Which class do you avoid the most in PvP?



  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I've taken it with +11/12 R9r3 Heavy Armor. It still hurts.

    WTB better cards and ornies b:cute

    I still get 1shot by it with full buffs which land me to 16,7k hp and 20k+ p.def. Less def levels than your R9T3s but I can see them getting 1shot too with selfbuffs.

    As for as luck convo, I view it mostly as Zsw does but I have to admit I curse when I see CC proccing puri. Its even more fun when you are tackling/something similar to just hold the caster in place in order for your team to get the flag to goal on ctf.

    To me there is no point to bring up gear gaps when discussing bout which class is the strongest. It will only distract one from power balance of classes. Well outside of X class beating people far more geared, which would indicate some serious issues with power balance. Right now I can see such class being barb and really sage barb at that, which already has the **** defenses as tiger. Hammer spam that never misses, goes trough antistuns and has 80% CC up time on tankiest class in game is ridiculously broken. If you want to kill target, throw in evasion debuff and arma, even vit barbs get kills with said strategy on zerk crits. And best part is, hammer spam wont cost any chi so they can just keep it up till they get the kill.

    The mentioned sins with primal skills are also broken, 1shotting people from stealth is stupid. Its hard to say which class is more broken as sage sins got their tidal, which too is just broken. Suppose with gear gap sins with quick kills, being able to take several people down in the time barb takes one is scarier.

    Ps. Lol @archer having more votes than barb
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In those sports while the championship matches are typically done again, just in case, often teams are eliminated in just one game way before they ever reach that level. You can easily have a bad game during a tourney and lose out on going to a bowl game in college football for example. In fact my college team got knocked out in basketball this year after doing well all season after we lost a particular game. b:sad

    And this isn't like real life. We can modify your luck, for example BMs and Sins back in the days of APS being king both still hope for zerk crits. But...sin was going to get a lot more often than BM regardless of individual skill. And that's why when everyone and their mom complained about APS, they were mostly complaining about sins. Purify Proc saving a caster's butt is going to happen and will happen regardless of the caster skill. These types of thing getting lucky and saving people happens a lot and while there is skill involved in say holding out for a crit, you're still just waiting to get lucky.

    And again, I was not saying that it was ONLY due to luck. But when things like crit are so important in getting a kill, then luck is more important than skill.

    And if you refuse to count the experiences of others as PVP then, despite the fact that it's been one of the largest determining factor in the trajectory of player size and success in this game. Then I guess we just see things too differently to ever come to agreement.

    I agree that the fights worth discussing fall more into the medium/small skill gap, but when we step back and look at the game as whole I do think everyone's experiences should count because it's certainly a factor in the health of the game. And you do not. Fair enough.b:surrender

    Crits aren't so much based on luck anymore. Mystics having instacrit, demon psys with landslide, powerdash, sage quick strike. It takes out the random chance and actually FORCES crits to happen.
  • Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Wizards.... 0

  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2014
    Crits aren't so much based on luck anymore. Mystics having instacrit, demon psys with landslide, powerdash, sage quick strike. It takes out the random chance and actually FORCES crits to happen.

    It's true hard hits are more consistent now but the new expansion also introduced class changes that further changed the field, and not necessarily in the direction of skill but things like this rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock thing they call class balance. >> It's hard to even put together a tourney even more for 1v1 and they had to pretty much scrap that in favor of group PvP. I'd still place luck as a higher factor though what with just how much you can get screwed by being unlucky no matter your individual skill. b:surrender It's even a part of your gear now, with the card system. :\

    Anyway I'll second barbs based off my experience with em in NW when I get em alone. I can almost never get the kill in time before backup arrives. :3

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    sins.. nuff said nothing else even close to that.. well at least to me none other poses any threat similar to sins b:surrender
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Speaking from a Bm view i don't really like sins.. Can't really control them through tidal when they just DD straight through. Sins remind me of clerics in a way they don't really have to use their genie that much means they always have a escape route if get stunned on tidal... Another thing they may not even have to use their genie cause 2 to 1 a Bm will miss 2 out of 4 hits..range on daggers they immobilize you you get a stun you can't even reach to hit them mean at times you may have to waste a reckless rush to get in hitting range. Am sure alot of BM's out there know where am coming from an am sure that alot of sins know it's true as well.. b:surrender
    Bahamas represent
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If I'm not mistaken, anyone that is R9RR+12 with S cards and occult ice on genie pretty much sums it up as a cheap, overpowered way of winning regardless of what class you play. Who needs skill when you have all that? XD
    Sage barb in progress.


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