Genital_Wart - Harshlands Arc User


  • Merry Christmas to you sir :D
  • The purpose of no anti stun in a BM vs BM fight is to make the fight longer, more skilled based, and more enjoyable. Will of Bodhisattva + APS is not very skillful. Avoiding stuns by leaps, timing stunlocks by cast-canceling, 5-meter drake bashing, and resisting stuns with single spark are skillful and enjoyable to watch.…
  • Yep it works while been stunned. Though the cooldown now is 25s instead of 16s after the official release.
  • b:avoidb:avoidb:avoid
  • Thanks for your input. Sorry if I didn't make it clear. I was only talking about 1v1 tactics, since I'm not experience in group pvp to say anything about it. Also I meant that demon Highland Cleave does 100%+1000 more damage than demon tiger maw (base + 2000ish) if you do the subtraction. Say, if your weapon is 2500 base…
  • I don't like the axe skills. Highland Cleave takes 2.4 seconds to cast, as opposed to tiger maw that takes only 0.9 seconds. The damage on Highland Cleve is not much greater tbh, only 100% weapon dmg + 1000 which is not worth the extra 1.5 seconds. Fissure is worse. I prefer spamming the smaller skills than using the big…
  • I agree one shouldn't be using HF freely. It's situational but far from being completely useless. I only do it when I know their genie is in cooldown. Even if they use invul pot, I can use chi pot to gain the 2 sparks back...In that case we're even. btw I thought you can't do cc anymore? I was sad the day when I found out…
  • Yeah you can by pounding them using 5.0 nirvana second cast fist without HF. But I'm talking about killing them without fist. I fought some wizards with 0 channeling, and I still survive their combos cuz I was using both magic rings +12. :D
  • All +12 r9 hurts no matter what. r9 axe is better because even r9 dagger is trying to imitate it. :D. Okay sin has a knife throw, but what do BMs have? Oh boy, far strike, drake ray, spirit chase, smack, myriad sword. Not to mention BM has much better defense than a sin. All we need now are good weapons from all 4 paths. I…
  • Remember you also have the deadly HF. Even in private servers, I don't think that a +12 wizard can kill a full defense +12 BM by using gush + pyro alone. The wizard will need to either use instant channeling pot, one of the ultis, essential sutra, or spark, in order to bypass BM's huge hp and insane mdef after marrow. Same…
  • Purify is wizard's best counter to sins, and 5.0 in general. It has a BIG chance to activate under low damage, high APS enemies, since each hit you take is about 5% (?) chance to trigger the proc. I expect a rise of endgame wizard in the coming update and also a rise of PWI's income. I don't think you can add purify to…
  • I suggest only implementing this level cap at specific areas. Maybe an arena for us? lol just saying, i know that'll never happen
  • 太清咒:受到攻击时有一定几率解除自身异常状态,同时免疫击晕、减速效果,移动速度提高200%%,持续5秒。"5%被击中触发提高从法术攻击100%,减唱50%,持续6S。 My translation: Purify: A certain chance to lift all negative stats while under attack, also immune to stun, slow, and increase movement speed by 200%, lasts 5 seconds. Also a 5% chance to increase…
  • I take my words back. I don't think that DBB alone is superior to demon HF. The only time I would use it is in combination of demon HF. But that'll cost a ton of chi, and if your opponent uses expel or AD, then it's GG. So no in general, unless you have chi pot... God I miss CC.
  • Yeah I think that purify is based on how many times you get hit, not how many times you hit others. It makes more sense that way too.
  • Thanks. That's a great suggestion. I'll try to incorporate that to my combo. Suppose the chance to proc is 5% per hit. Suppose you hit it once, the chance to proc is still 5% which is low. But suppose you hit it 5 times, then the chance that proc will trigger at least once is 1 - 0.95^5 = 0.226219063. That's roughly 20%.…
  • Here is the combo that I use to achieve minimum break between stunlocks. tiger maw (demon) + ocean's edge + drake's ray Using that between roar and bash, I'm able to stunlock almost perfectly given that my tiger maw is demon. Ocean edge has an awesome slow effect, and drake's ray stops auto attack. And the best part is…
  • No clue. Restarting the computer or client doesn't help?
  • The fire damage lasts 6 seconds more than demon HF and takes 0.3 sec less time to cast. And also it's less noticeable than a OMFG HF, so less likely your opponent will use AD. So my opinion is that it's still good against players with low resistance to magic without glitching it.
  • You're right in duels BM can never touch you if played right, but what about Sin? b:cry No worries. r9 weapon will soon cost $73 once r10 comes out. With r9, they'll never be alive after BID BT MS SS blah lah lah lol. b:laugh
  • b:surrender lvl 91 wiz in harshland before hyper stone came out. Quit because of the unbalance caused by -int Fist BM and Sin. But now I'm considering coming back on my wiz because of Rank 8. With Rank 8/9 and possible even better future weapons, Wizards, whose skills have huge % bonus, will once more become the king of…
  • According to the website above, the cooldown is 30 seconds. The good thing is that it costs 1 spark to use.