I would happily pay 10/month for a brand new, balanced server with no trace of R9 or powerlevelnig. Just throwing that out there.
  • PWE has an E3 2014 presentation? If so, I'd be very interested to hear if they even mention PWI. That'll explain a lot...
  • Two words: Frost. Hypering. Also the prevalence of R9, but I would agree that particular one falls to PWE and the cash shop. Who makes the call doesn't change the fact that sometimes a call needs to be made. Practically speaking, it just means that it's ten times harder to get an answer out of them and half the time they…
  • I'll be the first to admit that I don't, but I don't see how that invalidates my opinion. If anything, it just makes me see TW differently than you do. I get the appeal of intrigue and roster changes, but why do you need 20-30 lands to do it? If each of the top facs had 2-3 lands in the center, just enough to share borders…
  • No argument here. Actually, that's another topic of discussion that we need to address directly with wanmei: why do we "get everything that China does" when we clearly have a number of differences between our versions? It just sounds like a cop-out every time.
  • This argument always comes out every time TW resets come around. And while I do understand it, it still rings a little hollow. Because TW is and has always been about the glory/rewards/bragging rights/etc. Therefore, the biggest factions are always going to swallow up the lands of the little factions in hopes of winning…
  • Oh Arch server... I haven't played there in years, but your antics still make me smile. :P
  • I'm going to have to agree with this, Kossy. If they took down the DQ values to discourage botting, what's the point of them anymore now that botting is built-in? There's so many things in this game that do need to be nerfed... yet the only major nerf they ever did is no longer relevant. My polite request to Sparkie for…
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again: we need some straight talk from Sparkie and his PM on what they consider PWI's shelf life to be. This seems like the behavior of a company who expects or even wants the game to die so that they can focus on their other initiatives - in PWE's case, the whole Arc Games label and…
  • Frankly, with all the exp methods we have already, more exp is the last thing we need. 2x drops is what actually constitutes an event these days, for better or worse (let's be honest). Even brings a few more people into the game while it's active, if only temporarily. I wouldn't normally care, but when was the last time we…
  • We could argue the definition of "endgame" all you like (although just for a quick tip, "more people care about PVP so there" really isn't an argument). But it's all beside the point. Going back to what started this chain of discussion, Eoria implied that people without 20k HP wouldn't understand why the removal of silver…
  • Or y'know, maybe my barb is a classic vit build, but I make a conscious decision not to gear him for competitive PVP. I know that's kind of a cardinal sin around here, but maybe we could debate without needing to compare our refine levels as if they were e-peen extensions? Crazy, I know. :) Back on topic: Looking forward…
  • I have an endgame barb with 24k HP, thank you. He goes uncharmed, and the existence of silver charms in the event boutique would not change that. That being said, I'm well aware of how fast a silver charm would die while equipped on him, and while having to replace charms more often would be an annoyance, it's not the end…
  • Well if that's really the case on Sanctuary, then I'd say stick a fork in Sanctuary's economy because it's done. The gold trading system is the greatest asset that F2P players have in this game, but nobody is going to tolerate 10mil gold. At some point, the static coin demands of the rest of the game are going to put gold…
  • Out of curiosity, what was dysfunctional about it? What X-factor would it favorable to gold sellers to conduct their business in WC at significantly less than AH prices?
  • Posting here just to tip my proverbial hat with the others. Well done, Sparkie. We all know your job description is pretty damn limiting, but the best CMs in our history have made that role their own and expanded upon it. Keep up the good work. We just wish the response time was this good for all the other issues PWI has…
  • Uh, well... see, the thing of that is, I never said that I support a removal of gold price caps. All I said was that the OP's argument for raising the caps was BS, because it is. You can sing the praises of free-market economics all you want, but in a virtual economy it all comes down to what will keep players coming back.…
  • Let's not forget that doing anything to gold caps will do nothing, precisely nothing, about inflation. The OP's argument was that billions of coins are coming in per day which fuels inflation. Fine, fair enough. But AH gold is not a coin sink. You're just moving that coin around to the gold sellers. So at best, this idea…
  • As would any new content. Which is kinda why new content is the complete opposite of what the game needs right now.
  • I'm just going to throw out an idea I've been thinking about. It's not coin-related, but it does deal with some key elements of the economy. The idea is just one simple change: add an option to exchange NW tokens for pack tokens. The exchange rate can be tweaked until it's ideally balanced, but that's the gist of it. *…
  • Regarding the whole PWCN business... sorry but anyone who buys the whole "PWI == PWCN" business needs to quit drinking the kool-aid. The DQ points system is just the tip of the iceberg. For a better example, R9 gear is much, much harder to obtain there (I'm pretty sure they don't sell it in the CS, at least not in the way…
  • So functionally speaking, you're equipping charms 3.5x as often. Fair enough. I understand how it's a nuisance, and I'm not saying I agree with their removal. I am saying that people are blowing it way out of proportion. The refining aids thing is far more worthy of our contempt. Quoting this in full because it's a much…
  • Okay, look. As long as you have bronze charms you'll be fine. Are they somewhat less efficient price-wise? Yes. Is it the end of god damn world? No. Personally I don't even go charmed full-time, a) because it creates dependence, but also b) it's never been sustainable for me. I have 200-ish event gold at the moment, most…
  • Well, a PVP server is a completely different animal, and the problems you describe here are rather unique to them. Being PK'd at 30 by someone with R9S3 is essentially having the power creep thrown in your face right from the start. There's a reason HL and LC are even more dead than the PVE servers these days. At least on…
  • People like PWE? o.o Also, I'm amazed someone hasn't demanded 2x yet. I thought that was the meme around here - demand 2x because more than ten minutes have passed without it?
  • I was referring more to the simplicity of a "one main class of spenders" model, rather than three. But in the end, that part doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't encourage power creep by way of the cash shop. I'm not sure when you started playing PWI given your avatar's date, but in early 2009 what you just…
  • Which strikes me as needlessly complicated, but yes, it would work in theory. I say "would" here, because the things they made are so horribly game-breaking that it doesn't matter what your business model is. If you're selling things that undermine the stability of the platform you're selling them on, then that is, by…
  • Might depend on which process tracks and reports the playing time. Maybe you had the arc overlay process open at some point and didn't realize it? If that's even the one that tracks it, because I wouldn't know. All I know is, I love my 0min 0sec. :P
  • Three words: Quest list full. That's my guess, anyway. Sorry, abusers. ;]
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