they won* (CQ)
Ouch Shescheese 4v1 kinda sucks doesn't it b:surrender
Rose. Playing with BRs from PvE servers is fun as hell b:shutup
It's a Lost City inside joke rofl
I lol'd. Please re-read what I said the past several posts then get back to me <3. Until then, learn English.b:bye
Lets take a moment and forget about 9x BH 100 BH is absolutely r3tarded. Instead of the usual, 50 mirages/chips/socketstones, 2 mil or exp.. We get Ultimate substances and Eye of observation as one of the rewards. It seems pretty common too. Also BH's such as wave 3 in Rebirth... LOL T.T wtf
Why hasn't spoons replied to this yet lo. And yeah, I have no nipples =[
Exactly ~ The only real "movement control" Mages have though is Hell Hailstorm, which has a 50% chance of Freeze for 3 seconds. Hell Pitfall doesn't work in the air... I think? I don't know. If it does someone correct me! Anyway I hate playing mage sometimes because its hard to kill a moving target. Whenever i play my veno…
Sure, If you're below 99 and get the Neon Purgatory at 95, congrats. I'm more about the decision @ 99, since I've personally been 99 since like... May. 95-99 doesn't take long anymore, at all. Dailies alone is just 2 months without Rebirth. But ya.. Excellent choice at 95 =] LOL @ THE BMs. Oops. <3 Going to teach you…
Wow I love arguing with idiots like you. Thanks for making my day <3 +10 Neon 10698-10811 +11 Inferno 9995-11875 +10 9144-11024 /Point made. And come to think of it, with the extra money from the Lunar weapon, you can like... 2 socket…
Swastika sdfgsdf
Kamisama = God Daikoku = God Daikoku = Alien UFO = Alien God = Alien o.o Anyway I ****ing love Kami's icon. It's perfect! As for Essence I love our Icon too. The black mage from Final Fantasy (my favorite series of all time, OMFG FF14 NEXT YEAR OMFDOFJSOFJIFJD) just represents how many mages we have lol
Awwww b:cry Finally the official good-Bye Miznatt b:cry See you on MSN and the other game =]
Sure! :D I probably still have more magic than your PvE **** even with your +17 Wand b:kiss Come to a real server and maybe you can show me a thing or two ^.~
Maybe, but now we have the Account Sash too which can trade bound items somewhat as well. So basically your argument fails. Can a GM or someone answer? I sent in tickets too =[
Each gold is like.. uh.. 2 mil? LOL 30 Subs, 1.8~ The Springs are cheap and farmable. HH90 is very easily farmable. If not then a few more mil. Not much more than "5 mil" if you play smart. Sure beats the WHOPPING 50-70 mil for your wet dream wand. BR much? Also, I bet your weapon isn't +10. What the **** are you even…
Cute thread but here's a reality check: Botting isn't a problem anymore. Mainly because people dont grind like they used to. Last year when all the fresh 8x and 9x were grinding on the upper left side of the Map, grinding was definitely a common thing. I remember a Fish party @ Sea of Isolation when I was 8x, grinding, and…
Thanks! At least we established I'm the "pr0" in this intriguing conversation. BR much? I'm going to skip all your bull**** fluff and just point something out: The past several months, Neon Purgatory has cost around50-70 mil. Inferno is a whopping.... 5mil or so. I'm not saying I'm poor, but in all seriousness the CV wand…
LOL You really think you know everything don't you? ~700 more magic attack. Wow, that's so factor. Your argument fails. They basically hit the same, and 1% crit on an already stacked % definitely matters for a mage. And HP isnt' a problem, but ty for your concern <3 Uh, hh100 has 2% crit and hits harder. That's "way…
That or attack them before they attack you. And I don't think there's Awareness pots in TW.... I'll definitely check this week though.
- I beg to differ If the wand actually hit harder, then sure, is "better". Just because it has a shorter range doesn't realy mean anything. +1 crit and the survivability from the HP from 99 seems more attractive to me at least. And yeah,…
HP! I still have a few garnet cuz it gives me 2-3% reduction depending on buff o.o;
Pretty sure we can say the same for you (Kami) or whoever the **** you are after the slaughter during the first tourney. And I didn't die to Daikoku i died to Purge + Zerg of nubs. Get it right!
lol. Good times. I remember Midnight and Diego practically swimming with me while i grinded to protect me from the evil evil BLT b:chuckle O_O
Exactly so why the **** is he arguing with me. And no i wasn't around in the beginning, but i caught up very quickly :P
b:avoid FML