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  • I can relate to that (minus the shot at part). I once played a 4v4 match in Warcraft III where my entire team left at the start of the match. I was left to control 4 entire armies and combat 4 real players alone. It was the very last game of Warcraft III I ever played because I knew I could never top that victory. What's…
  • There are still countless problems. Bugs are fixed very slowly, and design-related problems (need rolling, random party leaders, PvP AFKing, "report spam" spamming, automatic account bans for typing certain keywords, etc.) are either ignored or said to be "working as intended" until they become completely out of control…
  • 1) Learn what color green is. EDIT: If he's colorblind, I think he should avoid color-based discussion.
  • What about the AD exploit? You can easily say that using the AH properly would result in no problems, which would be true. You could also argue that the problem lies only with those who exploit it, and therefore a fix is not necessary, which would not be true. This is the entertainment industry. It's best to avoid features…
  • Kem0727, anything that brings attention to yourself will get you chat banned. Notice that several other people stopped their LFG and WTS messages close to the time you did. A lot of people want to play in silence, but for whatever reason refuse to disable zone chat. Really sucks, too, because you can't even respond to that…
  • You can send in a ticket, but there is little to no chance that you'll receive a response before the ban expires, if at all. Apparently in CO and STO the problem is so rampant that many people actually avoid speaking in any public channels altogether.
  • Get off your high horse. Show me the rule, in writing that describes what is considered chat abuse. Until then, your argument is absolutely invalid. EDIT: How many lines of role-play in zone chat do you honestly believe a person could get through before being chat banned? 2nd EDIT: People asking questions get chat banned…
  • This isn't due to the people. It's due to poor design. In NW there is no reason not to roll need on every item, especially if you've been randomly selected as party leader. In GW2 there is very, very little greed between players in a group. This is because they don't have need/greed rolls. Everyone gets their own loot and…
  • Could I sum up your argument as "I don't care and neither should you"? That's what I'm getting out of it. You may have become complacent in what you seem to acknowledge is horrible negligence by Cryptic/PWE, but many of us have not. Don't you dare tell me what to care about. And need I remind you that the "naked exploiting…
  • Many alternatives to the current implementation have been suggested, and I've seen not a single one that has involved 24/7 chat-monitoring. Also, customers who haven't payed should always be viewed by the company as customers who haven't payed yet. Every time a player is frustrated by anything in the game, in or out of…
  • I'd forgotten about PvP. It's extremely easy for groups of players to completely mute their opposition. Those with Vent/TS won't care too much, although their "Call for Help" messages will be suppressed. I can easily see this being used by premades and their guilds to shut down pugs, which I expect it already is in CO. I'm…
  • If you're not going to read and respond to the content of my post then please refrain from quoting or addressing me. It was ad hominem. You discussed the person rather than his argument. It was even bordering on name-calling. Do I need to post the image again? What you did this time was "contradiction," wherein you simply…
  • Their abuse is too specific and controlled. If they instead dedicated themselves to report spamming everyone from zone chat, a lot more people would care.
  • Time to post that image again. What you posted was an ad hominem. Your argument is that the other poster's claims are invalid because you have personally ruled that he was spamming. His true actions are irrelevant to the discussion, as is your (or anyone's) definition of spam. What matters is what is possible and easy due…
  • I see. That's an interesting vision.
  • No, it will make him uninstall the game because the message received didn't tell him WHY he was banned from chat. WHY do you think a just system is one where a mere 20 people can decide what is and isn't allowed. Suppose there was a phone number. You could text any license plate to this number. If a certain number of…
  • And the AD exploit was in STO, too. What caused them to finally fix it? All we need is 20 players...
  • Before I get to my post, I'm going to post an image that I want every single one of you to look at very closely. If your writing in any way resembles anything green or below, please refrain from posting. Now, onto my actual post. First, the problem. The system, though effective for hindering spammers, is very easily…
  • Nice ad hominem. It's more like a customer at a bank saying it's the bank's fault for leaving the vault open. If your game is riddled with cheaters, guess where the problem lies. If the cheaters go unpunished, everyone else is penalized. It is the responsibility of the developer to prevent and punish cheating. The honor…
  • I don't really consider the first two to be exploits. I'd vote to make skipping harder, but currently if you skip you get less rewards. Unfortunately, because of the way events work, this may be desirable for players. The third one is definitely a problem. If you're pulling a boss to a place where adds won't spawn, you're…
  • Getting rewards for losing is perfectly acceptable. In fact, it would be a horrible idea to change that because players would only play at all if they expect to win, which means finding a match would become exponentially harder. Instead, if your score is below a certain threshold or you are otherwise inactive, you're…
  • Oh, don't get me wrong. We definitely deserved that win. I even screencapped the scoreboard because of how hilarious it was that they got so many points and we barely even had any kills. I just think your individual score should reflect your actual performance. As it is, bad players are likely to chase after meaningless…
  • It sounds like you're dealing with lag, unfortunately. There isn't much you or anyone else can do other than learn to compensate for it.