New Wizard Skills



  • Evanera - Heavens Tear
    Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    It was purely an example, sins and wizards don't get amps like that lol.

    Better example then -

    Wizard hit leap back has a 16 second cooldown. What if the BM tele stun is 10 seconds? Bull **** obviously but again an example.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    seal, sleep, slow + debuff (GS), distance shrink .... not every single skill has to have 1 that counters it. Then no one will be able to win in a battle because whatever moves your opponent does you have a specific counter, and the other way around.

    Even for your example, BM telestun it's not just the time. It's the distance the BM needs to cover to stun you while you have available a lot of skills to again increase the distance. For a melee going against a ranged mag distance = death.

    I don't know why I have this feeling that ppl expected the new skills to be some kind of easy mode PVP switch: just use the skill and faceroll keyboard. And when skills details came out ... QQ a river.

    wizard is given a lot of extra tools to work with. You realize how incredibly powerful the location and HP skills are, right? working around big HP targets just became incredibly easier. Not easy, but easier. Putting distace between you and target when all distance skills are on cooldown is possible. Going against a wizard uncharmed is certain death now. Even charmed is hard, because we can tick opponnets first with a revert+gush then sutra while their charm is in cooldown (and maybe send them back with the position revert)...
    Of course, there are costs and timings/cooldowns involved, but really, like I've said, you were expecting sin like PvP abilities (r.tard easy mode)?

    PvP wise I say the skills are a huge improvement and a great addition to wizards.

    PvE...I still cry inside. Wizard is as useless as before in squads (maybe even more now) and nothing changed.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Vindis - Dreamweaver
    Vindis - Dreamweaver Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Silly Wizards, why has no one linked the cooldowns/chan time/chi costs etc yet?

    Heres my copy pasting of the original summarized skill descriptions + skill info from the bm and wizard google engrish translations from PWCN client data linked from the links to see for the new expansion (last updated Dec 07) by Bubbles.


    Reversal space-time tactics: curse ur target, his position will reset back to this point in 6sec, sucess rate 40%-80%(SF)

    Range 30 meters
    Mana 545
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 0.6 seconds
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds

    Requires 50 chi

    Reversal HP tactics: curse ur target, his HP will reset back to this point in 6sec, sucess rate 40%-80%(SF)

    Range 30 meters
    Mana 545
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 0.6 seconds
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds

    Requires 50 chi

    Guardian of sand: self buff, last 15min, decrease the change of getting crit attack by 5%.

    Mana 606
    Channel 1.9 seconds
    Cast 1.9 seconds
    Cooldown 10.0 seconds

    No chi cost (?)

    Arcane Light: self buff, last 5min, each time u get hit by melee normal attack, u will be knocked away 20meters and will be purified. effect has 16sec cooldown.

    Mana 1363
    Channel 3.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds

    Requires 30 chi.

    Ice World: has 67% chance freeze all enemies 12meters around for 2sec every 3second, last 9sec. enemies take 130% dmg if frozen.

    Mana 1818
    Channel 2.0 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    180.0 seconds cooldown

    Requires 2 sparks.

    Dark flame: debuff your target, each time he gets hit by any attack, he will be paralysed for 3sec, effect has 8sec cooldown.

    Range 30 meters
    Mana 909
    Channel 1.3 seconds
    Cast 1.2 seconds
    Cooldown 90.0 seconds

    Likely requires 1 spark (not 100% confirmed, just basing it off of google engrish translations with similarly worded phrases from archer skills as interpreted already by those of the archer forums). I suppose it could be 2.

    Tai Xu Reversal space-time tactics / Reversal HP tactics: 60%-100% chance.

    ^ Each class has had a stronger version of their first skill(s) found on the bottom. Asterelle believes this to mean that the original version is obtained at level 80 and the 2nd version at 100. They are believed to require the 79 culti.

    Hope you enjoy this you wizards you. I know my brother will. And it may just be preliminary, but I am pretty sure wizards can stunlock now, or at least assist stunlock with all the new CC skills they are getting.
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • Rivi_V - Heavens Tear
    Rivi_V - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sorry, that was my fault. Been busy in RL so Iv didnt really get a chance to look around for new info. b:sad sorry
    Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
  • Vindis - Dreamweaver
    Vindis - Dreamweaver Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Its kewl, no worries.

    And I'm just glad the cooldowns aren't insanely long. Wizards needed some fast chan skills. I am particularly worried how that HP debuff thing is going to affect cata barbs (My faction has maybe 5-6 wizards; though I think my server is low on wizards in general).

    At least this gives Sages more control skills to use all that chi gain for.
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Seems like it says, bye bye demon wizzies :) i will have to convert to sage on my wiz, too bad i got all skills at demon. But i cannot keep up with the burning chi on demon. b:bye
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So not true. :P Just because we get a new ult and that debuff takes one spark? That 50 chi for Reversal tactics is really no problem in combination with demon control and quick channeling skills. I don't see where sage profits a lot mroe tbh.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So not true. :P Just because we get a new ult and that debuff takes one spark? That 50 chi for Reversal tactics is really no problem in combination with demon control and quick channeling skills. I don't see where sage profits a lot mroe tbh.

    Good for you, if you have enough chi. I for my part, am already struggling in TWs and stuff with the chigain, if there are so many more skills, that will become an important part in TWs i won't be able to get enough chi.

    But when youu only use skills like Sandstorm and Snare, I guess you don't are not playing at the full with your wizard in TWs, and don't need more chi.

    I use all Ultimates in TWs and Demon Emberstorm ( I will miss the Stun).
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I was talking about one on one or small scale group PvP. Sure the aoe freeze can be useful in TW, but I don't see wizards suddenly becoming an aoe control class. I'd rather leave the stunning and amping to BMs, psys, maybe sins (subsea) and my ms. I have a high energy ce genie, but even when I was sage I'd rather use it to spam ults (and sutra on cata barbs). Why would I use a self targeted aoe in TW when my goal is to stay as far away from the enemies as possible when unloading my ults. I'm not a BM and there are rarely situations where I wanna see myself surrounded by a lot of enemies 12 meters around me. So I doubt I will be using Ice World a lot in TW, unless it is to save my *** (like demon emberstorm). I'll rather keep dropping MS and the other ults from max range and be as hard to catch as I can.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • MarioElGris - Dreamweaver
    MarioElGris - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I was talking about one on one or small scale group PvP. Sure the aoe freeze can be useful in TW, but I don't see wizards suddenly becoming an aoe control class. I'd rather leave the stunning and amping to BMs, psys, maybe sins (subsea) and my ms. I have a high energy ce genie, but even when I was sage I'd rather use it to spam ults (and sutra on cata barbs). Why would I use a self targeted aoe in TW when my goal is to stay as far away from the enemies as possible when unloading my ults. I'm not a BM and there are rarely situations where I wanna see myself surrounded by a lot of enemies 12 meters around me. So I doubt I will be using Ice World a lot in TW, unless it is to save my *** (like demon emberstorm). I'll rather keep dropping MS and the other ults from max range and be as hard to catch as I can.

    wait a sec. So iceworld is an aoe freeze + hf? it deserves a second look at least. Keep in mind tw is not 1v1 pvp there are a lot of other ppl. Ive been many times face to face with barbs near our crystal so another character capable of hfing would be welcome. If it works pve it would be awesome for my caster nirvanas.

    Other skills seem ok. The "Back in Time HP Thing" although it might look perfectly anti cata would mess things a lot imho. With the lag one suffers in tw theres a chance the spell resolves after charm has ticked, getting barb to full health!

    I really appreciate the managing of distances concept in new skills. I feared they would be a bunch of unrelated non-tactical skills.

    It seems developers are playing too much DOTA cause many of the skills (not only wiz) remind me of DOTA. Things are going to get REAL crazy if the new skills are implemented this way. Figure this out. Catas approach base. They get position shifted out of base by seekers. psychics sneak into base and summon barbs, wizzies send catas back in time. Cata barbs and clerics will be vomiting after a few pushes.
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Yep, it's certainly a useful skill. There are always those tough situations when you defend your base at the entrance or even when you rush into the enemies base. All I'm saying is i generally don't like bringing myslelf into a situation where there are many enemies 12m around me and I certainly won't change my playstyle to pseudo-bm because of the new skill.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The new skills look fun but..awkward I dont know why wiz skills are affected by soulforce (isnt that a psy only thing?)

    If that is true then it is pretty lame because psychics with endgame gear do ~dmg than a wiz with more control skills now before the newe skills so in terms of Mass PvP Psy > Wiz because you only can 1 shot another player and it doesnt matter if you do twice as much dmg as needed to 1 shot while the psy does just enough dmg to 1 shot but can attack faster.

    It is like I have already said with att/def lvles. Either all classes should have a chance to get the same amount of att / def lvls or those modifiers should not be included into skills. I mean if the new skills probability is based on soulforce this means that they hardly will work against psychics which makes the wiz even more vulnerable to psychics as it already is.

    Regarding the new "auto shrink" skill you have to realize that the skill is just a skill to got a tiny chance against the melee classes because in the beginning it was the BM who was the melee class with the stuns which was designed to kill the wiz because the class had physical dmg and stuns. But on the contrary to the other melee classes the bm had to use skills to catch the wiz and to reduce dmg ( running skills stun skills marrows) while the wiz had the problem to keep the distance ( shrinking and slowing ). So basically both classes had their ways to counter the initial weaknesses here on the bm the missing range from melee on the wiz the slow casting which allows the enemy to approach

    The new melee classes like seeker and sin on the other hand got already something which breaks the mechanics of this game namely a teleport skill with stun effect. So the new auto shrink is more or less mainly against the new classes skills before they will get their new skills. The stun for the bm is only a way to keep the balance in the game with the wiz.

    The time/position time/health skills sound pretty awesome even if in practice it will be hard to take full advantage of them. I mean lets say you use the skill on a player whose hp is below 50% because you lowered the hp the 2nd time after charm tick. Then you have the chance that the hp of the player will be set back to the low lvl while the charm is in cooldown. BUt and here is the point the game has to prove how long will the hp remain low then? I mean if it just goes down for 1 s to the old value it will be really hard to finish off the player when the hp resets because gush has 1s chan time and there will be game lag...On the other hand if the hp remains on that lvl for lets say 5 or 10 seconds it is likely that you can successfully finish off the player.

    The position/time skill looks more promising to me in a fight against melee characters because in combination with a shrink you can regain max range to the attacker. The question is if the skill is instant or not because when the skill has a channelling time it is pretty useless

    greetz harm0wnie
  • XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
    XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    If that is true then it is pretty lame because psychics with endgame gear do ~dmg than a wiz with more control skills now before the newe skills so in terms of Mass PvP Psy > Wiz because you only can 1 shot another player and it doesnt matter if you do twice as much dmg as needed to 1 shot while the psy does just enough dmg to 1 shot but can attack faster.

    It is like I have already said with att/def lvles. Either all classes should have a chance to get the same amount of att / def lvls or those modifiers should not be included into skills. I mean if the new skills probability is based on soulforce this means that they hardly will work against psychics which makes the wiz even more vulnerable to psychics as it already is.

    Regarding the new "auto shrink" skill you have to realize that the skill is just a skill to got a tiny chance against the melee classes because in the beginning it was the BM who was the melee class with the stuns which was designed to kill the wiz because the class had physical dmg and stuns. But on the contrary to the other melee classes the bm had to use skills to catch the wiz and to reduce dmg ( running skills stun skills marrows) while the wiz had the problem to keep the distance ( shrinking and slowing ). So basically both classes had their ways to counter the initial weaknesses here on the bm the missing range from melee on the wiz the slow casting which allows the enemy to approach

    The new melee classes like seeker and sin on the other hand got already something which breaks the mechanics of this game namely a teleport skill with stun effect. So the new auto shrink is more or less mainly against the new classes skills before they will get their new skills. The stun for the bm is only a way to keep the balance in the game with the wiz.

    The time/position time/health skills sound pretty awesome even if in practice it will be hard to take full advantage of them. I mean lets say you use the skill on a player whose hp is below 50% because you lowered the hp the 2nd time after charm tick. Then you have the chance that the hp of the player will be set back to the low lvl while the charm is in cooldown. BUt and here is the point the game has to prove how long will the hp remain low then? I mean if it just goes down for 1 s to the old value it will be really hard to finish off the player when the hp resets because gush has 1s chan time and there will be game lag...On the other hand if the hp remains on that lvl for lets say 5 or 10 seconds it is likely that you can successfully finish off the player.

    The position/time skill looks more promising to me in a fight against melee characters because in combination with a shrink you can regain max range to the attacker. The question is if the skill is instant or not because when the skill has a channelling time it is pretty useless

    greetz harm0wnie

    Omg WTF did u FCed your wiz from lvl 1 or something? Psy having control over wiz in pvp?
    I just sleep and BT them = GAME OVER >.> and a lot of wiz agree that bm is the easyest calss for wiz to kill just sutra + seal + cast ulti (unless ur a fail lvl 100+ wiz who cant 1 shot a bm with an ulti :P)b:thanks

    Besides I have to say ty for explaining what is BRUTALY OVIOUS I mean ofc that the HP debuff is a charm killer, that is like saying barb is a meele class please dont bother in responding wich such a long paragraph if u are just going to say troll facts b:surrender

    I dont want my eyes to bleed again after reading another reply like this one :P
  • Nurfed_You - Harshlands
    Nurfed_You - Harshlands Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    pve mage arguing with pve mage lawl

    ima hold all speculation til the skill descriptions of what will be released is official in english :P I don't wanna get my hopes up or come up with neat combos til i know exactly what to work with. All the skills seem relatively useful to the class though
  • X_Rays - Sanctuary
    X_Rays - Sanctuary Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sutra seal ulti...then 1 shot a bm. 4 spark wasted only to cast a spell b:dirty
  • Tsuyoginos - Heavens Tear
    Tsuyoginos - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    o.O I haz reazon to come back, get to 10X and put the rest of my college savings into the game! YAY!b:shocked
    [sigpic] [/sigpic]
  • Vindis - Dreamweaver
    Vindis - Dreamweaver Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Wiz skill update:

    Wizard: (not mentioned on that page but found in game)
    - Arcane Light (auto blink+purify from melee skill) effect cooldown increased from 16s to 25s

    courtesy of Asterelle.
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Omg WTF did u FCed your wiz from lvl 1 or something? Psy having control over wiz in pvp?
    I just sleep and BT them = GAME OVER >.> and a lot of wiz agree that bm is the easyest calss for wiz to kill just sutra + seal + cast ulti (unless ur a fail lvl 100+ wiz who cant 1 shot a bm with an ulti :P)b:thanks

    Besides I have to say ty for explaining what is BRUTALY OVIOUS I mean ofc that the HP debuff is a charm killer, that is like saying barb is a meele class please dont bother in responding wich such a long paragraph if u are just going to say troll facts b:surrender

    I dont want my eyes to bleed again after reading another reply like this one :P

    Unless you outgear your opponent you wont be able to 1 shot a bm with an ulti if the ulti doesnt crit

    gz you can kill a psychic once every 2 min assuming you catch the psy in black voodoo and without selfbuffs + you have to have 2 sparks at that time. And if you refuse to accept that the psy has more control skills then you should reread the skills of a psy.

    lol sutra = 2 spark +seal + ulti = 2 spark unless you dont use chi apos all the time you wont be able to do the combination and even then it is completely useless because AOE spells are for killing multiple targets not just 1 target. I mean with kiting and slow effects you can kill the bm in a far more chi efficient way.

    The thing about the hp skill was that it might be hard to handle depending on the way how charms work in combination with that skill

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Nurfed_You - Harshlands
    Nurfed_You - Harshlands Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    i woudl say tick tehre charm, knock there hp below 50% and then hit them with the hp reversal. that way when their charm does tick there hp reverts to below 50% making it an easy kill. or you could jsut avoid charm altogether set up a charm bypass and hp revert them. you could get really fancy and undine to tick the charm let the hp revert and hit them with an ult. you'll finish them off pretty quick even if it didnt straight up one hit them. just gotta see how long it is between cast and hp revert, and also how long it stays that way for.
  • Questro - Lost City
    Questro - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2011


    Arcane Light: self buff, last 5min, each time u get hit by melee normal attack, u will be knocked away 20meters and will be purified. effect has 16sec cooldown.

    Does it work if you are being stun? Wil you be knock away? If yes, very useful, if not, I donno..kinda lame
    A crit from Archer usually hurt but a crit from wiz usually mean death.
  • Genital_Wart - Harshlands
    Genital_Wart - Harshlands Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Yep it works while been stunned. Though the cooldown now is 25s instead of 16s after the official release.
  • Questro - Lost City
    Questro - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Yep it works while been stunned. Though the cooldown now is 25s instead of 16s after the official release.

    A crit from Archer usually hurt but a crit from wiz usually mean death.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    developers can compesante for a lot, but not for lack of player skill and/or imagination.

    again, you criticize a conclusion I have not yet made. however, I don't think i need to repeat this point again. any casual read would recognized your error by now, and those that have not, well, there's no helping them, I suppose.
    See it? It doesn't matter how good wizard skills are if the other classes get far better skills. Nobody knows if that will happen yet, and we'll have to wait and see. This was also acknowledged by Blood.

    see, not that hard to understand if you have reading comprehension above a 9th grade level.
    all i said was that is not the moment to jump up and down, either for joy or rage.

    see above.
    I might be wrong but the devs look at least like they are trying right now.

    I think I said that also. Yes, it is well past time the do SOMETHING, and for that, at least, I think it room for a glimmer of hope.
    After seeing the latest information that came up in the past few days I do not really understand where your whining comes from really. Those skills even in the test server release form still look good.

    To temper the excitement of new skills with a fair dose of sobering reality concerning what that other classes are getting, including 2 of the most op classes in the game NOW, is not whining.
    ima hold all speculation til the skill descriptions of what will be released is official in english :P I don't wanna get my hopes up or come up with neat combos til i know exactly what to work with.

    see? thats the point
    you keep bringing back the TW argument. Start to think outside the box, and in this case ouside of TW influence. If all you ever did in TW was to drop ultis on unsuspectig clump of people I sincerely pittty you. There's soo much more you can do with a wizard in TW than just midlessly build chi and drop ultis.

    Um, sorry, but that IS what they are most useful for in TW. You can certainly use them to hunt the other factions elite, and obviously kicking barbs out of your base is a big part of it, which does not necessarily involve ulti's as much as sutra in my experience, but w/e. You again set up a conclusion I have not made to knock it down. Bravo?
    and really, if you think the wizards will be no better off with the new skills I say you don't really understand what you're talking about (and it's not the first time I have this feeling reading your posts)

    Once again, nice job arguing against something I didn't assert.

    I said that its very possible they won't be appreciably better off, but reserved judgment till the skills are actually out. My quarrel is with those that are saying wizards with the new skills will be AWESOME. Your posts imply that this is not you, that you are waiting to see them in action. So why do you look for argument where there is none? Bored much?
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Seems like it says, bye bye demon wizzies :) i will have to convert to sage on my wiz, too bad i got all skills at demon. But i cannot keep up with the burning chi on demon. b:bye

    Um, actually I was thinking the opposite: these new skills will make demon a slight edge over sage. These, combined with demon existing controls (even if low proc) could make it like a stuttering stun lock - move 20m, freeze, move 25m, seal, etc.

    There must be like 8 ways to immobilize/seal a target for a demon wiz after the new skills. And with rank 9 base damage, 3% crit could well be more useful than another 5% damage.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Omg WTF did u FCed your wiz from lvl 1 or something? Psy having control over wiz in pvp?
    I just sleep and BT them = GAME OVER >.> and a lot of wiz agree that bm is the easyest calss for wiz to kill just sutra + seal + cast ulti (unless ur a fail lvl 100+ wiz who cant 1 shot a bm with an ulti :P)b:thanks

    if you have equal or better gear to the psychic, yes. But I am at 11 jades, 8 garnets, 4 vit stones and all rank 9 gear +10 except 2 pieces +8. There is a psychic nearly all jade and +11 armor +12 weapon and its nearly impossible to kill him 1 vs 1. I hit him for 1k, 3k ultis. He can basically 3-4 shot me with charm slow down, etc., or sometimes 1 shot me if he gets lucky.

    Also, he is fully buffed and I am usually only self buffed, but still - I never used to have a problem pking that way vs psychics. Prior to that true end game gear, psychics aren't necessarily very hard. But in that gear they can be a real handful.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Um, actually I was thinking the opposite: these new skills will make demon a slight edge over sage. These, combined with demon existing controls (even if low proc) could make it like a stuttering stun lock - move 20m, freeze, move 25m, seal, etc.

    There must be like 8 ways to immobilize/seal a target for a demon wiz after the new skills. And with rank 9 base damage, 3% crit could well be more useful than another 5% damage.
    I disagree. I think opposite will be truth. Sage will have even bigger advantage, because of chi. Lot of these new skills consumes sparks. Demon with low gaining and managing chi will be even more **** up. At least what I saw, but these new skills are highly chi consumers.
  • Arenaceous - Lost City
    Arenaceous - Lost City Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    You all and your chi consumption. I think Dark flame is the skill blood is mainly thinking about. And that one is using one spark. Sorry to say, but demon wizards ALSO gain chi. One spark is not really hard to gain, especially since you can just unload your skills one after the other. The new auto shrink does not consume any chi. Ice World is not very useful in one on one pvp for either cultivation. The Reversal Tactics use up 50 chi, which again is not very much.

    God, these biased sage wizards. I'm so glad I changed cultivation and am able to compare for myself. Both cultivations really have their strong points. I'm getting sick of all the "Sage will have even bigger advantage" and "Demon (...) will be even more **** up". I'm glad you like your cultivation, but it's getting old...
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Rivi_V - Heavens Tear
    Rivi_V - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sorry fellow Wizards -.- Iv been away on Holidays in Malaysia for the last past month. Just got back today at 4am and tied as hell....

    Sorry I was not able to update and find new info.. ='(

    However, if you can tell me what is new and update me it would be grateful. I will try and read all or most of the older posts if I can. Thank you and sorry again.
    Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
  • ChristianWiz - Archosaur
    ChristianWiz - Archosaur Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    WIIIIIIIIIIIII NEW SKILLS FTW!!!! b:laughb:victoryb:pleased
    VIVI My inner Mage b:cool

  • Vindis - Dreamweaver
    Vindis - Dreamweaver Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sorry fellow Wizards -.- Iv been away on Holidays in Malaysia for the last past month. Just got back today at 4am and tied as hell....

    Sorry I was not able to update and find new info.. ='(

    However, if you can tell me what is new and update me it would be grateful. I will try and read all or most of the older posts if I can. Thank you and sorry again.

    Just some info listed about the 3 groups. I think most classes skills are sectioned off in pairs for each group. There doesn't seem to be alot of clarity as far as I know, but it seems possible that Bubbles has not updated this compilation recently, since many are on holiday.

    I recall Asterelle posting which archer skills belonged to which group (Light, Shadow, Dark) but I am not sure where to find a translation of that info for other classes. Stay tuned for further info.
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    Retired from PWI.

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