What's logic? b:bye
Replies in green, and who bots mined goods and NPCs them? Not that it make much of a difference (some of them are just flat out useless).
PWE always failed terribly, what did they not break? NPC equips? Oh wait....
Its just that the devs failed to implement the spawn kill prevention, like those traps that can one shot any non op tanks, just do not do tw if it is that bad.
Whatever, I don't like black dyes on most fashion anyway b:chuckle
If I'm not mistaken, anyone that is R9RR+12 with S cards and occult ice on genie pretty much sums it up as a cheap, overpowered way of winning regardless of what class you play. Who needs skill when you have all that? XD
I know the game is badly run but why complain about "LA classes" when Arcane casters such as an R9RR rebirth/card/etc AA cleric one shooting people with great cyclone non-zerk crit (just imagine if they can do that)? Pure magic is way more broken than pure DEX as they get crit as well (maybe not zerk, but still does too…
I may have been away from PWI for a while, but uhm... Why play this game for PVP? There are much better competitive games and I am already playing one.
Sucking at PVP on this game? f:laugh PVP takes absolutely no skill on this game, you guys never heard of a game that involves Demacia and Noxus and tell me the difference. (And not advertising the game, just saying) You have no interest in it, I understand as I have no interest in PVP on this game either but that does not…
Wow, people are QQing about something that is just optional... You people got to be kidding, its not like the blessings are taken away... And you rather have FB posts spammed over getting free items? -_-". InAfterRage
Addiction to games are never good, it isn't as bad as other addictions though. Before I used to be an elite addict. Then I stopped, then get addicted again... Stopping it now. Been letting this other game I was addicted to hook me in and I wanted to stop like 2 weeks ago.
Before I sucked at but not anymore... -Being an glass cannon as solo -Too naive -Optimism -Not caring Now still I suck at -Making new friends, always encountering rude people. -Patience, I'm even less patient than before. -Kindness, I turned more into a jerk than before, I grew up that way -First impression / favorite, at…
Considering that the game is handed to almost everybody (except the ones that play the game like it was before the genie expansion) has no skill whatsoever. Yet they talk big about PVP on this game... Lol so serious over stupid things... Even when I PVP on a game (and PVP is 100X more better on that game than PWI), people…
Looks like someone is on the worst server of PWI, It's a PVP server dude, if you don't want that to happen frequently, go to LC since you prefer PVP servers? b:embarrass Kind of funny, where PVP servers have harassment problems and PVE servers have bot problems, Lol.
Just a simple solution, either stop PVPing or play another game. The game is more broken now than it was before since the genie expansion, we all know that. I play PW only for PVE reasons, PWE have awful PVP mechanics. Complaining will get you nowhere.
Funny people still do PVP on this game, have you guys tried something where you can do double kills, triple kills, quadra kills, penta kills and ace? I won't say the name but not advertising any games. I started doing PVP these days on some other game which is a PVP game to begin with and against bots just bores me and I…
When money is involved with anything at all, expect utter bull. Greed is always around when it comes to money. Whether it is housing, food, clothing, games, internet, devices, etc, even water, you name it, people sink low when they see the face of the government on paper with numerals on it. "In G.O.D. we trust."
Idiots that have no idea how to play a mystic should just uninstall the game. (It is obvious you won't be able to know how to play other classes either) Mystics can knockback in PVP while others can't Mystics have purify weapon Devil Chiyuu maybe a one shot but you can chain stun, seal and sleep. Lucky 100% chance crit…
Seriously HA venoes are OP, especially for nowadays with them NW tomes, and ring engraving and purify spell weapon. They can build what they want, glitch melee weapons in fox form and so on. My HA veno used to have utterly low refines and still tank instances with NP, and people were easy to beat via 1 HA VS 1. Really…
I giggled when Harshlands is close to Morai when the server was rolled back and sad about being last (or was). I have no idea about this arcane sky thing or care about it.
Where's the party train?
Welcome to onlne gaming I'd say.
Well this is 2013 going to 2014, stupidity is growing by the time the devs hand the game to you when you give up more money. And Lol... R9rr barb with 3x int fists... Are you talking about PVE or PVP? As if you don't run out of genie / apo / antistuns either. Meh, this PVP talk on this game, try something else that is more…
To be honest, it is the same nonsense like the other countless threads about quit or ask why you stay playing. I am just telling the OP why even bother with the game again if he quit. I do not bother with the games I quit as you know, I quit and not even think about the game I dislike. PWE have disappoint a lot of us, I…
This is just really really fail... LOOOOL First they nerfed drop rates, then 3 star decomposition, then DQ20 and 31, then they nerfed up to 71, then removed some mats from the game I heard, and nerfing JJ. Now they add auto cultivation (botting), weren't the devs saying something that they were fighting against botting? I…
Oh look, it is a clown from harshlands, some life you have by logging onto the forums being "hella bored" . Of course the game got really badly screwed when genies existed in the game and yes I still wish that never existed, but oh well, I moved on. Well guess what? What MMORPG company or any company at all care if you…
If the APS barb actually gets close enough to you and if you are a squishy and incompetent player. APS barbs would only hit low damage per attack, what use is high crit with low damage spike per hit? That must be mean damage... Sure. Against another HA user that is decently geared, especially if it is another decent barb…
Goodbye fuzzy, sorry you had to deal with this pathetic forum users, all they do is BS. The devs are not making the game better, but its just an average MMORPG game to me. You should have left mod position long ago, and say "eff this, let the idiots stay in that pit." That's what I did when trying to put up with these…
Kinda funny that you're defending this fail build that other players complain about fail APS barbs and they rather have a 7x barb tank the instances instead IJS. And you should not even rely on BB as a barb, that is very very fail if you do >.>. This guide is no longer having it's use as the game is less farm / aps…