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  • Imho BoA keys aren't mean as way to fight AD sellers & scammers, its way how to make queue for AD -> ZEN exchange longer and force people buy more ZEN.
  • 1) Thorn Ward, Careful Attack, Aimed Shot - These skills aren't ignoring tenacity, same for deflect or defense. 2) HD works for Oak skin. (4/4 set bonus was ignoring HD, just same as set for GWF and GWFs Unstoppable Recovery feat, if I know it will be fixed in same patch) 3)Its not Hunter's Teamwork, its most likely your…
  • Right, Roar will be fixed, thats true... For example how long we had here CN DD chest exploit? Bugged textures in CN? How long we had here bugged VP? Arm. pen. is not still working after year. Even for Smogon it was more then 5 months until fixpatch. Roar is bugged since launch, its true it was not a big deal until…
  • I was counting with InitialCooldownTime/(1+StatBonus+FeatBonus+0.36*Recovery^1.5/(LevelConstant+Recovery^1.5)). While in start I was using wrong LevelConstant. Then I found it should be between 102309 and 102311. I'm now on 13 INT, 2500 recovery and Battle Awereness for 5.89 sec CD. So right, it would be not worth it. But…
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • I'm afraid that all what I see is another GWF what likes to Roar. So Roar bug is not serious, right. I will trust you, you are a GWF at all. Are you really defending Roar bug with reason that you are a SM GWF and it will be huge nerf for you?
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • Roar is possible to dodge, we were testing it.
  • So you are saying that 50% CD reducing feat and 25% CD reducing feat can't turn down CD from 14 sec to 5 sec? While with full STR CON DEX roll they can have still 13 INT and with PvP eq ~800 recovery?
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • Again, and again and again... I'm whole time saying that Roar was not meant for control power, this is why Roar does have have 14sec base CD and range. Even when it was bugged whole time, just few GWFs were using it because Takedown does have better dmg output so it was not problem at all. But now on M3 with Relentless…
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • Right, right, but there is no reason why it should break roots. ROOTS != SLOW Roots aren't reducing your movespeed.
  • I do have a GWF...Just like all other classes.... ''BTW: This is only your option about the TR .40% running speed is more then enough.'' >dafuq? With running speed you mean movespeed? There is no bonus for movespeed in Scoundrel tree if I know. I was talking about Tactic, Tactic is a PvE class feature for +15% AP gain.…
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • There will be Mysterious egg in Wondrous Bazaar in few days.
  • As you can see in other threads I'm big fan of Roar. That sound makes me feel sick. Now serious.. Sound of Careful Attack procs could be toned for little down. Same for Storm Pillar. Anyway I would like to see some less noticeable sound for CWs daily (Maybe it could make problems in PvE so it is not good idea at all.)
  • I will be more specific... PvP TR... I'm saying it because powers setup. Powers what makes him useful in PvP does not have really effective AP gain until you have in enemy team idiots what are killing decoys for fun. BTW: Not every TR is Scoundrel and really no TR is slotting Tactics for PvP. BTW2: GWF can generate AP…
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • 1) TR does have lowes AP gain if I know. 2) Only GF does have better prones then GWF. (But GF lacks dps and immunity, so why not?)
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • I'm taking dyslexia serious and I'm not saying it to offend you. Dyslexia dosn't not have any connection with intellect. Your text is usually extremly flooded with typos and sentences what doesn't make any sense. Its really hard to read sometimes.
  • GPF is popular and well priced because: 1) Vorpal is nerfed in PvP with Tenacity stat 2) Its a lockbox enchant 3) It gives DOT (Nice against TR to drain their stealth for little) 4) It reduces defense of target - while 99,999% players are going in PvP for tanks it makes it really effective. 5) In PvE you need one GPF ( and…
  • I was talking to that **** what does now know difference between Takedown and Roar. (PvP guild...doesn't know powers for GWF...made my day...) >Battle Awereness - 15 sec. Please read at least your feats correctly before you posts on forum. >Savage Advance is frequent daily for PvP You are abusing encounter, what does have…
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • You mean Takedown, I'm talking about Roar. Roar does have 50% CD reducing feat + 25% from Savage Advance if feated. Are you really from PvP guild?? ...Or you just overlooked it. Just from first feat its on 7sec CD.
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • How can be Icy Terrain and Flame Strike faced frontal? Sprint really should not break roots...ITC & Unstoppable breaks roots For TR: It happens while prone, at least for me. Really annoying bug.
  • Disruptive Shot (you have typo here) gives interrupt and +1 sec daze if maxed. Daze != interrupt Interrupt does have nothing to do with daze and vice versa. TRs Shadow Strike is not interrupt, its daze. TRs Dazing Strike is not interrupt, its daze. (Just saying it because your previous posts, where you were claiming that…
  • From this point I can't believe you are serious and I hope you are just a troll. Anyway, I'm done with you.
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • This recharge speed --> http://postimg.org/image/fbmv757n5/ So here you have 5sec cd for roar...
    in Rooaar Comment by znudenej May 2014
  • From bug report section: I don't have any problem about that it should silence players because you will have still some mobility.
  • Adamy2004 does have right, you can dodge roar. But main problem is that it does not just give you interrupt even through CC immunity. Interrupt does have to silence you for xy secons IF you are casting power. While roar gives you root and silence for 2 sec no matter what you are doing. Do you see now where it is…
  • Just imagine that mod 4 will be here in few months and probably new campaign. New player will have to grind 4 sets of repetitive boring quests every day for more then month to get his boons. Its not a game, its test of patience.
  • Are you even reading thread in which you post? Anyway whole thread is just provocation from schweifer1982 because ''use and abuse of roar skill from GWFs'' thread.
  • Imho this enchant does not have right now any use.
  • Could you please stop with this useless OT?
  • Nwm, found it after while. Well thats because careful attack is not dot, its additional damage if is target hurt, and that additional damage procs enchant. Can't say if its bug or not, because it is doing exactly that what is in tooltip. If its a bug, you could say boons are bugged because they procs from enchants too,…
  • ... 404 error from link.