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Official Feedback Thread: Other Balance Changes



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    deepflight007deepflight007 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    To: Chris “Gentleman_Crush” Meyer

    Feedback: Control Wizard Storm Spell and Assailant Changes

    The changes on Storm Spell (Moving to 30% proc, from 20%, **but** only on crits) and Assailant (To be activated only on Encounters) have a general impact on damage reduction close to 15% overall.

    To measure the proposed changes, I made the exact same identical Test (on Dummies at Dread Ring) on the Live server (Mod4) and on the Preview one (Mod 5). My Control Wizard is Spellstorm Mage using Storm Spell and EoTS with Power=8676, CS=2133, No Buffs during Test, and using a Perfect Lightning as Weapon Enchantment. These parameters didn't really influence the overall result trends, but you have them fyi.

    Test is composed of : 10 x Fully Charged Storm Pillar, then 10 x Conduit of Ice (Tab), then 10 x Icy Terrain, then 10 x Sudden Storm and 10 x Steal Time.

    This Test is to try to replicate some type of PVE condition using this rotation.

    See below the ACT results for better understanding.

    Some facts/remarks:
    • Damage contribution from Assailant is, of course, hugely impacted (From 1.126K to 795K around -29%) as it procs only on Encounters, so never from Storm Pillar anymore. It even seems that the procs are less generated on Encounters compared to Mod 4.
    • Damage contribution from Storm Spell is also reduced (From 652K to 569K around -13%). Which means that the new positive factors (30% proc instead of 20%, and on Crits - so dmg is always based on crits) are clearly not enough to balance the restriction that it procs only on crits
    • This test is not 100% representative of a Dungeon run, but at least the trends are here and it was my objective to try to clarify the changes impact

    My overall feelings/suggestions are:
    • If the proposed changes have as main objective to reduce the contribution of the CWs "passive" Skills (auto procs from SS, Assailant) on all the generated damage Then I fully agree that this is moving to the good direction.
    • BUT it should be only at the condition that "active" skills get the compensation in terms of damage generated. So, my suggestion is to boost the others spells to compensate the loss:
      • Boost the At-Will dmg by someting around 15/20% (Here the impact from no Assailant at all is really huge)
      • Boost the Encounters dmg by someting around 10/15% (Due to SS/Assailant #procs reduction as explained above)
      • Leave the Dailies dmg as it is (Not so much impacted by the changes)
    So, moving the cursor of the CWs Skills to more rewarding challenges (Active vs Passive) is good BUT should be compensated by at least getting the same overall damage, and this is where the Mod5 proposed changes need some adjustments.

    Thanks Chris and Devs for reading, I hope this can help you for your tunning on Mod5.

    ACT View for this Test on Mod 4:

    ACT View for this Test on Mod 5 (Preview):
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ikapamk wrote: »

    How 'bout that HR, huh?

    The changes look to make trapper a mite bit more viable, which is a welcome change, not that anyone noticed it above the CW vs GWF vs everybody else griefing going on.

    I personally don't think that this changes will make trapper any way required or valuable. We will still on live later. But as for me trapper is still a "broken" HR from mod 2. Cause all that this path can do - other classes or other HRs can do better or easier and with less trouble. Still fun part but for single play.
    The changes on Storm Spell (Moving to 30% proc, from 20%, **but** only on crits) and Assailant (To be activated only on Encounters) have a general impact on damage reduction close to 15% overall.

    I think this is the initial goal. Make CW less OP in pve and move them to control or damage. Not both.
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    thirdquestionthirdquestion Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 96
    edited October 2014
    Thx for killing CW class...
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    -20% less damages in a pve contest seems right for CW.

    however chris the problem ( always related to pve ) are not really random procs from random passive but NO TARGET CAP ON OPPRESSIVE FORCE.
    that is the real problem.

    CWs today just go full derps: pull oppressive, steal time, cleric artifact, pull oppressive, steal time, cleric artifact...and now we will also have a cloak which give as 100% every 40 seconds....

    oppressive force need a cap on target!
    than you can lower the nerfs on procs.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    no, i belive boosting someth for that reason is wrong. they need to remove a portion of selfhealing from HR. that makes the pvp unbalanced. thats why everyone wants to DPS more , for this reason , to overcome his selfhealing.
    from lifesteal we get 10% at max, he gets around 30%-40% , thats not cool. why adding damage to overcome his selfhealing abilities? just nerf his self healing, cause it's unbalancing the game.

    seems this post for some hrs it's a threat, but for those who are really wanting balance in pvp would agree

    on preview server i run an instigator build with offhand legendary using the ferocious reaction boost.
    this boost acts independently and regens my life , like i have 10% regeneration that isn't affected by healing depression, obviously it isn't working as intended and it's bugged.

    but what i posted isn't a whine or complaining, but for those who want a balanced PVP and a good community would agree with me.
    how is this fair in your eyes the selfhealing hrs has? if you think about this:
    i need to fight against a hr using a bugged offhand to offstand him? so a bugged offhand would balance a gwf fighting a HR ? its not right.
    it's not right how hrs kill players on live servers and still having full hp, because of those self healings.

    it's not right at all, if you really want the pvp to be balanced you would stop thinkin like this. if you really want to support the pvp community , its easy on posting the problems with your class, not defending something that unbalances the pvp.
    maybe you call yourself "skilled players" but seriously it's to much thinkin you have skill when you have a feat that is exagerated.

    eitherway: i am not hypocrite or whatevah or trollin around, cause i already posted on intimidation how it should be and act.
    i think its wrong changing frontline.

    there are simple changings that would make all the paragons viable both pve/pvp
    -instigator : mighty leap should prone
    -give to instigator capstone DR 25-50% when unstopable or more Damage resistance , decrease the damage bonus from it to 30% so that it has a normal of 10% and 5% damage bonus per stack = 30%
    -make sprint responsive as the one from SW.

    destroyer: leave it as it is, but only increase the base damage to 20% , while unstopable he gains 10% and as he is doing 20 stacks of each 1% / stack. = 50% DB

    sentinel: Intimidation should give 50% more damage out of defense.
    GWF for pvp usually puts only RADIANTS (HP) on Defense slots. so we wont see like we see now POWERCREEPS with 12k power , especially in PVP . this change will help the PVE side, cause they will add more defense in their slots to be offtanks.
    but how much defense can you slot out?
    i doubt we will get 10k Defense, especially in PVP.
    even if in absurd someone gets 10k Defense the 50% = 5000 damage, wont multiply with 65% damage bonus(10k power) from POWER, cause you will sacrifice all the power to get the defense. so this thing will keep in balance that burst damage. that everyone complains and make the sentinel path viable both pvp/pve . not to say if u get only defense you will lose HP.
    even if he madly gets 7k-8k defense, he will lack HP/power.
    with 0 stats (no recovery or INT)
    restoring strike - 12s
    ibs - 14s
    Cagi - 15s
    daring shout - 18s

    and with 1300 recovery + 2 int
    restoring strike - 10.5
    ibs - 12.3
    cagi 13.1
    daring shout - 15.8

    i belive lowering on cagi and daring shout , would help the paragon . atleast 2 seconds.
    You people should sustain what i said, cause it's the best on what you can call balance.

    problem is, how you guys will balance other classes,if leaving broken feats/offhands/encounters out there will result in another unbalance gameplay.
    right now after you've added offhand/neck legendary , this is the time you should focus on the balance of classes.

    but if you guys keep defending those bugged things, even players that are testing on preview doesnt give a proper feedback to some certain bugged feats (talkin about DC / TR ) and they still want buffs cause it isn't enough, then this thing should stop , and we all shall face the true that we dont really want balance and want broken feats for every class so that we can prove our skill in pvp !
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    magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    CW Feedback (PvP Related):

    - the reduction in overall damage is too drastic; the CW does not have the tools to deal with the GWF, GF, HR, TR classes anymore
    - going Oppressor is not a viable choice because many classes can ignore our CC through their mechanics: GWF, GF, TR. The only classes that (relatively) suffer against CC are DCs, CWs, HRs, SWs. They do have mechanics however to help them mitigate the incoming damage.
    - missing Orb of Imposition for anything but Oppressor is a very bad change
    - the changes result in a greatly destroyed CW class for PvP that can either bring up some CC with no damage, or some relatively low damage with bad CC. Both types of CW will still die like... you know what.
    - renegade "buffs" are insufficient to make for a relatively powerful Rene CW


    - nerfing the procs is GOOD, but you need to BUFF the ENCOUNTERS and slightly decrease their activation time.
    - all CWs need Orb of Imposition, not just Oppressors.
    - you need to keep in mind the CW will find themselves often in 1vs1 situations, and they need to be able to have a decent chance at killing the opponent.
    - bring back Shard of Endless Avalanche. You destroyed it completely for PvP. Please reconsider.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    feedback: Ferocious reaction.
    i got 9 proccs of it, seems you were right nezral.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2789 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2789 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
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    gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2014
    feedback: Ferocious reaction.
    i got 9 proccs of it, seems you were right nezral.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2789 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 5579 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2789 (11612) Physical Damage to Lil Poke 7.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.

    I've been trying all morning, but I cannot reproduce this effect. Can you provide some more context about what powers were hitting you? The power has a bunch of failsafes to try and prevent behavior like this, and they all seem to be working in my testing.
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    koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    I've been trying all morning, but I cannot reproduce this effect. Can you provide some more context about what powers were hitting you? The power has a bunch of failsafes to try and prevent behavior like this, and they all seem to be working in my testing.

    hi gentleman crush,

    is it possible for the procs to crit?
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    I've been trying all morning, but I cannot reproduce this effect. Can you provide some more context about what powers were hitting you? The power has a bunch of failsafes to try and prevent behavior like this, and they all seem to be working in my testing.

    ok. think is from DOT or stacks that were on me, made ferocious to multiple procc for each stack i had on me or for each dot i was takin . i lost the combo log cause i restarted my pc.
    that log is from fightin a SW .

    i posted another log here that proced only 1 time, this procced 9 times. if i get another one, i'll post again a logner combat log if necesary. (in a notepad file)

    here is the log of fightin HR:

    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 357 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 178 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 364 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Tenebrous Power deals 787 (1008) Necrotic Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Tenebrous Power deals 787 (1008) Necrotic Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle deals 205 (657) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 418 (702) Arcane Damage to you with Elven Ferocity.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 209 (702) Physical Damage to you with Fey Thistle.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 71 (137) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 71 (137) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 18 (36) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle deals 205 (657) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 18 (36) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 598 (929) Physical Damage to you with Rapid Strike.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 239 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Kyomi 8 deals 945 (3736) Physical Damage to you with Rapid Strike.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle deals 641 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 378 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 386 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 19 (37) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Regen gives 916 (1775) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 284 (881) Physical Damage to you with Rapid Strike.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle deals 256 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 386 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 181 (564) Physical Damage to you with Careful Attack.
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Kyomi 8 deals 1015 (2007) Physical Damage to you with Rapid Strike.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 23 (45) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 113 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 386 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 386 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 73 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle deals 256 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 8 (15) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 799 (2483) Physical Damage to you with Boar Charge.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 320 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 509 (792) Physical Damage to you with Rapid Strike.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 204 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 354 (551) Physical Damage to you with Careful Attack.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 841 (1306) Physical Damage to you with Blade Hurricane.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle gives 0 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Kyomi 8 deals 1840 (7277) Physical Damage to you with Fox Shift.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 0 Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 142 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle gives 0 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 736 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 0 Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 841 (1306) Physical Damage to you with Blade Hurricane.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 336 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 1075 (3340) Physical Damage to you with Fox Shift.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 0 Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 430 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle gives 0 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Fey Thistle gives 0 (821) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 0 Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Regen gives 1271 (2462) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 921 (2862) Physical Damage to you with Marauder's Rush.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 386 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 368 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Kyomi 8 deals 8900 (17595) Physical Damage to you with Slasher's Mark.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 351 (545) Physical Damage to you with Careful Attack.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 3560 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 193 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Prometeo gives 0 Hit Points to you with Gift of Faith.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 219 (900) Physical Damage to you with Blade Hurricane.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 292 (600) Fire Damage to you with Aspect of Flames.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Prometeo gives 0 Hit Points to you with Gift of Faith.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Prometeo gives 0 Hit Points to you with Gift of Faith.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 341 (702) Physical Damage to you with Fey Thistle.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 206 (399) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 206 (399) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Steal gives 206 (399) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Kyomi 8 deals 140 Physical Damage to you with Piercing Blade.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2296 (11612) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2296 (11612) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2296 (11612) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.

    it procced 3 times this time.
    maybe the new offhand is doing this.

    and as you are this, please take a look at all that lifesteal hrs is gettin it. it's too much.
    and with the endless consumtion from dread ring campaign if hr can get around 30% lifesteal he wil lget x3 more when that activates. imo , lifesteal should be removed from his feats.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    but what i posted isn't a whine or complaining, but for those who want a balanced PVP and a good community would agree with me.
    how is this fair in your eyes the selfhealing hrs has? if you think about this:
    i need to fight against a hr using a bugged offhand to offstand him? so a bugged offhand would balance a gwf fighting a HR ? its not right.
    it's not right how hrs kill players on live servers and still having full hp, because of those self healings.

    it's not right at all, if you really want the pvp to be balanced you would stop thinkin like this. if you really want to support the pvp community , its easy on posting the problems with your class, not defending something that unbalances the pvp.
    maybe you call yourself "skilled players" but seriously it's to much thinkin you have skill when you have a feat that is exagerated.

    Let me correct you
    - WM is nerfed to half. so 2.5% top before healing depression.
    - LS is 5 % from Bloodletting
    + LS 3%x 5 per 3 seconds with 1 sec IDC. So in theory it is 15% for 3 second. Real life ~ 6-9%.
    + LS from Stats. Accessible to any class
    + Endless consumption. Any class.
    All this before Healing depression.

    At the same time HR have not CC brakers. Period. No Shield. No GWF/SW Run. No long dodge. No Stealth. Period.
    So if you what to decrease HR LS what defencive mechanism you offer in return? I stated multiple times before - Instead of WM give combat HR deflection severity of something like that. Nothing.

    I don't support any bugged or broken mechincs. And HR once again got nerfed in this mod. Piercing is fixed. WM nerfed. Fox nerfed.
    No positive fixed. No rework of useless encounter. No fixed for useless or not working dailies. No feats buffed for Archer or Combat. No class feature made usable as they were.
    So take HRs out of your assumptions. Fix borken GWF stuff. HR will have less healing in mod 5 and less damage in mod 5 that will decrease healing even more. Wait until real testing rather then raising cry by reading.

    Core problem with HRs now - whole class has too much of broken or not working mechics.Archer don't use combat. Combat does not use bow. None of them have any CC. Trapper has CC but have no damage or surivability. Combat is valuable only cause of suitability. 3 out of 5 dailies is possible usable in pvp and 1 is a must have. 1 daily is usable in pve. each path can only use 1/3 of encounters. Making other obsolete. Yet required to take while you level btw. This leads to choice of builds. You have to be this path and use only this feats and encounters. Another issues is combat HR have offhand as main. That has lowers base damage. Add it with perma crybaby nerfs. You have HR. Class that reminds me of broken but still loved car. Nobody know how it still drives. But so some reason it is. Even thought you need to put this hear, hold it here and be careful over there.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    Let me correct you
    - WM is nerfed to half. so 2.5% top before healing depression.
    - LS is 5 % from Bloodletting
    + LS 3%x 5 per 3 seconds with 1 sec IDC. So in theory it is 15% for 3 second. Real life ~ 6-9%.
    + LS from Stats. Accessible to any class
    + Endless consumption. Any class.
    All this before Healing depression.

    At the same time HR have not CC brakers. Period. No Shield. No GWF/SW Run. No long dodge. No Stealth. Period.
    So if you what to decrease HR LS what defencive mechanism you offer in return? I stated multiple times before - Instead of WM give combat HR deflection severity of something like that. Nothing.

    I don't support any bugged or broken mechincs. And HR once again got nerfed in this mod. Piercing is fixed. WM nerfed. Fox nerfed.
    No positive fixed. No rework of useless encounter. No fixed for useless or not working dailies. No feats buffed for Archer or Combat. No class feature made usable as they were.
    So take HRs out of your assumptions. Fix borken GWF stuff. HR will have less healing in mod 5 and less damage in mod 5 that will decrease healing even more. Wait until real testing rather then raising cry by reading.

    Core problem with HRs now - whole class has too much of broken or not working mechics.Archer don't use combat. Combat does not use bow. None of them have any CC. Trapper has CC but have no damage or surivability. Combat is valuable only cause of suitability. 3 out of 5 dailies is possible usable in pvp and 1 is a must have. 1 daily is usable in pve. each path can only use 1/3 of encounters. Making other obsolete. Yet required to take while you level btw. This leads to choice of builds. You have to be this path and use only this feats and encounters. Another issues is combat HR have offhand as main. That has lowers base damage. Add it with perma crybaby nerfs. You have HR. Class that reminds me of broken but still loved car. Nobody know how it still drives. But so some reason it is. Even thought you need to put this hear, hold it here and be careful over there.

    ok you smart *** that is cryin that HR doesnt have self healing , look at this video made on preview against 1 hr, tell me how he doesnt and tell everyone here how he doesnt selfheals from all that lifesteal, just tell us we see other things.
    explain me how his selfhealings keeps up with my broken offhand with ferocious reaction boost. tell them how only a bugged gwf can compete against of those hr that doESnt have "defensive" stats .
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXOnEGW3gAY (sorry for the bad graphic )

    gentleman : in that video ferocious procced 2 times
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 1199 (2322) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Kyomi 8 deals 523 (2206) Physical Damage to you with Aimed Strike.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2223 (11612) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction deals 2223 (11612) Physical Damage to Kyomi 8.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 5996 (11612) Hit Points to you.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ok you smart *** that is cryin that HR doesnt have self healing , look at this video made on preview against 1 hr, tell me how he doesnt and tell everyone here how he doesnt selfheals from all that lifesteal, just tell us we see other things.
    explain me how his selfhealings keeps up with my broken offhand with ferocious reaction boost. tell them how only a bugged gwf can compete against of those hr that doESnt have "defensive" stats .
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXOnEGW3gAY (sorry for the bad graphic )

    I m not saying that HR has no self healing. Don't be a crybaby and read what i posted first. Im saying that HRs self healing is vital for HRs since we have no other defensive mechanism. Ok ? got it? read again. No other defense mechanism at all.

    And now major question - how may archers and trapppers do you see in pvp on live now? How valuable are they in pvp? Like 10% or total pvp Hrs? So you what to nerf LS for HR? What to make class absolutly useless in pvp? And if you nerf LS for combat HRs - fk pve too? Good balancing. Smart GWF.

    You posted GWF log. Ok if you raise HR question - how much LS does that guy have? How much regen? What artifacts? How about companions? Is he pathfinder or SW? Or if he using new HR offhand? How about sht load of potion he has on?

    Crying about - fix GWF broken offhand and nerf HR cause i can not kill me easily with new broken toy is not the way you "be objective". ok? Clear? How about you start using your *** instead before you cry about some other class. Keep it to gwf only. you are better at that.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    I m not saying that HR has no self healing. Don't be a crybaby and read what i posted first. Im saying that HRs self healing is vital for HRs since we have no other defensive mechanism. Ok ? got it? read again. No other defense mechanism at all.

    And now major question - how may archers and trapppers do you see in pvp on live now? How valuable are they in pvp? Like 10% or total pvp Hrs? So you what to nerf LS for HR? What to make class absolutly useless in pvp? And if you nerf LS for combat HRs - fk pve too? Good balancing. Smart GWF.

    You posted GWF log. Ok if you raise HR question - how much LS does that guy have? How much regen? What artifacts? How about companions? Is he pathfinder or SW? Or if he using new HR offhand? How about sht load of potion he has on?

    Crying about - fix GWF broken offhand and nerf HR cause i can not kill me easily with new broken toy is not the way you "be objective". ok? Clear? How about you start using your *** instead before you cry about some other class. Keep it to gwf only. you are better at that.

    he deals alot of damage, he prones, he has deflect chance bigger than any other class , he has 6 encounters , he has dodges , he has dots, huge hp and many other things : am i the only one seeing this?

    why is self healing vital for HRs? dont you see how spoiled the Hrs are on live too ? i'm reading again and again what you are sayin and all i can see it's buff more. indeed they should have all the paragons viable for PVP, but that isn't the reason for having so much selfhealing.
    i am sayin to only have the lifesteal that every class is using . from stats. no extra

    Crying about - fix GWF broken offhand and nerf HR cause i can not kill me easily with new broken toy is not the way you "be objective". ok? Clear? How about you start using your *** instead before you cry about some other class. Keep it to gwf only. you are better at that.

    and excuse me you HR that tries to denigrate me , i once again post this out for PVP in general, not for gwf vs hrs.
    you want pvp to be BALANCED? or do you want HR to dominate the lb pages?

    btw: seems "whining" "complaini" "cryin" is in your ADN as HR on using it on forums or ingame. GRATS for being so honest.
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    ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »

    You are so biased is not even funny. Hr do have access to a lot of deflect - dodges- mobility -dmg reduction- stealth and they do have cc-s as in prone. I am not sure what you are smoking but pls share it with us so we can be on the same page cause clearly reality cant touch you....
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    and excuse me you HR that tries to denigrate me , i once again post this out for PVP in general, not for gwf vs hrs.
    you want pvp to be BALANCED? or do you want HR to dominate the lb pages?

    Lol well easily. Trapper/Archer is combat HR without LS. How good they are in pvp?
    All about
    e deals alot of damage, he prones, he has deflect chance bigger than any other class , he has 6 encounters , he has dodges , he has dots, huge hp and many other things : am i the only one seeing this?
    It is like im in mod 3 with gwf cry that roar is ok cause they need this. And HR have everything too much.

    What to fix LS? sure -what instead? Or you just what to remove something just cause you what other to be at your level in ls?

    What to balance. Sure. go ahead. how? Nerf cry? This is what you call balancing? If something is working better then you expect is not meaning it is working worn. Calling for nerf or are you calling for balance? Cause right now is balance by you is that you could not prone that HR and kill him? Like most of other people could do? Not to say you are bad at this. Just now kill hr works. HR don't get LS from doing no damage.

    2nd note - Crush stated earlier in DC thread, they are not happy with how all LS works and plan to change it. So are you aware what is in his plans? I don't.
    I know that now Ls and Self heal is what keeps combat HRs valuable in pvp/pve. You are calling to remove it only.
    So stop using harassment and start using logic.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    Lol well easily. Trapper/Archer is combat HR without LS. How good they are in pvp?
    All about
    It is like im in mod 3 with gwf cry that roar is ok cause they need this.
    What to fix LS? sure -what instead? Or you just what to remove something just cause you what other to be at your level in ls?
    What to balance. Sure. go ahead. how? Nerf cry? This is what you call balancing?

    Too many nerfs just for a broken boon: endless consumption is over powered.
    Give me back wild medicine, nerf endless consumption!
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    vedran541vedran541 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just came from preview and here is my result.

    [Combat (Self)] PapaBigN LT 5 deals 12606 (13460) Physical Damage to you with Ferocious Reaction.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! PapaBigN LT 5 deals 30322 (37708) Physical Damage to you with Intimidation.

    Im a BiS pvp CW. PapaBigN LT is a BiS pvp GWF. Also im using Purified to be more tanky, with 40k+ HP. BUT there is not much that can be done about this damage. It is absolutely ridiculous.

    GWF healing is also out of this world, its not just their damage. It is insane.

    Also, HR healing is still out of control. No matter how much burst you have, their careful attack will heal them up to full by just doing nothing while you work your **** of to get them to 50%.
  • Options
    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    Lol well easily. Trapper/Archer is combat HR without LS. How good they are in pvp?
    All about
    It is like im in mod 3 with gwf cry that roar is ok cause they need this. And HR have everything too much.

    What to fix LS? sure -what instead? Or you just what to remove something just cause you what other to be at your level in ls?

    What to balance. Sure. go ahead. how? Nerf cry? This is what you call balancing? If something is working better then you expect is not meaning it is working worn. Calling for nerf or are you calling for balance? Cause right now is balance by you is that you could not prone that HR and kill him? Like most of other people could do? Not to say you are bad at this. Just now kill hr works. HR don't get LS from doing no damage.

    2nd note - Crush stated earlier in DC thread, they are not happy with how all LS works and plan to change it. So are you aware what is in his plans? I don't.
    I know that now Ls and Self heal is what keeps combat HRs valuable in pvp/pve. You are calling to remove it only.
    So stop using harassment and start using logic.

    ok, i couldn't prone HR and iam bad, ofc you stupid i couldn't prone him cause i dont have prone, and ofc i stunned him and got 2-3 IBS that hit him and only 1 done 18k crit , and you again denegrating me?
    you think other gwf could do better ? GO hop your GWF and show me how you kill HRS ?
    why should we have GWF with intimidation to defeat HRS ? when we can have normal and cool fights in a normal way.. but hell no if we can change and make someth good with people like thedemien ... i already said what could balance the GWF and that is the best with what we have, and i dont hope to be overpowered m8 ... i want only to have a fair fight.

    and by the way , taard , that fight took 2.30 min for the reason i had the bugged offhand, cuz if i didnt had he could almost kill me in 1-2 rotation, and how is that skillful ?

    idont know much about HRS , but i can see it , everybody can see it, why can't you see yourself?

    if you nerf selfhealing from hunters , they aren't useless . your thinkin is useless.
    vedran541 wrote: »
    Just came from preview and here is my result.

    [Combat (Self)] PapaBigN LT 5 deals 12606 (13460) Physical Damage to you with Ferocious Reaction.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! PapaBigN LT 5 deals 30322 (37708) Physical Damage to you with Intimidation.

    Im a BiS pvp CW. PapaBigN LT is a BiS pvp GWF. Also im using Purified to be more tanky, with 40k+ HP. BUT there is not much that can be done about this damage. It is absolutely ridiculous.

    GWF healing is also out of this world, its not just their damage. It is insane.

    Also, HR healing is still out of control. No matter how much burst you have, their careful attack will heal them up to full by just doing nothing while you work your **** of to get them to 50%.

    i'll reply in behalf GWF changes for intimidation, thats the broken offhand that would be fixed . dont worry
    sentinel: Intimidation should give 50% more damage out of defense.
    GWF for pvp usually puts only RADIANTS (HP) on Defense slots. so we wont see like we see now POWERCREEPS with 12k power , especially in PVP . this change will help the PVE side, cause they will add more defense in their slots to be offtanks.
    but how much defense can you slot out?
    i doubt we will get 10k Defense, especially in PVP.
    even if in absurd someone gets 10k Defense the 50% = 5000 damage, wont multiply with 65% damage bonus(10k power) from POWER, cause you will sacrifice all the power to get the defense. so this thing will keep in balance that burst damage. that everyone complains and make the sentinel path viable both pvp/pve . not to say if u get only defense you will lose HP.
    even if he madly gets 7k-8k defense, he will lack HP/power.
    with 0 stats (no recovery or INT)
    restoring strike - 12s
    ibs - 14s
    Cagi - 15s
    daring shout - 18s

    and with 1300 recovery + 2 int
    restoring strike - 10.5
    ibs - 12.3
    cagi 13.1
    daring shout - 15.8

    i belive lowering on cagi and daring shout , would help the paragon . atleast 2 seconds.
    You people should sustain what i said, cause it's the best on what you can call balance.

    problem is, how you guys will balance other classes,if leaving broken feats/offhands/encounters out there will result in another unbalance gameplay.
    right now after you've added offhand/neck legendary , this is the time you should focus on the balance of classes.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    Too many nerfs just for a broken boon: endless consumption is over powered.
    Give me back wild medicine, nerf endless consumption!

    this is accually a good idea. Wish it would be so.
    But it will efffect all classes. Not like what they want.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Since the fix to Rampaging Madness, it's really the only one of those boons worth taking unless you're a DC or Templock.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    this is accually a good idea. But it will efffect all classes. Not like what they want.

    you already said : lifesteal stat and endless consumption that everybody has it and using it, and you say YES and think its a good idea, but removing selfhealing from HR alone is a bad idea?
    i like how you are only for your self interest here, like self healing ..
  • Options
    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ok, i couldn't prone HR and iam bad, ofc you stupid i couldn't prone him cause i dont have prone, and ofc i stunned him and got 2-3 IBS that hit him and only 1 done 18k crit , and you again denegrating me?
    you think other gwf could do better ? GO hop your GWF and show me how you kill HRS ?
    why should we have GWF with intimidation to defeat HRS ? when we can have normal and cool fights in a normal way.. but hell no if we can change and make someth good with people like thedemien ... i already said what could balance the GWF and that is the best with what we have, and i dont hope to be overpowered m8 ... i want only to have a fair fight.

    and by the way , taard , that fight took 2.30 min for the reason i had the bugged offhand, cuz if i didnt had he could almost kill me in 1-2 rotation, and how is that skillful ?

    idont know much about HRS , but i can see it , everybody can see it, why can't you see yourself?

    if you nerf selfhealing from hunters , they aren't useless . your thinkin is useless.

    i'll reply in behalf GWF changes for intimidation, thats the broken offhand that would be fixed . dont worry

    So instead of suggesting something you keep harasments? Really? you are best taard i saw) Good example. Sure blame me that I m the one keeping you from balancing all the game. How about you define what is balance first?
    You think it is out of control? sure it is. Any suggestion to fix it, taard? Go on cry more.
  • Options
    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    you already said : lifesteal stat and endless consumption that everybody has it and using it, and you say YES and think its a good idea, but removing selfhealing from HR alone is a bad idea?
    i like how you are only for your self interest here, like self healing ..

    no I don't think self healing is any good for all classes inculuding HRs. I just can see how it is required for pvp and pve combat HR. Not that we or I want it. Any other option avalieble for combat HR? or this is not your interest?
    Do you understand? or you gonna keep crying all over the place, taard?

    Same thing - answer me finally - how many valueble trapper or archer HR you know? I know 1. all other are forced to be combat just to have some value in pvp

    Proving you how other better GWF could kill me in pvp? why? to teach you how. Yeah they were probably using intimidation. Had I ever cryied about it. Never. It was good fight. I accually sad couple of time that GWF need some buff.
    Now after intimidation is nerfed as i see you cry about HR nerf too. Just nerf. Not fix. Not rework. Not balance powers. Just "balance by nerf HR" - bad thing. Harasing people - did you mama taught you that? . And broken offhand - good thing.
  • Options
    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    you already said : lifesteal stat and endless consumption that everybody has it and using it, and you say YES and think its a good idea, but removing selfhealing from HR alone is a bad idea?
    i like how you are only for your self interest here, like self healing ..

    Wild medicine is over nerfed you can delete it i would not even notice it.
    All we have is 15 per cent life steal...which get multiplied by a boon. The same boom which allow pve cw to go full derpity derp
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Since the fix to Rampaging Madness, it's really the only one of those boons worth taking unless you're a DC or Templock.

    Yeah. At the same time Ls with Endless consumption and insane damage for all classes is now getting of control really. It was long time as for example CW can do CN without DC. Same goes to GWF HR Archer that relly on LS and Endless. It is a pike healing in pvp too. Especially for HRs since we have burst damage.
    Crush was saying that they will change LS. Lets see that it will be. I do think they will reduce LS soft cap or % of healing it gives.
    It is too early to cry for removing Endless cause like you sad only one good boon since nerf of Madness.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    Wild medicine is over nerfed you can delete it i would not even notice it.
    All we have is 15 per cent life steal...which get multiplied by a boon. The same boom which allow pve cw to go full derpity derp

    not just CW. all classes. But this guys seems to not get it. for him it matters that perfectly fitted pathfinder HR with aimed strike and oh-my-god 15% LS could kill him. Nerf- Nerf-Nerf.
    WM is usless now. So he cryes to "balance" in this oppinion to nerf all other heal. But just only for combat HR.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    not just CW. all classes. But this guys seems to not get it. for him it matters that perfectly fitted pathfinder HR with aimed strike and oh-my-god 15% LS could kill him. Nerf- Nerf-Nerf.
    WM is usless now. So he cryes to "balance" in this oppinion to nerf all other heal. But just only for combat HR.

    first of all there are more than 1 class (hr) that has broken passives so you aren't the only ones. second of all . self healing u get from doing damage normal hits/dots etc. isn;t that much gaining all that lifesteal?
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    ychiakiychiaki Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    -20% less damages in a pve contest seems right for CW.

    however chris the problem ( always related to pve ) are not really random procs from random passive but NO TARGET CAP ON OPPRESSIVE FORCE.
    that is the real problem.

    CWs today just go full derps: pull oppressive, steal time, cleric artifact, pull oppressive, steal time, cleric artifact...and now we will also have a cloak which give as 100% every 40 seconds....

    oppressive force need a cap on target!
    than you can lower the nerfs on procs.

    Agree 100%
    DC Divine Oracle Faithful
    HR Stormwarden Trapper / Stormwarden Combat
    GWF Swordmaster Destroyer
    CW Master of Flame Thaumaturge / Spellstorm Oppressor
    TR Master Infiltrator Executioner
    SW Soulbinder Fury
This discussion has been closed.