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Question about Plaguefire

niagh20niagh20 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
edited May 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Hey all,

How come plaguefire is so expensive (international server). To put it in perspective ill list this.

In AH:

L.Plague = 250,000
Plague = 1,550,000
G.Plague = 4,800,000

In addition to vorpal:

L. vorpal = 410,000
Vorpal = 1,450,000
G.vorpal 4,600,000

So while the lesser plague is worth significantly less the normal and greater are worth more o.O

is this just because of inflation of the new HR pathfinder skill? because i cannot think of another reason. Its not like upgrading a plague costs more greater marks of potency or refining points right?

Also i have yet to see a Perfect Plague, is this upgrade even possible?

Thanks for any awnsers.
Post edited by niagh20 on


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    greygusgreygus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well its quite simple plague is technecly 2 enchants for the price of one look at terror and flame .... combine the two what u get? Also vorpal is also an op enchant just b/ c it increases crit sevierity dramaticly perfect inse increase that stat by 50 percent. No other enchant increases damage output like that. Anyhoo those two enchants are mainly for pvp. Expect an increase to the prices soon too sense coal wards arw BoP now. Idk if that answered your question but hope it did a little.
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    bazgcbazgc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 184 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    niagh20 wrote: »
    Hey all,

    L.Plague = 250,000
    Plague = 1,550,000
    G.Plague = 4,800,000


    Also i have yet to see a Perfect Plague, is this upgrade even possible?

    Those are the only tiers as it's not possible to make a Perfect.
    My Foundry Quests:

    The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
    A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
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    mircalla83mircalla83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 36
    edited May 2014
    The thing is, Lesser Plaguefire is a direct drop from a Lockbox, so there is no Coalescent Ward involved. From the Normal onwards, it involves a Coalescent Ward (to fuse the Lessers/Normals).
    Vorpal however includes a Coalescent Ward to create a Lesser, the price reflects this. The price for the higher versions is also lower than Plaguefire because even with the Coalescent Ward Bottleneck, there are Shards out there from which you can fuse the Lesser, you do not have to rely on a specific Lockbox (that, to my knowledge, no longer drops, outside of 'Return of the Lockbox' events, the Lessers sold now come from stockpiled boxes and Lessers).

    Also, there is no such thing as a Perfect PF. A Greater is stronger than a Perfect Terror anyway, which would, mechanics wise, be the closest to the Plaguefire Enchant.
    GPF: 7.5% Fire Damage + 2.5% (stacks 3 times), -15% Defense (stacks 3 times) --> 15% Fire Damage, -45% Defense (at 3 stacks, which is up with 3 hits, so once you have 3 Stacks on target and keep hitting, from the 4th hit onwards, which replaces the first application of GPF, you outperform Terror)
    PTerror: 12% Necrotic Damage, -20% Defense, does not stack.
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    znudenejznudenej Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    niagh20 wrote: »
    Hey all,

    How come plaguefire is so expensive (international server). To put it in perspective ill list this.

    In AH:

    L.Plague = 250,000
    Plague = 1,550,000
    G.Plague = 4,800,000

    In addition to vorpal:

    L. vorpal = 410,000
    Vorpal = 1,450,000
    G.vorpal 4,600,000

    So while the lesser plague is worth significantly less the normal and greater are worth more o.O

    is this just because of inflation of the new HR pathfinder skill? because i cannot think of another reason. Its not like upgrading a plague costs more greater marks of potency or refining points right?

    Also i have yet to see a Perfect Plague, is this upgrade even possible?

    Thanks for any awnsers.

    GPF is popular and well priced because:

    1) Vorpal is nerfed in PvP with Tenacity stat
    2) Its a lockbox enchant
    3) It gives DOT (Nice against TR to drain their stealth for little)
    4) It reduces defense of target - while 99,999% players are going in PvP for tanks it makes it really effective.
    5) In PvE you need one GPF ( and one Terror) in group to maximalize overall dps for whole group (Its much better then 5x Vorpal group)
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    greygus wrote: »
    Well its quite simple plague is technecly 2 enchants for the price of one look at terror and flame .... combine the two what u get? Also vorpal is also an op enchant just b/ c it increases crit sevierity dramaticly perfect inse increase that stat by 50 percent. No other enchant increases damage output like that. Anyhoo those two enchants are mainly for pvp. Expect an increase to the prices soon too sense coal wards arw BoP now. Idk if that answered your question but hope it did a little.

    They have been raised in cost. There's no reason for the pf to cost more though, it should cost the same to refine each.
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    thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Because of Coal Ward prices, that s why.

    Why should a Plaguefire be any cheaper than the next enchantment, even if it doesn't make use of Coal Wards?

    I for one won't sell a Lesser Plaguefire for that much less than a Lesser X because I know it will now be considered a cheaper substitute. The Coal Ward issues has now increased demand for Plaguefire. You want to charge 300k for a Lesser Terror, I'm going to charge 250 - 280k for a Lesser Plaguefire.

    As a Plaguefire seller I ain't running charity because Cryptic took a giant dump on its customers.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
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    niagh20niagh20 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You guys all miss my point.

    L.vorpal is 400k and a G.vorpal is 4,5mill because that is what it costs to get:
    4 lesser, = 1,6m
    4 greater mark of potency = 400k
    3 C wards = 1,4m
    some refining points = 600k

    all combined = around 4 mil. So the price for G.Vorpal make sense

    Since the L.plague is 150-200k cheaper the prices of a G.plague should be around 600-800k cheaper then that of a G.vorpal.

    Put 1 and 2 together and you can make alot of money if you just make G.plague's and sell them in the AH because they are overpriced by around 1 mill atm. (if anyone is buying them)

    To put it together, because the basis of a G.Plague costs significantly less then the basis of a G.vorpal the end result should be cheaper but as of now the Plague costs more. There is no logical explanation for this
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    Because of Coal Ward prices, that s why.

    Why should a Plaguefire be any cheaper than the next enchantment, even if it doesn't make use of Coal Wards?

    I for one won't sell a Lesser Plaguefire for that much less than a Lesser X because I know it will now be considered a cheaper substitute. The Coal Ward issues has now increased demand for Plaguefire. You want to charge 300k for a Lesser Terror, I'm going to charge 250 - 280k for a Lesser Plaguefire.

    As a Plaguefire seller I ain't running charity because Cryptic took a giant dump on its customers.

    Because they come form lockboxes and the supply of them remains the same. I suppose demand increase more as it's a cheaper alternative with the change, however if the lesser is cheaper, then it will cost less to make the higher ranked enchants too and the price should reflect that. If you read the OP he wasn't really talking about the lesser price (which used to be 100k once upon a time).

    Personally I find the gpf prices a rip off. It's a useful enchant for team dps, but it does significantly reduce your own dps over say vorpal. On a debuff dc, it is very useful though in particular.

    Though gpf needs 6 gmop. So the normal plague fire is reasonably priced.
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    ratjamratjam Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    what frishter said, sadly it needs more gmop
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You need 6 mark of potency and the refinement points of a perfect to do a greater plaguefire. Here you why
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    niagh20niagh20 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There you go, rayrdan come in and wins the thread.

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